Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 18 Jan 1922, p. 4

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ad on 1 «.. whole lo _ ~say, and ----~---- linble to meant in that it' CC G -- n wnare h _ Years ago, when I was a : young . chap, we used to :l-qvh- Mips. 3 afcer the : done, havi % and debat-- a " 'v\ifn ' "': AMe our minds, _ times we had sleighing parties. fi _ they maybe were some of us that .\ every in a while liked to get out s¥ something : seandalous, at * 1:"&-.%-. still and all, ".g every one of us always Ihhd' --mhead, and the time he wasn't kapt | "';':i.. working sixteen hours a day on | . the farm, he figured on putting in at: -- some sort of past--time that wouid be » to him later on. -- They w or: few that ever got a chance to go +. to highschool, but n:.& gel most ':; i :.." mn out ' \/ Jhard knocks that were _ me -- thy . went -- along, and readin' U /. wrritin' ansd 'rithmetie were about _\ "Khe . only . studies we hdd: ' U * Well folks. it's 'all been chancei & M iy's a lot of folks, i on oner io me & . a t tm on ns ¥ 80 t stmisht h *o aa'n _ vecr ther | whold 106 of curiceey: 'as yog might | t iy, and as it is rather complex and | et %':.':::; o aenle m * .you. | aist such a simplificative manner the hg"??mmmn_m"m'm wh your part. own own country during uaunu ;eats, and what I'm going to say He. ought to create at least a trifling i of interest amony the young feilowg| ;. d'ulhe.-hub'ufin?;-ufii r-.d&odd-rn-&zhm --. well foiks, it's all been } ME the »on | . highschool and vollege. The? mz.'duq-anhnuf md on work to develop mus-- | 1 u'fl%wlflg a rehl training in athleties. have most wonderfy! opportunities for brain and muscle development, and for fitting. them for the battles of wimh..llvingin;he' Atremuous fin:;o-hd. But, how in thunder does average young man fityflmdkm' ' > In effect Mrs. B. regards udvonbu*nu only : as &M Mrs. A. Jooks : upon -- them .as / opporturi-- ities. Of the two, Mrs. A. is the most efficient house-- keeper. Her use of the Ads is the mmfi manager of any business makes of his knowledge and _ concerning ¢conditions that ma; effect his undertakings in the future. She makes her money go farther than Mrs. --B, possibly can. Mrs, A. continued her conversation long ?hnfib&h'ofiumfio& "The merchant who ap-- oftenest to my desire to buy for the future is the man .who runs the best store and offers the best goods. He is availing himself of 'two markets--today's the future's. If he has sense enough to do that he has ability ;"}u_filhmwnhhunml_fim"ow m«n-nm-qmum mough about them to understand that the store /--. Two Libertyville women were discussing newspaper | advertisments. "I read the advertising," _SMid Mrs. "A, | "as enrefuily as I would a description of gome place | x by. diligent searching, I might find . . sum of | money. I am guided by what I read at the momment. If I | see something advertised .%&" e I know means money | saving, I go to thai store th a view to buyie it and | 'putting it away until my presént stock of it is worn | out or exhausted. A good bargain is s good bargah nny1 time, I buy ahead when the siving warrants t * _ ; | "Mrs. B. confessed that she was not so forward--look--| ing. "When I read the ads," ghe said; "'"F"'wi 'nu,mhumuun-. omething | whether I want it or not. I read and shop for the day | which puts out sloppy ads or which advertises at ir-- %mfh-'m--msfiyfi the store most 4 'give me hit--or--migs goods." . : * *some that could go to high-- or business college, but lack ) 'They're perfectly sat-- .:d' .h.pkbfit R enough 'to 'em ~l.nd znent:tn& Their spent at cormner cigar or poolroom swapping punk Eflm'n'-flnhfl\ muleance to worry about the future. ;" simply .don't, but they'll fol-- Jow their little old rut until they get :flmhunnd.mdthqm euss their luck and say they never '3' A_"': .}'i'_.' m matter. Oc i m at W"Wl'. Mlinois, und@ 'March 8, 1879. lssued twice weekly. | ° I:'";:;fi;,.