Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Mar 1922, p. 2

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«_ _ . On Tuesday evening, March 21, the ~ N6 vza't'mw" 7 f -- as en-- E' As the Statindey.. Tessiane Lee returned home Friday evening after spending several days mgm»Uflmtyolmh*. -- Gregory Yahnke of Libertyville spent Sunday with Miss Loretta Dor-- Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyer and fam-- y of Fremont called at the H. C. Eh--o Bunday. .a-:.'zwh':':ndwtbm f on at _ the e en n o wamng. were entertained At the homie of the former's parents in Round Lake on Mr.. and Mre,. Metzner were Chi-- cago visitors Saturday. _Is'-iln.mtmu. Mr. AMrs. August Gadke of Ivanhoe spent a few days with Her daughter cago spent Sunday and Monday with &.flh.@l@.fifllfidfi' wm&ud Einsman of Diamond Lake on Monday. --Mr. and Mro. Myron Wells spent Sholts of Palatine were gu the home of Mr : .and~> Mrs o amrup= '~ * Mrs. A. L. Dorffer visited her par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Yore in Everett the past week. -- Carroll Porteous was a Waukegan On of this week the, Area Athletic Club basketball team will play the Wauconds team 'Wanconda. The team needs the ktdbmwl'm' gamp so let's turn out and cheer for -- Miss Dorothy. Harding spent Sat-- j wnte in Chiespo . | ~ DIAMOND LAKE _ Mn Wlfl"fin .. Semmtime . Snyder of Ivanhoe | --Mrs. Caroline Mitchell went to unday afterncon #t the John | Loda one day last week to attend the Mr, and 'Mrs.Seward Andrews df Lake Forest were Sunday guests at the home of Henry Kane and family. Carroll Porteous was a Grayslake visitor Friday evening. Miss Evelyn Hull of Libertyville "hfiy'flhlhlfldnh& ~----M. C. Meyer made a business trip to Chicago on Monday, tuined Mrs. Fred Rice, Mrs. wm. Schumacker, Miss Elsice Snyder and Robert Hibbard of Druces Lake on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Goodal was a Waukegan visi-- tor on Saturday. ~* Joel Chandler speat Saturday ¢ve-- ning in Grayslake. * : ~Miss Avis Payné of Chigago spent y"-lhAmnthln-n of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Harry &' Club will give a,euchre party McBride's hall. A good time is mssured so come and see if you can j o se * enchreée Mr.--and Mrs. Dwight Doipn en-- #ertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Payne =*Avhhmu'&--,-» Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bavernsmith motored to Druces Lake Sunday. The Area Athletic Club play" As-- sisted by Sadie" will be given on Fri-- day and Saturday evenings of this MRS. M. L. CHANDLER Wm. Eddy is on the sick list. MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME u?'m«ffi or -Mh:'::.h?!ur nfi savers. seem 0 possess fm& * s woman will often pavy s doliar hore and 'a doliar Thare fls ooo e F 'they may m purchasing. Local Editor This bank takes pleasure in ing accounts of mmmb---agm&qL We are Women Are The Savers Citizens State Bank of at ves aaar Pass s( J. W. % trh.(.. "bunin:.p There will be regular church ser-- vicés next Sunday morning. Sunday sthool at 10 &. m, Preaching at 11 a. m, by Rev. A. N. MacDonald. Christ= ian Endesvor at 6:45 p. m. In the oo e REFE wcaiy c )4 = "m'wmh'.i'chfgw' m a"' w:'nvmflwnmu "Christian Citisenship." Mrs. Ells is County Superintendent of the de-- partment of Christian 'Citizenship. ln.'-thn::}m_wm and will give a very interesting ad-- iming there will be ser-- ioi td pigh Dollé as o. dress--mwnd 'it is hoped that a large number of people will attend the eve-- ning services on Sunday. -- _ . _ On 'Inst _ Sunday _ evening the an Endesvor. Society was re-- ed with Miss Mildred Porte~ ous as President, ' Carroll Porteous as Vice. President, Miss Harriett Hodge as Secretary and Miss Gene-- veive Kane as Treasurer. The so-- ciety has not held -- meetings for some time but now that it has been reorganized by the yourg people it will probably move forward rapidly. Interesting meetings are planned for this spring and every one is .urged to attend. Miss LaVerne Swan entertained the Rainbow Sunday school class at her home on Friday evening of last -.