Psn ie . C L nckade s k is a well built® and A lasklv structure which was mate-- Louise 1AMagdelioine Was 8 ****/ tor at school Monday. The following were perfect in Hiuck Caman Cane, wiyy . Amalie _ Cétba, -- Wilfred Wrench. Jennie Celba, Eloy and L¢-- Wrench, Jennie Celba, E10y ANC !*~ Roy Pfannenstill. ,..."z,. ived 1Jh"dfi!-"'"' "r Florence Shaw entered . school Monday. She 19 in fifth grade.---- _].BoyPtMllw.flth "mdhn-ukwd- 'Beatrice Meyer spent several days _ "dll'"'"'m""da" Stgey Hour Reader and is now read n# Elson Primary School 'Reader, N7 X.--.,; --*o.,odm R wise of iliness. * working on their bird books, while. the fourth, fifth and . sixth -- yeat. pupils have commenced flower books. I - " J ' esn ataiiah ns x ute special: school decorations this week, while are in evidence. "Oh, Why MYumfi.M?" bwm live, then the plaee will be proud of ,"smdbymtm when: he is right and help him when he i8 wrong. ;mmh-tthht"h"*'"' admitting that you don't, mipo sotledts fert ovér for coming F left aver for . PEA + w > * " +4 l ~" " constitute special: school{ 1. , , decorations this week, Whilt |;, ther willows, lilae and APDI®| piye y -hcvh'ol';,w"' tinue t Don't You Visit the School? the san oh. asl/ entertainment soon--watch | from tn '=., of The Bottling Plant ! Kee and Campbell Bottling Afiotoees We yerlek the mtc sn M Deecier of Chiease Te on of milk is received GANJ« has been going on for the laSt iventegn years. Most of the milk is wad shipped every day. Up-- filq'm-"""""" A. N. Larsen who is the s***rintend-- ent in clturge is recognized as a very Beventh uwnd cighth grades are eckjHINeHriarnratiiapetn W Hradble 'The Fort Hill school district lies Wanconda and Fremont. Hill got its name from an old Me gave it the name Fort because Black Hawk once had on this hill. It is said to be nhhfilm. House was bailt in year 1841 at the corner opposite home of A. B. Combs. it was of logs. 1t had two windows in I.uou.eldd-dthn-'m suniis seats all faced the wall. BUTTERFIELD SCHOOL ue ewic: 'whooks in -- the best district schools in the History of the Fort Hill School GILWER SCHOOL of Avon, Grazt, was & Vis! ' "When ye has naething else to do, lnlthflm'inflm It .;. | would be growin' when you're sleep-- | ing."--Walter Scott. in\ You know the Scotch are a canny .,:':clnr--v their advice is usually PLANX TOPLANT y _R. F Rockwel! Amm the Year Garden," etc. good to follow And it is in this case; ONLY--if you wait until "ye have naething else to do," you'll never plant. Because. under modern conditions, it's nec-- m;:.punin-dvmce,ennlo, simple a as "stickin' in another teer" Ite habortanc co plan abs planting it, because you want tw g8t the right kind of a tree, and give it the best place and the best care you can. ¥ou wil fed ipanting a érve' one of the most satisfying and joy-- producing things you ever did in your life. Not slone the pleasure there is in e c y heart, to think that you made se o on *"_% spot of earth. ; mu,&.'m»&mmf enadily sepiring branthes, etthed is beauty against the winter sk7 ,Or giving "a green and pleasant shade" hu--fl.mmb:nm greater; your enjoyiment of it, more In a wo#d, what other single thirg is there that you can do that will dnm'.mfiatvillemik' to : year after year, in Jn stmé why that this enjoyment from tree planting grows, as though it would keep pace even with the tree itself ? -- It is a good plan indeed ,to plan to plant another tree! + mot in --m--do' p it k 'wzfiwu':;uau within three buds of last year's growth. You may hate to cut that wood away, but get busy and trim them now. It is easy to trim your rect appeal, one which should stir the soul d:nn ----flh.t-: tand, when says "The 