Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Feb 1922, p. 2

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k iC TEsmaie ;E MRS. M. L. CHANDLER _ | Mr. Peterson of Chicago called OM Eg;;, $ Local Editor f his family Tuesday. j e ts -- Phone 122--J _ Miss Anne Waltman visited her &,_______._._------------------ | parents over Saturday and Sunday, §~+ 1 ¥Fred Voelker Monday | _ The remains of Mrs. F. Grabbe of ' J"b'cm llu.%ip Morse | Libertyville were laid to rest in the _ of Gilmer . ~~| Ivanhoe cemetery Saturday afternoon, * Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Meyer visited, . The Mystic Workers will give 8 6. Vfihw latter's nlmlr&' dance at the Woodman hall Feb.23. . Peters of wthen&ond.,fiwnybodyi-flhdbmd.ndm en oo mnl Wreszszar af Hiehland their friends, 4 at Long Grove on Saturday evenIng. Townsend Smith made a business (trip to Chicago on Saturday. .. Miss Edna Shepherd attended . a mhuhnyvilhusmr&ym C. G. Smail with a party from the North Shore office at Highwood spent Ext t Aetso® s Miss Lutille Kramer of Highland M-mr'olh-r auat Mrs. Herman Kueblank Sunday evening. » Allis Newbore of Chicago was =' h '...' visiter at the Garrett ";;."i"l.--mm spent Tuesday in Waukegan n are tot. ty and femily, Mr. and Mrs _!. "-- %WNMY- Mrs. John H. Rouse and Mrs. Emma B. Rouse were Waukegan visitors 0n itnlnhflly. . Walker of Chicago spoke at the Sunday morning services at the relatives in Wauconda on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Dalton: entertained the pupils of the grammar room at a Mm.nhfl-y evening. Mrs. John Mitchell entertained a number of Waukegan--and Liberty-- ville friends at a luncheon on Monday. ' Morris Chandler made a business trip to Chicago on Monday. ' -- Mrs. John Rouse spent Friday with Mrs. Frank Wirtz. ~-- Mr. @ad Mrs. Townsend Smith at-- Aended a dancing party in Waukegan on Saturday evening. . Mr, and Mrs. William Zersen and Mrs. E. W. Fenner motored to Wau-- :-.m)".vu-cnuo visi-- rapidly® and can now walk with the asgistance of only a cane. Miss Philomena, Newbore® of St. Marty's was the Sunday guest of Mr. 'und Mrs.-- Garrett Newbore., 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swan and fam-- y spent the week with friends i2 Mr . and Mrs. W. D. Porteous spent Bunday with John Portsous and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Porteous. the week end at home. oo m _ Mrs, Ralph Rouse and son Law-- rence called on her mother Mrs, R. F. Arthur Nickoly of Conrath, Wis., who returned from Kansas on Satur-- zhvflhgnhfivulnm-md wiknity for a few days before return-- ng home. Last summer when Mr. hmubuuhmu- sompanied by Edwin Roder who spent several weeks there visiting relatives. K. A. Smith was a Waukegan visi-- tor Saturday afternoon. A number of friends surprised Ridgely Ray Saturday afternoon in honor of his birthday. w Aid society will be en-- by Mrs. J. Hacketsweller aad VWrs, Will Ray on Friday after-- noon of this week at the home of Mrs. Hecketsweiler. Miss Dorothy Harding was a Chi-- cage ticitor Saturday. Morris 'Wileox of Evanstor spent Miss Lorettra Dorfler attended a MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME | ,,°@# Area The Citizens State Bank of Area Twice--paid bills are generally due to cash--paid--bills. Such transactions never occur when bills are paid by check. Because a check. must be indorsed, making it a legal receipt, and the amount paid is there in "black on white." Pay by check. There's a reason. their daughter IN "BLACK ON WHITE"®~ Miss Louise Ransom was kegan caller Saturday. Miss Edna Shepherd spe"t day and Sunday with Miss C Anderson at Libertyville. nicely and will s6on be able to be Out again. 11 a. m. Subject Power of Prayer." sundayldlulntdnnnulhm next Sunday. The contest is now on so come and bring all the . recruits vou possibly can. Church service at Waukegan Boilee Workers at the Waukegan Y. M. C. A gymnasium next Saturday night. f Albert Snyder and family spent Saturday in Waukegan. 