Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 26 Jul 1922, p. 3

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In. and "do ad. Glynn agrd mu. dnugbtar, Carolyn Judo. of ['1in My In vitvitittg Mrs. L. c. Mole. Tu Presbyterhn church school picine will be given Thursday, July " at the For": Preserve. Autos um - the dumb " " o'clock. Th. ml. folks have been Asked to Mu "uqdh lunch for two extra cum to WW a treat for the Dow Mr. 1nd Mrs. John Uneaster of Libertyville were the Saudi] guests of Mr. Ind Mrs. Willing: Metres. in. Howard Durham of Kenil- morth, "In. Deming. _ - Juli. Deming Ind In. Wolf of Wil- mette would» goes" of Mrs. J. A. tk D. Ndlon of Highwood visited friend! in Deerfield Thursday, Mr. Nelson leaves next week for Cal- tromin. FM" __ VA blind-x Mrs. Elmer Clavey will entertain the Young Matron: mt her home, Cedar Gate Farm, on Wednesday durum Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huhlke en-1 teruined at dinner Friday evening in omnpliment to Mr. and In. Sumac! much nnd daughter, Helen In", of Clevellnd, Ohio. The Presbyterian church is to be moved onto the lot just south of the chute): property where church will be held until the completion of the new building which will be built on the old church site. The United Evangelical ehureh will be moved from its present loa- tion to the new subdivision near the town hall. nines Dorottlf nod Helen Reich-' Many autoirtr , elt returned Thursday from Edre- Deerfield a count water where they have been the to test out the " M of Mr. and In. B. J At seem- hard to Diehrns for the past week, the drivers that _ -re I ti _ q F In. In Hole has purchased ,.:itrrtualtetit,,r1a'uw,','eiel1 homejn Glen Ellyn, Illinois Ind will f other autoists wt - ture in the their hfture. In?!" the In". On Holt will continue to give music - And will return to Deerfield one day each week for that purpose. In. R. B. Paterson and children vent to Innate: by boat with the Portage Park Womn's dub. from California. Ilnes Gwendoly- mad Dtrrie Bola ain't-bad M from Chi- as. and". "I"w-KQD+ Can-Iain to... AI." all 'Pi you: people I". "in! m to KiiisaArirominttr-e"reh. ", It. Ind {my now Guilty to A a: canine fro- m south on Wuhan nod. SIM" evening am no u. an» to stop when the on died stormed nnd so to aver. I collision with the one direct- rr%Vrait-errr1toth"ftt"f struck a Ford which In emnintt from the Neath in I beod-on colli- uou. cumin; I w nod 'm" from tho I." and "nnahintt both an. Therm cu arteonseioua "Wb'ncuz om And the iraiarGiumtre.0ftToehoi-. mhmford net/indent: ml bruins ' and their mother m mind under the eyes Ind an" the trrHe. of her none. The oe- eupanta of the car at fault amped uninjund. Both an were Wad to P. J. Juhnnd'l - The are will come up in the Daemeld court Sat- urdty swoon " ' o'clock. rhenewttretrtekwartntttotv_ on Hominy morning when n all can: from the Kellm farm. The mug-gawk! Rev. J. C. Rancher in from of whose home 60"th [Ruhr rum-almn wu- found onrlm m on it: 'rar with . "m a!" tf volunteer firemen in three minute. that the all can. A chit-m home burned. The datum Ind loss will not ttmat, Ellsworth Stryker. the Swat-0H son of Mr. and In. Irving Stu-1hr wu run over Sunday morning while crossing the cement road in from of the Community House. He wu badly bruised and cut and so stunned that be was not able to tell what ml: him At the manual meeting of the Ill- inoh Men Association held It Mount heaped In: week, c. A. Wolf a! this villi" vu re-eteeted vice Mm of the audition which sdlee he ha held for the put two "on. A large de-tion of members from nil pub of north- m Illinois wu present. Price: will radii the an for aura-Marvin mrdamuapuan oflfew slim W Dr. J. P. O'Connell. and". MI m . On In Deerfield, om Hermann DR am It: TNIM, Canterbury mm. on Wed-many: 0mm and atom-ya. one. ham from 9 ROOM ' my BLDG. -9p.zt.Phorte21tr-R. - l ppm." GTG. you. Wheeler. Ir. at! In Edwin lee" Brtd and In an! Fredrick and mu to Minna; New? Lon PM: in returned irr Pram}?