Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 21 Jan 1922, p. 4

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._Near East Relief . _' _~Organized Here, o .1 * »BS _\ Dr. * former ~~ was in ~* . interes . now, to do our part © in providhg| _. means for the Near East Relief to do| > for answering with an outspoken, un-- Y * 6 , e . 4 6 C 5 Is it go on asking the peoph . of A-EE put their hands kess --ually pockets in an ' to relieve the suffering in fl:;z} i"?'i';'o;u.un.o'nauw York, a for major in the American army, was in Libertyville on Tuesday in the interests of Near East Relief. He gave & stirring talk on "Armenia" at the Commercial Club rooms in the evening, the substance of which was as follows: i *4 ...' Somebody wrote a letter to the New York Times a r::-pédmd_m-rwum:anmuysup- of a number of successful business houses he had discovered an interesting thing. Just as surely as he found a concern consistently prosperous he invariably foundbehind that concern and responsible for its success "a Godly man." There was always someone who never That is something to be happy sbout, When a far-- ::imfidu who has dug up the facts about our ie past and our uneconomic present, who knows human nature, who knows/ American business amu its habits--when such a man says that business has "turned the corner," it is time to say whatever you are in the habit of saying when the first flashes of dawn announce the end of a long 'dismal night. . '-;-hnum men will be thankful for small faw rs. during the coming year. They. will appreciate wWhatever incréease in profits, or Gecrease in losses, they are able to wring from thi horny fist d»fli'm- omies" And sad to relate, the only reason why bu s won't.come all the way back during 1922 is the réluctance 'that most of us have to recognize the soundness of funda-- _MONKEYING WITH THE TEN COMMANDMENTS s> 'Tduhvew-our les said Roger Babson in the course of a recent discussion Of the busi-- ness outlook for 1922. "We have Jearned you can-- not monkey with the ten commandments and . : moulti-- plication fable. Business will be better this year becainse U Thdtat _/ ---- . ip... . _ efi . Beéeginning Today ; is the 'question that natérally Armenia Deserves Our Aid st:--America is almost the only n in the world that is well off. h."dzu'.hdfmtm e 'practically every-- Only here is the bulk of the Mapaise n m o mt k rest my. If we do not share KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Brunswick Wfi.'.'p@n Weekly Gazette P Established 1850 -- _ ! New 12--Inch Black Label Records $1.25 The Ray Furniture & Paint Store Telephone 9 and cold, we not only FRANK H. JUST, Records Ten Inch Black Label Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings faf! in our humanity, 'but are short--| was the only power represented that. | sightedly injuring the prospects Of was in any position to respond to this | our own future. The world is now | appeal. It would not have--cost much | go bound together that every country| A few &arrisons here and. there, a \ is affected adversely by the failure,| much smaller;number--/of: men . than | economic and industrial, of peoples) row occupy the Rhine, an expenditure ifirwhmmfluof dmrb;'.&'nth.t"mmnyingto \from itself. Then in some 'degree keep them there, with the power of | America is responsible for this awful! America behind would have saved the | condition, e. g., Armenia When the: hundreds of thousands of men, women 'immn':"nwmn':sfilmmmnnbnnmnmd | was found with -- armies | and slain 'since Armistice day. Our | Armen illage 3""@"5'" mandate. ~Is it much to ask that we Turks; .. «who had given her| save those children that are "left? | sons--to the war in such numbers that| Near East Relief does not attemipt to " if the P s had lost her sold--| do