t vale s s vaee * Mrs, Fred Labahsn will entertain the March meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul's Evange'ical Messrs, Raiph Horeaberger and Jack @.mam wAas the guest of Mr. ard Mrs. E. H. Williams Wednesday. Mrs. P. J. Scully who has been ser-- ton of Chicago Sunday. Misses Martha and Jane Karch at-- tended a luncheon on Saturday at the home of Mrs. H. Eagstrau of Chicago. Ie 1. is tame meke oy Hiaks Eo4 wmm,fiomm Ir.udluw:wg.u'th' Ledgerwood) announce | son on Sunday, February 26. * George and Mary Doyle of Liberty-- wille were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fritch Sunday. 8 * Mrs. Sarsh Adams and Lois are Mrs; Fred Kimbark of Ravenswood. Willman 'were awarded prizes. *Mrs, James Warren (Laura Jonus) passed away after an illiness of pneg-- monia Sunday at her home in Kansas. Mrs. Warrén is a former resident of ~The Deerfleld Mercantile Company opened their new store for business on Wednesday, March 1. « If you have been immersed in busi-- ness all through the week, Sunday is a good time to come up for a breath of fresh air. We invite you to the Sunday UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH At the ing service the -bjut-:.ill b.m and Closed Door." In the evening , "The Unchangeable Purpose of God." _ . will meet Tuesday afternoon, Ms "th, at the home of Mrs. A. : M. Heifer of Lebertyville was a It %s reported that another child of H. Reingcke has scarlet fever. Mr. of the community and neighbors in th:'.dz.dm F Birds won hm#"flm.n day ngle men in a basketball game 36--6 'ednesday 'évening at the school _ Miss Grave Branding is home from wehool on account of sickness, | March ist. Who said winter was mffilzrw-adlh't with this and wind, EA Wolf < of Barrington visited c in en us m apen mtmhfl. > _ It is remored that we are going to v2 24 PM en bosinees pragee Miss Alice Tonne is on the The little sons of Wm. Ankle have en sick with bad colds the past Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rohman, Mrs. 8. C. Herron was a Chicago visitor LAKE ZURICH the teachers mid--winter meet-- gaests at the R. D. . and Mrs. Elmer have the of of and -- Alex Mrs, Jane Neville is gaining sl0WIl/ !"Mn(quiu ill for some time. '"fiu'dtrthecaneofbl'.m ' of Crystal Lake. $.2°% W Dr. Tl"l. ' N in Atterdance also prahne wm'L Srcadpinelefperarcagteaicea wg Tiffany wheo has been i at her home on " side of the lake is slowly C Dr. Wells of McHenry is in & Jay him up for some time. Dr. £ ram of Grystal Lake is caring Wm, Kirk who resides on the old Let Beach farm four miles west of Waznconda had the misfortune to off a load of hay a few days ago fracture his hip. Mr. Kirk is not a W, 8. Farngsworth is sm.fi"y, weeks with his family and helping to move from Farnslea farm to Mrs. Lucy Clougn's cown resiience. ~Mr. Dixson. brother of Rrank Dix-- son of the meat market will move to rwammu Mr. W da'wfi 3::..&_ end with relatives in Chi-- Mrs, M. 9. Clark went to Chicago Monday to see her daughters Viola and --Lyddia who are both L > week end. Mrs. Deary and Mrs. Turn-- -- "Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Pratt were Chicago pasengers from here Monday Fisuces tiaiigd as the home of Mrs R ome Caddie Turner of Grayslake for the morning.-- Mrs, Pratt stayed for a few days' visit with ber daughter Mrs. John and Ray Murphy sons of Mr. and 'Mrs. D. H. Murphy have rented the Lake Side hotel and took posses-- sion March 1. They will run a inotel and restaurant. This house is on Main street and is located so it will accomo-- date many autoists on their way to and from the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Colby and children and Mrs. Sherburen of Crys-- tal Lake were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of R. A. Prior. Mrs. Henry Shafer and young zon are a few days this week at the of Mr. and Mrs. George parents of Mrs. Saafer. arourid here for several days. A bliz-- 'were called here Saturday on account of the serious iliness of their mother, Mrs, Henry Golding. -- There are so many people moving from one place to another just now it is hard work to keep track of them. Lese Geary has moved from the Brown farm in Fremont to the McMahon farm on the Volo--McHenry road. Al Jones is moving from the Brand farm t the Brow1 farm*vacated by Geary. Bert Dowell from the Osman farm to the Brand farm. John Osman from zard is coming our way too, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cook entertained friends from Chicago the fore part of Stubbins from the old Slocum farm to the house in town vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bruncheon who have bought t!rdl_flu!hhn town rd- move from the Carr place to his new reaidence near the mill, Mr. and Mrs. "~WAUCONDA -- cigarett¢ at the price. Liggntt U Myors Tobacce