- You: People - "-9.62. - -- 7 p.. w! It--' 'e-teh iullon: uuom . m "0MCAGO amm- . Ire Davis, den of Chin" Golf W. bu the following to I.) in .0 ogggqnt have "of them-Mae. "Cuban Golfer." . "When attending the Human! Open but weak and "in. the Manda of hen spectators. the thought naturally occumd to u: u h when I" these Golfers played. Computively few belong" to pri- m clubs, many played " the - course: and many man at an! player: in prospect eager to become .1th of regular club; "With that thought in It" weld"'""'."')') comm-nor " -v... wondered why a club like Brkrnlcq wad of Hoover, Dam. Fl" possessing a wonderful count as" and .tcCord--Bod'y to HIV. location, had not already I tttttgl Charge of Coal tNetrtbrtio't. tut, although o ll) mouth onu- ,- M The Drum-pp "dura'lly u tilt' Wlhlnnglun. July ".trr.--M- II "M" guyertr. who we eontmnptatirkPre.iutust Hurdm: pram lo do II hitting a North Sh-w club. Mnithe mm and rt,ur,,itAtteeittertteuo heard that the c-uetioi, of the'u nnwmnced by secret-r] of Com eourt5e wtu, Comm""'1| last Mt m,erce Hoover. 'lhr plan ll podium and ml; complain. c.', " and opened'; upon nu opinion ml Attorney Bent-n: for play this year. ml tuietoreiH. H. Iuttgtterty uutttor1atrtg wide le they assume that H.» f.irw.ya "algal pmxerg tor 1w. :nvemml. greens are still A crude process I. Appolntme'rt If n "presldenria of developme.t. I m, however, irleolimrt,'ae,u mam up of seen-hr: not the case. fr, t-w'ry one ity Hoover, Attorney nulernl DIMhPr'} plays the eourw 'or the first time'secrelury Fall of at.» Interior depart it ttimply astoun_ by its "mark" men! nnd Clmlfnlfm yttcoef of the ir ,able condition a 'l the excellence of. Contam- r-nrnmerro- lummmoc. Th, lit: - and flrways. immruim-v wlll mm Lam-ml chug? lr "t . _ Bt _--. . __ And .0"qu of developme. t. I as, hbwever, is not the case. fr, v-w-ry one who plays the courw 'or the 6rst time is simply astoun mu hy its remark- able condition a ,1 the excellence of ita Ms and fairways. "Briergate i, plenilillly located in Deerfield, two union west of High- land"Park. excellent tranNrytttie.t on the C. M. & St. P. Ry.; c. h N. W. Ry., and North Shore electric The course i, 05700 ;.ards, being the harm Itchole course on the north side. We do not hesitate to recom- mend this club to the many players who are un'luuhtedly looking fur I golf home on the north shore." " MILES SN AIL'ri to test out the speed of Meir can. It seemr hard to convince some of the drivers that there are weed regulations which will be enforced to safeguard pedestrians as well as other autoists who try to eonform to the laws. On Monday. Deputy Sheriff Jack Beckley arrested a speed" who was going through town It a pace of 64 miles In hour. The fellow raised a vigorous pro- test tqtainst being delayed when the motor cop "rested him Ind he was hailed before a justice. Per- haps the pecuninry penalty will prove I lesson to the weed mad driver. BENEFIT OF SOIL th ' Survey." the ginnticr piece of volt being mrried om by the Unirrsitp of 'llh'ngisd what In ita tteoedtta and what is to be (lined from it, were point' dueu-d today by O. I. Ems, BA. m chief of the noil "my work. "the nail an" in the mapping of the toil typo in minute detail mith It!!!" to geological origin of soil, topography, mute venu- tion, nature and depth of state. mun! drainage and agricultural vthe." mm Mr. Ellis. "What "it: be-eV-what is to be (and from it? With the cot- lection and analysis of the repre- scnutive ample:- of the mil types. um Jlr'iiii',liiiiiiiirilt; .' a knowledge of the constituent; of the