-l;.rzfoumu-onemm elected: Hodge, President; Helen Russell, Vice President; Gen«-- veive Kane, Secretary and LaVerne Swan, Treasurer. j mwh-b'im will be udgl.nbh,;bl'mhflayd- ternoon of this week at the home of The Lalies Aid have pfi which . should h"h;.flh y 'hvmhaamd'yfi |Mrs. Mitchells. Everyone invited for . The W, C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Williams on Thursday afternoon of this week at on Shiice se ooo | mhhe&. .. Mrs, Staats of Libertyville was a fl-nhwmhnm on Thursday» -- Several of the . Diamond L=: ~ipaec e day evening. The big barn on the Kempert !ymndbylnnm morning. . Twenty--four --cows, -- aix hnu.hy-mh.lflflfih- ery, which were in the were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rayy Mrs. John Hodge and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bristow were entertained at dinner at the George Ray home on Wednes-- day. 'The occasion was Mre. Ray's birthday. Mrs. Robertson and g:i'?:.;.'o...""';...m Jean spent the week end in ChICAGO. | new Hupmobile touriag car dinner. A small also burned. The stock and machin-- ery belonged to the renter, Waiter Gosslce and is a heavy loss to him. Hwn,m»*& origin of the fre is a mystery. usicmtumemmtemectccece . ... _ _ . | _ Miss Ruth Peterson wAs wAUCONDA _ }.'.:.."""'.. m'm--q-!'fi ig 'barn on the m:n:dd o-:h hfi"fl': ? ir Barrington was complete--| moved: to Wauconda n o. & oyed by fire on Saturday | {M"" ""',_,g""",;:"',:.'. . -- Twenty--four --cows, ---- six Iuvum h m'" Ay» mln.ndn:--uhh-i:':d u.m.."::;?" h«:'- m-mhmhnnSBMMh&iM#y ad 18 at the -'wlllhwl game was \interésting gtart to | finish. Lake Bluff next jour out to the town of Aréa to play: our Ram orimaine witk Ts | ceptional good players. Ivanhoe not | to be autdone _ played basketball from start to finish and finally won the game. Every member--" of pur n-maflttorfil'm played was the Waukegar playe4 was the Waukean Boiler Makers at ithe Area uce. This game marked the p for us, but that is no if any. mufloa;h,m'm like the way which our | boys did. This game was a toss up ih-hthtfin Waukegan | team findlly won. The next week after our déefeat we went back tn Waukegan -J"Mm fi'n'-.;: their a score % n ge.ram on ore tans vankoe lost through the : of t Aproes d m .,M,Oamotfl'-, . Mrs. Henry Vam Plew m css . ds visited at the home of Mr.--and Mrs. Clark Dunn Sunday. 'There will be a special service tor the children--nextSanday--morn-- umm«mnm-wmw "The Boyh of Jesus." * n relnedpey o4 Are€ /A mel The Ivanhoe Baraca basketball team played théir first game of the season with Round Lake, at the Area. gymnasium. With their good gym. At the end of the first . Zalf Lake Villa lead with a large margin :tm':unmnmmt: e élever team won the ga .."""ith'.wydo-'m' Round Lake again met their usual defeat on their own floor, but the smoke. The referée "-'ut-%fl" by Lake Villa, he sometimes eye mflmm'hm foe 9 the thne in faver of Lake 'Vills but our boys ta0k his decisions 'E v--.';'.- v--'--wr--fl' our defeat lih»-.l'hbflo'h(".' bers of are.Dewey Radke, Captain, Guard ; William Wirts, Maniger G; Oral Oberlin F; Harding Rouse, C; August Meyer, C; Russell Shepherd, F; Alfred Snyder, G; Eati Ritta, F. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Smith of Area and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Proctor of Libertyville visited at Ira Smith's Ree Motor Company of Libertyvilie. Mrs. Adeline Neish of LaGrange is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. D. V. Wait. : Miss Ruby Peterson and most: of hn-b'lgflfihh.' been il1 grippe. P .' | er of !M/'fi ®, . C. . senuinnceel home. Mrs? Charles B. Dunning . ana daughter Miss Barbara are visiting friends ia Aurora, 1M1., this week. _ Walter trict. One sister, Maggie, died while the family lived on the Raught farm. The relatives have the sintere sympathy of their friends in this The Townsend and Vogt children l'""--m' H. Smith and a party of frieuds of Chicago were Sunday v~-- tors at the Funston farm here. . are ill with grippe... Wancondsa Sunday. Misses Ethel and Hazel Schumack-- Abosit twenty friends from this vicinity attended a surprise party and miscellaneous shower on Miss Lillian Steil at Lake Zurich last Tuesday evening. ~-- --_--= 0 _ -- Toer Piary flms . fs . Yialtine cago Sunday Mr. ard Mrs, H. C. Runcke are able to be out of quarantine again. Sunday at St.: Mathew's Lutheran Mr Signed: by the Manager and Mrs. C4Daley motored to-- _.M__".,,, were Sunday st the F. C. Schumacker on the (sick list and : also way. he ~Con "~Boiler high scho Boiler| . The "Ag and ;defeat flu danein if any | bow colors were e &- the . b .