_ ~Seniate . Committee Reaches i)' Agreemént on Wholesale Price. RIVES BIG ESTATE TO NUNS C ETT C P iy Reading .'(Pa.) People . Great * Ren Pa., Jan. 17.--Definite end-- fi'w d by the armament yaithough its labors are not nplet®, President Harding said in 7 at the wnnual meeting of '?"'t' d:nmm € -»qv. ailso pointed out the ipariey Had resulted in prohibition of L methods of warfare. The pact negotisted relating to the cifie 1 contains guarantees of r'- ne for future peace in aren, President Harding said. 4 :ff.: 7 he < the govern-- l ment Rapedition «1 n Livingstone | to Atrich in 18528, died here, at the age | Dpaate o Civittignions Dic«. _ Washington, Jan. 17.----Whisky is.re rded as wecessary -- therapeutic jent by a darge majority: of physi-- Ras carvassed in Washingtonp, in the refere Of . the . Journal. of the American Medicat Association. Of 282 epiies to questionnaires, 149 declared whisky a necessary therapeutic agent and # 'held that it was not, actording to 6 made public. A majority of the _: ~physicians expressed the nece: An, the practice of medicine. _ "Ro the question whether the physi-- Rbs had encountered unvecessary 'y' ring of denth, .« to enforcement 1" ~probibition lzws, 40-- replied af-- ma y and 170 negatively. faude "Adams, _ Protestant Actress, . @ives Property Worth $180,000. New York, Jan. 17. --Mande Adams, nMestant, sctress, fins given ml 'g' estate at Lake Koy woie, l.'t: the Roman Catholic thood 0 Lady of the Oenacie. Adams, who has not sppeared on #hage. for evéral years, becarse In-- ied in wétreuts conducted by. the _. Dr. John Mez, correspondent of the : Zelitung, Mnl:'?u& Ger-- amian newspaper, is the German new ~man to-- arrive in Wash-- go- to-- cover the arms conference. MHe is also the 'first correspondent to arfive from Germany since the con-- elusion of peace.. -- mt TARIFE BASIS 0. K.JD wa Jan.~ "17.--Tentative eement was, reached by, Republican ts of the senate nuiam e --new permapent . tariff Aaw 'on the isis Of 'the selling price in the Amer-- & '6t, its shipment hin a day or two. :_ = his plan--of assessing duties is that * proposed by the experts to + house ways and means committee 1 differs from the American valua' Wfll_-nyldomdhyfln and under which dutics would on the basis of the whole Ar price in the Ameritcan mar-- of American--made goods compara-- a . goodsy coufd not he found. be a'case of constructing the was--of the opinion that a M' would be reached winety 'yeark on the basis, of the cost of the fted" article plus trunsportation Details of the Plan Remain: to Bay Whisky is Necessary as a Therapeutic Agent. -- * -- OR.. JOHN MEZ IN ART OF CURING Experts, commilzsions abd 1' stand on Shantung question; tully in accord with people's desires 'to | for cash payment within nine telegraphed w country de-- f, "Peking's high treason, ap-- for active opposition. Wu Pel ¥a taken leadin denouncing 14-- Joan." .. ge was taken as confirm-- rfi&m.w» ¥een <the new Peking cabinet and the Chinesé delegntes in Washington, | Arms Committee Rules Against Limi-- ¥ tation of Plarles.-- Washington, Jan. 19 --Limitation of development or use of alreraft is im-- mlf this time, the Ove pnowers l t committee of the Washing» "tan conference decided., » "Resumption of the conversations may be taken to mean that China has yiglded," said a Japanése official. t o €a": Jnllli on Treaty. Japan: i : to . the four--power pact in its present form because . un-- der its terms she would be compelled «consult with. the United States, . Britain and France before tak-- to be a menace, it was disclosed in official Japanese quarters: the (Peking government agreeing : to delegates in Washington continue the Japan . ; therefope : will insist-- that there be an exchange "bf notes among the |several powers, making it clear that the 1 imd --of Japan be ex 'empted E of : the m. & i¢h an exemption ? officials | it is unllldl; the Japanese rnment will approve the treaty.© _ =. 