Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 29 Aug 1928, p. 6

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| ~Wearwell Sheeting PAGE SX standing value for Thursday selling. *>* _ 5§--in. All Linen _ * w Table Damask Th is._:._:~--'--.--.... §I.00 Printed Wash Goods w ______._--___--: #1.00 1#%--inch all linen crash toweling--un-- Sust colors suitable for all sorts of This is a beautiful all linen quality twble damask that will not lint after A benntiful collection of the best prints on the market. Strikingly new im paiterns and colors. For all man-- us of lovely things for yourself, «hikiren and for your home. Guaran-- teed colors. Buy plenty at htis low 8 inches wide, full bleached, fine tex-- #Lure Wearwell sheeting--first quality ut a low price for Thursday. #% yards for Fine first quality, durable all silk im-- ported pongee in natural color only. For draperies, lingerie and children's apparel -- at extreme savings for eutstanding values of the season -- Ing. Every yard is new. New prints, new colors, su-- perior qualities--very fashionable. These silks are the exitatandinge values of the season ---- 40 inches wide. mized,. washable flannel in novelty effects for daytime frocks and blouses. 32--in. Year Round Kow at the very start of the fall sea-- Rundreds of yards purchased for this Dollar Day sell-- ing. Every yard is new. New prints, new colors, su-- O very fine quality and firm body-- WKo breaks and free ends in texture-- Big Purchase of Fine f ~__ $2.50 Value _ ; ] «4 "iH : 40 inch Silks Atomizers for $1.00 | ~ 3 fireatly Underpriced, yard, $l.00 | ce Msie floot: 3 %L 4 First Quality 12 Momme All Silk Pongee 42--in. High Grade ® Pillow Tubing > Agatha Prints All Linen Crash Printed Zephyrs Sleepwell Sheets (C_--_-- ~--:. . $1.00 c mm m e mm n mm mm m mm on m m o m m on o m on C ______._._ . "I.0O0 27--inch Wool Mixed _ Flannels Well known makes.of high grade--summer shoes for women, priced for final clearance! At sav-- ings that are hard to duplicate. Smartly styled footwear suitable for wear now--and in the fall. These are discontinued styles and patterns ... superior quality leathers including light colors and black patents. Many styles. ; , : Fae f s Women's Low Shoes Children's Shoes | Children's Shoes Formerly Up to $7.00 Reduced to $2.00 In Sizes Up to 6 at _ sizes in straps and oxfords. In kid and makes. Desirable styles for Inter. Reduced for clearance. $2.00 § This group includes black and brown kid leather oxfords and patent and black kid leather and satin strap slippers Very desgrable and comfortable shoes at ar ax*RBueiy ow# price ols BEOO A Group of Formerly Priced to $11.00 Fine Silk Prints. Or Kahler Shoes ______. $1.00 _.___...... $I.00 Clean--up of Summer Shoes $2.00 #¥rubin's--Main $1.00 _ $1.00 $1.00 Each $1.00 All white, linen finish, non--linting; will iron like linen. VYery serviceable o ... 2M1.00 Double thread quality all white bath All linen, firm weave Irish linen lunch §0L ' ...... ....««««@@raerresrcs -- N i tU U Another big value. All white or col-- ored borders. Turkish towels--firm in An assortment varied and interesting. 36--inch luncheon cloth with four nap-- kins to match in all--linen quality. -- Extra fine hand embroidered on Ital-- ian linen with hemmed ends. Novelty patterns embroidered. Big value. M .. 1. nvvare ie rrcrcr mt in w e kh <.._ Towels Choice of two excellent brands--made from good weight of . muslin--No 4 for They are beautifully tailored of heavy muslin--No starch--Neatly -- hemmed and embroidered. Size 4% x 36 inch. New All Linen Dresser Scarfs M * . acwluraore w n ut e se Sn e en ue Real heavy quality all pillow cases. Trimmed with fine point and scalloped edge. Lace trimmed. All linen fancy towels for guests' use. Good size with colored borders, ect. This is an unugnl value. s Cotton Huck Towels 5 for $1.00 plain white--heavy quality. Size 17 2 for $1.00 All linen damask towels in practical sizes With neat looking hemstitched Thursday! A Sale Extraordinary'! Turkish Towels Daisy and Wearwell Pillow Cases o uz _._.