3 Mr. Kramer has purchased a five Saturday. -- about to give their annual negro play this week, Friday evening, Februatr, 17th at $ p. m. at the Town hall, and they kindly wish to have it under-- stood that everyone is invited, old as well as young, and furthermore they munity to be present. Quite a lot of "grit' haven't they. Well let us turn out anyway and give them a full house and encourage them in their| work. O, I nearly forgot to meantic.. that they are going to give you two plays, one entitled '"The Bm{ Club of Blockville," and another, '"The Nigger W."Aholhnbtl social after the plays and they want all the girls and the ladies as well as the elderly women. to bring baskets so as to give everybody a chance to buy their sweethearts lunch. Admis-- sion 15 and 25 cents. I thank you. urday eandle shone on the little faces of| Mrs. Lee Kane and Mrs. Robert seventeen happy children, This is just : Rouse were Chicago visitors on Wed-- the beginning of the parties our) nesday. * © little beginners' class will have as they | _ Many were attracted from here to H-dbflwm"ILWIuhpnonForley.Amongthou -o;&urtpdfi-ondlmtle who attended were Mra. C. Mitchell, eonstruction work and teaching out-!lr. and Mrs. Paul Allanson, Mr. and side of their Sunday school work. Mrs. Lee Kane and Mr. and* Mrs. birthday party at the homé--of Miss Virginia Kohout of St.. Mary's on Saturday. ® There will be a W. C. T. U. meet-- _ Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Newbore e~-- teitained a few friemds from Liberty-- v{#k on Thur: davy evexing in honor of their tench we Ming asniversaty. The peck of Wisconsin No, 18 winter wheat exhibited by L. A. Huébsch at the Utility Corn Show, i:'rfivflnm January 17 to 27 won prige in | the hard winter wheat . class . and lgnnd champion over all varieties at the show. C Cameron on Thursday aftermpon of this week. 4 Attention! . The Boy Scouts are Mrs. Leslie Ujlrich and son Norman of Ivanhoe spent Friday v'fl Mrs. E. O. Wells, haithe. _ Mrs. Tonne ard Mrs. Charles Herschberger of Long Grove ~were guests of Mrs. Edwin Roder for a few nays last week Mrs. John Wells spert Wednesday with her daugzhter Mrs. E1 Boawmner x# Round Lak: Mrs, William Herte! and son of e _ & IVANHOE All | spent Satbuie Miss Christing TH W aus rrw,.fumoon & number -- of : old frit neighbors of Mrs. H.| Helfer nfid at her home to bid ' farewel} to her. Mrs. Helfer was pre-- | sented with a cut glass dish. In the | evening the gentlemen came and the c vening passed quickly playing bunce| and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Helfer have made Lake Zurich their home for many years and will be missed by a large circle of friends. The-- good wishes of the community -- go ~with x to their new home in Liberty-- .'The Rook club met with Mrs. Hm-- man Monday afternoon. > Mrs,, Weaver and h? visited at Waukegan over the end. h:;htbi nnhr medkg at -- the P 6 i school house. -- In thm each E.'nmm'mv Chlle::ojm'*_ and Hittle son re-- turned home from Chicage & birth of w tittle son to Mr. and Mrs. Howe (nge Hokemeyer) at their home in Michigan. Mrg.: Mary Potts visited at the Fred Kropp home in Lake Zurich last Mrs. H. Heise was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. . Miss Lillian Surma speat Thursday with her sister Mr3,. Otte Obenauf in Fremont. John Voss of Chicago was a guest at the Joe Voss home last week, -- LAKE ZURICH---- |First Annual "Ford _Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyér enter-- tained a number of relatives . and friends in honor of Mr. Meyers' birth-- day last Wednesday evening. Christ Kruckenberg, Wm. Kruck-- M.PMMndAzm Knigge took in the auto show at Wau-- kegan last Saturday. . Quite a number of friends surprised Old flour sacks are used in the Near East Relief orphanages in Bible lands to make "nighties" for the Tdmdnsmuyuted by the Many were attracted from here to Waukegan on Ford Day, Among those who attended were Mra. C. Mitchel}, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allanson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kane and Mr. and* Mrs. Gordon Ray. Mrs. George Thatcher entertained a number of friends Thursday .in honor of her daughter Priscilla's birthday. Mr. and Mrs, George Ray spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd C. Ray in Libertyville. Several from Were -- attended . a birthday party for Mrs. George Gherke at her home in Gilmer Satur-- day evening. . a. -- Mr. and Mre. Art Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse attended the funeral of Charles Pierce. at Janes-- ville on Thursday, Mr.--Pierce was a brother--in--law of Mrs, Annie Rouse. A number d'uh.ond Lake young people 'the -- annual nasquerade at Long Grove on Sat-- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs.. Lee Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Horman and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rouse captured first prize as best group. They were dressed to represent a pack of cards. Plan to atterd the Aid meeting at Wm. Einasman's on Thursday, Dinner will be served at noon for which a smail sum will be charged. There will be a business meeting with election of officers for the coming year in the afternoon. economical relief workers. spesch said that the only time she heard the United States appland at the meeting of the League of Nations at Geneva was when Charles V. Vick-- rey, general escretary of the Near Kast Relief told of the relief opera-- tions of the American people Three Doctors Twe Hour Service l!lI.Mu WAUKEGAN [ 100 S. Genessa St. We insure Glasses Against Miss Jame Addams in a recent 2 axail ®dition of State and Madizon ."