Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 12 Apr 1922, p. 4

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(_/~--Everybody that spoke handed out _' # lot of bouquets and soft soap for _-- the basket ball teams of Libertyville, - t say that Im an --authority on } particular sport, I've seen .& 2 : games of it .played <and I . tho at the 'time, that they was / enough action in it to jar most any-- Ret 'looke and at least make +'em .. turn ever in their sleep. x '=. Well folks. 1 was invited, along '-:'Mbnmu en xn s $ claim that old people had * r get along on less feed than ~ the young, growin generations, still -- and all, I always aim to : do d at a time like that, especially they dish up the kind of eats . m got Thursday eve. ' 7y with the feed we got other /s among which were talks by the post office al Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of 4 1879. Issued twite weekiy. -- --~ *' place in which to live, and which will--also reduce da from fire, is worth while. -- House--cleaning will « all of this, and more. --Rubbish that accumulated the winter months, boxes or barrels of waste : MMM,WWnd fi"mmnfly unsightly spots and 'in-- ' ; the danger of disease or serious conflagration. a THE BEST PROTECTION & & We don't know where the idea of slla'..m orginated, and we don'\ care: much But we are thankful that each year finds more people aWakening pbufluflnddnumzfihm wufi.mmw' and property , the American people can cultivate. . * _ * ~ Anything ~that wilt it a better s@ppearance g: Now is the ideal time for cleaning up the attic, the sellar, the yard and the alley. Now is the time to make improvements that will mean safety throughout the Li _ -- . CETTING AFTER THE RAT * . Due to the numerous campaigris which haye been waged in different parts of the country in recent impro that will mean safety out the mer mojths. A little--paint here, and & . 'coat whitewash there, a liberal use of hammer and nails @n broken fences or out--buildings will not proveex-- mwhen-nuhmomdd-nfiolfifl-sn are apt to suffer if the wotk is delayed or allowed to remain undone. Don't wait for your neighbor to mmht.%uutamdmmm yourself. P right in and improve your property, brighten rmmndinn-dhwfllhvepr&e'.'m;n o fall into line. 5 c \__' But don't put it off--for the delay of even one day a .,}-niuvhcdp-bwtowanor serious epidemic of disease. that is, the didn't -- say : girls' teams teams prese s down f mig is, the men's teams, but they say 'a darn word about the a" teams, nor were the girls' r.udvhynm * to facts . those girls mighty excitin' games all f -z,ulfi.hufl > hetween the town was especially ea-- A '. While they didn't make a 1 Iudh-hh.thq'ns r in like regular fellows, b plenty of speed. So when anybody goes gassin' about what the basket--ball teams did to liven things mp, don't forget that the girls had m part in it too. * KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. about gettin' together and building a community hail or gymnasium for the town, and everybody was real up over it, As was said dur-- the several talks, the older, men had oughter 'have a where they could caper around a way that was befitin' their RUMINATION S Pulld, and at the Shime time mebbe off a little heaviness, and this all be Joana Varks or Bare A. € but a little exercise is rel-- ed in the best managed homes. r and more, those big fellows get out and play basket ball for gise like the young chaps, like inst. imagine a basket ball team P niadulix Dck Gelteway and Dayle. * j 'folks, the general idear of ~AAITHLS : in the cellar have a swimmin' er each game instead of havin' € %il Sat'iday night. + back when everybody lived natural state and wore hair of B. V. D's, they got along playing special games to in condition A fellow got of exercise climbing up and , the tree in which he rousted, Succeeding the Waukegan Weekly Gazette Established 1850 h 1 hegrd one chap call speck, gh 1 couldn't 'Agure out wh; eall a big six--footer a name like <--By-- Your Uncle Silas America will suffer less from the ravages of H. JUST, Editor improve ~Liberty viHG --OP--gP--¥ or make it a still heaictmer and in chasing down his meals. A little later, along about the time forearms, and to prove that 1. Was successful, just take a slant at the of mit on any of"1s old 'r-".we'dllyfll ttle o go in to breakfast, where we'd store away & young ' of buckwheat cakes and Then they usually was a umunw' after which the main bout of the day would take place. In the winter this usually was a stunt meant to de-- velope and limber up your back and arms. We never had any phonygraph records to furnish music and count time