Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 22 Mar 1922, p. 7

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Lake y automobile garages quiring registration of numbers of all automobfibe brought to them for re-- pairs and storage. Onty a small per "But of all the auoctmobile laws, the ong most genpraily ixsored is that re-- quiring saraie. owners to cep a reg-- .'uc':-fl-uhnm brought the garage. 'The purpose of this law was to assist in finding stolun automobiles. I am required und-- or un act of the last General Assembly to lMsue a weekly bulletin, giving the nultibers of all stolen cars which are reported to me by the police officers and shoriffs in various sections of the stafé. 'These builetins are sent to all polite officers and sheriffs and if each garage kept a register of cars brought in for repairs or storage it would greatly ald in finding the missing auto-- celit of thé ghrages chroughout the state are complying with this new law, acgording to an cannouncement made todiy by Louis L. Emerson, secretary "If it is a good law it should be ob-- setved," ho' said, "ant if it is not a gobd law, it should be repealed." \Me is urging automwof0e dealers and rm.lw the state to -- motih' attention'to the iaw. In "In many instances it would be a protection to the garare owners. Not long ago a garage --owner wrote in and asked to have a special number given to an engine of an muatomobile which he had in storage in his order that he might sell the car to pay for storage and . repaire, Investigation showed that the car had been brought in, & number of accessories ordered put on it, and the owner never called for it. 'The engine number had been State To Enforce Law effaced. Evidently the car had stolen. We refused te msue the spec-- ial number because it would be aiding in the disposal of a stolen automobile. "If the garage owner had obeyed the law and looked for the number when the car was brought in he would have disgovered the deception and prevented the running up of a bf! for storage and accessoriea, In comnnection with the necessity for observing automoblle mws, Secretary Emerson points out that the growth of the number of cars has ben so rap-- id that legisiation has with difficulty kept pace with it. Twenty--five years ago there wor oMly rour autéomobiles in the United States and today there are 10,500,000. 'The point of saturation is atill far off, he belteves. "In Iiinois," hé sa«, -- "our hard ro&ds system is predicated upon the expectation of a continued prosperity for the automobile trade. In 1917, whith the $60,000,000 bond issue was adopted, careful estimates were made of the probable automottve future. It was estimated that the saturation point would be $00,000 cars, and that this point wduld be-- reacBed in 1924 We passed this mark last year and will ox-- ceed) it by 100,000 this year." 6 quiring Record of Suored Automobiles * LA ud T Auto which artists long ha Deiroy measures fully of symmetry of form P ie ho ARiOL Hugh 8. Gibson and Belgian bride Hugh 8, Gibson,. Amcrican ministe to Poland, has arrived in New Yorl with his Belgian bride to spend . two--week Heneymoon trip here. The arrived on the Finland _ The coupl were married in the Brusse's cath« dral just befere they sailed rhe SACK WITH BRIDE ON WEDDING TRIP US BOYS and interesting study of Miss Irene Delroy i an, the tis mov Dei RM fex 74 And ANOTUER BLACL e¥p co lassie a Up is headed for and in marble, scuiptor, has ~ught. Miss to the ideals i figure, ac-- has for | . the Irish. j MacGrath, Harold, . . . . Pidgin Island ilcFee, William, ....Captain Mace-- ' doine's Daughter. I MacGrath, Harold, ....Drums of | _ Jeopardy. |'.(;$an' Harold, .. ... .'The Goose 1 MacGrath, Harold, ... . .. The Grey Cloak. MacGrath, Harold, .. .. The Luck of _ Millions. | McCutcheon, G. P | _ Masks. | McCutcheon, G. I | His Money. McCutcheon, G. B McCutcheon, G. 1 | McCutcheon, G. 1 PLANO & VIOLINCELLO Phone 304--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Office in First National Bank Bldg Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park Luce Bldg. VIOLIN & VIOLA Betsey Knowlton Williams First National Bank Building. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 66 LIBERTYVILLE DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD 161 Lincoin Ave,. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Office and Residence on Cook Ave. Phone 163--J -- LIBERTYVILLE MacFarlane, P. C McFadden, Cornelia, ... . Seamstress of Steitin. . MacFarlane, P. C., ....The Crack In the Bell. & VETERINARY _ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCutcheon, G. B., of Graustark, McCutcheon, G. B., MceCutcheon, G. B., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 the Wilderness Lyall, Edna, ... .] Aing. McCarter, M. H., .. ... .Price of the Prairie. McCarter, M. H., ........The Re-- claimers. McCarter, M. H., ....Winning the Wilderness. McCutcheon, G. B., . ... The Alterna-- tive. McCutcheon, G. B McCutcheon, G. P Lyndé, Francis Horse and a Dog. Lynde, Francis, ....The Honorable Senator Sage--Brush, we Lynde, Francis, . . Scientific Sprague. The Love of an Unknown Soldier. Lytton, E. G., .. ..The Last Days of Pompeii, f McCarthy, J In this column, the Register will | pyopigy _ _ _ s ~ publish the m list ' books in} m. It's a "er, Don't miss the Cook Methofial Library. The | it. 'authors' names will appear in alpha--| m« betical order followed by the name L. T. K; 8, News | of the book. New books as they are| The follaw students were on' added will also be published. Start | the Honor : Irene Bacigalupo, a ~crap book now and paste the list| Carolyn Butterfiéld Burnel Casey, in as it appears, and you will have| Lucilie Golding, Albert Hagerty, a complete Catalogue. | Ethe! Hansen, Myr« Hubbard, | Pearl Hubbard, Irene Landis, G'.dyl\ (Continued from last issue) | Lyon, Winifred Moore, Everette Ne-- a --_mezgewn o oonopotdene zI ville' J'n T'ni"\m} -l-mcb' J"k Lutz, Mrs, G. L. H., ....A vaice in' Dolienmaier, Gladys =gzer, Marie the Wilderness. _0 fls Fineutter and Alta Ha\\ This makes | ELHANAN W. COLBY C. B. OLNEY. D. V. KM. _ . LUIBERTYVILLE _ __ Assistant State Veterinarian LYELL H. MORRIS DR. J. L. TAYLOR CATALOGUE OF BOOKS W. G. BRAGG B. H. MILLER (To be sontinued) In the Golden Days. ... .The ~Girl, a LIBERTYVILLE Black is White. ... .. Brewsters Held to Ans-- The City of A Fool and West Wind .Graustark. Mr. Bingle. 'The Goose .The Grey he Luck of Phone 35 If 1 Were IT WASN'T EXACTLY MICKYV'S FAULT EITHER in ¥iten Pninite etare, or t mg:ou country between Saga-- mon Sage and Athenaeum, April 7. Athenseum and Sagamon Sage Track meet We'dzx,\ March 22. The events are« C yard dash, shot put, three legged race, broad jimp, high jump, double rol! race, high jump from g board, medley race, relay nx'&rnl!. front roll, rabbit skin over head stand. It is hoped th@t the under class-- man will mnot fafl to cet in the general discussion 3 that time with unsual spirit. . < (>> Miss Erma Russell of L. T. H. S. gave an inberut?hlk on Cuba at the Methodist S. $. on March 19. Mr. Tweed nas posted the follow-- ing announcement @gn the Bulletin Board: § The Athenaeuzm$ suvject for dis-- cussion on Wednesday |--, Wrongs of Soft Coal Miner®& _ These students Mis=~! the Honor Roll by one point,. Marie Brown, Marjorie Decker, Harols Or«\, Inez Schanek, Russell~ g:f-rherd , John Kerry, Florence RMlepper, Eileen Reuse, Mabel Scehley a~| Mavis Galloway. This makes = :ota. of ten students. Seven &P@--£)"!< and three are boys. There a®g two seniors, two juniors, three sopliomo«-- and three freshmen. v 9B a total of 18. Twelve =~~ girls and six are boys. There |-- one s.;br,' six Juniors, five Sephomores and six | Freshmen. Myrtle Hubbard of the | Sophomore class--#anks the highest | The speakers are M\ Hubbard, Eldon Kitchen and Rov Loftus. Muller's Tea MAROON A) WHITE 282 N. Genesee St. WAUKECGAN ILLINOIS Register Want Ads get results. Remember, 25 lbs Damp wash with @atwork ironed 4 25 lb. rar es 'ld Flatwork pieces ironed 5¢ per |b. extra. One day service. 23 to 25 The. $2.50. ' Over 25 lbe. 10¢ per lb. All flatwork iromed and wearing apparel starched where need-- ed and dried Damp Wash Over 25 lbs, be per lb. No article: marked, each bundle sorted as to colors and washed separ:'ely. One day service. * FAMILY SERVICE NoO. : Your entire fa:l? wash finished complete, including soft shirts, per T. ___________ This service must include all your flatwork, as well as wear-- ing appare! On all bundle-- from 7 lbs. to Per lb. 22 .,_:E.'