soil is obtained. which given I working basis for the Uttfverrity Experiment Station workers and farm Mrs, so that after cue- ful observation, they can give debtite information concerning Watch to apply to difterent mils. "Without this map, a farmer mBy. unintentionally, apply some fenilim to n certain smtl type that would be more of a detriment that n benefit, besides being tt Inc: of time nod money. "Also, at the present time. theo. soil Hamill-pa no a benefit V the drain- projects and prot- lens that mt us in this statr In building ttard mutt. the beoeh' from tho up cannot be outimaxm amnion: and Belds in respect t the Vln'ou "il types npwwrutt-v Ifheisintumarhetforafrnrr h. can It", the 'oit survey of th "What can the firmer "in". artful It", of his indiw farm, the {armor can arrange In. in which he wish" to Inca Then, with an anger. he can our the farm and carefullv I amine the place before ho purr'na It "I'M! laat point in vividly rar- (and hy the many time that A certain fun but! been on the mar- ket in one of the countioc in con- tral Winch, when all the land sround it w the prairie hro- silt loam. Um investigating the soil map. WI Individual hm had ww- eral It!" " I bad type of Soi'-- brow-gray gm Iona on tight chu- --toeatqd C it. and thus wu Mink constantly put an the market." SURVEY DISCl'SSED PAI F. TO Al'TOlST -1ill seem to think ry town '11 which ' - district. a L bought Cin- "u,,leaCi"ti"; Harlan comty district. R. mtk Only. Minnie; Kanawha district. I MIC. V. blah-on; Huntington: Logan iooir, mm. A. J. Km minute") Ken- what I tacky district. c. w. Con-or. Agata-d. oirtto KL; unborn Welt Virginia. I DID- " "'iu; William-on mm, I. D. ht- lm, _ m. Damon. O.; VI" W Iteye; Webb wlMette. Non-n. F Fa.; III River district, A. G. and"; 'tttil, "on Kentucky. C. P. Rich-I'M _ 2mm; 3mm county. Paul "in": r yank. P. Kendall. Waahtngtou: In" geta- T Pow-ac. T. A. Emmona. A. W. Stew. trata, an. John tt. Brophy; Fayette musty. Rural Pmlvanh. George Whrrt. F Daugherty o. Kit Plan. '"'d,1' The kn] "O. K." um put upon the 1;"? aclninlatratlon'l plan to combat the up" twin Itrikoa by Attorney Omani m 0" Daugherty. After studying the plan '4" revolved by Secretary of Com l, Hoover the attorney genera! aaid it erri:y I "a within the law for the got-n ann mt to exercise tmeh functions with- "t out further mourn to column for 'T" not leefttitttioet. (ii, t, imitttt l FUEL DIBTITDBS :Pnibdenml Committee" I. Com. peted of "cover, D'ugw, Fall and McCord-Body to "IV. Charge of Coal m.trmutMrn. Sixty Operators land to Carry Out Orders of In"!!! Commerce Condition. IlilWfll't " WED Wlhhmglun. July ".trr.-.-B- ll W Preslllrm Hardin: prnpo"_l0 do the foul and l'uHruml slrlKQ egtterttet; as ammunced by New"?! ot c, 1. Appolntrue'rt " a "presidential commHH-e," mm!» up of treeret'iry Hoover. Attorney Funeral mummy. Secretary Fall of Hu- Interior drparv went nnd tmatinuin ytrtmed of the in (Intan- mmmen-o- w-vnmlnoe. The eomruittee will tluve :wmr'l chug? of all plans for ("mm-um Ind rennin tton. 2. Representatir operattum In Inn prenmvmlnl mmm OWLers 3. Agents In every w'; rylng mm el moseR"nt " fl~w:i:!~z , To Chack Car Movcmonu. tk ('urdul meek on tum-amen" of freight curs. [ T T. "perm-vu- In be w: wr.d wide lau- tilde manuememu. 