Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Mar 1922, p. 1

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of children asicep; 'The parents had ing several gallons of moon. It was the county court. He pleaded guilty to the manufacture and sale of in--' tomienting liquor, andwas sentenced to 30 days in jail. He started serv-- ~Carl Wagner of Highwood, oper-- etill in his > and Aa2ds 2508 muney solfiy 1igeor to night, and a small quantity of moon-- raids netted them--evidence, but their car had decided on spending a peace-- ful evesing on Twelfth street for all efforts fuiled® to btart the engine. A husty searth showed that alt of the wires, ao necessary to the good be-- SEYENTY--SECOND YEAR-- parted with their arrival at the curb n bad peepiies uy srain Toey Patked thilk uks on Twolith wires leading to the--spark plugs wore not to be found. the 'Willard Battery Service station, and today the car is being rewired. . 'The sponge squad had to be content d'lfim.umm streat, 'resting casily in the coun-- ty jall becarss they could not raise the ©$21000 "Bonds fixed by Judge fence and baling owire, four cylinders were conmected=up and the "water m"*fin%m.( The raiders claim that Steve had a quantity of moon and he is booked with possesing intoxjeating liquor. It was BSteve's "moon joint" where the sallors who were pinched for refusing to pay their taxi bill yesterday, got their Nquor. Frank Bujanauski had been raided night before last, and a small quan-- tity of wine was found, 'but : last night's visit by the raiders was made at the opportune moment. ' Frank is said to have just arrived in an auto-- mobile with a load of strong wine. The raiders found about 20 gallong of wihe in jugs of various sizes, and a .*.q e m . "'.,'" The sponge squad with their usual " hnd been pulled out. The Worked for an Hour anty Scomq, -- te: zan > . §p Auto Wrecked NO, 20 into ."h" as the frost has -"inhow;umrm prevents.a run--off of surplus water. AB soon as the machinery can be pur-- start repairing the romds. ~~ * _ A change has been made in certain state--aid 'routes, and the Green Bay roud, from the Wadsworth road to the Wisconsin--Illinois state line, will be one of the first to be improved. Wisconsin has built & ~concrete ~road from the state line into Kenosha, but the 'road just south of the state Jine is in bad condition. . It is expected main roads into the gity: from the central part of the county. € copy of the résolution to the state de to the county for use in the ment of; the. Beivider® road, . A resolution was Aadopted by -- the board authorizing .C. E. Russell, su perintendent of bighways, to . pur that the road will be improved before whether or not Lake county suspects are making booze containing: nore than one--half of one per cent alcohol, was continued last Thursday after-- Vote To Repair : Belvidere Road over to the settiement of routine busi-- ness, and the question of offering a reward of $100 for the township road to the special meeting of the board called for April 8. Charles E. Russél) asked that a spé-- for Aptil--1 so-- that all road questions "h"mmnjh couds tw be built this spring. of the supervisors objected to meet. will probably be a short bne day see commissioner who keeps the roads in his township in the best state of re-- whether or not Epstein is to be paid not in excess of $500 of the $1,065 which he claims is due him The board adjourned .the regular March session at 4:30 o'clock Thurs-- The barns# and other outlying build-- ings are directly across the road from piace where there is atove | f Besides 'this loas to Mr. Gos»«!, an auto, that was stailed on the road ncar there Friday night and which was stored in the batn wntil repairs could be made, was also destroyed. The The farm Is owned by Mr. Kempeort Is rented by Nr. an .;& e N through» Nig's: stp Ame pr out the county as th old Mayo place. .