Menoken DeKol Sadie Vale, 557669 owned by M. H. Peterson of Lib-- ertyville, produced in 75 days 3856.7 pounds milk and 164.91 pounds but-- ter. May production, 1829.3 pounds milk and 69.96 pounds butter. 416, owned by Rouse Bros. of Area, produced in 35 days 2310° pounds milk and 121.07 pounds butter. lq1 production, 2111.2 pounds milk ang Mercedes Belle Pet Pontine 509, 899, owned by Rouse Bros, of Area, produced in 61 days, 4253.5 pounds milk and 191.59 pounds butter, Muy production 2015.7 pounds milk: and 75.84 pounds butter. ' """:':uh'lh production, 2708.9 pounds and $0.96 pounds butter. tns .'M P&fi"%fl hmmfl Ruby Spot Prilly 318447, owned by Earl Kane of Area, produced, in 80 days 5917.8 pounds 'milk and 265.09 pounds butter. May produc-- tion, 2252.4 pounds milk and 99.39 pounds butter. Princess Vevie Colanthia 437289, owned 'by H. K. Vose of Guriee, produced in 82 days 6726 pounds milk and 287.5 pounds butter. May production, 2505.9 pounds milk and 96.16 pounds butter. . Evelyn Jewel Pontiac owned by G. R. White of Antioch, produced in 81 days 72422 pounds milk and 293.13 pounds butter. May produc-- tion, 2673.0 pounds milk and 11227 pounds butter. -- MANY LOCAL COWs 103.75 pounds butter. owned by Lioyd Ritzenthaler of Prairie View, produced in 121 days 10167.9 pounds milk and 441.67 pounds butter. May production, 2275.4 pounds milk and 87.32 pounds butter. Johanna Belle Spofford Korndyke 435558, owned by Lioyd Ritzen-- thaler, produced in 121 days, 9962.1 pounds milk and 407.71 pounds butter. -- May -- production, 2503.6 pounds milk, 96.39 pounds 'butter. Wildwood Bessie Bee 479722, cwned by E. F. Clark of Lake Villa, producei in 78 days 6185.2 pounds milk and 243.72 pounds Dutter. May production 2429.4 pounds milk and PAGE EIGHT Th following pure bred Holsteins from this county are making a good showing at the Holstein cow testing plant operated by the Holstein As-- sociation of Illinois. Lake County Well Represented At The Hoistein Cow Testing P Plant At Dixon Tilly 'Greenwood Rag Apple, 513076, owned by A. J. Stanl of Prairie View, produced in 75 days, 4692.7 pounds milk and 190.94 pounds butter. May -- production, 1885.3 pounds milk and 70.94 pounds butter. & Aaggle Cornucopia Columbo 396,-- O. F. C. Chicago Pietie 583660, AT DIXON PLANT the best cows in the state are to this--plant and but--sixty fi.anbonkmntdlfi-o. Manund. care an ex~ ww&mm for T 'vmnbilitylo- to er to keep their off-- F"umuhd. When we recall that the average mow Of Lake county produces only The Lightnings had their hitting clothes on throughout and nicked the opposing pitchers for 23 hits, everyone getting at least two, while Shorman came across with a home run, & double and two singles. Broe-- ker delivered with two homers when the fielders got tired}chasing dou-- bies and singles. _ ° The Lake Foresters managed to work two hits off Macklin who took life easy after the wild first in-- ning. 'Their lone run came when B. Peddle poled the-- apple for a four base clout ov:':&e right field-- er's head in the k After seven innings of free hit-- ting had been under@dne, Brown de-- cided that his proteges had enough 182.25 pounds butter. May produc-- z':m pounds milk and 51.85 for the time called the game so that filor team could BASE BALL NEWS Walter McLaugh)in has & position at Decker and Ncmi drug store. David Flagg resizned to work for Joseph Kohout at the The. Lightning A. C. Sunday trampled all over the Lake Forest Young Men's Club Juniors in a wild hitting fray, 28--1. The fast crew started out in big league fashion by piling up 12 runs in the first inning. Everyone but Broeker was at bat twice. The Blue Bird class of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school picnicked at Lake Bluff on Satur-- day afternoon. Mrs. C. T. Craw-- ford is the teacher. LIGHTNINGS CRUSH gréenhouses. Misses Ruby Williams, Lois Whip-- plé and Gladys Egar left on Monday for Lake Geneva where they will attend the Epworth League can-- vention. K ADDITIONAL LIBERTYYILLE ITEMS LAKE FOREST, 28--1 Score by innings: Grands ___________O11 101 111-- 7 Lake Villa ________820 541 020--20 Jesse Davison, pitching for Lake Villa, allowed eight hits, but with his teammates slugging as they did, he might have given out twice as many without any danger. A strong wind almost in the pitchers' faces made it difficult for the fielders to judge flies, and fre-- quent errors added to the Grands' troubles. Peterson was wild, pass-- ing six men in the inning which he pitched. After that, Ramsay iasted until the fourth, when five more runs sent him to see if they have such a thing as showers in Lake Villa. Johnson, who finished the game, al-- lowed seven more tallies in the five frames in which he toiled.