Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Jul 1922, p. 2

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Myron Wells and Herman Kue-- blank attended the carpenters' union meeting at Highiaad Park on Tues-- day evening. ° Mrs. George Gross and daugh:er Lois and son Frederick of Lake Zur-- icn spent Taursday with Mrs, Myron Wells. -- Lee Shaddle of Rockford spen: Sunday at the home of his parents. * Mrs. W. D. Porteous was a Wauke-- gan visitor Wednesday. Thursday were Mr .and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Mrs. Will Hironimus, Mrs. Ralph Litwiler and A. M. Waite. 4 Mrs. Odett of Winnetks is speard-- ing a couple of weeks at the Jack 'Thursday in Palatine. Misses Esther and Harriet Hodge were Waukegan visitors Wednesday. Helen Ricnardson is entertaining| Mrs. Robert Dawson, who lives on her cousin, Miss Hect from Chicago.| the avenue north of the corners, has Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland| sold her place to Chief Fitzmorris were Waukegan callers Thursday af--| of Chicago, ternoon, Early last Monday morning Rev-- Mrs. 8. Brow»n of Chicago spent i' Keithahn, together with five Sunday couple of days the first of the mH school pupils left for Dixon, I!I., to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.! attend the annual convention and en-- Litwiler. | campment of Sunday school workers, Mr. and Mrs. Trefeiner of Chi--| They made the trip in Mr. Keith-- cago motored out to Round Lake ahn's Liszie Ford. We wish them last Monday and called on friends. _ | good lTick and a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schneider Charles Kruger was a Liberty-- and friends of Burlington, Wisconsin i ville visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. E. W. Fenner and Mrs, Her-- man Zersen visited Fred Zersen in the Chicago hospital on Thursday. He is reported to be getting along * Area was well represented at the meeting of the Diamoad Lake Cem-- etery society at the home of Mrs. l.d. Butterneld of Libertyville on @' nursday afternoon. William Gossel Today recalls sad memories . -- Of a loved one gone to rest; And those who think of him today Anth-uvhol,ndhhbut. Died July 12, 1917. From Loviag Wife and Children. llor 1 hursday, The Sunday school picine was he'd at Third Lake on Thursday, About bu members ana their fammies were present. . Te Ladies' Aid bakery sale will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Lyon's store. Here is a chance to ge: your Sunday baking without having to staad ovéer a hot stove to do it. We all know the good cooking tha. our Ladies' Aid do so there is no need to say more, Mrs. S. L. Tripp entertained Lake Vilia relatives on Wednesday. . . A number of Area people attended the iee cream <social at Diamond Lake on Wednesday evening. _ called at the S. ( Sunday. Mra. her aunt mprpibkr: é £ 7 Your 1 nial. _ cannot Let th proper MAKT Phone Miss Matilda Hunn spending ner vacatior Coblent: family. Joe Fitz and wife are relatives from lowa. Mrs. Charle in Sunday. * Miss Elsie Panouski was the guest of Mrs. T sei on Monday. Mrs. Johnson of Libe entertained at the nom PAGE TWO M:z. and Mro. Joh: Nirs. Tnomas Russell Helen and Mr. and M ker called at the nom Mr. and Mrs. William Zersen spent Your Money means hard work, care and self--de-- nial. You have poured your Life into it. You cannot afford to be careless with it. Let the Citizens State Bank help you in taking proper care of your money. ROUND ° LAKE MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME < MRS M The (Citizens State Bank of Area g fo IN MEMORIAM W Area Your Money Means Too Much to You to Waste It M. L. CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 122--J ue 10me ker er home last Chic le #.6 Grai H Mitche 14 [( T Antioe M LU :thor grand s;m ';'rh;n vmlre}ur. and Mrs. B rom two to three nun people a present, this shows that the pro--! Jn:li: ::mvi:: moters at the head of it are very liss'Al' T |popular and efficient men and run | oth"" l; 'thinn in a real businesslike manner, g'"'m er, | therefore our county fair this year ; '*°Y* . | promises to be a record breaker as| The condition everybody is going to be there, And Who was in an a while there don't forget to patronize days ago, remain the tent of the Washburn Congrega--} > Messers F. ] tional church of Half Day for yout| Schaefer, W. Pr meals, lunches, ice cream and soft}and Fred Duesc; drinks. We will give yoaservice and | S. Herren@catten: quality and at popular prices, so| gan Monday. lmnbmbmhdywrhudpi Mr. and Mrs. quarters while at the fair. called on Barrin The play and drill given by St. Mary's Parochial school of Fremont Center was worthy of praise. The children did splendidly and the play was most impressive. There were a lot of good taiks, after which