Ja it} Formica and Verd- Gosswilltr of plum uh went Thursday with that gamma: Mrs. John Goss- m. Grandma hum visited her sor Ind Zen-u uni finally It Ithaca, Band". Mr. lid In. Will Ray and famil) and Mr. M13: of Pnin'e View mat Sud-y n Carey, Ill. their gramme: In Joan unsa- trtier, . F. layer, . LCu-nehel, In Mu nun-ell and daughter: Miller, Helm virtted relatives in Luke' E. Huemnnn. m an Thur-day. 16. Human, . . l El. Rm Th. eighth m graduation cx-'LH. Hanan": all. m - " the Community} F. Sun! has: on VIM-y evening. 5 P. Popp. ' P. M. ands-g and. a buimio- Meyer, tdp to "any on Wednesday. ' In. M Chmberlin and sons culled " the John Pontoons home In. 'lhnk -nsmith ebbin- mnd Luis died Wednesday night. qhe burial will be held Friday M- Mr. ated In. S. L. Tripp "- - in. Wodneodny stumoon m- &a bingo, editor-uh where in. out in what. In I. t. In" and In. Thos. -thee-trxnd,,sueed -tr.Asrthtroesettad ".t-as1-ddtiidrmttrr 'iiiiaa-tetesitthtir "In..." in Dino-d an QM. "--.C.tgerse,Mrs.Wm.Zer- t,t-erIertd.e.uetlt-, hdmuaueododubomr . Ar%gtoet Heights on loudly Faiiiua.uss-ers-m, gwwmmu M I". " lingo an Mm Babb: or ' "0:01:16. lent '?ili"lj'i?fei'l'r] _ In. and In. wm Mime-t "bMWM-ycn- i".trti-rqrtthtem.Ger- huh 'Cub-tts. his but mink," cu Mr. ml 'um%tiume0rehrsrds.er- vb m honing. My 't1h'af2,th'rf'JLt '.A.R.tmeD+ttto'ekrek union [All minim!" I. I am - I. new. Paw. uh-tri. Ill (MM The) heutrt-eurt-trtttso an. "muvmo'aoet. can Irma; m lug-"mm. 7 MIMI-nth My -htgeetheudiesAid-ehtr. It. nnd -atttmtthertertomdtoCtti- -tttNr-tattmBtsttbrasgtd him-imma- t-aM-rIheantEutf 1:. . I," school, In. m M. L. CHANDLER w Editor Phone i2b0 an Wuhan-a visitor: on iWt'iY Area Mild- -(tjitltilitI, NEWS Next Sunday the boys will moot Half Day " the "none grounds which ought to be tt good game " Hull Dar In: strengthened their nun (who a bit. Long Grove M Lake Zurich Art. Ftoelieh, It, 11mm. Jackson. Gill, real champions Sunday in their game with Lib Zurich. Lake Zurich played pod hush" but Sen Miner'- good dint um was too much hr them and (hymen unable to core neet with his otterings when men were on the ban. h KERR} game for Lake Zur- ich to lose but it was too mud Miller for than Bil the way tttously Pronty. Al. Pu lmnft. Gli-tts-ar-tsom" Inn-dinncuym . ,ei-G-merotLitteitr'- oiuir-titte-edyith_Ur minndlnauhtw will". _ -iriih (cranium Sunday. In. 10 Jtetmreeas In; Gm M1 unnamed; "Win-Inklihndhrk estierThxasdar.ftrmoon. -Lrdiammiatsatedudinnn eatted-urseGromfrieetdst%t- Jim's! In. Henry Schnldo! tttarB-tinttheR.mime" mam-1mm mmmwm an" *mnmm Indian; whale 'uriteeetd1o-ad-,emtdnr. -eqritht'i-U. -- .1125." In." San nur- hl-nl m n- M Sun- in - H -- mmuvmsunm Mulls-loads}. ban-woman." WI Inn Mullah- u. Pmde-Nrri.ntraeehroeh. In?" In. Wt11iert lid-allot: and at the Bury sun... hone In: Gun - Lake lame Gm Ithletcs logkod lib IDNG GROVE ABR 31 10 39.0}? Zurich mot 27 