® play before dark. * Lightning _____12 0 0 8 4 0 9--28 Lake Forest ___ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-- 1 Sunday with the w«.nty outfit. Ramsay and J were unable to do any better than the sailor ace, and the findl seore was After Peterson blew up in the first inning and let eight Lake Villa runs across the platter, the Grands ince in their game| Fii m t e Srakey" wik "inn BlegCogmy, T'Uv&d Stove ~On the Novth Shove LAKE ¥ILLA WINS Telephone 2139 J. M. GRAVES & SON Roofing Contractors Tar, Gravel and All Kinds of Prepared Roofing Telephone us and we will call -\dgivqymnufimte All Work Guaranteed $23 N. West St. Waukegan ROOM«=--BATH$T# SPLENDID FOOD Grayslake FROM GRAND NINE G. 0. Graves--1178°W COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, JULY i2, 192. U {| In the height of the season for wearing tub skirts comes this important selling. These skirts are made of twilled materials as garberdine and .@ Piorét, and are greatly reduced in price. Skirts of White _ ; Skirts of Fancy Woven terials. 'They dre re-- White Tub Skirts To Wear with Sweater, $2.95 Child dren's Tub Apparel The woman with plenty of cool, becoming tub frocks need have no fear of the thermometer's steady ascension. Here, grouped at two special prices, is a selection which includes frocks for every summer activity. In a Very Large Hot Weather Assortment We have an exceedingly large selection of warm weather wearables for lit-- _ tle folks. They tub quick-- ly; are well made and a complete assortment of col-- Made of Riddle eloth or biack sa-- h-:...dhhl-'dheontnsdng colors. Some are neatly embroid-- Bloomer Frocks for Pretty Cretonnes, 29c¢ To Brighten the Summer Porch Royal Society Package Goods Improve Vacation Hours ;':;m;?zlnm a cloth in white, Smecial at _______________ 1059 The porch is probably the most favored nook about the house these days and must reflect the cheer of the home. New cretonnes in attractive work along on het txey Pocp $ re: C 't&deflo nd * _ =--SECOND FLOOR New Tub Frocks Are Specially Priced Wash Suits, Special at 1.59 and color combinations are priced at 4.98 Special 690'm.d' 3& SECOND FLOOR 1.39 Sport frocks of fine voles, lin-- ens, ratine and imported ging-- hams comprise this Tup. my rfepgsent the es t es o e season _____________ 9095 A splendid size for porch table. Made of velour and combined, and trim-- !@Aghwbflfl. in for > 9.95 1.95 July Specials That r _Add to One's Comfort .. C on Hot Days-- ' Women's Silk Hose _ | $1, $1.50, $2.00 | _ Three--strap pumps wilh Span-- ish heels and . hand turned soles. _ Regular 8.50 -- selier. ";flmd-flo"lfit mamesu." 9g on practically any occasion A + on practically any occasion All--wool suits for men, women and children in a splendid line of new styles and color combina-- tions. They range in price froin 2.49 up.., Bathing Caps All the new styles are seen in these assortments; they range in price from-- plete line of popular shades are here. Thx are makes well known for their superior qualities, as: Phoenix, Radmoor, Quaker and Burlington. Mer's Art Siit Hose | Children's and Infants' 59c Pair A very seviceable 'wrse in black, or colors. W# | lus-- trous firtsh. _ The price is special. at Growi:ig Girls' OneStrap White Assortments Bathing Suits, $2.49 up Made of white canvas with white soles. Sizes 2% to 7. Very special at pair _______.__________s.. Sport Hats are very greatly reduced; they are of the kinds gflflhvo'mhm'n'{vuh. --SECOND FLOOR Women's Sport Oxfords Pure thread silk hose in black, white and a com-- Rub--a--Dub, if you bathe in a tub or in the great b% lake, you need bath towels--and more towels! The summer demand for bath and face towels is great. Everyone should have an especially large supply for summer use. This sale provides very> fine towels at extremely reduced prices. ' Prices On: o neetnnts o | mgapiegeess aot M m 8, large size. Jacquard absorbent quality and med-- en far _ _ 70 | fom"size. Bae _ 10 Women's Patent Leather Pumps Mid--Summer Hats Worth to $18.00 at $4.85 25¢ ° 1.25 Bath Towels, 39¢ A Towel Sale! In the Direct Wake of Summer Dips 6.85 SECOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR $4' Women's sport oxfords of smoked elk with brown saddle trim and ._ plain tos. They are very specially ' priced at 4.85 pair. t _ !| Women's Brown Kid | Oxfords .85 a~1 dots. L«farts»' maserized lisle socks is wtite with colored stripes and brown. Women's brown kid oxfords with rubber lifts and _ flat hoels. All leather. Sizes to Bathing Shoos Nathing shoes and slippers for :;l'r:n_ and _ misses. _ Priced 75¢ ° 1.25 Fancy Turkish towels in a «plendid weight for sum-- Mercerized Lisle Socks s, * _"**__ 19c Bath Towels, 25¢ *3 in chil--iren's wide 25b¢ 1.95