."M eago's builest corner were as thick as fleas on a . dog's back. ~ 'T¥aific congestion transformed Genesee ang . W ashing10D Mrlno and T-ua up . Genesee _ street where i shook and bounged through the mail businessDdistrict of--the city. eyebrows, mustachiq, and goatce of a villainous ° purple--black hue, . pranced down the street at the bead of the par-- ade with saddie bags fapping, chaps and kerchief fying i8 the wind, and at the. chuscing taied bie. Award of Prizes M. V. Smith, with the most dilapi-- deted was bussy in the line, rattled along ~with fenders hanging to the By GEORGE G. CRAWEORD With a rattle, a bang, a wheese, and a snort, 75 Fords Saturday galloped down Genesee street, Wau-- from all over the county crowded i ons o n ie special bargains local shop keepers, and Fords The parads of "Lizzies"~started --at 10 o'clock from South Sheridan road, «round the stocrimg post of a "Can"* and he took n:st prige for leangth and kegan, to the crash and houl of the Drum and Bugle corpsin celebration of the first anoual Ford Day. People Pesrson's '"Avo fost and inches" of anatomy . were still riding in a W. C. Conn was second with 6 feet % inches to twist up in the driver's seat of a Pride of Detroit, and imme-- dintely following him were K. L. Breown of HZion and James SBalmen of turber of 'the Peace" followed as INne noisi¢@t Henry in existence, , with John D. Williams taking 4 noisy sec ¥o demonstrate . that there are "Pfordes" and Fords, Waliter Schue ber and John Shea took first and #8¢-- equipped cars in the parade, and they nummed alon: with the case and beauty of the mayor's Mew Marmon. J. Petree, azed 67, and Martin Mold-- ers, aged 65, were thg--Oldest men driv-- ing Fords. Th: youngest boy to drive a Ford wa@s Frank m.."" 8, but the first prize (or a young boy »went to the younges member of the Nels Pearson family. who was six months parade Five fair figppers Forded forth for fun, and besides the fun they each taptured a box of candy each, and a pair of silk stockings. They --rode in Barbara Popes "Flying . Alligator," ind were so very charming in their luxurious Fliyver, that the judges fell filat, and couldn't see any other girls in the parade. mbe::loopu?odprhemtto. E. T. Sargent, whose sedan was as-- | sembled and purchased yesterday. He | 'ufdlowodnc.l'.llflh.n-' lic from 'way back in 1906. Fred | llbomuhadtb.-nold'.sbur! mode} of the 1996 . variety. H. R | Hughes and Nick Larson battled for | the honor of needing paint for their bus | the most, but Hughes won out when the mayor asked Bim . what color it had been before the Civil War. . PFor beauty of passengers, rm{l ® +** Sttbictie ~ Cummings ~et all" and Mr. and Mrs. for 1922 automobile !i m:ohn.,nmmmhmlw-n-u:rmmn handsomest couple in the parade. Mr. and chautfour are here. A mwmntmb"mhlmlmhuk. Regis the oldest m«n im the parade, but with | ter Bldg., Libertyville. he rode in the Flivyver Fair Flappers Flap Telephone n Service Must Go On Day" A Success The blizzards of winter and the cyclones and adml summer are the inveterate enemiecs of .h service. § with ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY for street his smiling wife beside him, hay eyes shining with ad'nqu*uunn' her handsome husband, they were elim-- | ingted : from the age contest,. and | awarded the more complimentary hon / or of handsome couple. E The climax of the parade was reach-- ed when Roy Coldwell and his driving partner *gidapped and whoa'd" down the street in their riell--diver Henry with radiator and head lights on eith-- er ond, and steering: wheels pointing forward and to the rear. 'As the nut-- uest Ford 'on wheels, the Mell--diver Henry takes the berries, and Also the S Best Ford Truck ~ The best.Ford truck was driven by Anton Volmary, the best speedster, by Wayne Vogel, and the best decorated the Pine Lawn Dairy. J. P. Harm came all the way from DeKalb, a distance of 108 miles, and Arthur Mermin "Lissied" 86 Omiles from Chicago to gallop his Mud Turtie in the race. In the drawing of the lottery, L macnunufi.