Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 14 Jan 1922, p. 8

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a ty " ) FolHlowing is the vote by which New-- ' berry was seated : ;'-v--"x / Newberry : : Ball, Brandegee, ursum, Calder, Cameron, Colt, Cum-- \sCurtis, Dillingbam, Rdge, Ei-- Ernest, . 3 1 m Freiing-- _ Gooding, Hale, Harrald, Kel-- «Keyes, : Lodge, McCor-- .. MceCumber, McKinley, McLean, te, . Pej Phipps, ~Poindexter, ridge, Smoot, Spencer, Stanfield, iriing, 'Townsend," Wadsworth, War-- \ Watson, : (Indiana), -- Weller,-- and ed : First, that the contest of agninst Truman H. New-- 'and it is hereby dismissed; that Truman: H. Newberry is deciared duly elected szenatot the 'stite of Michigsh for the BM uit years beginning on the g of March, 1919, and is en-- 'to his seat in the senate of the tod States. that whether the amount ex-- 8 in the Michigan primary was as was fully reported and 'acknowledged or whether there few thomsand dollars in er-- the amount> expended was in '5*' Against Newberry. \/ Agains. Newbérry: Ashurst, Brous s#ark Caraway, Culberson, Dial, Fiet-- eiflin, «Hitchcock, Jones, (New Mer-- 9. -- , MeKeller, Myers, Overman, min. Pitiman" Fomerene. Rensiall BRobinson, Sher Shields, Simmons, Sm Swanson, -- Trammell, Under-- % (Mazsachusetts), Walsh Montank and Wiliams----82. ";?,r...-:-,. against Newberry were: orah of Idaho; Capper of Kansgas; mw ; _ Kenyon of Woewns; Ladd vof North Dakota; La-- Bitee. of -- Wiscoosin; Norris of Wighraska ; Norbeck of South Dakota ; Sutheria Of West Virginia. mate and not paired were : won (of California; Watson of orgia. and Newberry. Senators Crow 'ennay ; Moses of NewHamp-- ease too large, much larger eught to have been erpended| P ..l::nof-om . behalf a candidate, either :-'-uu-m-o isent, being--contrary to sound pub-- _ \»While <the senate's action confirms 'Newberry's title to his seat, the same resolution ® conutains : a > stinging fi n: Of the methods. empmyu(%; bis canipaign managers and condemins ¢ ;','?fl wessive expenditure of money: in 'mematorial contests three yeurs of slander on me "':_;figm of Michigan 'this complete vindication of all. con-- My heart is filled with thank-- Verdiot of the Kind in Chi-- . <~ _ Giige Courts. ltezo) 1 &"q freed -- a woman i The count is now 16. Three _ Washington, Jan, ©13.--Truman , H. Newberry was. seated as a junior senate "Arom Michigan by a resolution ted by a yore of 46 to 41 in the Uhited States senate, <Ail the votes east for him were bymucmu whie nige Republicans and two Demo-- BSLAYER OF HUSBAND FREED W'fi!fl"fd the vote 'was .con ied to Newberry, be made this state wr® after the fate of lirs. Maric w rl with the murder, May: 81, 'ot husband, Sabastian, 1, the ":"',\r?d'. Jo-- i «_¥ #ts guilty" w 't ret M mfi" broth-- the crimie. also was freed. "m Were Absent and N ~ Paired-- Says His Heart y ;h ied With Thankfuiness * «~"~ <~ _ fer Vindication. es REBUKE IN: THE RESOLUTION SEAT 46 10 41 he Anal vote, which was on the wolution offered by Senator Spencer [las chairman of the commit-- at 6 20. Whe, Spencer resoration, which con :«ifie to Newberry's seat and also demned the method by which his inati in the primary was brought . was as follows : rrmiY, 'condemned 'nns. dlanys ' 0 ,&m Fd': Briand ar Mabing R i | DHols SHM Lab esign Afte wning s Shary Devats . | -- Chaltie Appronss o s ;i" o f ymBper Approve: lo-- (enk