spent sday with her daughter, MFs. Dean Aynsiey and a friend of Highland Park spent Tharsday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Calvin Aymsley, Mr. Custler, Mrs. Howard, Miss Caroline Howard and Miss Perkins were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aynsley Sunday. Mrs, John Aynsley and Mrs. Joan Wells were Chicago visitors Mon-- day. _ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and daugh-- ter of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roder. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchel!, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voelker, Mrs, Thomas Russell and daughter Helen motored to 'Lake Villa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Meyer and family attended the Mission Fes-- tival at the Fairfield church on Sun-- Mr .and Mrs. C. L Casey of Lib ertywille called on their daughter, Mrs. O. C. Jerrett and family Sun-- day evening. s _ Mrs. J. Richards, who made her home with her daughter Mrs. W. L. Hutchings of -- Glenview, last winter and during the past montn with A. C. Richards of Park Ridge, is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Tripp. Miss Genevieve, Mr. and Mra. Se-- ward Andrews of Lake Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane and family ®f Eigin. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kane and daugater and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane and family of Diamond Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrews of Gexeva, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kane of Elgin, Sarah and Asa Joice of Ivanhoe, Mrs. Mitchell and Mra. Ost of Diamond Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Mitchell and Mrs. Charles Strang and son of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Brown and family of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Henry Loh-- man, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Lohman's birtmday The G. W. club dance will be given at Ray's Pavilion, Diamond Lake, Tuesday evening, July 11. Fred Zersen underwent an opera-- tion at the Pasevont Merporial hos-- pital, Chicago, on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Young and family of Lake Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron. PAGE TWO Mrs. E. V. Smith and daughters Nina and Helen reterned Saturday to their home in Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse returned with them for a short visit. Jonn T. Mitchell was a Waukegan visitor Monday evening. ville w afterno Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Roder flm]i MIPS, Garaner P ARMRAMED PeC daughter spent Sunday at the Her--| ©" of Grayslake, Chartes Hook and man Kueblank home. | fumié)", Mbr:, Roy Studer and daugh-- ter Elizabeth. Mrs. Fred Voelker is spending u; few days with her daughter, Mr\'.' Mr'.and Mrs-- Thompson of Chi-- Charles Kuebker of Grayslake. | cago have moved into the Hughes . J 'csidence west of the Woodman hall, An ice cream social will be given | Mr. Thompson has remodeled the in-- in the park Tuesday evening for|terior, having painted and varnished te benefit of tne church. | all rooms. Robert Aynsley called at the Bur-- dick and Aynsley homes Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Edwin Roder and Mr .and Mrs. Myron R. Wells motored to the Dells Saturday and spent the week end. Mrs. Everett Richardson a of Waukegan visited at the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Small, last week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and Mrs August Gadke of Ivannoe Mrs. Henry Va There are many ways of acquiring an educa-- tion. Your, advancement depends upon the earnestness of your desire for knowledge. The time is past when education was available only to a chosen few. Your financial education is absolutely essential in the successful operation of business. By consulting with the Citizens State Bank many costly mistakes may be avoided. Call on us as often as your needs de-- mand. MRS. M. L CHANDLER Local Editor MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME The Citizens State Bank of Area Phone 243 AREA, ILL Area Phone 122--J flce Nippiteedipley Upity Upediytiy Nt tiet'e dtetty tite de¢ InPininibetMtaticaieAtedte--tatetet EDUCATION the how M Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lamb and children of Pennslyvania are visit-- ing relatives and friends in Gurnee. Miss Sara McCaan of Waukegan spent Sunday at her home in Gurnee. About 100 people were present Friday night at the charivari given Mr .and Mrs. Julius Bratzke. The bride and groom were invited to the home of Charles Bratzke of Avon Center to spend the evening, nm}the crowd surprised them there. They went out in trucks and everyone heard them coming with their tin pans, drums, horns and fire crack-- ers. They took ice cream and cake and a jolly time was had b).' all. William Domoney of Waukegan, employed at the Bowman dairy here, is taking his vacation. Thursday evening with her C< Miss Lois Thorn of Cedar Lake. The Royal Neignbors of Arbutus Camp entertained the children at their annual children's day paity Saturday afternoon. Forty--six child-- ren were present. Alta Metcalf and Howard Smith played a piano duet and Mrs. Zimmerman, the oracle, told the little ones' a story afier which games were played and ice cream cones, sandwiches and gookies were served. Lloyd Elsbury, who was injured sometime ago by falling from a high seaffold on which he was working, has been released from the hospital in Chicago and is visiting in Gurnee. Joseph Vincent is up in Wiscon-- sin buying cattle. o Pnilip Bottger and family of Chi-- cago returned home Wednesday eve-- ning after having spent -- several days in Gurnee. ; Some of the Gurnee residents had a picnic at Sand Lake Saturday af-- ternoon. Miss Frances Young of Chicago spent several days with her grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keel An aluminum demonstration was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hook Tnursday afternoon,. Sixteen ladies were present. These kitchen parties seem to be quite the rage just now. Each lady present was pre-- sented with an aluminum pie tin. Another -- demonstration _ will be given at the next Royal Neighbors meeting in Gurnee. -- Leslie Gillings has returned from Kilbourne, -- Wisconsin, where he spent the past week. Mr .and Mrs. Will Spikings son Stewart of Chicago visited Mr |and Mrs. L. W. Wakefield the Fourtn Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Gray and tae Misses Madeliya Thommessen and Lila Wirth attended the picnic at Rosecrans the Fourth. The R. B. Henley, C. D. /mmer-- man and P. G. Smith familles spent the Fourth at Lake Forest. A surprise party was given for Mrs. Si?ney Hook last SunJay at the home of ner son Charles. The event was her birthday. Those pres-- ent were Lee Hook and family of Waukegan, George Hook, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Faulkner and child-- Mr. and Mrs, George Winter and daughter, Philip Bottger an« family and George and John Bo:tzer at-- wended the races at -- Libertyville Tuesday. Miss Marguerite Crockett of Chicago and GURNEE Alixon -- and _ Charles been painting . the the Caittenden farm. AUninPnbieiintePatinteiintiey Botiger -- are hicago. Upon will motor to and with ver Charles Biere was in Libertyville on Monday. Mrs. Charles Wilbur of Waukegan | called on her sister, Mrs. Ed. Potter Saturday evening. the Misses Jessie and Alma Cannon were Sunday callers at the Fred Wirth home. Mrs. James Murrie, who has oeen convalescing at the home of her sister in Waukegan, returned to ner home here Saturday evening. Dr. Bormann of California, who has been visiting here, returned to his practice Wednesday. Mrs. Bor-- mann and the children will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and Cinderella transacted business in Libertyville on Monday. A number of young men from Libertyville attended tre -- baseball game here on Sunday. Sumner and Clarence -- Sprague were in Libertyville Monday, John Gerbert wa on Monday. Mr. and Mr3. R. B. Henley, Miss Esther Henley and C. J. Welsch of Chicago spent Sunday at the lakes. Mrs. S. W Slaughter is entertain-- ing her father and mother. R. B. Dixon, who seemed to be getting along nicely had a relapse and has taken to his bed again. Reverend Keithahn preached a Ivanhoe Sunday . Walter McLaughlin spent Sunday with relatives in Half Day. Miss Anna Gerbert from DeKalb spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. Hutchins and her elass from; _ _ _ _ _ Prairie View visited at the