Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 29 Mar 1922, p. 1

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vqfi:valu h\vhm case s defense Ignatz Potz, John Bar-- 'tole, Michael -- Radich and . Joseph Bradaseric spent the entire day in at a'late hour Monday afternoon, not a man had been passed, and thestate h'd;npulr- Attorneys in ease believe that n'fll"hh&uuud":cmuu case on s murder SMALL TRIAL : ; "TO WAIT FOR MURDER CASE be terminated in less than a week." nu-m-_-éwmm~ua up the major part of the veniremen were largely an intelligent and un-- prejudiced --group .of ~men, only & few of the wenire remains to be. ex-- amined, and it is expected» that by tonight, an' "S. 0. 8." call will be sent to the sheriff's office, and the mon uy Piiihe BM vou have to yanked out without the ald of a lot of to Highland Park. ) --.*w Otto Blockeloh, foreman at . the *flan:ydst-- d tons fo se angiom Te tom mer tac amtien of the oftfice. bey, giving him instruc-- tions to stick m pin in the patient as VOLIV A ASSAILS EoAE dsE 1. SEVENTY--SECOND YEAR-- NO. 24. .q-,"""'.'. get all > that avald be 04 to the laws in the sta Mew York and laws in the ¥ York and New Jersey, h % laws to two years of the Wusiness depression The \is ngt taxabis, under mhm& tor a term to a great extent in tho%ge states and looal people believe if such laws were tien work would be doubled 'The sight men accepted and sworn ) duty thus far are: Eari Sheahen, auto mechanic of Clarence Colby, a farmer from "Ls scon as the déotor grabbed the ses to take up time. The de-- may want.two or three days up not taxing many A daring attempt to rob the Peo-- %c'- bank, 118 Nc;:h Geneseé Street, ened the burglar away and notified the police,-- who investigated !oui.wlndehdnwg &omrol'tlulmildlx.q'm the second report to the --police, & for the remaindor of the nihe. .. or The first report was made to walked to notify. the police. P Patroiman Lyons imimediately hur-- ried to the scene and on making an investigation in the rear of the building, found a window leading to the basement open. Further inquiry falled to reveal the bandit and the po-- liceman after informing headquarters of the discovery, continued .on: his travels a Genesee street beat, by a man neémed Fitzgerald,, shortly after # o'clock. The latter said he was walking north in Genesee street, and that as he passed the alley at the side of the bank building, he noticed a. man working. rapidly in an.effort ticed that he was disguised with a mask, she 'maid. When she started to leave the place, he fied in the opposite directioh, she added. Balk Waukegan Bank Robbery Patrolman Lyons hurried to the rear. of the bank again but failed to find any further evidence of an at-- tempt to Joot the bank.~HOwever, he unable to explain the mysterious ac-- tions of the man. They said they had no particular--reason to suspect the bank, was marked fTor robbery. The open window in <the . basement 'however, is considered tell--tale evi-- dence of the Bandit's visit. DESCRIPTION OF BANDIT eral counties. 'The report came from the INlinois Bankers association which sent out notices to all bariks to be on guard for attempted robberies. Because of the "tip off" given here yesterday, local banks and police have been on their guard. According. toyesterday's report, the through the state to make extensive each saying that he was a large man wearing a dark suit and .soft slouch hat,. his face covered with a blagk among the bandits, who could not for his own protection, give the ex-- act location of the banks to be looted. Proposed Plans for High-- way 31 Find Many Ob-- 'The the rail-- read w.l-'the right of the road, and the only 1 proposed is for the atme to pass on the east mhmxbu-.m east side of the and not pass through the -- village. _ Road commissioners, who are anious to have the road routed. through the village, will make an attempt to get the old Webb street route approved by state road men, but it is feared that this will not be allow the right of way along the | railroad may tie up the road building program in this section, as difficultics mm-m;--am This attempted robUWery follows the The refusal of property owners * 6 Py e . O . e aaaes . [ss iCW o is 11W . Jaes -- Wt * e P 1 e e d * /w . T ie / 7 Ee .' « * f 1282 aAlle _ ) : & 3 pas : £ x ;\% . & D "% * > Tang Lk.# se Unb ~4 t AF1 F * . 9e im > w se 5: 5 + *T k. s * lt § w * di NY P o y jvv{v A _ ¥ ¥*. P i -"ej;.;;.;_ l 104 « $ ke s 7 y f 'A _ m ra s < ® B ; PA F E* * E " e ® it k ~'b R . 