C+. Taste is a marter of We sate it as our honest / sef se uon that the tobaccos used ling is sead ill e 4 Ugay. farm. are of finer )¥ v Q -- THE Mp. Thomas b The en p given by the W. R. C. last well attended and a pleasant m by those pres-- ent. The ceremonies opened by a prayer by Rev. Riley and singing of America n%-: Mr. Kent gave a ghort addr@s®, There was singing by a male quartet, also singing by little girl= of the primary school. There was singing and recitations by the same class of little girls, Rev, Hal-- lock gave a short addreas, also Rev. Riley. After the ceremonies _ the usual Junch was served and a social hour was spent ere they departed for their homes, _ o . .3 _ Mrs. Charles Davis of Wall Lake, Jowa, is &st the home of her parents, tne home on the At Mrs. Charles Davis of Wall Lake, Iowa, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and> Mrs. Timothy Bacon, who mw their 60th ling aznniver-- sary Saturday evening 8t home on the Bacon farm le sgchoo} house. Allr&d;' chil« were present to celebrate L except "l'& Mh v o EeE : 'There wmflutwim great grand children Friends and neighbors who paid their respects to this ee aged Ig who bavelfifl"l es in that community, ' & of in wicnes. Rh it W have passed out of this life, two in infancy and two of mature age. Five of the gix living children were home for the celebration of their anniversary,. A son and a daughter live at the old bqgand_ugnlufiemdm*' -- The basketball team started out on ¥ne tournament tour Thursday going" in lart is m::h'ruufl-v fore-- .00! pl"ifl p & a% & My.hihy'udlm. 3 w.waqnnundwth w y m.mher'd'zumphn- ning to attend these games, _ _ The play given by the W. T. S. H. l.hst'ddre:du:rpmdm was well worth g over bad roads to attend. Each and every one earried out his part perfectly gnd much credit is due them. The proceeds will go to-- wards the commencement fund. The work of finishing the sewer ditch on Main street is progressing favorably. So far there has been no trouble from quicksand as--was ex-- ~ Another car load of.. hogs" eattle were shipped from here ° mnesday afternoon. & is tough going for teams and autoists. © It is rumored that Mrs. Aherns has bought the bouse and a large vaca2t store on Main street. day and was buried Friday at Grant cemetery. l_'lhhl"ldlilhfl'uel.b caller 'i'nimv o Tharsday after-- They will reside in one of Richard-- son's fiats. ' ~hesterfield trom ROUND LAKE n Mrs. Seymour's house t of his father, Chris Thoma: _--_ ~CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos--blended . Alfo that Mrs. M. + JLax Es away to the of will it C N tters verything con them who wait; € But here's & y that's slicker, Those who go-- what they want it . quicker. 'u".'..':".'. p Gilmer Schoot -- c ed) ho have attended the Gil-- .: are: Lew Brockway, Clerk Waukesan; Miss Zoa r; Miss Fannie Morse, AIndian Missionary; Miss Lilly Morse, sccount of Agh@RIRE) mi<--winter Insti tute. "a'tf tb Alivira M: B, Paulson, Edith J--abm .HA' M?'Ebmr&' :l. "H?; ige -- ion, -- tr@® pusemuligmi---- --sihgnelprint 4 Th id Er; Jay Morse , Ass't ~County ; Ed. teacher, 9A Some %M in the Gilmer school house: r band meeting., Farmers' Alliance mecting, ~Sunday ~ Harry :m, Lioyd Cummings, nha&o. mr Mabelw Keil-- and Ma -- er were perfect in speliing for the ig::l'a&au_'.g;x Mildred Ern-- #n' grade were ect hmfia.m perh There was 1 Thursday and MaymmW"- Five 1 apils red our school Iomflm%m and Frances Fra~k and Anna Peres. We now a total of 21 papils. The grades took their see-- ond on last week, Miss -- n Hapke and brother Albert were Wauconda callers last " .,', " "' HmL ~.. ~A No school Thuraday of this week on Miss Esther Deits visited Mrs. Gertrude Hapk: Sunday afternoon. © August Meyer moved to his new home in Lake Zurich last week. Anna and Geor@® Peres visited at ~b-ollr.=lrl.'l'0-v.b mison Sunday a(t--®n00a. _ -- Edward Deit: visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe D#its on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lillian H1 pke of Evanston visi-- ted her pare~ts Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hapke a few days Inst woek, Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield of Lib-- ertyville visited Mr..and Mrs. Bristol Some of the boys have been making Gilmer aghoo! news. You are sCHULTZ BcHOOL from ng our second bi-- SCHOOL the second and <y making differ-- sion ~ Handsome Tweed Suits Arrx Hem Co: New Polo Cloth Coats smadhs sha "cciees, in poite« Northern IIL. Greatest Store for Women 122 182 '25 A Striking Event Is This Great Sale Of were conts mors popular than are thess Of this elegant Pole cloth in a wide Now Comes A Great Sale Of 1000 NEW DRESSES _ watine, velours and crape ait in angpounss <Aniiniii lity ns un :n = $19.50 _ Sensationally Priced at--