m Rewhettys tuver in Newberry's favor y--six Republicans holding a the combination of nine re-- i# and > thirty--two Democrats Impont of Delawnre, who rwherry, were paired 'with mdrick of Wyoming ; Reed and Stanley of Kentucky, Three separate roil calls olutions dealing with the 1 'Washington, Jan. 13. --When the um«mw'h Premler _ Briand's + . had worn off, chiefs~of the French . and British delegations und d'fl upokesman for the American 4 tion ngreed that the change in the French government will not z«"'filngtu& Barraut, 'head of the . delegation, and minister for 'the col-- onles in the Briand cabinet, . France should be absent from this conference, which is 'purely fnancial :fywyvh--ua rful fnancial and economic state as the United' States, without whose co--operation work is impossible,, has agreed to participate, "Do you wish France not to be rep resented there?" be asked. "If so, say #o.. I, for my part, wish France to take part." © The pt nest turned to the sub-- Jt t the Ooamm sourerpace SWt is inadmissible," he said, "that Mr. Briand convinced the cabinet it wan -- lnarned that the AngloFrench pact was the best thing obtainable in the way of establishing French secur-- Ity and, it was added, that the entire mmwmn would go Into the chamber of deputies to stand or fail, with the treaty. . The sc--called irreconcilables came around to Briand's viewpoint promptly Aafter bearing the premier's explanation. M. Briand told the correspondents aft er the meoting. "It was not all gol! piaying there." ~~The premier frst presented the ques-- :dmmm "You have I e _!fillll"l_,.'flml m.n said, "of not being called upon to share in sbmping© French policies 1 am bringing you what you have been de-- manding for three years, and it is up to you to say whether you want it or y 1mn.wmunnt not what Tam reported to have P "The action of Premier Briand will pot directliy affect the 'Wasbhington conference. I--shall remain as chief Of the French delegation here, and 1t i# entirely possible that I shall retain my --portfollo as minister fot the col-- anies In the new 26vernment." ~--~.~ "As far as I am concerned," he con-- tinued, "T am tmerely making these ex-- j to you and do not ask your VC'II?L Here is France's Tuke it or leave It." M. Sarrant is attending the confer-- ence as a plenipotentlaty with the rank of an ambassador, and not in his capacity as a . cabinet smember; W':"""*-flfi nation Lrom nmmmh\! volve his representation of the French nation in the delegation. y axxl--mmnp' gation, beaded by Dr. Waiter Rath-- enau, was recéived by the --allles sw preme council, the reparations com "Mummbu conference with the Germang been Dr. Rathenao mmolug.u.. mm'u M' -,!'!"!"""',"'m'm Paris, Jan; 13-- cabinet . went, out * Cunng:, Faams. 3 ;,muwcmph mek-- senger ; ted | speech the supreme gouncil' of Dr. m Ruthcuan, head of the German delega-- tiou. 'The mesgenger bore a dispatch announcing .".'{"i J of the Briand cabi-- net. '*;'-x)i. _ends the supreme council,"* . Instalitly © declared ~ Lloyd George. . "And .with. it ends the--hope of h'fl" present recovery." Jt is m"{mmfiw- policy will now be to revert to her pre--war isola-- difieu)t the only solut hut thiy was h barriers creare Minister ident. 3 _ Addr ENDS THE SUPREME COUNCIL Inten«\f 13.--The entire French out: of office with Pre-- its ignation to Pres. Mm.lng Defiant .. 'o Hit. ' IN CRISIS . f her .