{ f*;3 . Then they's those, whose parents tr , 'l-'r.lm thing byu"e'm :M h Mlubd. aftes hearing / fhere! of tham taiking to-- & .':'S,. # come to the conctiusion that they attend schou! -- most -- every Othe» day or 50, when'thoy can't get eps; are re "heliers" when i omes to stunts o~ the nth'siic field, sds wa. dand wlher you ack them RU MIN A TION S KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers Your--illz: Silas Surceeding the Waukegan Weekly Gazétte : Retablisked 1850 & * AS THE WOMEN SEE IT FRANK H. JUST, Editor, . " . and readin' all _been chaniges ; *) M*!"|/ (Well 'once : in~a@ while one of 'ean kes. in 'lnd l vi6 l;ogn,nd 6 maxzes the vi' v col £ hea per is, and his's troubles 'head%;4 really begin. His course of study con-- what Be |sists of mainty the advanced steps of the Bunny--swiztle, or wha they muanmm.s- hn m nranken se at, ing ex~ Wnfll e old" ins a number of frats, and thinks 'of a 'frat brother than of a blood especially if said blood 'rel-- happens to be a parent that uses a safety pin on his coin purse. ; ou with'n sort ar 'you--poor--olt--moss-- back--why--and--the--4 >.--den't--you-- go -- back--to--slecp'expression and tell you aa'"""%@:' . woe waoge y$ 5 re, the snate a fellow | ."s pre populas<he ons cce " , are wrong, ' As not" they'd a ton exsiccate. (¥es it's in fln'&m\ Fa anything about it i0'=. they look at hm.-rhfi spth;adn goodfellow, predict -- a ~wonderful eareer for him. 'But--a few weeks after he's back home, his dad opines that since he'd put such a helluva dent , if he w-'byfihé'qit hasn't been 'The building ofr roads as is been done in the pas:, is not wufficient. Mlfl'* ;M*m be" ~soived -- and a ° standard. estub lished to take cure of roads and give them every protection against wear and wenther. A fewofthw which are importunt are; . How much shall be spent to build & particular plece of highway? + What expense is inted to mata m-ummum t*4 What type of zurface should be lnld tor the different sections, according to population ? g 5 What maximum trafic must be pre pared for and how shall we estimate the demands of the future? How shall we divide the responsibil-- ity of the government, the state nud the county for construction. contral and maintenance} *#( What proportion of the tosr shni + borne by the vehicle?> e * " .. {Mational Crop iinprovemmem Concrete Roads Mu be Reinforced _ THE REGISTER A LW AYS --H AS B O08T LIBERTY V ILL EL | x _-- a HARD BLOW § C -- We d:{ see why the professor couldn't have kept | it to £ about 50 years longer. Here we are trying | to be happy and hopeful and he comes along and tells | us--well, just listen to what this Yale professor tells us. | He says that either the earth's rate of rotation is slow-- | ing--down or the moon is moving faster. The result is | that each year we gain one--thousandth of a seecond of day-- ight, 'and. that when . the world' is 360,000 years® older AND ALWAYS WILL us NC 4 , "M'&ed!.n > "'";.*:":' hat s € w rong ~with The Bystem o uy 'j.* 5" h o f .5'{":" 2 i oine a¢ . s ome Tarme. ernd serves th= th k val 'of an unusually lan _'fi;'. is less in he 3 ts than that (i.'-'_" rop. Of gourse 12 00 hales of m h ~»§'\P orth tore tha» 6,000000 bales.but it does net eustomaril work oui that Wi§s / If the farmer is to continue to feed mankind--«~d <@rbaink he ~must-- a itte m"" distributi»© of Wi¥keting will bave to be provided: '---- Form~~ Go¥@rhor Lowden of Illinois, had sométhin; revelant to say @M thi ubmnn'mn-fldfia Nebraska D men's Association. The farmer, he sa must be a« quatel Ndforlfllm'fl.,v .'1'»« CB Every citizen of Libertyville knows, and we think the same applies to residents of all sections, "M"--' modity will lOng be produced for--a price bélow t:: of prodaction.. And yet that E'-.! complaint . among more to place on the market than they bring in return to the producer. . Co--operative societies are meeting tha problem satisfactorily, u ;?li California here such societies study the imh::,. L-d n ndmgpc just the supply to it. MW of : h en-- tire' supply on the "fl&h the M'ul tew weeks perhapé, an orderly marketing is arranged: and stabilization of the market assured. Just as it is econom-- ically unsound to produce a thing at a cost greater than it can be sold for, so in the long run an article that can beu\t! ai a fair profit will gradually be produced more gheaply. y ; Aot $¥ > A it w b"n-tis)ow,ndlnflmruim nights will\ be one second shorter. The year 1921 was full of disappointing nMmelghmg&mp';ucw