9. All operahw urea to tentative mximum prior fixed by Commerce do pertroent on June I (8.30 per ton at nine). T The six members of the operators' committee, named by districts " "drafting mmmitm" it It" rolled) "drafting eosumittpe" it was rnlled) were: 8. E. Yerktss, Birmingham; K. E. White, Glettsshite, W. Ta.; R. S. Mayan. Knoxville; Charles O'.Neul, Altoona; 8. Pemberton Hun-Mum, Philadelphia, and C. E. Bockum. New York. The Ming committee "I I part of the noon] executive umnlttee of the opentorn. "pointed to cooperate with the wanna." tnd the "ilwartL Other member: Ind (linden appoint- "t shall Join with Berretnry Boom Ind "on other government-l um and" the direction of the PM! to relieve the mutton to the pnd'caat mat and other mitte- ot m. In: be (unlined to the American mph» In milk-tent quantities and at reg-on- ule print." the "(envy general um. To "wok. Trumpet-act" Act. The Bret It'p witl be to invoke that who of the tampon-Hon not gtv. In: the Interstate mmvm cttggttttt.. slon complete control nu-r the ("an button Ind nu of all rmlwm motive power, an, terminus and v-ther tn an". wry to the m (rule. It " stated It will led an to net up the mu thin purpose WON-d: of talc-mm: up" non! out Sunday and replio rpm-Hod by the Immune comment rummlulon um I comm of the available ml '1, equipment of the country and Jr: pmt location. With thir, dat- n- on" of the tsomrni-ion w'll be on IN" to "rennin where More I. a We of Kuhn-lbw equipment tttnt an be trxtmeferred to mi: n: m, mulpmom " lurking to move 1mm. The lmllvldnnl rnllmdn lnvc M loam to let their mulpmnm tret off their m linen. immune it luLI'I tttree to four months to pt ll m k Ill" normal procedure, With Hm Iflm-'. "on cam: _tur'rd'rtirm, Mn'm' 'qtrtrrneatt I'll! In: lu'm on Ur -. " liy " pnnlhlv and u Hun "r... mm {min territory Mle will b. reNmed In their plum». Hu- hurl Mate mem- tu, ml Mom " "l - . " "do!" offices through uhlcl a, and "ttthte mnlfm cttt wlll , vur. mine " W'ul field, matinee u! coal operators, or gas-Emma Rum" Loan th * ho all"! ll every wny In Par ss' (or preferentla lem'l commmw m (foul Ind rail ognuonl on the I to only those + to fair price who that ad gtv. cttggttgtt.. " di.trt. motive ther fan mom of " but u (by. In a! \Vllllmn I.ortgt-e. u M'lllllllf from M 2:3 llllnola. hm jun .retsch"tl t'mvngo (0' - [l "M undergo an "per-Hon fur lmpulred eye ' {a sight. lt um be recalled that somel ' tE5, years ago the all Sir. Lorimer was f , I " cotttterted with biied and paid only 'e?, " "q a few rents an an dollar, In an effort ' . to regain m Mela! standing Mr. V v - _ Lortmer haw penetrated the interior of I ' It' South Rains", there he represents; an Amer-lam syldlcme that he believes l .. . " " VIII "dually put hlm on Ms feet The "Hill porch I and vnrtttle him to pay. mlullnr for dol- I In. the delmsum of ms fulled bunk. '; President and The photograph - him us he look! 1 probably will avail today. Ithe offer of John R -- --_-_----P.==.---'-i----" r.==rs----1-:----=---er---= [ lionaine Washington Three Wow" 76mm mom? Dublm. July 2s.--Pree Slate troop- haVe nurtured Bulllnlough and Baltrs hunt. The Free Staten now minol n "armile front behreen Waterford and Ltrneriik They In trying to an on the rxrhel mm! ("uniform Irish Regulars Have Captured Ballinlough and Ballyhunia. AP. three agenda of modern inr- fnre are now ominyod In the trtatt ttosnmties--laNntrr, airplane. and n-vul on" A rtee Slate "Ina-quite Met." armed tit. threepounden. ll preparing to patr% the coat. homag- In. Irregular Molds. The min "of the noel-col- umn: the night Nut-rd. with the regulars pressing b hot put-Inn. I h "pected that a. [hell wttt nuke their mm and - In the Out of (hum mum when my gnarl". bandl Handy ha" aka The 9mm m 0. city of Cork have rm hurries" Ind tow to" of Intronchnuml "at unit» high- nyn In the south.- extremity of Cork munty. London. July 2r, -nrar m w". killed and a. was Md by raid» or: rm? looting - and red- denm " Gallon " Knock Karon. rimming to In mm Telegraph dispatch from Duhiltg. Nay Tort.. tn. Lowl- ... ctue- .... (flat-Inna" . mttrtturath . RmIan .. Phlluklphlu Fawn . -- tte. boul- No' York Chlalo u Daron .. ('hvehnd Wnnhlnnon Philldtlphla Rods Dom." Labor Provom In" "on " wr an Ana-ulna. va, July _G.