Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 25 Jan 1922, p. 3

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-- *Tules of e m ~ measure. ~age; First Vice President, Mrs, F. H ed & &4 r~ gave. the "Kitchen Symphony" k»unmflomml Schilstra as director., _ | ~, Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Gmuhde' and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds were the | wnfihnlmha-br prian church with an estimated cost $18,000 to be built on the present site, The old building is to be %fl?&u"uu Roy V f t Chicago Sunday. _muugnhl. ys. Milton Frantsz has been very -- g:udht-oflnr,lu. '_Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siljestrom were hosts at a' Five Hundred party Saturday evening. Prizes were award-- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine and Mrs, Carl Anderson. The New Trier Tank Squad cap-- tured three dual meets Saturday, de-- feating Deerficld 49 to 10 in a Sub & ELD, "IH..--St. Clair and < counties have planted more to winteriwheat than any oth-- + eounties in the state while Voermil-- umummwtl _ Last Friday Prof. Phélps of -- Yale: ing back to normal." University addressed school| -- Louis Bottgen of Chicago is visit-- j He spoke :"fim of ing his daughter, Mrs. George Winter. duea and t of <eq.| Mr. Bottger has been given a three ' n for real happ | weeks' vacation while the firm . for .. N Diets is building a home| which he is working is taking a2 in-- + ie MDorothy Reichelt spent en"'-"-' Young is ~wiring Dr. :f#mm spent the vanmess joung is ~wirng --DF. : end in Chicago _ Heights "'Yw-hmemmuughu.m several other teachers attended ©2rpenters, Liners Brothers, have w*m'mfl.jflflmhifimfiou. | x und Marlowe in Chi--| . L-- W. Wakeficld made a busizness y. * tl'i'hflflt'mfiufldfl. o * officers have been| From forty to sixty people skate elected for the coming year by the W.| CVery night at the gravel pit. It is one ; Becond Vice Pnd", «"fi- 3 ; Treasurer, Miss Viola Rock-- ' The next meeting of the W. C. > U. will be held at the home of Rev. and: Mrs. M. L. Thomas on Friday, January 31, at 2:80 P. M. ---- Herbert M.-- Savage,. who . is ?'Hy.' K > h lot 4 in Block 1 to William Ates .:L&.-cluz.a.nhmonn- Park spent Wednesday in Deer-- W.udmmm Chi were guests at the Fred --Mrs. B. H. Kress visited Mra. Wil-- Ham A. Whiting of Irving Park, last GRAIN ACREAGE IN A. complete report of all winter| bn'mmw'nwfl this year 'in Tilinois, together with a com-- | 'mmmmmmi 1032, is boing made by the Bureau of | m:ua.murwm 'Dece lasue, of the IiHinois Cooper-- ative Crop Reporting Service, ---------- ------ . 'The report shows St. Clair county farmers planted 111463 acres in win-- wheat while those of Randoiph maty planted 110127 acres. Warren KnoX~counties have the greatest gcreage over . the -- revised 'm Warren county planted per cent--more this year than in d while Knox county planted 43 per Age was increased in 64, no change in 8 and 35 showing a decreased acreage. -- The 1920 acreage totailed 2,604,000 und the report estimates the 1921 ao will be 2,775,000, an merease of percent. 'The eondition of winter « on December 1, last was 94 ; of normal, Jefferson county t was in the worst shape being 75 ht of normal. : Of the 102 counties in the state, the Fugit . J, P. O'Connell, dentist, has an s in Deerfleld, over Hermann Con-- League meet at the New Trier mery store, on Wednesdays : days. Office hours from 9 a. p. m. Phote 218--R.s _ --4i four at the National Brick Yard ILLINOTIS COUNTIES Sunday \Friday is "everybody's day" and the fox--trot is danced: in addition to the other two. The young folks are "get-- ing back to normal." Raymond Pottger of Chicago a few days with his sister, 'i:' George Winter this week. «_ lfi-mu-c-nnum few days with relatives in Mrs. Cassie Harr is still unable to be around, having had a serious at-- tack of rheumatism and heart trouble. Verne G. Hall of 'Myrtle street, Waukegan, visited friends in Gurnee ~The Warren Cemetery Association met with Mrs. J, W. Gray on Wednes-- oenimnaine 2 so-- d-ty-qllhhdhmdlu Leslic Shields of Wadsworth was in Gurnee Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Lund of Waukegan visited their sister, Mrs. VanNess Young df Gurnee Sunday. Mrs. Delbert Faulkner is entertain-- ing her parents Mr, and Mrs. James Gullagsg of Washington. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McCann of Waukegan last week, Mr. McCann is a son of Mr. and "Mrs. T. H. McCann. The number of grandchildren now totals thirseen. Mrs, Mary McGarva was in Wau-- kegan on business this week. Mrs. H. O, B. Young spent Wednes-- Mrs. Edwin Potter has m very ill for the past week. She has had in-- Auenta i2 a light form. ¢ itor day in Chicago n oiee ---- .. m 8i ve la zriv:c. P o n' . .. Mrs. Thomas McCan» has returned home from a two weeks' yisit with relatives in Kenosha. _ The sixth, seventh afid eighth grades, chaperoned by Mr. Howard and Miss Mainwarring, attended the entertainment and 'bird lecture. <at Libertyville Saturday. s -- Many 'people will be glad to know that the students at Warren township high school are ercouraging the old fashioned graceful dances.> Lessons are given to the giris on Wednesday mfiuflmfi{flo}wfldbmmm at and to the boys on Friday, only the two--step and the waltz being used. Louis Bottgen of Chicago is visit-- ing his daughter, Mrs. George Winter. Mr. Bottger has been given a three weeks' vacation while the firm -- for of. the fAnest skating rinks for miles around and even Waukegan skaters make frequent visits here. latives in Chicago Friday. y MceCanh's are installing a new fur-- nace in their home. The one which they had put in recently was uasat-- M"\ x Mr. and Mrs, Will Murray of Rose-- erans have rented Will McCullough's house in Gurnes. + The Warren high school basketball team was defeated by the Antioch team here Friday night, and the Gur-- oad winl moo yrive' concmanatg l:mdmmmw agent for Florida: property, was in Gurnee on business Saturday., Mr. and Mrs. R. B Henléy. spent Saturday in Chicago A Miss Fay Milner spent the week end in Gurneée. S _ , The Royal Neighbors will hold their annual installation Saturday after-- noon, January 28. The Woodmen will install in the wexening of < the same Miss. Marjorie Mills was on the sick list last week | David Russell, blacksmith of Gur-- | . was. quite badly injured Friday | mt, when he--and Roy Studer were reéturning from . Waukegan in the! l@tter's automobile.. The machine ra~ into a culvert on Washington street, | throwing Russell through the wind shield. Studer was unhurt, but his car | wis baily damaged. > ~._______ _ | On Feb, 27, the third and Tist num ber of the Lyceum course will be pre seated at the high school. The -- Shu berts will entertain. L. W. Wakefield visited James Mfi'oww Saturday. "'Mm f Gurnee journeyed to. Lake 8-:- urday evening .where they were de-- feated by the Allendale boys by a day Paul --Blohm was a Wadsworth vis= score of 186. > Mr. and Mrs, Chatles Cape of Ra gine visited friends in Gurnee Sun Mrs. Richard--Hook visited relatives ~ Springheld, 111,--The child welfare movement has it impetus in recent years, Lil | other new movements, it has, p suffered from an ov&_fd activities. This is the natural result of --the entrance: of &pnnul equation, a perfectly desire for per-- sonal honors, and which is not con-- fined to any one community, rural or urban. The uM result» is that a mn duty is performed twice, pro-- y in different ways, and event-- dally important duties are overlooked my. Efficiency, in itself an and elusive term, can be 'Achieved only through intelligent, eentralized. effort and unified leader-- ALIZED, He had never collided with another. machine; never skidded off the road and into the ditch; nor run over even so inconsequential a thing as an in-- nocent chicken on a country highway. . "~_ He had driven automobilee ever since they had come into general use. -- . . P wmwddg y streets and all'kinds of stormy weather and : mig he had piloted his horseless vehicle without mishap.: He had often--laughed at the "boneheads" who were always being "towed in" after--smashing into something--a telegraph post, a bridge railing or some other fellow's car. _ *E ----_.He never for--a moment appreciated the fact that he had been fortu during all the years he had driven. -- Fact is sure was he of him-- self, that, had he been p ly solicited, he might have purchased and C to his radiator, a "This Car is Owned by Mr. Careful Driver." Down the street at a good clip He came one morning, the big machine responding readily to the tap of his foot upon the gas accelerator. # fully jnsut % * is the applica _--of Worack Service~ \Pan fny mavh ies WOraCk Servi€Q protecuive."