'flmnbficm of health work in the rural communi-- ties, A survey made by the U. 8. Public Health Service two years ago showed that only three per cent of You will have a poor crop unless .. By J. A. Young °> % wm1trnitonthem TRIM YOUR GRAPE VINES 'The States Department of Public Health urges that those in attend-- ance 1pon cases of those convalescing therefrom be required to take W *o prevent the transfer of infection. Muller's Tea 232 N. Genesge St. WAUKEGAN h ; «4 It takes but a little time. Do ANOTHER TREE]| and Sweet Shop said: "It is a vines--next TLILINOIS in the MANY ~BELFAST CiTIZENS ARE ~ HURT IN EXPLOSIONS. il"h in Disguise Enter Home at Gal-- way and Slay Sergts. Gibbons and Gilmartin, / !> Beilfast, March 17.--Belfast had um'mkoce today ; ll:' throwjng, which results | in the of ve persons, { whom fififi burt. No s had Washington, March 17.--On the eve of St.'Patrick's day, Senator Asburst : (Dem.), Arizona, in the senate paid a tribute to the Irish race. Replying to of Irish--Americans by Sena: men in disguise entered the t Th ad wounded a constable. Just three mabked mhon chicred tie Work Benator Ashurat: Telis Williame Erin Was Cultured When Weishmen -- . Até Meat Raw. PRAISES IRISH iN SENATE cestors of mine in Lancast had stopped eating raw meat. TRUST COMPANY TO REOPEN Dickinson Conctern of Richmond, ind., Mb,"m State ing of the Dickinson Trust company, which was closed by Charles W. Camp, was held up at Altnaveigh, near New-- ry, by an armed gang which carried cm-n.m-.--gunh by waving a red lamp. Some boarded the locomotive and gusarded the en gineman and fireman while the others held up the postal staff. Belfast, Ireland, March 17.--A train round, -a ON1ION! 100--1b. sack. CATTLB--Prime $.65009.0; good to prime steers, §. feeding staers, $.15@6.00; hetferm, yearlings, fair to cholce, plain to good steers, 1.00@1.00; to cown, $.0006.70; canners, $2. s w buile, $1.,50G4 25; cutters, 1. s to fancy calves, 'g P light mmmi mice fevagns romnt to fancy .967 19.0@10 5; heavy ma, ='-"2 mun_.t!';:!'-; M¥@®. ts . . _ | n mm ns -- Om m itc / aiph A927°7 a SHEEP to cholce lambs, $18.000 15.9%; no;'.t-'l $11.00@11.%: clipped la mibe. ln*-.' cull -- lambe, lx&. yeartings. smu- wethors, 19. .80; ewen, 1. K *# THE MARKETS Lt n ts 11-- Yfi'fi&mmu. matter in you are mightily in~ terested. Therefore it is our purpose to do everythingy reasonably within our pewer to help you succeed with your Evergreens, The following sug-- gestions, although short and concise, are practical and easily understood, and will, we are quite sure, amooth m%thnmldbuhd :&n?:m or experienced tree The first essential toward success mmmmcmmh to see tha roots have been pre-- euring of all roots alone, but keep-- m'd.'"utron&ofiuothy mwwilm;aflllw fi tion. ground to receive the trees should be woll pre-- Phits will he rratly vendited 6 m;:@u?%mud the ground that is to receive them. m a mww <<of Jmgg C 0X and W-t".'bt. .l;dmmn- the mfl'fl by deep 45 ly as you would for a bed of choice about the consistency -- of -- cream. Plaht in rows, four feet long,; two inches apart in the row &nd the rows six inches apart. Shade the first year with lath frames or brusk. Keep en« tirely: frée from weeds. Cultivate earétully and water well during Algust and September if. weather is dry. At the end of the second year fibrous féeding roots so-- that they wilt beready to set #out where wanted permanently. m"wmtfltfl. see that they are of ample depth and widtn. Have them somewhat: wider than what the roots call for. The ex-- 'mw;mmw each tree reaches its position, but this is soon arranged . when. the pianting is in operation, Tme bottom of the nole should always be slightly mounded. 