0= ; % The matin point of difference between the delegations is over the degree of financial and operative hold the Japa-- nese will be gllowed to refain in the W railway. -- Japan insists she Rold control through a long term'"loan" 'to China. This the Chi-- nese have w to agree to. At Ja e. headquarters it was m'mwu were momen-- tarily . expecting a request from : the Chinese .delegates to "resume negotia« ::b Becretary of State Hughes and tion 'of the conversations rested with x o s Ctaim is Supported. ~ A cablegram indicating the new Pe-- gu 'government ' has' 'capitulated to Japanese was recelved by Chiang-- mon Lin, one of the Chinese "peo-- ple's delezates" to the .conference. from Shanghal and was signed by the Associated Chambers of Commerce.and the -- Provindial Educational . Commis-- slon. . Bt said : © > : FINO HUMAN BONES IN sAND Portions of Skeictons Found Under _The coroner does not know w! discovery reveals md Au A; ca-.-!irinauu. P golal '"Oary, Ind.; Jon. 10.--=The té"'d . Numan --skull«, the bones of & Aarm and two hands were found in the send benenth the Rendevaur cottage at (Miller-- Reach. Cordner Evans and the police are investignt-- took 'the bones from his school and after resorting to some prank Nurted PENROSE SEAT TO Philadeiphia Lawyer Appointed to Sen-- to J confé Philndelphia, Jan. 1..--Geotge Whar. ton Pepper, Philadelphia lawyer, was appointed United States -- senntor by Qnvernor Sprool to succéed the late Botés Penrose. Under the law the ap-- pointment standd 'until: a successior is swelécted at the November election to fllhnugmdl'mmm. ing in 1927. WILL -- NOT LIMIT -- AIRCRAFT Cablegra®® Indicating New . Peking Go m': Capitulated to. Toky® Received: by One. of . .. Chinese «Paople's Delegates." ........ Explosion Kills Two Children. ' Durant, Okla.. Jan, Winifred aged seven, and Conley, mu old, burncd :to and , Mre. W. BX , WA# mflflv injured *At" Ketraoy* w in an explosto® Mra, Conley poured gnaoline on' &A fire by ENVOYS ORDERED 10 YJED China JA Naghington, Jau. 1..--P'cking bas ered the iese delegates to yield Japan . h ng, according to Japanes egation to the arms umm to Wash 1,. ~Jan. 10.----(Transmit to Surrender, Sa¥y TH The fing, large residence on the Be}-- rfarm, one and & half miles north kfb'!fl:-h!uwtymah _Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams will move to Rockford within a few days. Mr. Adams, who has been manager for the International Sand and Gravel Co. for the past two years has accep-- tfed,:m. "bfl:o line o; 0 same About -- twenty--five/ couples : from evening was spent playing cards and Miss Frances 'Klepper, Miss Grace VUlfers, Elidon Kitchen and Waiter Mc Laughlin motored to on Sun-- day. --They took in u..t. pipay, "The Bu'o#. Girl." In?u'-'qfinfi 'm'lodn:d? § on y afterncon, Jani 18. The P"'K"" m will be in charge of Miss Taylor and A+double basket bail game wmh!h".m!-ffi'l\'ad second teams of Area and Libertyville Thy wegne Aeeaige i * "'uul'vfl.lul..l.le'- Cormick, Mr#. J. B. Morse, Mrs. Max Kokner and Mrs. G..C. Gridiey attend-- ed the 10th district meeting of Feder-- ation of Woman's Clubs held at the North ic on Monday. # North --End > Club were hosteases. In the evening the ladies saw "The Woman of Bronze" at the Princess theatre. -- mémfialfikiehvuwwha . Monday evening was postponed one week on gccount of ngswum called east to attend the funeral mm. m Eflomflhcmbrl&l_abahtho coat were fruitless. It is very evident that the cont was stolen and has prob-- ubly been disposed of out of town. .. Miss. rueri Woolridge lof Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Wilson of Straw-- berry Point, lowa, who have been vis-- iting Mr. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, returned to their AM'mmmwfiMm McLaughlin -- was taken from Mystic Workers hall a short time ago. little newcomer is named Robert Whitney. Mrs. Schumacher was Miss Maude Whitney before her marriage and is well known in Libertyville. fire late Saturday afternoon and scores Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sehumacher of Delavan, Wis, announce the birth of w son on Friday, January 13. The $8,000 FARM RESIDENCE BLAZE AT WAUCONDA. Mr. and Mrs: Frank Suydam and Miss Dorothy Supdam attended the dance at the Woodman hall, Wauke-- gan, on Saturday evening.