Zur- qheP.T.A.nmttt_ofttt. doc! child!" held M picnic lrtiaratid.ry.Adetielmr 1,vatrkeqittsoonnndirrthenfhr. |noonneuanmphpi Mr. and Mrs. James Mam, Mr. and Mrtr. J. Catlow " Barrett ton and [Alloy Loomis attattded W fungal of Harry Warner in Otieaeo Thursday. Mr. Warner m and Int My on the ' in! Woodstock. His wife wu lh Chm Panda and they had ut, bun married on months. In. Robert West non-WM. "m Sunday in honor oe I. Mrtb- day. The Zurich Masonic led]! "in be Mum Monday evening. Jun. It, by the Grand lodge of which. W. C. Bicknace and 90'5""; mu draw to Putter thin vat foi furniture for the Masonic hall. The pupils of the high school with their teacher held . picnic Thun- day afternoon " Deer Gum. M all had a wonderful than and plenty In . Emma Sodom m . Chieago visitor Thumday. of Kiss Alice Tom drove to Ehrin Thursday with friends. Mrs. Wilson and children of Glan- coe Are visiting Mrs. Wilson's aim: In. Albert Boon. Carl Emu wus 3 Chic!" Tiaitor loudly. Mr. and Mrs. John Pain and titttemmattendedthe9tqof In. Ma'- cousin It. Either Mr. and In. George - visit- ed relatives in Chicago over the week end. B.rg.mstsonnndr.rtrdeR.3.E. oaiei.t-tnhiatrlehTh-- Mainline". Subunits. June s. Mrs Hon Clark and dnatgbtsr I!" Mar-t ed 'fr. Peter madam"!!!- Tho name on land's (rich in emostemitretttmett-theet dt-dr-re-tnth. bowel! 'gr.NetmasisbuGt1ttwirt eoiuuetioetwttttthemadHhe Likelurich the derartarmst ge- trrmtdednodsomtrmtttmrt.- We Insure Gm Again! "In. Doctor- nm lm "do " N. Gun 3. WAN MB " MI. New Summer Wash Dresses L----)-'. igUig In Pu- FiiGrau0nn'rs a. Att-----, Another Feature of the Great June Sales Are These in]; ZURICH '3 -mw-'W iii--{$5 Aiiutar il8lintNrGo. Amway, steu--Eeairr/calht PM at. om- In vor- '90-" has and- ott-uecriieeg,tedut, Donald, I!" .1si tended tU (min: KW Dar In: TM Alex Storm uni In. Ila-kl. up: I John Link'- ttowe in" at h. hor hum hirttw than was had. t out of town we G. I denet IN the put truth "div batat-rtr Noam-31in- . h In "In Ind fully. At. Button Ind "all. Geo. Scum. In. Emma 8mm and daughter lath won visitor: at the J. N. Bunch home last Sunday. in. "in, visited at Henry PW- luloxul day. Pom Ms uni family war. Liberty'vilb all": My) Ed. Int! all; SCH", Rob Webad and Wm. man nttmtded the bull gun. a Mm: Sunday. 'p Mr. and In. Andrew Harinui called " the home of George 8mm Int Silky. - - "In" surely I< one of the moat modding fellows you could find in a hand!!! years of trawl, thanks In. Con Weiand trom' 1113th M and old mm and u- qudnhnqu in'this vicinity [at John Bomhofer Jr., Fred Baud: And AI. Baton Jr. with thqir My trio-do were out naming Sunday tun-hi. cui-'NaehandChnru.tkhier Ind bun val-Hm: at Am but no ot"htntotetheprssmst. .. qruasthefarmmeeharsie- ttarat.huenrttehntuthatnilthe In. In, Behler,Ars. Char!" I-!-?--!-.-',,,,"?";:!:::,?-,--'-::.'