for '1s when we took this dne, the day except meal time, and the last thing at night we'd put in anoth-- er hour of the hand and wrist ex-- of slowed down a little, the conch would root for us and say "Just lean In <the springtime we Rook to walkin' a good deal, and usually had a pair of plow handles to steady us and lead us on. After this one came a lot of athers all in their proper ments and everybody in the ngigh-- borhood <turned out, first to one farm and then to another until the stunt had been pulled off at every place, At these tournaments every man beat his own time with a club, while the women did their exercisia' in the kitchen. e het up about jist yeL . Mn m\bflthlofl.dg mebbe, but it's all right to talk it over and make plans, so that when the right time comes and every-- body is fiush with kale, you're all set to go, and when they do spring the info. on you that they're ready to shoot, why just climb onto the band wagon and toot a horn along with the rest of 'em. Your Uncle Silas. Ivanhoe, April 10, 1922 | _ DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE Phone Libertyville, 306--M se Snow's A'to Livery . so they 'went in for the rat this j 'There are business men everywhere who often take the same view of their situation. -- They argue» that t{\e;dvertisingthcyhn already done has caused the people to become well acquainted with them. "The 'people know where we are," they say, and so they | snuggle down into the coccoon they have builded-- Libertyville and, so _ give . F uttention -- The "mo known but destroys n millions : of s carries disease, ) is always a menace to personal safety. _ * _ _ iv.*>> aPod s The rat has gurvived many campaigns in ~ars gone by, for he i8 an alert and crafty foe 0'# What losses he : 'i, in these periodical . w$ < waged against " rapidly makes up when public vigilance relaxes, it is a good idea not to stop when' the main Pat--killing campaign is over, but to o c 5) unds Aictuty u> . 5 aectmitee 3@ Ni evalot sprtcint Sn' > x4 0. are also a number of patent preparations on the mar-- ket, most of which are good for the purpose h All should be used aith caution, however, inless one is pnptndfi follow out every rule for , they should not be used. But study the rat pro carefully, because it is a problem that deserves at-- tention. And a.solution of the problem be to slay as long as there's a rat left. *=: f keep right on slgying by every known method. The gove! 'recommends a number of ex-- cellent rat is. -- Among them: art barium carbonate, strychnine, arsenic and phosporus, There WHERE IS PEARLINE us Pearline was onee known to every housevife, but where is the housewife that thinks of Peuliu::v? T'hoehmllmlh'lcnthuldofit.orwfll' to stop and think just what Pearline was. When the manufacturer of Pearline died, as the story in the axivuflumntmtold.xflwnwho succeeded . him thought that it was so well known that it did not need any further advertising.--.. "People all know Mtit.mwhaththcuaof!urtherexmn," they argued. y and in a few years, sometimes not that long, they are forgoiten. "The fact of the matter is," said a Libertyville business man to us a short time ago, "If you get the business today you have. got to &o after 'it. Andoncolfiobut_.'fll&h'&q!"qw advertise for it. up most of wh w GROWING POSSIBILITIES + --~ FOR LIBERTYYVILLE municipal beauty, and there is a growing evedence of a real com-- Soon the business section of the town is to be illuminated by beauti-- ful clusters of electric llch:'z ported by ornamental posts, the center of the city attractive, not only to our own citizens; but to the motorists who will be ~continually passing through when the new con-- crete roads and pavements are com-- _ These rogds connecting % yile ceity Chimay: and. the ; Nort of these proj forward to a forward to a time when 'they will also have an esthetic value to the The south lake at present affords mmwfi;:':.f!"'".'.'!'.' @ommunity. We will all:agree that Libertyville Polis open 7 a, m. to 5 p. m. Tuesday, April 11 County primaries, _ We wish to announce ta H:Mnhw"n'm modern machinery and are fully equipped to turn out first cla«s shoe Tuesday, 18 We specialize in prompt service and first class workmanship. Phone lt&?TL"f ot dlrfl rders Prompt attention given to mail LAKE BLUFF SHOE REPAIRING sHOP time. for the Now that our community has in-- stalled a school nurse, it is 'interest-- ing to note the effect all the way down the line,> : ~The young ohes are now practicing 'fionidbl'mixflwirmm ways and using the soap bar. The still ones are the hardest hit--you:; g' 'em m _fage massages 'and hands " mapleured-- ¥ven the @uto