anything for the 'men and women. .:}W%~ Unless its resources were multiplied ' boys and men| a hundred fold, it realizes that i. 1s | would have died on the field of battle;| helpless in the face of their problem. g-h."p.mud-n It cannot even save the children 1 massacred by the Turks,] Multitudes of them. must be left o | whose n were and are being put| die of cold and hunger, ¢ven if the ;| to death by the thousands 'in the wwfi the --| eruelest possible manner, and are suf-- are realized. What ~ we | fering horrors worse than the* death aim to do is to --provide food and ; appealed for some ma-- it to put its power between whose little, helpless children ndmi"&'h'if"hfi with blows and wounds, to die of starvation in the desert; Armenia, the oldest Christian nation in-- 'the Reduced To 2,000 SERIES "monke It of that It It would r to -- haw --»ate of that ictter I nukkt they rend. A L ooup -- It is « 40 -'}'r"-.'v'-*xn' flns Shen f@&'ri{' with his --on@ " ince. NIMBE ie i th edition of the alogue. "m l f«nfi;@k_fio ret statements m & "'P'}*- ," wn F l!;o +4 1'* gan, with man MA seli '&h" ~,'Jh{"" knows just ho .( many © -- 'w' 0 here we @~~ todgi, mtill mlu :',""r'? And get five for an @éwer; still trying o poratuilye ang a half for a € "'"':,' worth: of work; z;'w 'fi will not be do ":' 6. "nu' it; w a"." the ten comm@®® l nnn! rergree * n-:'hy!uwm: Scientists $y that our brain l/ Amal . § o s l greater than it 'centuries t Vfl'fifih Elrae many ced ago. Alithough we travel faster, _on a higher scal 1 5 flhi dress better d" better ' m money, thin we did in the dark ages, son. and others like him who know what ails American business. Many of them will not take the good advice they offer, but the chances are that in the long, run most qlflmwfllud'fiw':m' the coming year the ten commandments, the p table, "ld --other common--sense facts about business conduct will be ireated with more respect. -- * .~ # XC There is a difference, however, If we have the sunie weaknesses that_bother "'-w --prehistoric manwe _féel their effects mote quickly, and we are a little more agile when it comes to duflxmm papers; magazines and books to speak of. When some-- body said something that hit the nail on the head only a handful of people ever heard about it. .. were Today we are better off. 'Thousands of people have read the letter from the man who found that sucessful businesses 'are built by upright men, Thousands of people are hearing and reading the remarks of Mr. Sab-- are fun lantentally just about the same as'we W LIBERTYVILLE was the only power represented 'that. was in any position to respond to this appeal. It would not: have--cost much A few gatrisons here and" there, <a much smaller number <of * men . than row occupy the Rhine, an expenditure less than that we are now paying to keep them there, with the power of America behind would have saved the hundreds of thousands of men, women ::%Mlunhentomn-ed slain since ice day.-- Our government M-::":'amt'.the' mandate. ~Is it much to ask that we save those children that -- are "Jeft? Near East Relief does not attempt to do anything for the 'men and women. Unless its resources were multiplied a hundred fold, it realizes that i 1» helpless in the face of their problem. It cannot even save the children our : and to x do * the sume farSoms of the sthet hundred thousand are outside, dying by hu , whom we canmnot re-- ceive or lack of money, work-- ers and Retief > Appointed | Lake County has raised more than w | e saan n dviee'lflmnm< t #4, Last Monday: Paul Ray gave anoth--, -- /A 'Phils doctor : 'says : that This time he took Phe lucal puinters ) they "ypre Rpverdained:" | . . *' .. . °9 & a & how paint is manufactured,> ,; Shas: Suve . 