Half| _ The Friendship Bible class of the Day Sunday school Sunday morn-- U. E. church met Monday evening ing. --with Miss Nellie Scnneider. THE LAKE COUNTY--REGISTER WEDNESDAY,-- JULY 12, 192. Mrs. Carrie Schroeder spent = day at the Schuler homeé. . fwe Dr. and Mrs. H. O. B. Young are visiting in Rockford. Mrs| Lyan Vincent is visiting Mr and Mrs. Fred Zoehier of Beacn. A number from Half D&y attended the carnival at Highland Park Sat-- urday night. Ernest Schroeder nas purchased a Ford Sedan. & Chiropractors believe that the majority of disease is due to Chiropractic! nerve pressure, but they do not claim that they can per-- form miracles. It is up to you to investigate this science and find out just what it can do for you. 21 NO. GENESEE ST. -- KIRK BUILDING Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M.; Eve. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 to 8 QRImIH dhmemunmd Consultation and Spinal Analysis HALF DAY -- J. 0. H. LUSSMANN FREE!! Come in and see me. "We Are Not Too Radical" Libertyville! _ Mr. and Mrs. Christ Willman and 'two daughters of Glenview visited 'N>. Willman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells @Nd John Willman on Tuesday, KEEP SMILING! ! The Juniors of the Presbyterian caurch school had a hike Saturday. | Sides were chosen and the Hunters | beat tht Pointers, The sighting of various birds and trees by the child-- , ren scored points for their teams. It has been rumored that the two hundred workmen constructing the new amusement park at Dundee and Waukegan roads, have been layed off because of lack of funds. Reverend and Mrs. Bosold of Man-- heim spent several days of -- last week with friends in Deerfleld. William Hale Thompson of Chi-- cago was on the Deerfleld list of speed?rl last week. Tae Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church gave a beach party Friday afternoon and evening at Highland Park, Miss Silber of Highland Park will teach first grade in the Deerfield school this coming year. Miss Silber has a splendid education and sev-- eral years experience. Mrs. Bruce Blaine will entertain the Young Matrons Wednesday af-- ternoon. Miss Mabel Hammer of 'Chicago is visiting her wrandmother, Mrs. Olivia Anderson. Mr .and Mrs. Charles G. Pettis moved into their new _ bungalow Saturday. Mrg James Goldring is in Can-- ada 3t the home of her mother, who is critically ill.. Mr .and Mrs, S. S. Love and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gunckel leave Wed-- nesday. for am"automobile trip *to Davenport, Jowa. Irvin Plagge organized two Boy Scout troops last week; one for the town boys and one for the Dorcas home. Dr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist. has an office in Deerfield, over Hermann Confectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. . Office hours from 9 a, m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. Chiropractor The new International fire truck recently purchased by the village trustees will be delivered ready for use on Saturday. Deerfleld will then have adequate protection against fire, something which has _ been needed for a long time. The fire truck with its attachments is quite complete and is one of the best out-- fits in Lake county. Demonstrations will be given in this village on Sat-- urday afternoon. The Lake County Register is the only semi--weekly newspaper in the county. Miss Frances Loy's brother, Mr. Loy of Ohio, who spent the week end with her, delivered a splendid address on " Religious Education" at the U. E. caurch Sunday morniag. Rev. Chester Shank has com pleted his summer course at Naper ville College. Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Merner, Mrs. Rebecca Merner and James Fritsch attended the Methodist camp meet-- ing at Des Plaines Sunday. Emil Fredrick spent Sunday at the home of nis sister, Mrs. Louise Wheeler of Arlington Heights. Mrs. John Stryker entertained the Woman's Missionary society of the United Evangelical church at her home, Tuesday afternoon. Misses Dorothy and Helen Reich-- elt are visiting at the nome of their aunt, Mrs. B. J. Dickens of Edge-- water for several weeks, The Progressive club will give an fce cream lodlla:ll dance in the Wilmot school, turday _ evening, July 15. A charge of 25 cents will be asked for dancing. 