Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 18 Jan 1922, p. 7

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bae o . ~gudge he 'weighed . about -- 200| . Hiis bat: was : pulled" down aver his forehead, and they went 'Wl me 'Bo Tast that I could not she his 1" I am pretty, sure there were amlso thrse men in the back, I naw :"'W' from the rear window "..'( thought there.was a;third fl"lh.u. This was at 10 minutes E'*:. M*w went by me, A8 ;}lim,mn Ino_uu_fl my . watch !?'""!»""' startled by the . rour of 'the auto as it approached me." . .~ y _"When Paylick : and-- L. found _ that Ahe man<was still alive, we hailed an n t oaew Kenomha: 'He had a big.touring: .car, 'wo we put Peterson in his .car and rushed bim to the --Victory Memroial hospital, while 1 followed in bty car with Mri.. Wilson." ~ .. > ©. | Reterson was, dead hefore . th< m*w and . a doctor m showed that two charg of birdshot from ashotgun had be pumped into: his body. One charge m,mum, and the other in fls right breast. 'The shot hnad seattered so that the body was a mass a_tcnnlin}ummtxuhu right knee to the top of his 'head. ~ The i e es. "oP o his Tight breast, both : eyes were: plerced in. several places, and part of his face was torn away. :,p.-:"l./:.. Taylor, Lake coupty --cor :fig,'wmwmy- und returned the indisputable ver-- dict that William. Peterson died from % m','_hmiwtb! . The Seath car was drjyen at even gm..utm-mmw t disappeared down the road .toward t"m The Jocal police wefe no-- .,nh. The miurderers had either passed through before the police were 'motified, or, as it is believed by the lo-- iu'w heailquarters, the car turned west on the Golf road at < the morth limits of Waukegan, and doubled back to the north on the next rand, possibly thb (CGreen Bay road.> © > T. * Pelice Dreagnet Out * ~ At any rate, 'the police, and depu-- ties between here and Chicago were al} notified immediately, and although a strict watch was kept, and is still be. hcl'nflmthumh of the car has been seen since it ; .--u;,fim"mdflw < popular is that the mur-- bq'nt.'mmm,mn"d booge cases admit that they .. have nev@r had to unarm booze runmers up Greater érédence is given the sup-- 1 position that q-td«.-ue-mmf ylfim-:'uflflflmm"" premared to take the life of the officer who would attempt to stop them, 'and that, they expested that officer to be | George Btried, of Zign. £ | tle officer, is still being the limit by officers in 1 the death car has been found. -- The search is centered around the in-- ter," and # would furnish excel-- 'hxmhmmm and Sherift Green in Waukesai in an effert to obtain all informatior pas-- wible on the mturder of the spee{ cop. .--_.----' Renarcis North District & 'KII~'"-" m tified (z._ in aurrounding countiles. and the search 16 the north is being car-- v'hm"-wfllnofl- cers..from othe; colnties , in © Illinois "mhd-aq-m wnd are making every effort to appre-- hbend the criminals. 'The beliet that fiqnulprn'gmum Stried at Fion was the aim of the slayers ...umm,mimw erime zMM'lor the of Peterson ate part of a ring ':;WWIICHM 4 'm*g-md the Hmm}um&th of the officer was planned . to stop the wholesale search of vehicles on the state Righways between Chi-- cago and Milwaukee. ¥ ; See Boorse Ring Hand gu---nm-fin for the car believe that if they are tak-- a.o_u_unvdmmm f have been destroyed, and the w-flw stopped {Continued from page one) _ Dragnet Covers Two Stafes The search for the murderer or mur Locul officers believe that the mur-- derers are hiding until the stir over their crime has subsided, but the of. ficers are détetmined that there will be no "blowover" until after the crim-- ingls are Caught, and puntshed for the in no tra . Meme of Mirw. ?4iry Burkin,. three: miles cer o VTinthron Harbor, was instanti . ki} diagram of m~aner in which Pefterson was « Peterson != t*e inset, * P ruilt, both of Kenosha. Pierre W. Curice and. Doris 'Jipp, both o6 Waukegan. % + Gaftora _ W. Strabtorda 'apd |Zane @mith. both of Chicage. Arno Jures and Metinda Sprenger both of Sheboygan. James Montgomery and Santoria Williams, both of Waukegan..