every-- body danced the light fantasia the rest of the evening. The Ladies Aid of the Half Day church --erved sup-- per on the lawn across the road from the pavilion, which turned out to be an ideal place. They were exceed-- ingly well patronized and wish to thank everyone for their heip and support. Roy Clingman and family were guests at the J. P. Ri:zenthaler home Sunday. With Milwaukee avenue blocked at one end and the Mill's road blocked on account of a --washed out culvert it's quite a conundrum to some to get to Libertyville for the present. This part of the town can turn at the Geo, Mason corner to Milwaukee avenue, the beauty of it is there is no sign board to that effect, consequently one has a nice auto ride of four or five miles unless some one notifies them before they "get in the hole." Thanks to those good samaritans. W. J. Sauer and son were Barring-- ton callers Tuesday. The second Fair Booster meeting :' ~ which was held at Hertel's pcvilion' Reverend and on last Tuesday evening, was an--) little son spent Mr. and Mrs. F. Stancliff were vis-- itors at Long Grove Sunday after-- Wm. Knedlier left for Montana Wednesday to help with harvesting for a month or more. > Mr. Ost and family of Palatine were eater:ained at the F. Wells home Sunday. The Corner class visited the Half Day Sunday school last Sunday. All were much pleased with their visit and expect Haf Day to visit them in thenear future in response to their invitation. Mrs. Emma Krueger is visiting out of town. Mrs. C. Nichols and son Carl vis-- ited in the city the fore part of the week. > ule Eleanor Pries cation at home W. J. Sauer and Victor Sauer Jr. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Stancliff wee Libertyville callers Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. Stoerp entertained -- the Misses Ione and Leona Brockman of Palatine and Emma Markquith of Oak Park over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. knedler ®e-- turned from their sorthern trip Tuesday and report Harr) and m ily well and the weatner fine> plenty rain, which they were kind enough to send ahead Miss Laura Sprague ~pent a few lays here and attende: t»e picnic ne Fourth. M n W Haif p t : Liszie Ford. We wish them _ Wednesday, Sunday school picnic| lack and a pleasant time. Full particulars on Sunday morniag. | arles Kruger was a Liberty--' Thursday afternoon, Ladies' Aid | visitor on Wednesday. society meets at the home of ln.l sses Kathryn and Lucille Wylie leRoy Kane. All the ladies of the | hicago are spending théir sum--| community are invited. ! M PRAIRIE VIEW D: it ay baseball team is ached-- lay Wheeling team on Cook next Sunday. HALF DAY ion in Half Day, arrett is taking a AREA, ILL 1 last Sunday. cased with their alf Day to visit iture in response po'n pending t PefalleUeltet rt} 10:30 a. m.--Sunday school, Mrs. Caroline Mitchell, Supt. A good at-- tendance last Sunday, make it be'ter next Sunday. 2:30 p. m--Public worship, ser-- mon by the pastor. A community without a church is un--American, un-- progressive, and headed for decay. Stand by the church, The condition of Edwin Miller, who was in an auto accident several days ago, remains about the same. Irene and Im Ernst gave a birthday party Wednesday -- after-- noon. Refreshments were served. The married men will play against the single men in a ball game Sun-- day afternoon at 2:30, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst and family called on Barrington relatives Mon-- day evening. DIAMOND LAKE COMMUNITY Schaefer, W. Prehm Sr., and Elmer and Fred Duescnauer, F. Young and S. Herren@attended court in Wauke-- gan Monday. The Sod Busters of Palatine came to Long Grove Sunday and showed tne locals that Palatine still hnas some good ball players in their midst, they took home the bacon with a score of 19 to 16. Fans from nere say it was a fine game despite the large score. The Long Grove fielders weren't on the job 'on account of a bunch of gisls traveling through the field. Reverend and Mrs. Meéyer and little son spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simons. Mrs. John Prehm and little son Junior, are visiting in Chicago. Miss Alice Tonne is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Hoele, at Long Grove. Wiliiam Sauer and son Victior of Praime View called at the Victor Sauer home Monday afterhoon. Mr .and Mrs. John Meyer and family of Palatine spent Sunday at the Chasies Herschoerger Jr. home. Mr. mand Mrs. Henry Tonne spent one day last week wita their son Wwitliam at Fairfield. -- miss Emma Kaikbreanner spent several aays at home with her par-- ents, Reverend and -- Mrs. haik-- brenuer. cago sp Meyer s Stephen -- Mr. and Mrs. Heary WeArenberg, Mr. and Mrs. George Wenrenberg and family and Mr. and Mrs., Charles Wehrenberg of Libertyville called at the Hans home Sunday afternoon. Miss Dorothy O days at home with and Mrs. Eli Ott, position Monday. Meyers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keiler. Misses Ethel Umbdenstock -- and Evelyn Bartasas spent Friday eve-- mag witi Freda Stelling. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Tonne en-- te:tained company from Hinsdale Sunday afternoon. Messrs Victor Sauer and Charles Sauer were Whceling c&llers Mon-- day. Frank Sauer of Palatine was a caller here on Monday,. Mrs. Mike Umbdenstock of Chi-- cago spent several days at the Krueger and Umibienstock homes. Miss Helen Lafrents returned home| Homer Cook was in Waukegan on Wednesday after spending -RnllbuM Monday. > days with relatives in Wiseonsin, George' Noh of Hinsdale snent THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY, Messers F. Hoeft, A. Froelich, M Charles J. Dickey, Pastor, Libertyville. HIL Ray Brother's Pavilion DIAMOND LAKE Wednesday, July 19 LAKE ZURICH and Mr pent ih LONG GROVE he we D A NC BE John n Meyer of k ead with Mr. and spent several er parents, Mr. 'turning to her Rainbow Girls' Mrs Mrs Time Deposits As made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law: RESOURCES: U. 8' Government Investments............. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ... . Due from Banks, Cash and Other Resources Umdivided Profits (Net) Demand Deposits Reserve Accounts Re--discounts ... swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Audtior of Public Acopunts, State of Ilinois, pursuant to law. ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Miss Mary Baseley accompanied Mrs. Farley Wade to her home at Jefferson Park last Thursday and re-- mained till Sunday evening. LOCATED AT AREA, STATE OF ILLINOTIS, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE 7th DAY OF JULY, 1922 Philip Young and two sisters, Mrs. Rau and daughter and Miss Pauline Young of Chicago opened their summer home on the eastern shore of the lake a week ago. The Young's cottage is one of the first summer cottages to be built on the snore of our lake and was built by Philip Young,; an attorney of Chi-- cago, about 25 years ago. Both Mr. Young and his wife passed away several years ago. -- | George North of Hinsdale spent | from Sunday to Wednesday forenoon lat the home of his father, Alfred ' North. Miss Editn Geary is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties on the telephone exchange. Miss Velda Bangs of Chicago spent the week en with her motner. Miss Della Dahns of Elgin was seen on our streets a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull went to Waukegan Memorial nospital last Mrs. Jack Ford and young son of Chicago, spent last week at the | Friday and had theirs 4--year--old daughter's tonsils removed. Little Evelyn is around as lively as ever. William Johns motored to Union last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and M are entertaiini other young | cottage, Dan Meyers of Chicago spent last week with his f«ther, Pete Meyers and two brotners, Peter Jr. and Clarence, and sster, Mrs. Vernon Johas. Mr. and M: Round Lake s; their children. wife and Mr. . bull. Mr. and M infant daugnt Baseley ¢galled and Harry B urdlay afterno Miss Wilma Farnsworth is enter-- taining two young lady friends from Qhicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carr of Barr-- ington were Sunday guests at the home of their p.rents, Mr .and Mrs. Frank Carr, of Barrington tre home of,.\ Plutie Hought (SEAL Subscriced and Total Resources Total Liabilities Citizens State Bank WAUCONDA Rouse, cashier of the Citizens State Bank, ao solemnly y and son Kenneth pent last week at . Cady's sister,Mrs. Albert Paddock of t Gunday here with rwen Paddock and \ Mrs. Leslie Turn-- Howard Anderson, and Miss Amy Mr. and Mrs. Joe ey at Union Sat-- Vegner of Chicago heir daughters and e at their summer _ (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.) Report of Condition of LIABILITIES FLORENCE L. ROUSE, Notary Public State of Illinois, County before me this 7th day of J -- and Slonguy moraing and Monday night was very welceome nere . as , many cisterns had gore dry | and | everything needed rain badly. -- The sewer nas drained a number of wells around town and that mean-- the owners will have to pu? dn city water or carry their house-- _ hold supply from a distance. F During the electric storm Sunda; night a machine shed on the old ' Mike Coyle farm four miles north-- _ west of town was struck by light-- . ning and burned down. No other -- buildings were damaged owing to the heavy rain. The loss was covered _ by insurance. _ The Wauconda ball players did all their bragging last year. They have | been badly beaten in nearly every | game they have played this