--Rert Rndek mm M. Bucttttrin. tts IMrd lmernntlanlh manual-UV" . the Berlin can!" no. In" mm n - letter to m 3mm. labor Iv WWI. 11m" Rarmm.1 Manon-M. Arm: Render-on "u Thom" Shaw. 1133 tho Brttiatt In SEEK FREEDOM FOR SLAYERS "We elm! 1w W's In a short the from you,' no letter "In. "t tub-run mimlm on gum by Mating you haw "New RICH" worker! to I. mm mm» w - not tr gnaw the ttttttttmen Mi Bgtttatt irmverutt-i to mmf thos, "es Mrose for m' don for the : 4: People." i M. Bucttttrin. tts IMrd lmernntlmllo manual-UV" . the Berlin can!" no. In" mm n - letter to the 3mm. labor Iv WWI. 11m" lelny Manon-M. Ar" "r. Render-on and Thom" Shaw. 1133 tho Brttiatt l.- hor party to NW"! In!!!" the death untame- of the and" of Flow Minn-l Mr "NW "III ' " Porn lr . m, 2tV-Iretmtte Elem-u. out" 1.1 Union Mills was how-d In n "'14 an hen who. I boat In whn! " a [an all!" of Chm." new _ _ RM our. Pin-burgh. "-4 No Omar unmo- . AllRll' Plumb". I. Ch Pmlu'kbhh. I No and - n Ago-cm of Modern Warn" Aye Now Being Employ" In "balm-en. OTANDINGI OF THE CLUB! _ ESDAY *mm m pm" 3 Baseball Results ll, NATIONAL HAGUE Bqat T 'a - Dawn; AKSIUCA N HAGUE loud. NATIOs s Inn"; I. "LOVE munch. t _ "and. " Torts. 1-11 "uh-d. LEAOI'E " " " " " " ll 'oop* Almo-t "one" - that to [ . To. "a Sulphur. "one!!! compound- m")- mt, bring: but the man! color and nrol has!" to the hair when Mod. method "d of my. You: no the only nu " Ire, um mm" m to um. tt an t F emu. which tq - nad trouble- 1wm0. New"; by nun; u my w". "rue more (at "Wyoth'n use And Duh Irish phur Compound." you will get 1 m: than. of un- ullmn old recipe. tm. out proved by tho "not: of other in. who laying". a . an]! ef . " '" OH It's Grandmother's Recipe in Restore Color. Gloss andAttnctim SAGE All] SlllMll HARRIS SHIV illlll Don't my gay! Try It! No one an "My that you damn" your nu.'u I do. tt 0.; any"!!! ad "eatr. You dampen I no... or Ion hull: with It und Gav mu through your Mt. an" on -tll 'trandututtr-tbrmortsm_r" In: (II-pm - that "on. up- pllauol or two; your lab bosom. b-ttttutr a.... - all attmettet - has all - G-. pound In yWJoglo} page. iiiF'"itaa GtG-daiFCddik mind a t'2l'fd"eu'l=Wt, " In at In- -rtgtattt_rr.o. We!" 1lt3liltBDENT TO tttrpm SUMMER VACATION HERE Mrs Harding use his country estate, "Friend I themselves of ship," near Washington, as a sum R. "McLean. mil- mar White House. The offer, how, m publisher, to'cver. has not been formally " n "Friendship," John R. McLean'- country home, which will be used by the 'urging. an a summer White House Almost everywhere ttbrttad-itgt or Tgreat--. you Will find a decided preference for the Hupmobile as representative of the beat that America produces. Why do foreign lands rate the Hupmobile so high? For precisely the same reasons it is rated high at home-Ita recognized value, its recognized ability, itslowcoetsanditslonglife. Most of all, perhaps, for its splendid self- reliance, which makes the Hupmobile a favorite for travel through wild and spars- ely settled regions. It is this quality of self-reliance which above all its other remarkable attributes, has won the lasting admiration of motor car buyers everywhere. Hupmobile PHONE 8 "oring Car, ttIMP. "any. II)",- Roadway-Coupe. '"" Coupe. ttMS; "a. 't9Mr-Cord The. on all -to--Prireo F O. M. 'trerodt. Imam Tan Extra. F? BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER 'aaaazmiiitGiii" 60h unusual rm. -iiVtFiToiias Ree Motor Co. RI' [tk-iris-fi-iid I, . " _,_ (4 . , _ l I v V . " I 'x ia f - A. 1i:-risieiiiii,y. E L312': 3 L', YearEach 'T-aTraGaraiiE Hm] yank-"ha! FOR $2.55 'VuMALLIOIQdM LIBERTYVILLE cepted by the president.' The eo- tate provides facilities for prim golfing, tennis and horseback riding. Y.q,t,lg,"3, PAGE 1mm: Order New trt0Ar"T=rr3l "arTraiiaialraira"

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