~ +o 8 M -'w." 2C .? the ouk will e RRle . s i. Inv for the wing »mude by th* was given Suf-- The $1,000 will of Archie Gibson of hbgm',udmdmman.'fi bate several days ago, has been uu-.:mchm of h.q' ' Gibson -- at. the Lake M%'mrum, cared for by neighbors for a n 'm.:hmwe"'" neighbors had cared for him and no relative was known to be alive. Notice was givenm by publication, and __Judge Persons ordered that the or-- det' admitting the will be probate he set aside, and new petitions filed. c M' Aw . follows "Fo the Honorkble Mayor and City + n p=-- Of the City of "' with an old schoot friend in the east -u' death. "She in turn notifed the d varced wife of Gibson, who appohres in the county court this morning and proved heirship for herse'f and chil-- wife had known where the other was Labor Unions of City Ask ----Council for "God Given . Many of Waukegan's laboring péo-- amWM"Mw Rttitude on the question by passing resolutions asking that . Waukegan stay on a "God given" time. The latest of these resolutions to m Dtal No. 202 of the In:crnationsl ro of ~Teamsters. Chaut i wnd Heipers voted t ® to daylight saving tide, and 'are NOT in favor 0t it They o : mnity n horelietid son and not try to mak: Te oo piny soft a.. horses at very resy PUBLISHED TM. 3E WEEKLY vou t} IBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS® WroxEspay, me this believe ont ~ 'Of don. -- Rntriee wi made by the British Betkabire , a letter from the secretary, A. W. Hewett, an nounced. 'The l« written to Frank Springer, of the Amer-- Frank Springer, of the Amer u-wn.# head quarters here. t wte Oscar Mai Burled. Bloomington, M 14. --The audi tortum of the new school build-- Ing here was turned. a temple in z& a buria\ ser secording to Jewigh rites fot Ysert Manaci. ongrgt 'Broommmgton's wenlthJest merchants. Mr. Mandel was l-'-bor of the board of educa tom,. owing to : throngs of ple attending, the !'r'vlt'e '::0 tnken to the hizh sthool auditortum, 2 Dead; One Dying of Burns. Taylorvilie,-- March 14.--But slight hope waus held (r the recovery today of Mrs. Max Brown, severely burned In the explosion which Saturday night resulted in the Jcath of her husband and seven year old son, and destroyed the> family's home at Kincaid, near here. Mary, infant. daughter, also burned in the (re following the blast from an overhcated coal stove filled with slack, is in a serions condition. Boy QGoes Over Dam; Drowns, Kankakee, March Roy Spenard, drowned when his imbe _ swept the dam is river. Clarence was ro Heores of per questions as possible through the columns of this paper, in order to facilitate matter: at the public and watéh for the@newers in Fri-- day's issue. You can then attend the hearing Saturday afternoon io e rmaln. Sp te oi p nswer mu ques-- The let! a w nger, of t hire wi e car Mandal in or Saturday., 6 be after it had he nt above the tb ~ald <the Saeees || c ue Auto Wheels)"*= NB 442 e e Mn mce: Medas, 9e . Little Sam was on the ahwdm'" street, witnesses say, when th-uodrlv-byl)wn-n'd.' on the left side of the street, striking the boy, and throwing him under the who accomanied by Elmer driven by George J, Dow of Wauke-- Little Sam Orilowski, aged 8 years wus instantly killed Monday after-- noon when he was struck and run The office of Highway sioner is drawing The greatest on the part of w-'. Mulholland announced daey . on m-a---auk and is out working for & the Republican ticket Irving has announced his candidacy, had several years experience work, having worked u-hrt Davis the present Highway | miggioner, also under the county #Uuperintendent. Grant Lusk is also reported as working for the office, | held for mansiaughter MORE CANDIDATES offices are out and getting in and Mrs. Frank Smith of Zion City Jay. The baby has detied hesselt w day, babe up li:'.yll.iowbdonth( rents had deith whthoot making a ige Bhort: making a ery. ' 8 ly before the accident the father had n a looke at the child and We w f the morning he fownd the »y ' ¥ 9 0@ +009 % . BABY SMOTHERS TO Republican and Democratie as-- The two months old girl of Mr IN TOWNSHIP RACE DEATH IN PILLOW. . ~" No Forced Conference. . i "The degree of the government's in-- tervention in this strike M &A policy agreed upon, "flw mined by the extent of the public in-- convenience and suffering: which is caused by the strike." It is intimated that the government does not propose to enter upon any atténpt to force a the miners, by legal or other means. Holding that g--strike cal} for April 1 is almost inevitable, government 'of-- clals are now interested maluly in see-- ing that a sufficient supply of coal is provided for the entire country. ... The situation with respect to a sufil-- cjent supply of coal, it is stated on the same authority, is not acute. There Washingtou, _ March 14.