&xgun Walter of 634 Ash street the $15, and Waiter Disch of -- $#7° Williams street got the 10 spot. K. H. Esche did the drawing for prizes. youngest boy in the parade took se-- cond prize for the best looking Ford sedan in the show.. . -- & All prize winners will cale at the ar-- After the parade, the Ford day cel-- ebrators mobbed the city stores, and a record business was transacted, as the people bought merchandise offered at astounding values. Lew Lioyd Dusham of Wilmette ind Dorothy E. Mack of Chicago. vex Nermemikt of Rorth Chitago. Yorsa of North Chicago. Jane A. Pogas gnd Johanna Milier, both of Chicage. the afternoon at the armory where Wilson & Ohm but on a power farm ing show, and taught them the value and efficiency of Fordson tractors. Bernard Brenman and Florence Keller, both of Chicago. MARRILAGE LICENSES und Tavas Marevic of North Chicago Cariton R. Milier of Appleton Hermina Jaguson of Neenah, Wis Morris G.-- Ingails and Winifred Svendsen, both of Chicago. Korenin, both of Waukegan. Harry Debraska and Julia Raffers, both of Milwaukee. mu-hnquum both of Milwaukes. oraid D. Whitney and Aileen Ander-- son, both of St. Charles, T. Samuel Terzis and Angeline Movioi-- di, both of Mitwaukee son, both of Chicago. sorge Becker aund Mollan Peppler both of MBwatkee. & Arden G. Bradiey and Mary Fuesch! both of Milwaukee. John Deroff and Ida Koepke, both AUTOMOBILE OWNERS® ATTENTION! and Mary Blanchard of Seattle has enabled the and their friends nds spent of Mil Ander FOR SALE--Pure bred Holstein bull FOR SALE--Hatching Eggs, .Poor-- man's White Rock, Fishel's Wyan-- FOR SALE--Large Single Comb Khode Island Red Cockerels of qual-- ity. Golden Queen pop corn which received special premium at Lake county Fair suitable for seed or popping Gordon Ray, Area Phone 296--R--2. 10--3t FOR SALE--Ten ton first cutting clover hay, loose in barst . . _ FOR SALE--First éifis baled tim-- othy hay and unbaled in the barn. Also shock corn. Nettie Kiddet, FOR SALE--Single comb White Or-- FOR SALE--Modern 7 rm.' stucco residence in A--1 condition. Part oak trim. Fur. bt. lavatory 1st fleor bath FOR SALE--Six room home mront sive ons prandast of Houte bull. Some very--nice calves at $85. E. J. Giss, Prairie View, I!l,. -- Prone 958--R--2 s 11--3t cubator with full equipment. Also Rock. At reasonable prices. Standard Poultry Farm, DR SALE--Large Single Comb Khode Island Red Cockerels of qual-- ity. Golden Queen pop corn which received special premium at Lake county Fair suitable for seed or DKR. OTTO R. THOMPSON good Holstein Cows to Treshen soon. Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates : 5¢ per line per insertion. ; If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or @xchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. -- You will get results. f i Large lot, fruit, ete. Centrally 1 eated. Reasonable. Phone 212--W. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable cost as you can if you make your wants known here. -- A trial will convince you. exceptionally large lot. Barn. Some fruit trees. Located near center of town. Priced very low for quick sale. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bildg., Phone 90, Libertyville 9--f SAVE YOUR EYES--CONSULT Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property REAL ESTATE LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone 3148 N. Ashland Ave. Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL. -- * _ 2 Doors South of Belmont ROOM 9 Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1837 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD JOHN HEIM International 8--16 mt l."aWi(t)h glow $690° Titan 10--20 With Plow Fitted with Pilllne'i', Governor, Platform and Fenders $575 fii&'nemmr-fi Classified Ads Schanck Hardware Co. Tractor Pri Reduced of x | LOST AND FOUND DELIVERED 11--4t ster' -- Let me put the "sure" in insurance #--+f for you. Schnaebele, ,'6_',__,." Sss acre Dairy F t ~-- mnew 12 room house, arranged for two individual families, hard wooed WANTED--Two furnished rooms for FARM WANTED--Wanted to hear YOUNG MEN ,WOMEN,Over 17, de-- GOOD NEWS TO FARMERS. I am now selling double units Bull Milk-- ing Machine pails for $110 ~each. machine in your barn complete, I barn for 50 head of eattle and com-- plote set of other buildings. This is a choice farm azd under a high state of cultivation. T. J. Stahl & Office, Phone 90 nnqwn-rdn: for . sale,"flhui:ll; monthly, write for free list 'of positions now open, R. Terry, (for-- mer Civil Service ¢xaminer) 1400 Continental Blig..'mlll).g paper over 800 cows in Illincis be-- ing milked with this machine ab~ solutely satisfactory. I will demon-- free of charge. f B.Mmm--! gasoline --torch k MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Established 1888 $720*° 11--.2t uL. it.

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