year. , Sunday they went to McHenry and | took a good walloping by the Mc-- 'Henry team to the tune of 7 to 20. | A hoodoo must be camped along | their route somewhere, or a jinx has Jgot them, Anynow, here is better ; luck to you boys. age. Mrs. their after Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Prior attended the funeral of a niece of Mrs. Prior's at Coystil Lake Tuesday afternoo:.. Little Betty Jean Oberlin cel-- ebrated her fourth virthday last Saturday afternoon by entertaining Miss Lucy Sowles, who spent last week with her sister, Lois Sowles of Grayslake, returned to her home he.e Sunday afternoon. «t William -- Brockway -- of -- Palatine was a pleasant caller in town re-- centl~. Scarlet fever has again' mude its appearance. The families of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Pratt are under quarantine as Mr, and Mrs. Murphy occupy rovums in the Pratt home. JULY 15, 1922 Telephone 2139 Prepared Roofing Telephone us and we will call and give you an estimate All Work Guaranteed 323 N. West St. Waukegan home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Dennis Murphy. J. M. GRAVES & SON Roofing Contractors Tar, Gravel and All Kinds of JOHN H. ROUSE O ed her fourth virthday | last day afternoon by entertaining mber of little childrem of her A dainty lunch was served by Oveslin and the youngsters and mothers enjoyed a pleasant G. 0. Graves--1178--W rain o Jul $ 20,000.00 4,742.56 50,574.03 95,633.39 1,276.19 15,810.50 { Lake 188,037.27 144,709.63 188,037.27 8,798.78 29,645.36 M nda TOR SALE--125 acre farm west of Libertyvlle. Nine room house, large barn, silo, milk house, hog house, corncrio, deep wells. Good soil. & acres of timber. Price only $140 per acre. Terms. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Libertyville. 49--tf FOR SALE--Houses and lots at| reasonable prices and easy terms | Insurance and notary. ' Edwin Austin, Libertyville i 21 --tf FOR | ~arms, Houses and Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property a Specialty f Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 ' MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD FOR SALE Office Phone 1 Ake es 578 JR _ SALE--Registered _ Jersey' heifers of the best of American| _ O o. " m breeding. Four due to calve thist FOR RENT fall. T:2se are of the same blood , _z and Drecding and really Imar'roil RENT--August 1st, bungalow individuals tman those sold in the| consisting of 7 rooms and bath: eastern _ sales that _ averaged| Apply Jackson Ave: Cor. Brain-- $1,004.59, rixty head selling !orl ard. 52--2t $60,275.00. Aiso a bay mare 9 yrs. | If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. P Opposite Crane's Hotel DIAMOND LAKE ~ld, weight 1200 lbs. Phil Donegan, Washington st. and Green Bay rd. Waukegan, III. 49--4t EVERYBODY STEPS Minimum charge, FRIDAY EVENINGS and SUNDAYS i SALib--Datrk vak dining table nd 6 chairs, leather seats, A--1 ndition. Also kitchen heater and arbage burner and other articles. none 281--R--2. 49--6t Essex Orchestra Laurell & Kelly's Pavilion Snappy Music by mode:! Jackso Al REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Admission 50¢ V FOR SALE Mode Or charge, 25c¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. Cash . 601 We m lei B--48 seven pas-- Arrow automobile Phone 185--J. assiftied Ads B--48 ve B JOHN HEIM m bungalow, on premises 47--6t ne x 60 3148 N. Ashland Ave. 11CASO. ILL. 2 Doors South of Relmont time. Ca Paik Ave 2( §1--6t a t 6t PRIVATE TUITION--French, Span-- WANTED--A woman to help janitor at high school. Good wages, Apply to Janitor at the High Scnool. 53--1t WANTED--Carpenters at the Inter-- state Sand & Gravel Co. Union wages. 53--2t MORE ABOUT THE BULL. There FOR SALE--The molt fertile t our price for Fir Silos. We furnish doors and hardware. are all kinds af milking machines on the market but thre is only 1 Bull Teat Cup and acre farm in Lake county. Fine black loam soil No foul weeds, and every acre producing, Only one--half mile from town. Nine room house, large basement dairy barn, silo, corncrib, milk house, large cnicken house, tool house, hog house, garage, deep wells, fruit. Everything in fine shape. It is an ideal farm home and will make money for the purchaser from the day he moves on. The price is very reasonable,:and very easy terms will be made to good reliable persons. For further in-- formation see A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Phone 90, Liberty-- ville B ZION INSTITUTIONS & IN-- DUSTRIES. -- (Wilbur Gienn Voliva) & (Dept. 4.) Zion, Illinois. 1 Bull Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge in the barn while milking. Com-- plete installed $230.00. MISCELLANEOUS Telephones 81 or 49. WANTED 44--57 49--tf

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