(" + nce ' o. hv':qa:w thes wWith b¥in boy» the .26th . of infi s it on n hn partments of the high school. . Julins Bratske is quite ill, having h-umonhwm for some-- time with -- inflammatory --rheuma-- P . sue -- W Gray transacted business i7 WW ~Mr,, and. E. M. Metcalf have received--word that their son Owen who is attending the University * Illinois is i1 with influenza. padrty given t their m&&:cmtokl. Lins-- of William Albright who celebrated «Mr. and 'Mrs. L. H. Miller have both been ill with the "Au" for the L. W.. Wakefieid, Mrs. H. 0. B. Young, Mre: George M es in 170 * Mr. Herring ot the -- Woodstock Tafranine imy.ny wat a vistor The fo Gurnee. people at-- e iral of Mrs. Price at sn (oie Hook, Charl 'axuo.;r. and Mrs. --'The "Ag and Az" carival was a 'their dancing costimes Of rain-- bow colors were one of the leading attractions. Someone in the. crowd fenene to se et sign | read "No Here." The « xd prefixed an "s" to park-- ing and was a1 hq'mofll- fel : the n h&u;le- Clure won diamond dime and pin) wunflhr:indn Confetti gave a real 955 Mre. of Loon Lake spent daughter, ":Mi'o:"" wwamm the week end in Gurnee. . . -- _ Lams, Eyaiya 'Pesion mid. Bother n' homes in Gurnee, . Mins Pay Milner ot Chicago spent to y ' QMI geceased: 10u are Heve~ *%M'-muammm h . There are but | day of May, A. , 1922, ai the hour charter members left from the | of ten o'clock in the forencon of r.amu-uumv""""""'"""""""' was -- given. -- Refreshments m!dhl'fl'fllflwd served. Fifty--two members were| Said deceased, will present to the présent. ;.llon.P.LP-uu.h'.d-&' Goodger of Wiscongin is Court, her final report of her sets friends ia Gurnee. f""flflm'" ~"Mr. and Mrs Will Rhymer of have the same approved, to be dis-- n Tok | said deceased declared fully settled nee Sunday 426 North Ave. Libertyville Relephone 188--M Electrical Wiring and Repairing ALBERT W. KOENIG 14 Inch Walking......... 16 Inch Sulky ........... 12 Inch Gang ............ imvithDnve Janesville 4 Wheel ........:... . ~---- Cultivators 6 Shovel Seat Guide ... .. ... ... -- 12 Shovel 2 Row ... ............. Phone 39 Schanck Hardware Co. At prices you can afford. Hook is All IT PAYS --TO ADVERTISE Farm Tools &5 Corn Planters Plows tip m madbos e m ol o skill, but to feed and care for a cow yllqhuk",g'-l'lnulun Art in the gupsriative degree, accord-- ing to University of Illinois cattle-- Raleigh's Siby!, a Jersey cow owned by the University ¢% Lilinois, recently cumpleted 'a record of 13,447 pounds of milk in one year, said to be th highest milk record of any living Jor-- Gives Five Gailons Daily "Almost as remarkable as the large amount of milk produced is the uniformity . of ~ Blibyi's production," was 52 , / the z' yhldmgm"fll lowest .41, ~while--at --the--end --6f=the year she was 'still giving 44 to 45 pounds of milk, or more than five gal-- lons daily. , j To manufaéture this quality of milk, Siby! consumed an amouht of feed sufficient to fill a small barn. tons of protein rich grain, due ton of field 'beets, 15 tons of cholee Alfaifa hay and 45 tons of corn silage.. She Was fed and milked four times daily. To each feed of grain there was add: ed a pinch of sait and one--half pint of molagses °* diluted, sufficiently ¢ to moisten the grain mixture well. Food Warm; She's Cooled *\ "The grain mixture and drinking water were warmed in winter -- and in her roomy box--stail most of the time, but on summer evenings was al-- lowed to exercise in a yard,--00cas-- ionally beifg taken for a walk, when day she received a careful grooming test. Sibyl is in the best of health following her hard year's work and appears ready at. any time to begin another -- record--breaking . perform-- Perknps, owing to the watchful care a day's iliness, and was not given a nAuormmucoug:;or LAKE 88. In the County of I"M.WI,.A_.D. 1922 IX THE MA OF THE Es-- TATE OF WALTER BUTTERFIELD, To Roy . Butterfe}d and to the unknown 20--1t . Dated this 13th day of March, A. MARY C. HULL, Executrix of the Last Will and Testa LIBERTYVILLE i?.. .. . §A#7.00 : You are here-- Siby! FOR SALE--Toulouse g $1.25 for 4 Hay V. More, P. 0. box, 167, or first place north of the eleetric road on St. Mary's Road. 20--1t. FOR 8. IpESALE--Pmeolh.Oudlhuj old two 3 years old and .one 2# years old, Folly Farm. Phone 286--R--1. ° _ -- 20--6t. FOR SALE-- FOR SALE--White © faeed | black at reasonable prices, due to freshen this spring. All bred to our noted 30 Ib. herd sire. Call or inqire phope have a few Hohaiaiy maes is Pathery for uie FOR SALE----Water power FOR SALE--Just arrived some very FOR SALE--Nine tons timothy hay FOR SALE--Ancona cackerels, Pure bred. . A. L. Webb, telephone 96--R. FOR SALE--Choice Marquis seed wheat, 1920 crop. Victor DeMeyer, | FOR SALE--Eight head of horses, If you mant to buy anything, or if you r to mzw"c&mflfl"mg eo!unu'qufilptm 1 f Mh;.mmmwnmrh:'bnn in so t , at so reasonable cost as you can if you ywrmtlnn:wrudvfllmm Spanish eggs. $1.00 W' 15. William GeHinge, North Minimum charge, 25c. . _ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. f GOOD NEWS TO FARMERS,. I am frgm 4 to 8 years old. Weighing | __________ ~w l l cczllll from 1400 to 1600 pounds, These |° * horses all well broken and sound., WANTED--Farm to operate. Cam Mike Behm, Area, IIL lrpmddbm,hnhdflo Phone 261--W--1 experience on Furm and dairy lize. k. / 166t Alfred Niels, Box 176, __ .-- 17, desiriag government positions, $125 monthly, write for free list of positions now open, Raymond Térry, (former Civil Service examiner) 1400 Continental Bidg., Washington, 1 C 18--3t and wring re 28. fresh. Two st , now selling double units Bull Milk-- ing Machine pails for $110 each. This means that $230 will install a machine in your .barn .complete. 1 have now since last dt: solutely toty. I will demon-- fiek. on e t it ts * S Mg WANTED--Seamstress to do plain a ',__"_} sewing mmwa:'ay; ¢ \-- Phone Deerfield 248. 20-- #. Gleason, Half Day. Phone 278--J--1| in E"n.'g W'- D. FOR SALE Phone Waukegan, 941--¥--1.| FARM LIBERTYVILLE HOMES Six room house in ~good shape, three blocks from -- stores. Sewer, water, gas, electricity, shade tr6es, good lot. Only $3500. aut + Seven room stucco dwelling strict-- 1y modern throughout. Trimmed in ouk. Nicely located on extrs large lot with fine fruit and shade trees. A bargain for quick sale. > Nine room strictly: modern 'dweli-- i1g, trimmed in oak, on one sacre of land, located only two blocks from stores and station. Garage, chicken mwmmfl;'fidt sed shade trees. Priced 4 | Pester, Libertyville. waveL, aSs, CIDCMIREIMEY MWM CCC basement, fruit. A real bargain. We have a number of other homes Mflh'-&'bdhw lage, priced from $2500 upward. We :""'h'.'v'i'i number of very sites, that can still be | at & very reasonable figure. Now is the iess bug on prives are NoT Tss dinie sime "Antrie Gamash, or inquire from Mat WANTED--Electric wiring and re-- pairing of all kinds. "_';'_"_' WANTED--Hot blast or WANTED--Man to deliver NURSES--The Mid West Hospital, 1940 Park Ave., Chicago, m.;:x tered School for nurses, h___"_ WANTED--Experienced farm hand, must be good milker. Will pay good wages for a iman that will take interest in his work. Call Lake County Register for information. Steady work. Address > Interstate Sand & Gravel C+ SUBSCRIPTIONS taken for Ladies Home Journal, Saturday . Evening Post and Country Gentieman--Mre. 90. Register Office, a two year course of trainiag. Uni board, room, laundry and money furnished. Mid West Hospital, 1940 Park Ave., Chicago, IIl. phone 188--M. Albert W. Koenig, at0 Noh Aves Libertyville. _ ing . stove. Write -- Leorge E. Roberts, Libertyville, IIL _ 2#--1t 138 W. Washington St., Chitage. Real Estate & Insurdnce Libertyville, IHH. Libertyville, ¢HL : 17--f agent. 16--4t ©

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