3 o o ihe ooo Ton LA n ie P oHcag .. . They arrived in the foamy city early in the forenoon and went to the Patek Brothers Plant. a thro x = ¥ rm" various m"d thase Ti tpove tmeg us n shown 'the' 'fnsiness . and iwearing qualities of other kinds of paints:~ . ; thu&ouy.bho-invbld': + _ J 0 Ww# ®os 0 000 ..\ In a gamesof hearts a Libertyville The fellows unanimously mlvgm mu.Wu,,wnmtom tlint those babfes. sure wield a : | a young man hold her hand. -- ; lipstick. : _ i us j [ss * .3 & she * ealg j';'.° ; It's a mighty fine thing to die hap-- And the brew was -- of the --8@M°| py, But we can't help but feel it is l'fl'*f!:".'ffl fi old days, when a"}n,lu greater thing'to live that way: town was -- '.'Omfim- ; #%# %#/¢>-- > e wiore £" +A t | / 'she wants nothing we've ; Ampiay, on "wll the . won . that . Tapan mye ahe Dants nttbing weve Paul Wwhat a fellow dikes in 4B¢} %/.) any of the things she has way of entertainment . < :; . | Fant any of the things the has got half its quo*> for 1928. ~ Libertyville is m-mum to do its share. .At a dinner atithe Parish House on Tuesday to enable representative men and women t> meet Dr. Mason, who has given R his churtch--in New York to devote hi Jife to help the sffer-- dommittee was formed to co--operate ing people of Armenia, an Cfécutive with the county "?" with the following members: . 8.J, Batty, chairman; Pau! MacGuffin, secretary; "te> +s >" i# # # § . lhey Hade Rricais tor int Tare. of ¥ » ove Mike firn them >o death telling them your lates: *ymptoms. _' <--< F.<C 'Wright, treasurer; the Rev. Fr. Luttrell and the Rev. Mr:. Dickey. This commmittee will arrangée for: a canvass of the township next week, and it is requested that the churches mvfllmmu{hhln Each church or lodge should. provide ten such names. The committee wil} meet at theRectory on Monday eve-- ning at eight o'clock 'to perfect: its un e n oonrne ts i o ;:::'mm" G-nllfl:.': wellz;known musital organization of CONCERT AT M. E. 4 (_!nmcn WfiDAYlVB_. 8. Victor Lekberg, pipe . organist will give a concert at the Methodist Episcopal church on --Tuesday evening. January: mul'h:'h.h a-fl'n:. ;fi' n under "&m»nr lr.l'b-fi'i--u-hl-?m He will give a program of avaried nature and will endeavor to please the music loving people of Liber:y~ Tor at Winona Lake, Ind., and for® feow yeurs has been doing im and around Chicago, He Will render. "Sunset" by Dudley Buck; Ye" .by Jolin Prinder Scott And "Over the Billowy Sea" ~by.. EKarl .Smith.. Miss Blenda Sterner, < an /mccompanist of rare talent, will q6company Mr. Mitchell. The program will begin promptly at 8:156 o'clock.. There they spent a little while, be-- KE® OS EN E, the least expensive m gives you electric-- ity when you use it in Willys® Light" Junior. why can 'get elec-- tricel benefits on farms at less thar city rates. Investigate today. Fleeticity: . Froin Kerosene Dietz Motor Co. A M A N Te iniiaa Lake CURBST O U T TO W N | EAaolnonlemhomM to lie, and yet in some way or another 1%mnmfim . Voliva says, the world and Zion are | Mason, R. J fak. > _ o2 %lukhu» L 9¢ .t .. a # '~'. _4 Smith, L F. i neunl in im c iet 8 N o w t t £ 0 /. "I2. "Seore--KK _ I'll--bet that Doc has neyer.been newspaper men. 'The : .Fould's . Milling Company's. which outweighed. the local Jads al} night in a lopsided centest with' the | Garfeld Park mp Club at the | Auditorium <by ; the short--end | 'of a 47--19 score. ° Garheld .. brought | over a very heavy, fast aggregation, | which outweighted the local"lads all around. The Milling Company played | Mrmalhfidnm.butmudq! ndhh&lnhdfighmgmu-. saul of the Park outfit: ~ * .. . | Mason led the szcoring: ' for the | Fould's .quintet' dropping three from ; the field and three free throws. Smith | played. a snappy--game at forward, adding three field goals to the count, | while Suydam'and Barnett each