_ other way you can possibly have your Inundry work done. _ Shirts reduced to 20¢c. Collars to 5¢, other articles in pro-- We are making a substantial reduction in personal laundry bun. dles and in family wash service to fit the needs of every house-- hold. Look over the several services we offer below and select the one you prefer.. Either service is a distinct saving over any Reduction in Laundry Prices and Sweet Shop To FIGHY :.wullnul.l The Seniors are expecting av and Fwidaw ds FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4 FAMILY SERVICE NO. 1 FAMILY SERVICE NO. 3 The Reliable Laundry HIGHLAND PARK AND LIBERTYYVILLE Marie | who confronted the dietetician of a : makes | New Jersey Charity Association the rls and | other morninig at her office door. Semior,| And the latter has not yet found and six| a Way of convinciag Mrs. Caruso of the| that "poor mit" on the face of Dry Cleaners and Dyers Libertyville Phone 67--R Highland Park Phone 178--179 _ Mother--I jast knew P something in his Athleties! | Do you approve of a monacie? He's Ordered a Shade Father--(reading a letter from his son at college to Mother) Ira says he's got a beautiful lamp from box-- ing for myself." -- Can you play the "sax?" Take tessons from "Clarence." ..... .... Don't miss "Clarence!" A laugh a minute! s you grow up, Jennie*" "I'm going to be an old maid." "An old maid dear, why ?" "Because I don't think I would like to kiss a man a hundred times and tell him he is handsome every time I go shopping. I would rather earn my own money and buy things "Look! Listen!" Hear Bobby make these words unforgetable. . Strange Vernacular Stage Manager: "Hurry! Run up the curtain!" Stage hand: "Say, what do you think I am, a squirrel?" Angelo's -- card nutrition. . '"Yep." e! %r','" Will you lend me a It Sounded Bad "Why you call my boy a "poor nut?" Queried an indignant mother bill ?" Was it "Lmun . or Clarence." The Easier Job "What are you going to be when The Touch System "Have you change for a dollar $1.25 31025 Moon?" See 18c 11c for &A \ STEEL POULTRY GATES w 48 in. high....$2.10; 60 in. high.......$2.55 When you come for fence, ask for one of our crow bars, a useful tool on the farm. We shall be glad to present you one free. A You are invited to come to our factory tor,fi ferice requirements. Yau can-- select from --our stock of a large list of styles at the following prices:-- 'Painted _ --10 ft., $7.85; 12 ft., $8.60; 14 ft., $9.15; 16 ft., $9.80 Galvanized--10 ft., $9.30; 12 ft., $10.15; 14 ft., $10.85 16 ft., $11.06 10 ft. wide._$5.65; 12 ft, wide.$6.25; 14 ft. wide.$1% BARBED WIRE, 80--rod spools _ per 2--pt. Hog, _______-- _ $8.2 o pc. uanle --_2.___--_--_--_ h 4--pt. Hog .____._.__.. 38 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Greenhouse Phone 174--J -- Res. Phone 291--R--2 Flowers for any occasion delivered by wire in any part of the U. S. When your friend has a birthday ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Say It with Flowers Call 298--M--2 --That's Business. _ e May I continue to serve you this season? fithe request of a great number of Libertyville Customers, I have decided to eniue in the ice business for myself commencing April 1st. I have a record of 5 years of delivery without missing a trip--That's Service. My motto of "The right weight is the right way" Sure it pays to use the Register Want Ads! 7 bars, 26 in. high, 12 in. stays. 7bu~l,gfi$: 7&.&1'. 8 bars, 32 in. 12 in. stays. 8 bars, 32 in. high, 7 in. stays. 9 bars, 42 in. high, 12 in. stays. id tars if in hoh .( in n 10 bars, 50 in. high, 7 in. stays. MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY 14 bars, 46 in. high, 8 in. stays. 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. stays. WIEKE FENCE PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. Libertyville, III ----Notice«-- To Ice Consumers JOSEPH KOHOUT Sidney Meaker ICE DEALER fi® 7 motwER onury Tuo # in ro cCoonit UP \"';tf_n_"/ o\ / "% C@fi 741 POULTRY FENCE 8 in. stays.... C 8in.stays....m END 'POSTS Libertyville, HL. T¥ [;3;

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