like this fall at the beginhing of a new 'yeayr, But be of good : cheer--maybe after alt tt'pfouisor"ia wrong: Maybe it will be $66,000 years before we begin to lose that precious second of time every night.: MV be provided to care for the surplus of bountifu} | or dancing: teacher that day,' 'or 'it's |been a pleasure to chat x you but it the family bankroll, it was high time he hunted--a job for himself and concerns to inquire if they didn't need a new préesident or something in that line, and after being asked <by the man in charge as to what his spécial Wfimdflh,h,dfld&:t flr-Q-:\:l'um_-m&oy 't have vacancy for a cheer--leader or Aancing: teacher that day,' 'or 'it's He rouses himself slightly, sticks 1 few frat pins on his coat lapel and sallies forth. He calls on numerous away his time 'at joy feasts with 'his up-ynnf id. He'd kidded M! for which '"&Dyw himself, and that is why everyonce in | gvbfl-ync"-lz::'dhamnj swinging a pick and under the | direction of a wop foreman. 1 really you know we have no place for am?;'wwp.'. His eyesight~was (poor, and he couldn't or--wouldn't see beyond the end of his beak. * ivanhoe,' Jan. 16, 1922 How _can the wost of vehicle opera tion be cut down? ¢ How shall we make Wighway trans port tut the cost of living?t _ 'These ure all basic problems that call for the vorreiation of the best thinking of our best minds: -- The most eficient highway construc-- tion, according to our best knowledge, is 're--enforced concrete. built upon a It is true that some concrete has been in constant use for years without re--enforcement, but it is also true that when : properiy -- re--enforced it -- will malntain iteelf without further ex «We whould~not make the mistake that New York has made, 'They have constructed and worn out two sets of macadanm MN&M begin-- ning a third ®ysterm re--enforeed cnevebe, flhmdh""tlofl « * witht to make ti.» best roads Bincerely, | Your Uncle Sias f;: Seen. A Georgiea jadge has w that 'doesn't invalidate insur ance, t fixes things so the man . whAhghw do much celebrat-- ing on the 8, 17 3 ( lthffllwmw"m] Man / wants but little here below. facing a civil war, . She has had's= But woman wants a--good--deal when many wars that haven't been --:=1, --she can get it below cost. . Every Libertyville man. is --'wisg, enough 'to know that chicken on the two. on the thuzflul' wotking Torighe the Chrintans" spvit would have made vor of the thay sorke. " y < spl would have .made out of snake. out dvomflflc'm more than > . +/ 3% n%s f to MQM BROW; +. . . . 'Make tracks and make them lively, ies e e AAR M -- 5; is the: best kind of footprints' the . w 3 _t ym ied e e r o ce n nc nine cobnmiis vae are ~Ag pay. our rincome> tax | :, # # i ; after we've the income. ©~ | .. What has become of--the oid--fash-- ; n c olsA ts t fioaedube.rmt'uvho'-odw We areforced 'to agrée: with, the}.resoive every New Year that he was southern. editor who. says that before;:--going to attend church a little oftener prohibition:>came. baseball m_'onr;-thu he : did the . previous --twelve mational game. : Now it is and-- : months ? "a oi c o0 scb aicee : e i . _Many & Libertyville woman mis: gl Wm\ a man for bravery. d many & time she is right. 'The question now appéars to be m: 'farmer is the backbone af the country or merely tha spare-- Aftu%fie meanest. man in Lib-- ertyville (id the one: who withholds m*the praise he knows is oONG THE CURBSTONES -- : P erva B * A MAN ABoUuT tow N _ February Brunswick Records ; La donna & mobile (Woman'Is Fickie)' llonlaire K re TT i .'u-{ (¥4, _'fw_ (Woman'Is Fickie) From' Rigoletto, Act I1I (Verdi) Tenor, in Itafian .. .. .. Mario Chamice Snbcds . oc vaaki 8 i . # ® e viid 1' 3 8 & A ® K 3 CONCERT :c y 2tA brai; 474 F mg'm%m.,......"_... %u'"'m %w feaniala Wore y Mergar: Melées, Seprans. ... ... Open Monday, Wharn ¥ou bo--Fos Thei (hikie Yeaeg) it oo 000000000000 feh Shreae Pon B (Bivers) cFrom »Bombo"| 2. : ... ..~. ... .. ons SmiecFor Frak (Prendepragon .. .L. . ... ... "1.... .1l p of lH:' :c::h%fime#hr)fl From "Blossom Timse". e ,,;f!'::.érr;,::&..r*.-.~.