< -- Pominick Mordia! and Julia Bar-- tusek beth of Wighwood. * Aldis Bartictt of New York, and Luiln Mae Schaefer of Milwaukee, both of Sheboygan. Wilfred Puetner and Bernice Hous er, hoth af fefferson,. Wis. Irving ADkulesky and Rose Wol teach, both of Racine. 3 Charles O' Donnell of Freeport, Wik., and Rose Hagen of Watiwatosa. Wik. George m: iIwaukee and Chriatina e \; Waukegan . James . L. Courtney and . Lulu Wricht, both of Chicago.* _ Grorge Bdwards and Anfia Coyne hoth of Mil#aukee. .. * Denis Tangelos and Mary Arvan itaki, both of Highland .Park. American Lewion in comjunction with the Kenoshs Legion, will have charge of the military funeral to be givem Petersen --The feuneral takes Tue from the Dapigh I'& chnfl Oof Kenoshs, with burial in Green Ridge cemeteryt The pallbearers-- will be John Rakling, Rarl Hicks, Paul Warren,; tiearge McDonald, Tom Hol-- land ard Fred Morey, all of Wauke-- gan, as well as exdervice men who were coworkers on the . police force with Potermon, % MARRIAGE LICENSES trom -- Tr Y{M National am'a Waukegan American Legion = turnish the trumpet= erae and. FG. '.) <<5 Doseph Loucaric and Heleny May The Waukexan and Kenosha polic® deva riment: i have m foree out to pay M *Q i0 their -- comrade, and 'u{ Fy. o " & from 4 ipis mt 14# f i o PAE e t horal 1 es tallaey s The firiig squad will . be picked ts aey Durkin. thr THE LAKE COUNTY HECISTER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1922 Johnom-uct-w.v . Han sen. warranty deed, $10, stamp $2, lot 11. suib of 16t 344, Lake Forest. _ ~J. 6. Gridley and wife ot al to Frank Staunton and Mary E.. Mitchel!, deed, $10, sw . 40 acres ne %, section . 1%, Grant township Bdith M. Ne#Wson to Theima Neilson warrfanty deed, $1000, lot 20, block i Ravinia Highlands, Highland Park., ° L, G. Englestad and wife to F. & J. D, Leigh, warranty deed. $1100. Stamp $1.50, part lots 103 and 104, Pleasant Hill in section 18,. Avon twp. o-nm.?.n.m.-- ranty deed, $10,. stamp $2, lots 3 and 4, block 4, Ridgeland sub.. Waukegan. I'Mnbml'hr-. warranty doed, $10, lots 54 and 55, Ra-- ter M. --G. G. Frnech .and wi'~ to F. G. r.' , '.lr, deed. $10. stamp . Tots 166 167, Lak« Forest. ' B. P. Ostermann and wife to Nor. man Dicts and wife, Fallllgs deed, &M 50¢, 'tot-- 5. . orffann's January 10 Anfite~ Preegrocki and Charles Flanjark and w deed $10, stamp §0¢; lot 3 ) R.*L Murray -- and w &l-m ¥Frank G anty doed, $10, stamp $ Toh wattenty doia: $iso m REAL ESTATE ourtesy -- Chicego Examiner & ou ts ; north of Waukegan, near whic h William Peterson, motorcycle offi-- ed -- last -- Friday (by occupmt,dlmh'ln@fiulnz;'-fi'. astapulted from his upeeding machine when he was ; Policeman Courtesy Chicago Examiner TRANSFERs notag, ,,@|| The articles comprisea «. vemaaly | in the $1 first pdy nt arc s i. #%, Nes | Vacuum Cle Electric . «; «||frons, Toasters, Percolat-- i,.!fi ors, érflh{,C Irons, _ to F. 0.' $10.~ stamip *-- ©--!| Blectric Washers alone ex-- stump 50¢, lot 4, 4, Roy Yeo--| man's North side ~dd., Waukegan. l Mabel"G, Strohm t H. P. Cameron; warranity deed, $:0, stamp $15, 100| ucres in nw% . sectlor 21, Warren 'A.C.mendvicukl'..- bien, warranty drav':l. stamp. . $6. Lot 15. Schwarts avenue sub, Waukegan. 