-.::'., ft The Wheeling State Bank "te.fpm "'rhtg'sl,tri,e,'r ttNet Prepare Atrittthit; Adversity I Ilia North and t Memorial any at .hite a mini- " tanttended. "Cuban. and i Alice Danton Ito man: and». " and-5' tsight. gin (min ottttioattrroftter Ay. AMI," The wise ones begm by saving their money. Start tb" Bank Account now. _ You will thank your- self in after years. , Pour Siam: and amity attmtded " birthday My u the hon- of 'Cim Small at Am Int Sunday. 1ifii party had been postponed one vat on mount of 111m of com lot the alumina. In" you punk-ad your uro- plnnootbdloon? Thumwbo the Win tmml.Ther matting to to quite numerous of lab. But Poed.maryettt.hndaasdttteyngat good enough for nut " ua. 1nst'Tharmday on". - hum-cad may Vida" " tin "In home Spud-y mum Willi-n Wuhan" in "modeling huh-monthotaun'oeeuphdby R. MI. He had men] unto tuck: of and. and m deliver!!! there In: My. It. Storm and two diam from Indiana - Sunday a the Mac of John Link. Wulhr Waking: took them but home In the on- hing. "-"r"'""'"7Pr""""ea" . l'l"""""'w"" WI 7,, _ - _ f' "W'W _ "TT'er' "Fri"""" , n ,.eytre.,ett_Nmoa""attu Ttth. haase of 'hiEPeot.deyuti Mr. and In. mum. mach John M .ilwed. A Vee' "man than slum: spent Sand" maroon at the FM Buaelt ' m had. 311.1%»... _ tum my " James Into-not and Caroline Bunch spent Memorial day a the Mat-tr home in Chm. At. mm ttr. as Al. Baum Jr. In}. butan- allon " Wheeling the -duntioa .zmeued " Hull ' that Vernon did lone ex- eolhnt -thtg. Me: It": and family, hum Waning" spent Monday nidht and Friday at the N. P. Bunch home. 'Alcx. Danton " sttmsdsd "Wuy Down East" " the Auditorium Pri- (by In. Ed. Gin and ehiidrmt Ibo. In. 1min Mm and daughter lute att-tded the graduating ex- udlu at Half Dar In: Thursday E.g.Gi.gttiNmttrnttmtded [in Alia Danton spent Saturn l.95 Mige, a... k ' 'lEtmorMarthw.asemlterntthe IJ. N. Bunch hon. lat Sunday. I What 3:111:10"!th a new lor novel-dome. giruornt but "omeotteto-rttubrmht-eniU while in in uny standing to " data of human 3nd other data. iEmii-ftaurouqtitt Infant . little over naked "tending to all Po! it. Mrs. J. N. Bunch. Emil Giert, Mr. ahd In. alarm from many. ville "tettded Pentecostal union at Long Gm" Sunny. Mrs. Curio thrllulm 1nd Ion Charlo- trom Long Grove called at theJ. N. Bunch hunch-t Sunday :1th Rob Wehnd and funny from Chi- cago spent Sunday " the boat. of In. humus M11": . _ Jud: Zimm- m. Palm", , visiting " "I. Ml" of Ed. Gill. V In. Andant- int-u no u all" at the Goon. Scum home, also at theg.N,turetttutmetrne-hte Inst not. . _» George Volts, Mrs. Ell: Knopf, Frank Hon-char and wife were out main; Sunday. Mr. and In. AI. Schmdcr uni? Hr. "a In: mm new; half LibettrvttU Ipent "tttrev night nmr Sunday a the N. P. Balthi home, all) four auto load. from the t city went: Sunday Moon and: FOB tEAI-Ever-, Coda! and POI mm FOR SALE-Business property in P0ttttAt2r-Aiikmgtemtmet ofurst-dtanda-rubeetr- ville. Mullah-not claim hind". m " AKSchMWIMLZ FOB SALE-Th-e piece wooden bed room at. including box I'M-hp. In. C. I .Cuoy, Lib- ettrviiH. has. --1. 