>.;::::.:;::::-.::;,::;:;:;;::: Broken ' 'ox Trot (Flatow--MAWIMC) . . s , .. .. . +s aa var +# 4 rlge s cne 48 +0 Te i n ie Her 4os k irnoats Rorn) Antroduring "I oddie Danube Blues--Fox Trot (Jerom»~Kern)--Introducing "Toddle' PHonog The RAY Furniture and Paint Store _: And as long ms hate still mi District P. T. A. conference on Feb. | the soul's garden without any hoeing | 2nd from 1 to 3 in Chicago 'Women's the brotherhood 'of man is going to | Club byilding. ;\ealongwnyfl. » f % PA ) dbiigniiimnentondfontiines en orctrnomach Kxs > *# %> . .~/|In Memory: of Mildred Sawusch Who t There are all sorts) of fools, but Died One Year Ago, January . the 8. ~'so far we haven't found one so ver: -- When | the. evening shadows-- ars »satile as to be all kinds/at the same failing | time. * --| And we are sitting all aloue,| --:(i &1 p l k NB h o+ f | / In our hearts C comes a long-- . _ The Libertyville man who rides a ; . _ ing-- : . hobby.. should| not| forget| that it is If you only could be at home a . good idea to equip it with am em------ This life is one great sorrow _ .. A Chicago man was shot 'in ;the "tm;:'a,yosmrbymw. That's ushally about: the time they get hit on the pecketbook.-- *A used the -- If Mother Eve had been as wise as some of her daughters what a fool she would have made out of thaf snake. The Libertyville man who rides a hobby:. should| not| forget| that it is a)good idea to equip it with. am em-- ergency brake. / & > A SPECIAL SELECTION FROM RECENT RELEASES ON SALE TODAY FOR DANCING CONCERT v:j::sjall heols «698 _ ho 8 rorepeat man l aartab e wet en ad ue a 39 C-- ( * 1 uty_lz-nmllda.Soonn......'........_...m B w en n e malie a n nb n n u6 wl o n 64 6n nA t# 3 + €.9 n w ...........lflk uie e w a a hh e aie n w e h n 64 0n i n t n a t a bin B + n w wie w ied a w e n e n t t w nb 6 4 tb n d t 0 i ns vich Village Po!nu"..............g UDO" i+ . . ..v..»., ¢4¢¢vev 64 a+ad@ M4S) . . . . ca » e aa snn es ie n i s aee » ue in a B dre a ry ¥ tA ts 16 2 is hipa w us s n e aue Piiv as BB Y From "Blossom Time"........1,. .....g.«'.-.....-.--;---.-oo--ou-." ....~,,....'4..;.......'...'...,.....'ll 1+ + +3 fon waild «¥4 n ....'....:.;...uh od m''. A dn T Arbdptinle > tallly ~0 * CHILD can 't:::'.i" "at ' (;nln 8. Hard ""?ti irJ Mrs ; n@ $ gave a most *g::t and: interest-- Iing . Supfly the repomibibty: wha lining y OJ;Lnuniw» of ,.32" and teachers in dovn%(:o personality 'of the child. The we teach may go overthe"he-do{:dehndbqtl:hh fluence parent teacher live an. Mrs. Harding dwelt on the dz:u-ky of physical examinations to rming the condition .of the : child, in .erder that the probléems which continually 'copxn;. both;l parents : and . teacher uie Mi m', w speake! eon:Mud w": 8 t every . school..The -- clasing ~ thought was that Mufla'-&m life we can give-- our children is ideal each E'nnt should hold. . By a riging vote P. T. A. went on record as end:-;lng the movement now being perfected. to provide a v(ddn, nurse for the: Libertyville schools. A child Yet no one knows this grief Till death ;n Mw-:" shared. our "Io parents, c Mr. and Mrs. Sawusch. hygiene committee will be w to atterd the meeting of the Chicago f '?'mw m 4 m "1 ~rV. sitting all alone, 3" That 'the J nstalimen Es lrtatbmmalon_g--wl 6 Warrant %:z; could be at home | /. !;mm of. Libertyville,. for . Stomn s one great sorrow 'ater. Sewert"was due . January . 4, one must share, . *1"3-' payable at the Coll __' sea.s.2+, . i.. ... Fabam Tonacs' Orchestra cer,ss ser4e.. »0. Isham Joaes® Orchestra .2 0s .++. .. : ++ Gené, Rodemich® n'.............fiufilmm's m i aa veey . « --4 »Ruty '_ e : gllml- Meivesyt * Mm fnn"Gu.: $ss t § --% * ;c-bl'o «x +% a¢ oven's rxeree aSTOREL "'om seareeeees es . . .. Carl Fenton's Five minutes qvertime yiclds--20--18 score, s t l . 'The Libertyville Young Men's Club 20--18, Monday .evening. The _ x: i'w- tightly contested, 'the --score "':d"""&'"""'."""!!"?&; e-- Manager Lindroth has plans for w . | games with North Shore team#. _ | Schanek, G Lindroth, G Hagerty,"C Total Libertyville YoungMen's Club feats Lake Bluff in 'Overtime q-: Gerahty, --F F. Gerahty, : G. Miller, C G, G, Hoskins--Referee Amosn. Lineup : xm ces i. qpPolks Office. LYELL H. MORRIS, Collector. Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra i reneilth

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