sunk -'mrharfl-fic'fltu d&'l BASKET BALL : By Hours 1 to 5 P. M. Dr.CHAS. D. NIXON Let us answer it this wt¥£ We know what {:ur ailment is by a searching examination of the spine, and we know what chiro-- practic can do for it. We would advise you to visit your local chi-- ropractor at once, and have your. spirfe examined, -- If there are any deviations from the normal, the chiropractic will be able to find them, and if they are found, it is a very simple matter to have them remedied, The chiropractic's whole O.m.n& 'has been along the special line of locating and adjusting spinal subluxations. -- -- Jngpmomluhameufimhtflm.flmthqm,m : is ochimprwficamtfldinmmm,m%n&-r» Wnemas' Jeave the spinal canal. By_g 'and . i manipuhtiommfl' spine can be restored to the.normal =-- -- condition, and nature, the great healer, will inly restore you . _ & ¢ «7 i 1 4 Pamphlets and full particulars at office. > o oo Tt * ie e P ue . .c 9e Mients B tpaca t it 8 We have often been asked to state briefly what we considered whficmgg'rmmfla&motchfipmficadfim- mcnuhremvinstheunleofwmnydisemmdmtofing the victims thereof to perfect health. § Our is that chiropractors have found that the woli-- sfiudmhlieaflin th? greatmrvbusm'hfim, andt.fh:th a free ind uninterrupted flow of nerve ene to parts of the body can result in nothing but health. . m'"m;.fif'?o"""'mm@im'"'&""wm conditions are e to some > 80, ,ademnmthecauseaothatflxepatiéntm:.;ieamwcd of a return to perfect health.: & ; ¢ y 4 ply to the 'fluerias,.we would say that chiropractic hat never c that all pathologic conditions aré due to spinal sub-- iuxaddfa ere are undoubtedly diséased conditions 'of various organs due to hereditary defects, injuriés, operations, etc. h;'ff far the greatest number of human ailments are due to the mal-- alignment of spinal vertebrae. uhmmw- Epmtchimfite-actor'unlontemdeom'thmm ns. yond this he cannot go. 'l'hh'andthh;lone, is his work. The restoration to health is entirely in the hands of nature. If thehe is any foundation at all upon which nature can build the super-- structure of health, it will unquestionably be done. Can clarogractac adjustments remove the cause of my com-- plaint so that I may enjoy the great boon of health? . This is a perfectly legitimate question, and certainly a more could not be asked by an invalid." is OFFICE --NOW OPEN SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED °/ | «. Bcore--4T, '_ : ~ 3 \Fould's muting Co. | : 8. F. Suydam, . j 1 "ii;mtt. 'R}G.*+* >\ :3 >¥ | renner, .C. 0. 0 aison, Ruzicka, . R.G. Teschemacher, Gosner, L. G, Newcastle Hotel -- Why "Station to Station" Long-- Distance Calls Cost You Less You can save about twenty..per cent on your toll bills by using our "Stztion to Station" long--distance service. To co a call for a telephone number or E',-'Emmwwmmsg nqmmmleilumcwdumhl% ing: the line at the distant point while search is made zm wiahted f % Here are some samp.c rorms for putting in "Station to Station" calls. t Z. S Signal the operator in the usual wa ask her ator answers say : e * "Give me St. Louis; Main 1234. Will talk to ~"Give me Milwaukee,, Wis.; Smith, Brown & Company. Will talk to anyone."© $ # 'm. ' , W.-Q u'fl!',?umal'fi'u».,&? In a very. majority of cases it is found that 4 call mas &ayddu";w the partitt person the person answers can the ndle the business. & Specimen rates for "Station to Station" and other classes of longdistance service may be found in the tiofial i tion. IILINOIS BELL TELEPHONE'COMPANY efeteed. _ " s Rheumatism Headaches Phone 1608 . WAUKEGAN, IL. piles,-- eczema ani nervous dis Mc' wfthous the use of med icine or drugs. . _ " References furnished on ze Evenings 6 to 8 P. M. 1 wish to announce ISAI PETRE . |-- 3. wedls

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