3 "Wh'm)'cfl'm and wife, warran:y deed,, $10. stamp #§6. A part of lo: L block 29, High-- land Parks _ _ _ ' A. F. Beaubien wite to W, H. Watterson, warran bu..p Lot 11 Waukegan paid down ' puts in your house Ee'rnd-"""on" e the init-- , 'payment%;thebd- ance of the cot being pay able $6.50 a month. . _ others. Appliance $12£ Balance of cost 0: Eoery Appliiance 18 ' the probable demand for his goods-- may be fi*uxmth frying pan into 'w the consumer with bim. g.»'a > * -- Even the farmers, whose out-- | put is not complain'that they fnd es at a disadvantage in the mark © of | their . productions, 'eqnclally paw . milk, because of the ' high costs of distribution, which they "must ultinidtely bear. > ing "to tak@ the 'un(avorable. chance, If the favorable one also is and they._can rétain for. themselves a part of the service charges that are uni-- form, in good. years and bad, with high prices and low. _ »aften e While, in the main, the fagmer must seil,. regardless of market conditjons, at the time of the maturity' of 'crops, he cannet suspend production in tote, He must go on producing if he is to go on Hving. and If the world is to exist. The most he can do is to curtail pro-- duction & e or alter Its form, and that--because be is in the dark as to i camplish by co--operative methods what other businesses arevalready doing by :co--operation in the form of incorpora-- l tion? If it be proper for men to form, by fusion of existing corporations or 'atherwise, a corporation that controls the entire production of a m;.u or 'a large part fidl&"-hy fifor &A : rmers $ for mm" of m-L' me products, either in one or in s | selling agen _ Why d 1t be cight for a h red thousand ate M: to. %J* 40 per cent of an Industry, and tor | a. hundred _thousand . /@ | farmers to control a no er ' tion of the wheat crop, OF. or | any other product? * i ooo t n _ % & .Now that the farmers ure stirring, thinking, and never before to eradicate these inequalities, they are subjected' to stern economic lec-- tures, and are met with the accusation that they are demanding, and are the reeipiens of, special privileges. Let us see what privileges the government has conferred on the farmers. Much, has been made of Section 6 of the Clagton Anti--Trust Act, which pur-- ported to perimit fhem to combine with immunity, . under certain -- conditions. Admitting _that, nominally, this. ex-- emption was in the nature of a special pdvlfé(e.--(hn'h 1 think it was go in :runm rather than u&E we d that the courts' have--nullified it by judicial interpretation, Why shoald not the farmers be permitted to ac-- Some Aspect® of the _ Farmers' | 'rolzalems'% , mers.. $ | The Department of Agriculture' is often spoken of as a special concession. .mm-m.monuc--:!: results, it is of as much. p buyers and mmd'"::&-' products as to the producers, or even more. * I~do not suppose that anyone n o. --omasr® n anala o exany derive from the educational and re search work of the department, or the help tha; it gives them in working out z:ma cultural methods and prac ;, in developing better ylelding va-- rieties through breeding and selection, in introducing new varietiee from re mp.fltofth.vofldll" apting mn :r climate and v con-- dition, and in devising ures for the él!lmination nbfi::' dangerous and destructive animal and plant discases, tnsect pests. and the iike. _ All these things m iy tend to stimulate and enlarge f and their general beneficial are law . restricts mm"- Keserve -- DRTMEE to three months' for paper, the farmer Is m months on his notes This is 90t a special privitege, but merely such a nconluoodb-i.': "fi makes it : country . to ..»...L':."'