comes in for cléan up. In these cases fresh air is prescribed and individual attention required. _ daily tub. Older ones are working the family bath overtime and indulge in their Anyway from ali! appearaunces said nurse knows jast wnat do do in every case and is in for a busy sea-- WAUKEGAN CHA IN-- ®From 8 to 9 0'clock Prof W. A. YITES MASONs TO ON, Potter will preside at the new" pipe Tulkw> s se !mmtheminlodam & received an > invitation -- requesting members to mttend a reception and Home~Brew masquerade given by Waukegan chapzer No. 41 R. A. M. in the new Masonic Temple, Sher-- idan road, Waukegan, on-- Wednes-- day, April 19th, 1922 from 8 to 12 ville, fronting on the new concrete East and West highway. > As a first step they are now seeking an appropriate name for this lake and have launched a name contest with $100 in cash prizes offered to those who enter, ; x We have many natural advantages W of no small im-- portance, with the possibil-- ities, justify a dignifi¢d pride in our little city.< * A m us With the proposed pavements com-- pleted an important step will have been taken toward the fulfiliment of our aspirations for a greater ertyvilie..Let us a1l be boosters. The secretary of <Libertyville Ttoses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Snap Dragons ,(~ Let the pretty gracious things of life intertwine Ynour hemm flowers take their proper place egreuing the Easter Message to your friends and loved ones. . 6 Libertyville--Flower & Veg. Co. Bulbs-- LANGWORTHYV'S IFVN" Em n 2 ) tt D ML J C5 41 Ay °3 '% afo4:">,., ~--A MAN ABOUT TtOoW N Seeds of all yariefies listed in $ Catalogue . 4 Primulas, Genistas, nias, %'&flffi'm (Easter Gmfinx?efi:isia, Buy here and save express charges (Come in and get your catalogue) alha---- --Shrubs Flowers for Easter AUGHAN'S SEEDS Fresh Stock Now In Package and Bulk 46 Potted Plants Cut Flowers Phone 10 hu'?udh_flmm \ for the girls who have bowed legs, * + Ellabeel :: We note 'h.ut.auunl Coxy. is arranging aonothér march on Wash-- ington. But this will be one armyj that won't"bother congress for bet-- ter working conditions. _ ® 4b 46 at n o We are always glad to listen to a great thinker, but somehow or other we get more good from the man who specializes in everyday'~ common We agree with the down--sthte editor who declares that very often the man who thinks he is a big gun is oaly a small bore, F worked for After 9 o'cléck the masquerade and .good old time dance will con-- tinue in the main auditorium on the first floor; Several prizes have been provided and . great _ variety of artistic and comical characters have been promised to be in attendance. This affair will" be entirely in-- formal and just plain quadrilles, waltzes and two--steps will prevail throughout' the evening. *# that master masons throughout the county will have the opportuaity to inspect this beautiful temple which has been erected by the W Masonic fraternity at an expense of nearly $200,000 and as the enter-- tainment is free only the fraternity and their immediate families are in-- ~ Edward DuBois of our city is pree siding officer of Waukegan chapter and also chairma» of the reception MMWWO' MM;:.UMM l Smart's t orchestra . O)nce upoh & timg there . was..--a # i# i# Now ready for your inspection We are now--showing a large assortment of the very newest styles in Ladies' Spring Hate. 'You will enjoy wearing one of these hats while the styles are new. _ > o o Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery. Corsets, Ribbons and Fancy Goods. Always new and up--to--date. . Prices Moderate. = Spring . find here'the highest quality of drug--merc at the lowest prices we have ever offered. "be value for 50c. > 4 $1.50 value for $1.00° Milk of Magnesia, pint bottle, reg. price. .. ... Special for this sale 39¢.~ -- Nux and Iron Tablets, reg. price............$ P $1.50 value for 79¢c. f Liggetts Chocolates 1 Ib. box, rice..,... Iiggetts Chocolates 14 ib. box, reg. price. --. ng Lord Baltimore Linen, reg. price,........... Special for this sale at 39¢ * Special at $1.19° * A"rlmtmcomphdb n Cregm, reg. price. ... .. .40¢ Interstate Sand and Gravel Co. Beautiful Silver. .plated Vanity Case worth more than $1.00 at retail is given away during this sale with a Jonteel Compact Powder and Rouge Com-- pact bought together at the regular price of 50¢ The Register--2 Times a Week For $2.00 a Yéar A. W. Lindroth CASH PRIZES The Contest Is On Decker & Neville ---- Who will christen the big Lake at the Gravel Pit? LIBERTYVILLE 1st 2nd 3rd $1.90 value for $1.25 $1:10 value for 60c. +---- FREE # 2 44

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