«Mficualties, 4 by the customs the THE Dr. Mason of New York will give fi"n?'hh travels through MWM@M day evening, 17, at the ~Com-- mercial Clab rooms.: Public is -- in-- tery." speak: at the Commercial Club rooms Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. the pitifal aituation edused by the brutal -- Pr.--Mazon will speak at the town-- ship high school at 2:80 P. M. on Wuesday on his travels through Rus-- Mr. Partridge of Parishyille, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. John Weich of Eim The Woman's Club will meet Wed-- nesday afternoon, Jan 18, at the home of Miss Marjorie Taylor: . The subject for discussion will be "American Pot-- inn country in the world. ~Come and huflo'lunhrn-rywnum speaker. The public is cordially in-- --Mr. sand Mrs. George Root: and family of Waukegan have Pu-- latki, .Fia., for a month or more, They intend to visit several other points of --.l;dan G-bulh.-"w old daughter of . Mr. and Mrs; Roy Cham-- 7:80 p. m.--Short, A p popular, inspir-- mx'p-lebyfitdfi.'l\o m.- M on| *The Divided ¥: Lforsaking the astembling of %}h«&muhm{ wJ. W. Hart left for u'.wn'le"vllt,n ednesday evening. -- He: % Denver, Salt Lake and points in Cali-- fornia, and expects to be gone:about three months. --_ * (Barl Mrs, Carrie Gmnmmbv;u given a pleasant surprise a. n ¥ dfilqdlonwmnin(m was played and delicious refreshments a former major .a the American. army has just 'fl;:' from a trip thru 11:00 a. m.-- Public Worship. Ser-- mon Topic: "The Marks of the Lord Jesus." Good music by the choir. 6:80 p. League de-- votional mbfi: "John Wesley, Ir." Led by Mr. Stewart interesting, lively, helpful, all young berlin, was one of the prize winners in the Chicago American Christmas Armenia; that territory known as "the Bible land" is the oldest Christ-- Mr. and Mrs,. Woodworth of waukee were the guests ot.'w ville: hfix' on Thursday and Friday. m 'attended: the , Eastern.Star . in-- of officers on Thursday eve-- LECTURE BY DISTINGUISHED TRAVELER, --TUESDAY EYVENT _ Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Ree and family, w quarantined r' of liphtheria~;are--out --of -- quarantine interest in Florida ; 10%0 a. m.--Sunday Schoo!l, M: D. A. Young,) General Superintend-- meeting at least once a month." The mnhh"' co--operation to up the prayer meeting. Choir rehearsal Wednesday evening after prayer meeting. St. Lawrence's Charch .~ _ Becond Sunday after Epiphany Jan-- Rev. E. J. Batty will colebrate the Holy communion at 7:30, and m.:'md-mo'ddm M"l'um Dyke's "I be rong by the full thoir with Mist sung ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Archibald have noved to Libertyville from -- Salem, Ohio. . Mrs. fi'ehthld has uelpi:!ml' C Wl " ' <-- Miss Marguerite Woolridge, who is "training at the Hahnemann hog-- pital, Chicago, is quite ill.. Mrs. B. F. Woolridge, her mother, is attend-- Ang Her. fhst a4 *4 Wiliam : Walrond will have m' 6t the Chartch School at tenma'clock. nuineNENts First Methodist Charch M&m. Phone 112J. Sunday $ Elnora G. Boles « ter of: Mr. as of this .village, the Hahnemann | TYVILLE ITEMS Archibald have hospital of Cicers, the nd" "Mrs. H. , is seriously by the York, Worki--Wide responsibility. _ Sermon :?: '"As Seen from the Mountain In meccordance <with the request of Presbytery, January 22 will be "World Sabbath." 