--Govern-- ment officials are without mddfi. to t a coal LK & at least in the preliminary stages Of country for ten weeks with the pr0#-- mfi is dl-i.:au nh,g ----'.nlm. union territory which, Department.of now is at the surface of coal mines and in stocks at consuming centers, it district settlements -- between . the Becretary Davis of the department of labor has gone as far as be intends to go in that direction, it is said, by repeatedly and publicly pointing out that the goyernment considers > mine: operators of the central -- tive field to be bound by isfons : the --existing national-- wage> ute national apply Aufllt."h"a « plres. ltmm-flm velops and ther only in the event that its progress seriously menaces publMic contracts. joint conference with representatives of the operators on Wednesday. The mumhho" ators were at a convention in January, f f f a ers met here to perfect plans for a wage scale be increased 20 per cent given an lorease }. 'A ard check--off system will be asked and a straight day underground for inside 4 Inbor. < structions from the convention "to per-- M-ro:----mqu- pension of mining on April 1, in the event that -W has been AF at as =M&' A through the an-- thracite r*wm quitting March 156 is denied by officers of the unioti,«© ty ~/% The amount > X military and nonm '»"."'3"' n:' the War department during the com-- ing Ascal year ig & f on of $118,-- 000,000 from the total appropriated for mecummy'f 08,086.90 leas than budget eAtimate .. Washington, March 14.--With pro-- visions 'g would necesaitate re-- duction of Abe size of the regular army to 115,000 enlisted men of-- ficers, the army appropridtion bill, car-- rying $270,853,080.61, -- by the house > m Bill to Cut U. 8. Foroes Reported by Atlanta, Ga., March 14« larg-- est verdict ever ive 5* 'E! ault . for es w ce here when Ollf ta ven << en $100.-- 000. the full amtow for, 1 HOUSE GETS ARMY MEASURE Biggest Verdiot Ever in Geor s n Amegk . .. *' way arid Power GETS $100,000 FOR ArMs Unable To Avert A Coal War d4 to TKE on ualle NCR in-- $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE disturbing influence which hars tending to defeat -- the very o M'&hwm," 'l\ocontyw Board -- has ¢re what appears on 'the surface to fluences, bad 'management /0 purpose, it is high time the sit mately a quarter of a | in a general hospital, marily to the care of 5. sick poor people. <It is your tion and ours----we all ped it--we are all interested for tated becounc 'of the oblignt m Rropany ce ts ts ~'In the conduct of that | FAJRNESS DE-- _ _ should never be hampered by s intrigue, nor the public® mind tressed with doubt as to the we patients, 3 Te There are continually,. dmgu,nqnorb_fl If the management is be let's have a change; if it ! then it is the duty of every : woman in Lake county to= the support of the County 4 esc oar . : The REGISTER A péople of . county are i thes n at the the management, and get at the truth that gannot long :nfla-..l' belangs, or m»;fid U. 8. TREBASURY LAV ES SAFE INYVESTMENT CAMP, Laper to proteee ABS a fair investignation by. pert moved from political or o ence and whose motive can . to get at the truth. k se .M-lh".' sanction tion of the Lake m Hospital. -- This 4s in hospital o REGISTER has no axe to William B. Boasworth, G Savings Director for the Federal Reserve District, 1 of his dl":'_fi. lowas, fi 5" t of March rural mail carriers will following message to * million patrons: "CONSU ; BANKER OR $ FORE YOU 1INYVEST* e post offices in the di postmaster is resp« campaign in his con invested in the new creases ve -- years and will | vestor at any years upon Department, investor ag :'fvow and &as ' Sixteen million dollars, wi Bavne: Cerancotes have B Savings tes have tributed among the five swindlers located in the five the all helped pay

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