11 They are Bay this Cigarette and Save Money GOOD! PR 10° com--| FOR SALE--One seven passenger aper--| Hudson car. Cash or time. Car I can be seen at 601 West Park Ave. ruck | _ "fte" 5:30 p. m. Pnone 2386--J or TuCK | _ write Libertyville, Box 605. FOR SALE--Seven room bungalow, new, modern. Apply on premises 33% Jackson avenue. 47--6t FOR SALE--Girls'® Trieycle in 'ex-- cellent condition, W. W. Grum-- mitt. Phone 212--W. 51--2t FOR SALE--Dark oak dining table and 6 chairs, leather seats, A--1 eondition. Also kitchen heater and garbage burner and other articles. Pnone 281--R--2. 49--6t FOR SALE--125 acre farm west of Libertyville. Nine room house, large barn, silo, milk house, hog house, corncrio, deep wells. Good soil. 15 acres of timber. Price only $140 per acre. Terms. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 49--tf FOR SALE--Housés and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. Edwin Austin, Libertyville, 21-- FOR SALE--One pure bred Guern--| sey bull two years old. One Duroc| Jersey sow with seven pigs three' weeks old; one year old ngimnd, Duroe Jersey boar; one new | barrel butter churn; one all around | norse; caickens geese and ducks.} Snow, 700 North Second Street.| Phone 306, Libertyville. 51-2!' FOR _ SALE--Registered _ Jersey heifers of the best of American breeding. Four due to calve this fall. These are of the same blood 'and breeding and really better individuals taan those sold--in the FOR SALE--Model B--48 seven pas-- senger Pierce--Arrow automobile C. F. Wright. Phone 185--J. Office Phone Lakeview 478 Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for _ Exchanges of Property a Specialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. eastern _ sales that ann.dl $1,004.58, sixty head selling for| $60,275.00. Also a bay mare 9 yrs. old, weight 1200 lbs. Phil Donegan, Washington st. and Green Bay rd. Waukegan, I!l. 49--4t If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exr.h'lngo. or if you want help, make it known through these columns. Y& will get resuits. Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE * You Are Wanted on Long Distance" ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR SALE Classified 4 The alert and energetic mer-- chant and wholesaler will find great advantage in the use of the Bell universal service in hasten-- ing the return to normal business conditions. Your customer is only as far away as the telephone at your elbow. The business man, no matter how "big," is seldom too busy to an-- swer a long--distance telephone call. It is a method of approach certain to command respect and attention. **Station -- to --station" service offers substantial savings in the cost of long-- distance messages. The long--distance operator will supply rates on request JOHN HEIM 3148 N. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. 2 Doors South of Belmont 51--6t 6t PRIVATE TUITION--Frexach, Span-- isn, Latin, Mathematics. Teacher. Box 374, Libertyville, Illinois. Phone 381--J. 51--6t W A NTE D--Man with car for county manager. Experience un-- necessary, best of references re-- quired. $12 to $18 per day. See Mr. Ross at New Castle notel. Get our price for Fir Silos. We furnish doors and hardware. ZION INSTITUTIONS & IN-- DUSTRIES. MORE ABOUT THE BULL. There are all kinds af milking machines on the market but thre is only 1 Bull Teat Cup and FOR SALE--The most fertile 80 acre farm in Lake county, Fine black loam soil. No foul weeds, and every acre producing, Only one--half mile from town, Nine room house, large basement dairy barn, silo, corncrib, milk house, large cnicken house, tool house, hog house, garage, deep wells, fruit. Everything in fine shape. It is an ideal farm home and will make money for the purchaser from the day he moves on. The price is very reasonable, and very easy termé will be made to good reliable persons. For further in-- formation see A. R. Schnaebéle, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Liberty-- ville, 49--tf 1 Bull Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of.chagge in the barn while milking. Com-- plete installed $230.00. _ MISCELLANEOUS (Wilbur Glenn Voliva) (Dept. 4.) Zion, Illinois. Telephones 31 or 49. WANTED m' -- fertile 80 n'l:':ly. Fine ucing, Only own. _ Nine 52--1t