__........ w1.00 Turkish Bath Values are unsurpassed! Excellent assort-- ments of Oxford and strap models in patent and tan calf leathers that formerly sold up to $3.50. In sizes 5'%4 to 11 included. 36--in. Crash Linen s "2:._._.%3@1.00 Cleverly styled high and low shoes in black and tan leathers that formerly retailed for up to $4.00. Very desirable shoes for school Hand Embroidered Turkish Bath 24 x 48 Big Size 42--inch Lacegi Pillow Cases In Children's and Misses Sizes Popular sand'les for play and school wear --made of sturdy tan leathers These formerly soid for up to $2.25 sl 00 a pair--Thureday ......... & Damask Towoels Boy's Sturdy Shoes Reduced $2.00 Porto Rican .o _ @1.00 T owels Irish Linen y Linen Towels, Kach $1.00 aw a Cos w : [ :s s QOW & o U A\-- t C A/ $ Te S C -- > 8 l Y M\ 28 /'\ * C 8AAA N NYW, NN *A« A| hJ / N es i Q\\ f '\\ 4 s \\'\\ u &., R \\'\ ~ayt C Or Pritt \ f N \ \V, U A w > . v--\\f [2° MRXXX N [ ( N \ "WMa! M S A\ NC AY CV U H\ : + NNN \ \ F \\ h\ ' « l C F /A \\ T \ A % } \ P NT A\ § \ N / \ M\ \\\' N N T h . 'G'\ \e \ \ f J \ua \¢ { tEA | B U N Nd hC 4 ASXxtd R Bd UBAN 1 . X: i [ AN A AON Bs A i) © mc /,\b .\\. N0 Y _ ANS \\ U \'\\\\\\\\\ _-- $1.00 _ $1.00 --$1.00 +$1.00 "The Bo«t Stove ~On the Novth Shore Plan to be here when the Doors Open at 8:00 A. M. Thursday at a Fall styles, unusual values in care-- fully tailored blouses for boys. Of fancy woven and rayon decorated shirtings and plain blue, tan and white broadcloths. . Sizes 12 to 14%. Snappy looking styles, tailored of fine washable prints, percales, etc. Gowns, Slips, French Panties -- sl 00 A special purchasé arranged for months ago with a well known maker. These beau-- tiful underthings are finished with lovely laces and even flower trimmings--Some plain tailored styles All garments are neatly reinforced. Values unusual and an extraor-- dinary assortment at this price. Light shades. . * Here is a wonderful pur-- chase of corselettes made to sell for un to $2.50. Long models in -- many styles of fine pink, plain and striped materials--ex-- treme values. Adorable back to school! Girls' dresses--Much better looking 'and long wearing washable materials in cheerful patterns and colorings made with long set--in sleeves and materials and many styles --Some even lace trimmed --Very 'attractive at this very low price for Dollar Wonderful assortment of True to the plans for a greater new Rubin's store "Half a Block South" this Dollar Day event has been planned on a bigger scale than ever before. ~ f It's exciting! It's thrilling! Thursday's shoppers will find it a source of real inspiration and exceptional savings on entire sea-- son's needs of seasonable merchandise for home and personal Read every item of this advertisement. Plan to be here when the store opens Thursday at 8 a. m. ' Hundreds of items not advertised. ~ Corselettes | Lovely Night | Home Dresses o1 an : Gowns -- ¢1 Nn Made of linens, crashes and cotton broadcloths, prints and combina-- tions. Button--on and other at-- tractive styles, This is a clean--up lot of higher priced lines. Sizes 3 to 10 years. > First quality materials in autumn colors -- sturdy and good looking pants, expertly tailored, full lined. Sizes 6 to 14 years. 2 for $1.00 Boys' Wash Suits $1.00 -- > Boys' Blouses and Shirts . $1.00 Brassieres School Frocks $1.00 Boys' Blous 2 for $1.00 Kiddie shoes that formerly retai'led at $2.25 & pair. Choice of oxford and nov-- elty strap styles in smoked and tan leathers with stitch down soles. Smart : styles and comfortable, too. Boys' Fine School Pants They are well mad~ with leather tnps and padded soles. Some satin styles in-- cluded. Very desrable »house slippers at a decidedly low pricing. THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 19283 $1.80 Women's Comfort Slippers Formerly Priced at $1.69 Important Sale of Rayon Lingerie 14. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 is a wonderful bargain for Thursday shoppers--While Hand made and embroid-- ered Philippine night gowns for women. Splen-- did styles of sheer nain-- en~k in white and pastel pink shade.' A real value for. Thursday selling. unusual --charm. --Newer Well tailofed of novelty wash and ready Krinkle crepe in uastel prints of :Crepe Pajamas $1.00 $1.00 Silk Hosiery omcs weunt ... #I .00 Rayon Undergarments suits, princess slips and bloom-- ers for children. Choice of flesh Men's Lisle Hose All first quality lisle hosiery for men. In many patterns and colorings. These hose are made for Silk Hose for Men Very fine silk sox that wear so well and look so well. Bright for MAIN FLOOR DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS Children's Rayon Boys' 4% Socks * Choice of Pebecco, Squibbs, Iodent and Pepsodent Tooth Pastes, 3 50c--tubes for $1.00 1 Spe@iilly Purchased Group of New Silk Scarfs Worth Double, Thursday IME cce eas caucensitianrunenyninntcamenst sl 000 'These sample purses are new and very attractive in style, shapes and colors. In leathers and finishes vou will like. Your chance for big Women's Silk Gloves, $1.00 A marvelous disposal of $1.50 and $2.00 qualities in silk gloves. Showing many graceful cuff ef-- fects in colors. x + c £ Necklaces, Choice $1.00 Lovely imported Czecho--Slovakia novelties to complete your costume--many styles and colorings. Triangle or full length styles, choice of light and dark grounds in many floral and modernist pat-- terns. Every one a dGelightful creation of fem-- Up to $3.50 Kinds for $1.00 regular, offered at an ex-- ceptional low price. assortment of attractive styles in colors and com-- binations. Ideal for home or shopping. Washable. Fashioned from fine prints batistes, dimities and nov-- elty materials. . Splendid Very, very unusual value! °* Well tailored cotton flan-- nel robes in striped pat-- terns--Sulendid stvles for ~©1,00 I -- PR S.......... Sample Line of Purses ARP wate c l2 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Robes -- $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 > 19c values of beaul ized quality, Thurs« day at 6 for.....---- Dollar Day at Compacts Double and single style com-- pacts of goldtone and enamel Dainty compacts with cake pow-- der inclused in assorted shades. for Men's Union Suits Good quality cotton knit union suits for fall wear, slightly fleeced, medium weight. They did value ATOF .0 «w Rubber Aprons Attractively -- styled ° rubber aprons for household use. They are made of gum rubber in many st.yle:ml and colors. An-- other unus C IIMEE . Co n i e ie areir e mc sl 000 Men's Handkerchiefs .sn Hnan -- ihandkrerchiefs of Men's Neckwear New styles; new patterns, $1.00 value at 24 IU0K .. . Cusdwekknesees $l 000 Boys'_Handkeyc}}igtzg Men's Dress ce m o m m m o m m on o o m n o ce m ce ce m mm ce m on m t ue m m m im for of _ Summer Coats $1 5.00 $5.00 $10.009$15.-- Summer Silk Dresses Dresses for sports, street, dress and business! Buy several to fin-- ish out the summer and to wear all winter long. Dark colors, in-- cluding some navy and black, as well as pastel tones, high shades and prnits. Flat crepes, printed crepes and georgettes We sug-- gest buying more than one Gdress at these low prices. The coats include dress models, sports models, travel and tailored coats in tweeds, kasha, velvet, etc. Trimmed with beautiful furs or tailored. Values are absolutely without precedent -- women should greet this sale without delay. Bath Soaps, Large Size Women's Sweaters Bars--12 for $1.00 _ | $1.00 No thrifty woman or miss should miss this sale of mid--summer millinery. Satins, felts, novelty straws and combinsations offered for Dollar Day shoppers at extraordinary