'This permits the rooks having --& -- downward -- slope, the 'M"Nomhmb" im»fifi.mfldflt'dlw than that of having the soil well Trees of this character are rei to piant in permanent positions. the fine soil in close to. the rOOt tramping and pressing firmly into every intercise a»l when thus em-- ployed does much :o make the plant-- ing. a success. Should any of the roots have become injured in dig-- ging, see that the ends are trimmed off smooth and clean, as from these smooth cuts the fresh fibres will handled by other-- methods, . JNGID roots are undisturbed, being encased h.flflhfldflfi'fiflhfl' curely tied in burlap, Such trees put on a healthy growth the first season, .d-la'verylm!fromthdod eeive the tree should be ready be-- fore the trees reach their intended position; cut the sUMMG®, it IS PHNL necessary to remove the buriap. Fill in the earth, After a Inpsge of two or three days draw away the top soil .nmom-mhow or two of water, & in the soil when drained away. _ e every few days for a we days unless rains do it. warm ground fortes out _--___ Baled and Burlaped Trees handled in this manner have Verna Hansen visited our -"':"W""-! ----| fi"'l' the bzflnx prices, !"g va es "'E': 3 verg earpnnttest tons and 3. C. 15¢ Silver Laced Wyandottes 16¢ each. NC ol y 4 y of 500 Miors c n lt cien ho prices. Order NOW. Modern Hatchery P aNCHARD, MT. B s .omo SCHULTZ SCHOOL Evergreens with water before plant-- e of its it is not convenient terms Brings Certified Electric Service To Libertyville and Vicinity There Is A ww of a size to meet yoor need, as much or as little power as you need 11,1_.9"9'&" and up to 1 Wi Fiow. $ Dise Pulverizors. 1 Spring--tooth Harrow $ sets of Cultivators. TERMS: All TUESDAY,*MARCH : 21, 1922 Having sold my farm, I will sell at blic auction on premises knownuthmneolnFarm,%mlEWdof(:Pms mflessouthmstdW;d-worth.andGmfleswelthWwhnn. 1 mile nom of Grand Avenue, commencing at ten o'clock sharp The fo described property. t ies This being a big stock sale all tools and machinery must be sold zlonn.. .gruhni.MN"'- AUCTION SALE nocs:---lo_si;u: 1 Brood Sow, pure bred Chester White. POULTRY: 100 Barred Rock Chickens. 6 Mailard Ducks. 3 Al"dtw;t';.d.nm.-h." All sums over that amount six',.::.h.. fidmmf't'm'mmdm per cent FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer. JAMES REEVES and RAY DIXON, Clerks. There CHARLES FARMAN, Pr op d Remember the hour set for sale--ten o'clock sharp. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WiththeuWntmentotLH.Diee-,CBR'HMDELEC- TRIC SERVICE is matde available to Libertyville and sur-- rounding territory. Nowémmr mrtt:'e-d phone, is hex 9R + € AQI wwer;" t,cheeagght orm anwm --power for (t'fitu scores and r--saving . conveniences mean better and happier living condr tions and gréater profits. ' Back of WILLYS LIGHT to assure you of permmanent satis ?etion and unquestioned reliability is an i:menudmmn- tiring organization--unlimited: resources--and. years o%ndpr&the. All this means perfection and advantages on which you, can rely. Uponsuchabasisweukeagnatamountofgrideinthe appointmentofdish'ibutomhlp_ofWILLYSU HT, know-- ingmmmonlgbem;dethmflltherepunfiolut agoodpmduct,honutd"{lmuh.uld a fair pricc and guaranteed to render full portion of the service expected 2 on Shredders, 1 2--r6l1 and 4 Farm Wagons. 1 10--20 Titan Tractor, 1 1 International Grinder. ii'ifim'xm M 1 Cypress 140--egg heau: 1 4--roll, Miiking Machine. About 20 Milk Cans. 1 Forge, Anvil, and entire black-- Complete set of Machine--shop Toole including a lot of other amall 1og'iubhht0-n. 5 Sets of Double Harness. > 1 Set of Single Harness. A number of extra collars and re--