4 $ : to riage mixup app to have been Wife No. 4 Drops » ant was .. Last week Mr."hu.m of ten days, returned to their home in Milwaukee on the same train with charges of bigamy against Awin D. Deane, refused to aid in the pros-- ecution of the case, and the defend-- is the fourth wife of Deane Saturday afternoon, Deane was committed to the county jail in default of $2,000 bonds, and his case was continued to April 1. A few hours later he was discharged from sourt and returhed to Milwaukee to continue his interrupted married life with Margaret Bittman Dean«. elnimed that she had been maurried to the defendant and that they hbad lived together as man and wife fot more than four years. Foliowing & consiitatign between Deane and Mrs. Stack, the woman returned and de-- manded that the case be dropped, and refused to ald in any way the prose-- cution of Deane on charges of big-- amy, She went to State's Attorney A. V. Bmith and claimed that the charges were\groundiess, and Col. Smith® instrueted. Judge Ea.z to dis charge the defendant. e 'The | Milwaukge--Waukegar mar-- "I will have nothing further to 40 with the case," said Mra Stack a# she talked to Sheriff Green o' the she taiked to Sheriff Green o mla{nhn "% " get a d ond let "him live with Margar~ me#w. E am through with him the charges against Deane was out Of sympathy for Mra. Dean« charge from custody. is In & very delicate condition, but Mre. u did not Gbmsent to dro® the charges mntil she had talk<1 to l"'mfi is understaod that Dein®@ was *o offer Nof & mutisfacory to Hight, police miy, when one o( the vfingmbhuu her hu# band, spoke to the latest brids over the telephone. made h againet . Stack I the Bittman . home W edna | effert to locate "het, h whe found that Mré. Léona . RathkeStack When He Loaned Them $19,000,000,000 The Door Was Wide Open PUBLISHED ~TWICE WEEKLY were brought IBERTYV!LLE,.ILLINOIS, WEBNFSDAY, MARCH 29, 1922 dr Bitt» ping Ne-- The Lake y autoist who has put: off 1922 lieanse, is nuh' 1 entangled with , w n few days. . A roundup 0 Vdehnqu-"_m was begun day with the ar-- rival of R. P.~ y and Sol Gold-- man, state automobile rm from the office of Secre of State In co--operation with |ocal guthorities divoreed by Leona RathkeStack who tion Mgainst all avcomabile owners m,b. not" obtain~ds Abeir . new the investigator said "_~' the use of 1921 Hoenses. The -- @utomobile department at Sprinzneld has been "It should be a matter of pride with every automobile O¥#ner . to dobey the law prompt'y MRA send in his application by the fifst of Janu-- ary. mmnmhfltu:u- tomobile today with a year's lNcerige is showing op®m . disrespect for the law. » tion for licenses at want to avoid troubl« *The chief of policc # co--operat ing fully in this campaign and ad Vises delinquents to mAK® applica 'The investigator points out that every cent of the mom@y-- collected Mmm-.mrn'u hl.m of "the Rard roads, and that it is unfair that amy auto-- mobile owner shou!d c#é@pe paying looked up i# marriace Hoense. -- She charged him with bicamy, and then And Deane, the man who is said to have captivated the hef@rts of five wortion, \married them, and secured a release from them in one way or an-- The Lake County Register is the ily semi--weekly n--w=p4p6r in the ate of she is not, his cense receives him 244 Plan Extension W au-- kegan Concrete Road Because of, the : unusual .success which attended the efforts of the Sheridan Road Improvement associa-- tion in promoting a concrete highway between Chicago and Milwaukeeit has been décided to extend the work of this organization north into Michigan over Route 16 as far as Houghton on -- The practically complete stretch of concrets between St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee and Green Bay forms, a wonderful motor way to the Beart of complets, and the business men of northern Michigan will be invited to to--operate with the energetic amsoci-- ations of Missouri, Ilinois and Wis consin. Liter in the' season, H is planned to bring together all officials for one big tour on this highway. Leading cities in lilinois on the route aré Rast St. Louis, Vi Effingham, Marshall, Danvilie, Chi-- cago, Evanston, Waukegan, City, in n, the larger cities mim:clumw kee, Cudahy, Milwaukes, A » Falls, Theresa, Lomira, port, Fond, du Lac, Oskosh, N Menasha, Appicton, Kaukauna, Pere, Gré@hR Bay, Oconto, ' Marinette; Ig Michigan, the larger cit hlbhz:dmm cock, ing, _ Marquette Houghton. than half a mile north of Marshall, TH. half a mile in Zic® City, five miles just north of Schicisingerville, and a Lomira. : From . Green Bay north to and avenue, Zlon City, was arrested y fot walking through tBé Temple Site in the ter of Park. The y traversed path liea around this locm tion but @ould not be used because the water and mud covered the en-- custody of Chief Becker and George traversed path liea around this loon« tion but gould not be used because the water and mud opvered the en-- tire streot and sidewalk. He was ar-- rasted by Voliva's uniformed guards patrolling the Temple during Voliva's go without locking him up. Bebreng did not <believe in physical viclemce, aithough he is a glant of a man but was not @¥erse to verbal violence, as the torrent.of caths poured out om . and on the South as islation to give farm _ a more j1st conkideration. Mr. Hut ings is in the transportation 'railroad rates hnho--dcm:_"- FarmzBureau Anuual Meeting seed for farmers, (to ~date 14,000 pounds of seed has been bought and sold), cow testing associations, spray rings, bull