'The morning service will be about the genera) theme of our Men's Brotherhood will hold ' the first regular fellowship gnpytr of. this season: in . the --church parlors Thurs-- day cml-i January -- 19, jat 6:30 promptly. members of the Broth-- erhood m." to bring their fam-- ilies with them.. There will be a speaker of some--renown and a good program. . You remember what splen-- did times we had at former fellow-- ship suppers. See to it that other room wi for boys &wafifi:g h'zx::. 1: to . 3. 0 m m ter Bldg., Mna, * Tt mdeee hh sifintims gut an invi%'- 4 ; "t . ~Christian Endeavorers will remem-- ber their party on Saturday afternoon and evening, ~January 14. If the lake tce Saine y Oneraie Lake for a party. 'Otherwise come directly to the church. Supper Choir practice Friday evening under direction of «Mrs. Sayre and F. J. Wright. | > > ; j Frenchman Puts George Cook, Austra-- lian, Out in Four Rounds. London, . Jun.~ 13.--Two --amashing rights to the Jaw at the end of the fourth ~round : spelled oblivion for George Cook, Australia's greatest, at Ing and entirely unrufed, let the bush-- man wear himself but for three rounds and then stepped in. With carbfully ing Cook and urging him to "finish the ATTENTION1 -- Applications for 1922 automobile 1i cense for passenger cars, trucks, mo-- Frenchman." j "h'gl-vl ( 4 Carpentier was by the on-- Ti quichty re¥eennt and . jhe en were and the end came --dramatically, Carpentier using the same tactics with 'which he bat-- tered Beckett two yesrs ago. % Caledonians Protest Taxes They Pay Not for Their Benefit. London, Jan. 18.--Now there is an agitation for the independence of Beotland. . Forty-- members of -- the Scots Nationa!l league, which stands for complete separation from England, recently met in London and, to the wild strains of the bagpipes, affirmed their determination: to fight, if need be, to gain complete and absolute ip-- dependence for Scotiand. Speakers recalléd that. in 1706 Scot-- land was a--free country with a na-- tional debt of on'y 18 T4A per head of the population. Today every Beots man owes £177. Scotland's contribu-- tion to taxation last-- year amounted to £118,487,000, but only-- one--quarter of this was devoted to Seottish pur poses, they complained. ® SCOTCH URGE INDEPENDENCE FIGHT WON--BY CARPENTIER rie Women's 'm-xm? Society. will Mfitxmuf r8. W. G, Wells on Thursday . ruoon, January 19. Topic: "Ch;z' > * urch auditorizm at" 5:45 P.. M. uunr fng foiks who 19q ulhf:' P who wWou. coufoee ie tiarh Ste rour pastor: Preaching 7:30 P. M. ('Thought of the W' *"What is Man." night?" . Prayer meeting, . Wednesday, Jan-- wvl&mnm« :l,:'e mon. Sabbath --£ satisfied wit Word ?! Cla Preaching LIVE STOCK BOUGHT & SOLD Starting in the mext issue the Register will publish in serial form s complete list of all the bodks in mcwklcmaria'lr.y. 'New books, as added, will also be pub-- lished. Start a scrap book now and dlip the catalogue as it is printed uuwnrd e to time, and you will have a gomplete cata-- Preaching 11 A. mon. 'Topic of the 'Abide in Me." G Wmlfll'uw buy Calves and Beef Cattle _ also handle line of Hommes twene a bobrmin Phones 261--W--1 | 124R Libertyville -- _ -- -- _ -- -- BJ CATALOGUE Of Public Library Books AUTOMOBILE OWNERS' ?" Place. of mgeting, Mts, Car-- January 15, 192%,> Fant C Moreas, Misihier: bath--school 9:45 A. M. Are ed with your knowledge of ?* --Classes for all ages. me to all edge of r al Ees M.L(mu't rniig: mess :l:muk. 