_ imsurance you may suffer through your \own fault, or the -- based on scientific principles, mfihfl fault of others. *.: of study and esxperience. ) y e !.. Worachk SETViC@~ dmqrecsiie work ot bringing about a settlement ulloult:me Pss person or damage his property. y inillre. * Charles A. Worack ' Insurance -- Real Estate -- Mortgage Loans y 307 Washington St. Phone 491 Waukegan, IIL. We will be pleased to give iou an estimate on all or any portion of the above > risks you take every time you drive your car or leave it standing at a curb or in the garage. * All Claims Are Settled Promptly Perhaps you do not understand just what protection is offered to automobile owners and drivers by ? A p| The weighing and measuring of | children, which 'iitnadomd in | many -- Tilingis _ without -- a | trained Public Ith Nursé or Medi-- | cal School Officer, resul merely in the, Mflzfi"ndm many principal as it exists, and | without a scientific follow--up --treat-- | ment by the nurse and Medical School | Health Officer, is. of very little nlue-} e Copeland, Health Com-- relgioney b':.'ym?#'cm. in a re-- blie ress, said: "Observ-- :: ;"Mm mothers in the I:s uld'. it PJ% have a lfi infant death rate in that section in other sections of the city." That is a splendid * of centralized, unified leadership. _ 9e e e Aet us tell you just what it will cost to insure you against Fire, 'l'h@M Damage and Personal Injury to yourself or the other fellow. f e ix) le--Was a Careful _Driver, but-- _ Worack Service Dr | _ Child welfare work is to receive | the attention of the . National Gov-- | erniment. Under the provision of the | Shepherd--Towner Maternity Bill each state, by putting up an equal amoun:, iwfll weceive an: allotment of funds | to be used in pre--natal and infant ae s e indninanttt men its iDhHonol n llnieumk trained nurse form 1, unified Of which all these physical ts and con ditions may be-- The pa: :::will:cw Anformed not of the child's standing in its class work and of its weight, but of its physical condition, and will be ad-- vised to consult the family physician without delay when the physical de-- fects require such action. % A group of boys, playing marbles in the street wasqnitemnofieedmtil.eneltfl.chpw dut after his "shooter," right in front of the car. A quick tug at 'the steering wheel, but--not quick enough. mliulemarblemumfl under the heavy automobile as it into the curb and overturned. Mr. Careful Driver regretted tflofl that he had repeatedly refused to entertain the idea of let-- ting an Insyrance Company assume the risk of settling all claims for damage in just such cases. No matter how careful you are, there are Other fellows just as careless as you are cum and they are liable to smash into you at any Of course you may sue them for damages, but, you may find out to your sorrow that there is much truth in that old adage--*"Sue a beggar and catch _ The damaged machine was" for the first time, and, then-- e :. . PP An ambularnice was called. and the x youngster taken to the hospital, where for he laid hovering between life and death. -- cost to you is so slight that you cannot afford to drive your car another day without it. ; & is on the when you Worack Service---- .a.""n.'m';b of it." The th datdk seaves nave Complied ~ m , -- annidAacSnval the of the National| The seventh "'{d'.' rades & In as much as a htt. studying the "Underground 1 infly: mamshean s > oi Sooms hk to ns meves be for another year, Len Walter -- Narlock Ne l dnraom Governor of llinois, has taken were absent mnd m... Fantr matter --up with goverpment a "|was absent df, "'0'. ie ities and hm receive this i "Ine savaaa ho 2'" 'deo ate allotment, , that mother @00 now reading "Tales of o e child welfare work may be fur b week ° Doris Geary was absent week extended. n@ infant welfare acti 'is much to be done in of infants. Whai the wh eannot. be ylefinitely know 'H.rdu)'mre 2 m .we 'yet in the A we will have k states have complied rqh- made progr lim recent years, Many however, . have --no for the past month i o l ® _Mr. and Mrs. Wm family, Miss Russell, Mr. V' F. Nordmeyer and children Otto Frank home last week, GOULD 24

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