= _ > -- Mrs. George Carroll of Piginfield, N. J. who has been visiting W.. W. Carrolt and family left for a visit with relatives at Creston, Iowa and in Mo. quite ill, is reported as greatly im-- . A interesting lecture on "A Dis-- turbed World" will be given by Dr, O. HL. Mason of New York at the Com-- mercial Club rooms on this evening [Tuesday.]. The lecture will be i}-- wnm pictures, -- The public' is cordially invited to attend. No admission will be charged. y of neighbors werse compelied to fight inftin n anaine s _ The farm is operated by William m as tae Ben Carp-- Mrs. A. E. Wormer of Olean, N. Y. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. S. :d aad will be on the in-- Wumm . Elizabeth, little daugher of Mr. and Mra. Fink had emptied some hot ash-- es near the house and <he wind blew a live coal into the straw with which Rev. C. J. Dickey and Mrt. Dickey were Chicago visitors on Monday. --Mr.--and--Mrs. H. M. Gi intaca rocsty Fram " Nonh s Okkers over the week end. oote x Judge B. H. Miller left on Monday for Springheld, where he will attend the session of the court of claims. _ John MceKay-- of (Chicago visited his family over Sunday. the foundation 'had been. banked to keep out the cold. The fire started at the north end of thebuflding which Mnhmm-mylu;:th wind was blowing against en-- abling mmbcnqltbod'y.ulfih ihbDbontgmv!'tho furniture. The building was valued at $8,000 to $10,-- 000 and can not be repiaced for that amount. ~ It was insured. f __ Frank Appleyand of Glenview cal-- 'flkon Libertyville: relatives «Monday. Lohan has from a me'smn\rhit with .&le.(ommv 4 * ~John Lester was a Chicago business visitor on Monday, K ' Frank Appleyand of Glenview cal-- Aren: moved to Chiac-"& Monday. _ Mrs. E. J. Batty and Miss Helen Batty spent Monday in Chicago. im .' Fred Jeske of Chicago visited Lib mh friends over the week Ofl-{ nA Harry Gleason was a Wau-- kegan visitor on Friday. PIANO & VIOLINCELLO l': Phone 304--R LIBERTYYILLE, 1LL. | * _|___ ADDITIONAL x VIOLIN & VIOLA . .. Betsey Knowlton Williams W. G. BRAGG pea m& in answer tol::-r :: w fi"fl&wnmw." #%# been "in the way," was now ## #i# "out of the way," instead of ## it beiag "thrown away," and a #* ## library table was now filling ## #i# a long--vacint space in the ## ## ~ Truly, the Want 4&# 94 S'flm!!rmw a¥4 it# --. Why not try this yourself! ## sth 46 io it tb ie dn B tds t it t ie ie t ts tb IF at t3 Wnt Cotum, whiek hor ho. 22 #BRBERBEURURREERRREORRG®EA ## in ## ing away.", and you will have a.complete cata a complete list of all the books in the Cook Memorial Library. New books, as added, will also be pub-- i aoans. .o on as utht%d'gfm time to time, She 'needed a library table, 4# and it was not many days un-- #=* til she 'found ' one advertised 4# in the Want Column, 'which $ she purchased for $7.. «2t Starting in this issue the Regis-- r' is publishing in serial -- form Library Books Register Want Ads Always Pay! & CATALOGUE A few weeks ago a woman ## FOR INSTANCE-- Of Public CHASSIS .: Starter and Demovntable Rims ROABstere . . . . . ROADSTER _ Startér and Demountable Rims . TQQRING CAR -- Starter and Demountable Rims TOfi"ITRUCK ho -- 2%3 & a s P 430'n F. O. B. DETROIT----War Tax and Freight Additional _ PRICES -- REDUCED!I PHONE 90 WAUKEGAN, PHONE 51 _ WILSON & OHM LOWEST IN THE HISTORY OF THE FORD MOTOR CAR CO. melygro made {o Men wh km' Ago# ('.m P D h 1. _ )' e ) ¥ " cc\ f * *3 _ e W{\%\\ t NB it ; K¥ #f A 44 > _ want fine tobacco in your cigarettes. You'll in Camels. (ee C they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos, soxrtoctly blended--and 'because Camels leave NQ CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. % Like every man who does his own Such folks. know real quality--and DEMAND it. > ~prefer Camels because Camels give them the ::gum_ mellowest smoke they mfi;--" JB 319.00 414,00 yerre t > 5 s 9 ;-flwfl'lf.'.f"..,'{ s ue n fy se BP c ul th +oE bpate -- > .. $% 2e Te