'A A% January ~Sales A Few of the Bargains in Our Sensational-- 00 Wash Dresses, small siz-- szufl.flandl'le. & it . and dresses $250_ and 3208 dreases of Clearance Children's January Clearance Gingham -- dresses in pretty iingham daresses in prett T stahmdeolon,upeotg, t $2.89. fl.&,wlnd%wqhdrut C Pn .o c 0c tso oo >' * olde and ends in anall sizea at $3.95. WfiCottsatuin n 10 and $11.:50 Cogts in a * rg'd:u}mbuu" Coats up to $16.50 in a fair ow . Other coats up to & izes khd id at'mnm $2 Fleeced union suits $1.39. $3 Fleeced union suits, $1.65. $3.50 and $4 union suits $2.75. $1.50 vests, $1.00. $1.25 Fleeced pants, 7%c. Children's 50¢ ribbed hose 21¢. Women's 69¢ lisle hose at 25¢. Women's 89csilk boot hose §5¢ Women's silk hose to $1.75 in-- cluding black wool at $1. Women's $2.50 an(ga gilk and _' wool hose at $1.98 and $149 Full fashioned silk, wool and silk--and--wool hose to $4 at T5e Brasgieres"atm ¥ $1.00° Bragsiems at 79¢.. $1.50 prettily made and nice-- ly trimmed brassieres and many vee lll:a::gs(muesl:ynl.;:s'? ~-- many C sizes _ in flnv;ryanuary Sale at on-- -- 1y $1,00. * : $1.00 Mmilx'l 'and silk: cor'::t covers -- many -- pretty 'styles a't"."g. hss $2.50 Handsome sillk corset covers in a wide 'range of . ~styles at $1.39. 1 ~ > $3,00 Silk corset covers beau-- tifully embroidered and lace $1.69. ~-- HOSIERY Corset Covers $1.50 Rompers and Play Suits, special, 69c. Children's $2.00 Peter Pan Knit Sleeping G feet, at $1.49. Children's odds and ends in headwear, 57¢. $1.49 long Sateen Bloomers, all colors, 79¢c. $1.25 Fleeced Vests for women, all sizes, 79c. $ $2.00 Flannelette Petticoats for women, special 97¢. Women's 35¢ Brassieres in good styles, special 17c. sassuu%-.. wufl'" axy sw -t"sgaa » . green, navyy . Children's $1.00 fleeeed vests and pants 49¢ each, $1.50 Knitted Wool Bloomers for children, 97¢. Northern NI's G Wonten's In Our New Shop COATS . House Dresses At Cut Price --House Dress ~TEESCHCHT this sale at $1.49. DRESSES The New HEFION Rrassieres Children's Greatest Store For $1 + chemige in flesh wéatae. $2 Muslin chemise, special $1. $3--and $8.50 silk chemise, spec-- : ~ blouses at $ * To flmdmmu $7.89. $15 to $18.50 silk blouses, -- ~special at $9.75. s $1.50 Blouges, slightly soiled, $2.00 Lingere blouses in new-- _ est styles, $1.00. ~---- --. iEtorgerts blowses $1am georgetti & Silk blouses to $8.00 at k $8.50 to $10 silk : and wool lnlly peiced ue $100, $l 28 69¢ Kitchen qpnnn at 37c. $1.50 Union, suits, 89c. and $2.50 Union suits $1.29, s and $3 wool Union suits $2.00 and . $]1 ---- aprons i Coverall of teves new styies up to $2, in ail colors; plain and tie--back styles at $1.00. Honae-dri:u 'oaréu up to and styiles in all sizes for $1.50 White Muslin --and a large selection of colored ma intmninong styles, ve ) $2.00 embrogered white m ticoats in the January at $149. en s3 $2.50 and $3 white petticoats; -- beautifully fimsl]:: ed, $1.986. $5.98 Silk --Jersey ts with <WM ---- founces at KE & $2.50 and $3 values at $1.00, : $3.50 and '$3.75 corsets in a number of good styles, very spevially priced for the Jan-- uary Sale at $1.89. -- . $5,00 corsets, front lace $3.29. Corsets to $8 at $4.50.~. Env; fal at $1.98. > New HEFION aprons in handsome colors and com-- at $2.00. Women and Children Petticoats Aprons re and silk blouses, Corsets --arments with and Tt s#

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