-'m. country : The crop farmer bas only one turp-- over a year, while the merchant . manufacturer bare many, 1 ty, 1 note that the Federal Reserve eral Reserve banks to discount Axport mbr-mn(.'ls-rth conform to the nature of busi-- The Farm mninhmm to as an Instance of special &. ment favor for farmers. AnM.z rather the outcome of Iandable to equalize rura) and urban condi-- tlons? And about all the government does there is to help set up an ad ministrative brganization and lend a Uittle credit at the start. Eventually the farmers wil} provide al} the capi-- tal and carry all the nauuuuun-l 'velyea. It is troe 'that Farm Lwan bonds are tat exempt; but so are | bonds of munlcipal light and traction | m..gmmmuuun-' bmpt from takation. in New York, for ten years. 6 | On the other hand, the farmer reads \~¢.pnu-n¢n'a.:::¢m} ects that run Into the of hun-- T4. Hamon mhint, M maige wl marine ; Y the rallways are being favored "with Increased ratés and¥iftual goaranties . ne to of an. C ; 'on all that he sells and all he ' He hears of many of governmenta) c for par (Continued from last issue) It is compilained that, wherea»s the iRepristed from Atlantic Monthly) By BERNARD M. BARUCH ,fifug-- and b(c'r.-sm cuing the rallways from insol undoubtedIy for --the beneft country as & whole, but what of gg *} benefit than a#ement of atmple production agement of ample production im'-rfi:w ure and thet even flow from contented prod satisfied consumers? & ones, : If the anti--trust laws keep the. tarmers from endeavoring sclentifically to integrate their Industry while other industries find a way to meet:moderp conditions 'without violating guch stat-- \utes, <then it would seem . reds@nable to find a way for the mq-ect them under the same conditions. The taw should operate equally in fact, Re-- pairing the economic structure on on¢ side is no injustice to the other side, which is in good repair, ~~, °0 (. .. We have traveled a long way £ the 'old conception of government as 'merely a defensive and policin 'w $ and 'regulative, corrective, or equal Ing legislation, which appareDt is of a special nature, is often ;r e most general beneficial con ences. : Ey the First Congress d a tariff m Toadh that bear direcdy on the m t on the provement of his distributing and mar-- :::'?"' r.vhuo-_-u be summarized 28 that 'was avowedly for the protection of manufacturers; but a protective tariff always has been M as' a means of promoting the M.p.: through a . particular .fi $ the statute books are filled acts o e ieA ie Oiiet Now, what is \the farmer asklog? w trying . to the 're measures that have been sug-- ~ When a business requires specifiized ialent, it has to Wuy it So wih the tarmers ; and perhaps the best way for them to get it would be to utilite #some of the present machinery of the Jarg-- :t mw-bdm""t!- in rm course, wishes, mum,pm.-m in Gour--milling and other manufactures of : food :oflm In my . opinton, however, would be wise to 'atop short of that.' Public interest may be }Wn'a-fll great Integrations ; but, | in justice, should they be forbidden to | the farmer and permitted to others? 'The te form of association can-- Imm.mmu». jects and conditions, The looser ¢o* 'm form seems more .e-'E | aultable Therefore, he wishes to b tree, If ho (inds it desirable and feas lIble, to rosort to co--nperation with his "m and neighhore, without _ ron-- »hing afou! of the «To urge that . farmers should the same lib-- &. consolldate _ ce--ordinate pecullar ; fanctions, hich other | ) 4m thetr Aelds Shjog, 1 not, however, to concede that tor grain, of suficient y to meet the maximum»--demand on 3': peak of the marketing period. furmer thinks that either-- 1 tal must r-nmfi.: 1 or state must erect and own sleva tors and warehouses. P 