64-O FOR "LE-M um of My gnu. Envy growth. In. New. Kidder, Am. Itt. 46-tt F03 trAt,E--ceta- and M plants. Will hum in mu. John Sudan Jr. M 81FJ, FOR "LL-My may." poet paid. $9.00 up. 3 an. how to nub pollute by. Firm-Kiri: Co., Poor". Ill. to: SAtar--Ptmr, will qttUe gun Port SALE-clutch m at. Ewell-It all"... mu all who. Oil t66-R 884'. PtNttrAM-ao-mtdutaat llyounmtobuynnythingmrilyou'hnnmthhg to all. "ntorurtt-ritro-stutrr,rniituosmthmmbtU" column; You wftitmmattn. Thenhnowuyyoueuludl umnypooplcinhh county insoshoet.timeiniotao-ot-armeanifro- rourwanuknomtum. Atrialwmenvimyw. Tel. 1155an 2774-1. an v.11 at. ieadhHeqi. (hud- numb-'ldhdm- ttnaesCthr-,-sfthsbet mum. Oahu- sid-r-G-tthate". Area. Phone 316-3. Irving hm. tttf msmesarpar,i,ieef, Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: tits. per line per insertion. bold Sawokln. "who am minimum mudMynm animal-7hr- "I- tmtortrtato_attmitaiAL+BttArtD JOHN HEIDI "ALICIA" MARS. mum AND MW!" Oils-M "DRAMA" mm CIICAGQILL "trte9.yf.1?A.eef, =eh',rar,f.T' T" walnut-"Mb" -aertrstSt.ttatdh6Are. - Mun to one. [MANDFOUND u-arm FOR SALE (aaaa'itiied Ads "an. " Ill. 4iArt Put B6-it John Dun: and lax-coll. Wail. ner motored to Park Ridge Sunday "uretoort. Emil Glut. Mu Danton Jr., Chm And PM Bud: nttrnded the bill [on a W. Whol- ing and Glance. can: Icon 18-11 (not of Whaling. ' ' ' John W. Ghana and Ind m scandal tit "no. It an: Day Saturday night. FOR REtrT-Ptsmiahed had won FOB BENT-Guns. cheap. 'ttt R. -oesd and. I'm "FR, P0RREtt'r--Fro+ tight, but Nmirheemt-rtthmod-rs. tg":trtPrtt2tl'3.t2'lt, .u trrststd"t,taM'uftst.' aolutel bond. We want that boy. 'll, will " ti. on! by 'iridih,ilik"ip'iiti'i'hiii't om Vinita! [A67 - BAutaEANitb-dt-aias- hibiathnty..h-wmm "summon-bum- hgdhndu-n. Mun- mhdon. 'raiser-ure) m. North WORM Ca.,mehundNr% m. P... Highl-MMW." 43-. tt',thP,','ltt) We want that bor. in i'ltr',tv1taiih'i't ttirAt'ht'ay no He will' work :23." and och-2mm pu'lllllo mzunn-u- but. In. who: and (no "out Mo mun-hawk"). pmmoMkm§mh¢na u and" you-OHM» "mm"udtnl that!" new" ,i,ii"it'i'ih5'i'ii,'i,'i': y a t. rlr2g,2t' and ttoor, 119 'Net 40th 8900!. New York City. (in full WI: of my r.,"IMtt e new; you: t 1lr"tlrf. and got: you M.mrm§j,m $319 "arm to "Kr-at-. an 7 mash; m. lime-17:7".- WANTED-M- to Int. , to " Immune-1.9mm -iu. WANTED-V for virus at I eeata per Ped. -- _ Bot wanted Get on We: for " at»; We mm dam and huh-In. ZION Ins-rumors t IN- 00mm (Wilbur Glu- Von") (but t) 250-. Illinois. To!" " or a. - It Pays To MORE ABOUT Tm, IIILL M suitable for one or two "mag. 206 Inpk Avenue. ammo. I 44-2t Plum "WI. "bat. villoJ "on. Wher ftmstaHd or m- furnish-d. T. . Tun-t, "at. Grunt-h. Ill. mam-1mm ortthett_ttht.ueatV Ilium-ad Ital-Oh llunlot'nul'nt ,ate--egiaeahr- pm. 1mm in Lift.tti a I Loan tN IE] FOR RENT 11-h County Register. WANTED