associations, securing cows for the testing plant at Dixon, encouraging better cropping systems especially the use of sweet clover for pasture {more than five times as much sweet clover seed was sold this year than last year), and a careful trial of soy beans as a protein feed. In brief the work of the farm bureau has been along lines of cheapening production costs so as to meet pres-- ent prices without 10dss and give as-- Muflhw Instead of being "wooed and won" by The annual meeting of the Lake County Farm Bureau was neld at the Farm m office March 25. R r _ were both un-- favorable to a good attendance bu; even under these conditions the large office was well filled with farmers some of them from fifteen and twenty miles distant. --, Reports were read by the seere-- tary, treasurer and farm adviser. The tremsurer's report shows a small balance but a large amount of uncollected dues. These dues are be» ing collected now and when paid in will put the finances of the bureau in good shape. * $ The Adviser's report gave ular mt of ~the --number meetings, farm visits, office cails, the amounts of seed and fertilizer other statisties of the activities the bureau that can be be in figures. _ u9t e In carrying out . this | many farmers have given their ti anl have heen to more or leas ex-- pense and it is due to M address on the work of farm bureaus throughout the state. The following are among the lines of work that have occupied the time for the past year: Farm visits, poultry culling, co--operation with pure bred associations . in hoiding sales and meetings, Federal : Loax, placing farm labor, handlin ".mnunwn'hb e s oofi mt c ienss (honorary member). s o s Mey _ BUUDUC sForRe store, the one formerly run © by them Rexalls, which Miss Druce f:-' One is at Graysiake, another Wt $11 Madison street in the K. P. Bullding, and then the now place at Park and Washington streets: Ver»,on.m--.* lh the recent purchase, will mana #, and Miss nmv-" _ Uinitil -- recently Miss "t awned a store in South Chicago, | whe --has disposed of it. . _ >« J. D. Bilsborrow, assistant state The following officers were "t propose, giria. then ON P This "BLACKHAND" . _ OR HIS LIEE _ The second extortion plot in Nort® Chicago within two weeke came to light Monday ~with the alnzrr the police for investigation," of a "black hand" note demanding $500 or the receiver's life. * w& 3 n The letter, "a crude use of the Tok in the ied." White . ana." Bing 'W hile the: . North Chicago: police scout the "black hand" theory, Am»« grovedas is inclined to take the in-- cident seriougly, and a desperate . ef-- fort wus being made today to keep #t a secret, x Wednesday night, or you will die before the 'end of the week," the note read. It Wore the black hand zmu n of a skull and ° cross-- . ... --Mad Saved Money _ Auv vedas . while. engaged as -- a iok, is <known to have saved con-- Meve that the . plot is -- schemed by someene : familiar---- with --his-- habite, especially as they rélate to his f-- . _ The .restaurant. is located _ two doors north of -- the _ confectionery store of H. M. Hyde, who received a gimilar blackmail letter a week ago. A sailor was arrested when he called for the money. at the Hyde gtore, but was later réleaged when he claimed: that he had been sent unknowingly to the store by --two men who Were strangers to him.. ; Ford that every man ngeded more u---tvn-'.ufl.l" to devots to homhe k f "The & ux potcr ot the stt 1e Mowr h men to profit because of steady work, with ample lelsure," he said. . M ployment to $,000 additipnal men." No plans have been made for the installiation ot: the five day woek on thousand employes of the Ford "Mo-- tor company will enjoy two days off each weeek in the future. five duy, 4 hour week, would be imum wage of 36 a day will be contin-- tion six days a week, but we are satis "Lizzy King" Says . Work-- -- eors> Need Two Daysa to _ Seventeen automobiles were stuck in the mud of Zion City's therough-- fares yesterday, six of which were mired on 'Twenty--soventh street, the main street of the city, One cafhot cross Sheridan Road at the main in-- tersection, on foot without walking through a veritable "mush pot" of "Holy Ground." It is a physical 'im-- possibility for arty automobile to get to either depot in %an City. A tenm dollar M b\u-&-lm ployes at the First State , Zion to any one who can sugcessfully get to the slectric station in a ym« chine from town, via. Twenty--seventh street, getting mired. Here's 'tnmmb--hm SEVENTEEN G $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Twmm&ofldflm squad for week end activities; lawful possession charfes are < wood and Lake Bluff. *.+ .900 ®«0 ¥«ivi of Mighwood . was brougnt in @unday afternson and was immediately relensed E $2,000. A.Mlm& was caught in the toils of the dry net Into Sunday evening, Incar cerated in the county Jull at 8 o'clock this morniug. He able to 190 Ha e' bry s the opermation «in be [Bled akainst Themselves "TUSK/IN T v &# % 6

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