4 * s«w:'m :'qm «C agricultwea! mi. thereot, 10 be done by m disinterested public Inspectors In: already: accomplished: to some : ; hy the federal Hcensing af" f and gr-"l).':'lfl ) f ing. overchars and R and to fuellitate the atizatio «the «tored products as '"\" eredit. Third : a certainty of eredit suflcient to enable the. of products in an 0 t i Vourth : uQ ment of ::':2'- ture should 'Im' rize, and mnd tiy pub ' lish and dist t to the farmers, full Information from ;3'&0 markets of the world. #o abail be as well informed of t selling pestfion as huyers now are 0 ,';.dv Quying post tlon _| es " Fifth : freedom to te m:'nd- ness of agriculture Bby means com dldatfip:%. co--ordinat ing and such way as to put the farmer ..1" 'w_ with the large buyers of his products. and with commercial relations h?v indust ries, ---- h uP 4 (To be Continued) .. In this column, the'. Register wall publish the complete list of books in the-- Cook® -- Memorial brary. . The authors' names-- will appear alpha-- betical order followed by the name the book. !!«rhbohudw -- ded will--also be published. --Start a serap damok now and paste the list in as it appears and you wil} have a com-- plete Catalogue. . oo ie LIBRARY Abbott, --E.--H .. Moliy --Make --Betier Abbott, E. H.....Sick--a--bed. Lady 'A&'l H... .. Stingy . : Abduliah, 'A.;. .Trail of the Beast, Adams, 8. H.... ..:.'.'y gj_' Adams, S H.. . .Little Miss Grouch. Ade, Geo......The Slim Princess. Aikman, Henry G.. . Zell: if:" -- Allen, J. L.......*.Choir Invisible Allen, J. L.. ... .. Flute and Violin. Allen, J.: L.....'Kentucky. Cardinal, 'Allen, J. L..... .Sword: of Youtl Allen, F. N. S... ... The Invade Altsheler, J A....... Apache * Altsheler, --J. A... Sougig .g irshnies, 5. A'l'hclc:d Antrews Mary 'R. 8. Ahe 1 Atherton, Mrs, Gert fame. _ +6 Atherton, M :oni n;, rs. Gm% ud M rie--C T asten June. AERIE and Bacheliet, Bachelier, William. > Bacheller, : Irving. The Light Clearings> > ~ sy en l Bachelier, Irving.. .A Bacheller; Irving . . . . The c nk.\. /s. .. . w Bacgon, Mrs. J. D.. . .Smith Bailey, Temple Bailey, --Temple Swan. *%, Bailey, Temple. Bailey, Temple, Trail, ---- Baily, Waldron the Doctor. . *' . a Barbour, R. H.,Joan of the | Barclay, F. L.. . . .The Broken Barclay, F; L...The followi the Star. * ~ 28 -- Barclay, F. L...Through the Barclay, ¥. L.. . The. White of Woreeiter, i0 esn Barr,. Amelia E.. . ... The, Barr, Amelia~ E. Makica Lane. ' York. § Barr, Amelia. . .Jan V Barrie, Sir James M.. ..The Minister. ~_ " o m Bennett, Arnold... .. . . Clayh Bennett, Arnold...... :. Dem Bennett,-- Arnold . . . . Helen with High Hand. +/ N Bennett, Arnold..'Hilda Les Bennett, Arnold.. The Lion's Bennett, Arnold. . . ; e Tale. is 4axSa. o d Bennett, Arnold 'The Price of. M.MQI"D'_/" H .b Grizel. Barrie, Sir James M... .A in Thrums. $'nn'z-dd Bartlett, F. O.. Wall BartJett, F. O.. ... ....J0 Bartiey, N... A . Woman's Schooner. - Bassett, Sara W..The un Rene _ .Thees 'of BZ Between. o Bayne, C. J....The Fall of Household. Bell, Lillian L...' .At -3 the Jardines, . e e Bell, Lillian L...The Bennett, Arnold.. & of 'Towns, > Bennett, Bennet, Robert Ames Shoguns Daughter, Benson, E. F........1 Benison, E. F...00.... .++« Benson, K. F........The: Bernard, Marguarite. Deer Earl Derr,. . Seven s, ts t dloss, Harold. Alton 0 Harold .. , CATALOGUE OF BOOKS . Amelia. .A Maid of Old ADULTS FICTION ',fl. * J' D..M'l Temple. . . . . Mistreés h'hy.\ _.fl\t' " Minnic Willis. . His Sir (To be ;fy':;..l?fi; Arnold James M.~Tommy James M..;\The The Sign of the C O..<The Wall St Glory ~of The es ry.n.fiti}i in alpha~. md;fl! y are ad--. -- To »P1%

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