reductions; some early fall models included in this group. Flannelette Night Gowns for Women at____$1.00 and attractive Millinery Reduced $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Sacrificed for Quick Disposal for Everything in Midsummer Last Call on $1. Malt and Hops, 2 sets $1 Budweiser brand, very finest quality extract of malt. Hop flavored, con-- Set of Fray Pans $1.00 This offer includes No. 8 and No. 3 to a set. Made of cast iron, well polished. Exceptional for Thurs-- day sale. Smoking Stands $1.00 Clean--up lot of smoking stands in mahogany finish. These formerly sold for up to $2.56 Thursday. Reed Clothes Basket $1.00 Clothes Hampers $1.00 Made of fine splint with reinforced bottom for lasting service. Good practical size for family use, Heavy metal case enameled. Earth-- ware lined, large mouth, tight fit-- ting aluminum stopper and cup. Fibre Suit Cases $1.00 24 inch size hard fiber, smooth fin--= ish--metal frame, brass lock suit cases in black or brown. $1.50 Dusting Mops $1.00 Made for use wherever dust ac-- cumulates Large size, chamically Garbage Pails $1.00 Large size galvanized iron garbage pails, with tight cover--8% gation size. This is a big valiie for Thurs-- Ideal for polishing floors--where hard lustre finish is® desired. Coca Door Mats $1.00 Coca fiber door mats--closely woven--medium nap strong braid binding--medium size for hball or day. Waffle Iron $1.00 No 8 size, cast iron reverable style waffle irons. Low priced for Dol-- lar Day only. Cotton Batts $1--.00 Stitched, comfort size quilted cot-- ton batts Improved quality. soft and fluffy. 3 pound roll Pine Wrench $1.00 _ dressed. Splendid value. Stilison, . 1t imch ppC _ __"'"~"" " forged from heavy steel, oil temp-- ered--with -- Wood handle. Good Cups and Saucers 8 Sets for $1.00 Heavy St. Denn's shape, gocod stock white cups and saucers in coffee and tea sizes. P $1.50 Tourist Jugs $1.00 Johnson's Paste Wax $1.60 Can for $1.00 Rroams 2 far 8 N0 Talking Dolls $1.00 only $ Houseware Barg Third Floor for made with heavy ruffies Choice various quality materials with rose, blue and orchid trims, also plain grounds--complete with tie backs and valance. sleeves of Rayon and wool mixtures and unusual weaves Remarkable assortment, priced very low for Thursday. five 5--Pc. Ruffled Curtain Sets wrench, Per This lot includes 10 quart size. deep round dish pans. 4 quart size tea Valuep? A «V V Unusual value in attractive wrought fron foot stools with drapery velvet kettles. 1% quart seamless <ouble boilers 6 quart convex boilers, 3 amwart size coffee pots and other paper, perforated. 7 ounce si.~ ~~ --a worth while bargain. covered top. Very decorative~-- very colorful and restful. Just what every home needs for the fireside. made of : Odd lot of dark colors, dried--only five gallons in the lot. 24 Doz. $1.00 Of clear glass, with tin tops. Jelly stock of these. -."'-&jthout Cord 31 om Spiendid quality aluminum higMy polished Elecm:. Coffee Percolater Electric elements fully guaran . Splendid shape, 4 cup size. o $165 for @A . VV Electric Coffee Percolater 19 inches high, gauag strongly reinforced wires, Dust and Moth Proof Garment Bags High Grade Lot White Enamel Ware Ready Mixed Paint Gal. $1.00 2 Dozen for $1.00 Beverage Bottles Washable Rugs s=, $1.00 $1.00 Plaid Blankets :Y:o'i"ce lts l 000 Rubbish Burner :Ioolls s 1 000 _----$1.00 With wide in appealing color combinations. extremely low pricing 2 yas for .. French Marquisette of the very finest yarns--superb-- ty woven. Choice of cream or. cocoa--One of the most Gesirable cur-- tain materials, suitable for any room--offeret at an --This is an excellent bar-- Toilet Paper Fine quality, colorful cre-- tonnes in assortment Curtain Materials Jelly Glasses Foot Stool 40--in. French Marquisette ~._..~~ $1.00 $1.00 , well finished. $1.00 $1.00 e

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