Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 29 Jul 1922, p. 3

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Mr, and Mrs. Ray--D. Reeds were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMahan of Chicago Sunday. . _ Mrs. Reichelt Jr. was the luncheon guest of Miss Julia Demming of Wilmette Wednesday, L r Friday evening, August 4th, the Young Peoples League of St. Paul's Evangelical church wilh give an ice cream social on the churca lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry : Olendorf spent the week end at Gages Lake. Miss Macy Selig left Monday for' _ y udie Callow j batten Coloemier where mme wl un W lion varl io Wedvarda) at. spend a few weeks. i lernoon. Miss Leta Townson of Wauke--| 2 gan is visiting Mrs. F. Peterson. United Evangelical Church News Mrs B H. Kress and son Arthur; amgezess _ George Bowman of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Willman Sunday. left Thursday for Fargo, N. D., where they will be the guests of Mrs. N. McKellar for a few weeks. They will visit relatives in Minn-- eapolis, Minn., and Voltaire, N. D., also. Mrs. James Golding -- returned Tuesday from Toronto, Canada, where she was called a few weeks ago because of the death of her mother. Miss Eva Ender entertained . a few of her friends at her nome last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson an-- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lora, to Jacob Yenni of Sonoma, California. No date has» been set for the wedding. Two years The Thimble club of St. Paul's --Contribuied. . . Evangelical church motored to the Hebeemr e mt tort Greccifpumemmere Bensenville -- Orphanage Thum'fl)"Simpson Publishes Com-- and spent the day. & a Mrs. Robert Scott of Milwaukee| plete I{JISt of Gl'fld.lllsam. viscd m e Rrem home Frigay _ Best Average Pupils and Mics lilllan. Schwab nas returned)_-- Winners of Scholarships Mrs. Robert Scott of Milwaukee visited at the Kress home Friday. Miss Lillian Schwab has returned from a trip to Colorado. ago Miss Peterson visited on a ranch in California which adjoined the Yenni ranch and their romance speedily followed." Mr. Yenni is visiting in Deerfield. consin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs have moved into their new bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell La Velle (Marlie Kist) will occupy the Cooksy fat vacated by the Jacobs Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hagi and | Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson spent | the week end at Twin Lakes, Wis--| friends from Evanston Wednesday. Mrs. Oscar Beecham entertained at tea on Thursday. lg.und Mrs. E. B. Jordan to Milwaukee Wednesday. wn{w Rork Collins, Coforado, and .and Mrs. Vincent Ott have gone to their home in Wellington, Kancag after a seven weeks' visi* with gélatives in this vicinity. h'd Gunckel returned this week £ rg wnere ne nas been Wmfl. Mr. ang Mrs. A. Gunekel. Mrs. kKaiph Petersen of Chicago spent Thursday with Mrs. Harry Uriendort. Miss Madaline Schmidt _ was hostess at a birthday surprise party given at the Galloway nome Sun-- aay im honor of Mesdames Williiam Gailowmy and Floyd Gunckel. Raiph Keil of Davenport, lowa was the out of town guest. Messrs _ Rita -- Hungerford md'")"";"m A. R Harigy Schmidt have returned froml Sophia .H ' Portsmouth, Virginia, ISchool. © Misg Margaret Kress entertained | Th highest at -- dinner: Wednesday _ evening--| order of their Covers were laid for eight. Caroline M. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Greenslade| Bernardine | and dgughter, Mary Jane, of High-- | School. Gene land Park are staying at the B. H. ; School. Ruth Kress home for several weeks. School. _ Elyv Mesdames -- Bruce Blaine _ and George Ott were the prize winners in "500" at the Young Matrons club Wednesday at the nome _ of Mrs. Elmer Clavey. Mrs. Lester Stanger of Hignland Park was a guest. Mrs. Alex Willman will be the next hostess. Miss Margaret Kress was the week end guest of Miss Lillian Carl-- son of Channel Lake. Perey McLaughlin and the two motorcycle cops were in a smash--up Wednesday while riding south on Waukegan road. Mrs. Mark P. Mears of Chicago was the luncheon guest of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. on Tuesday. A piano, vocal and orchesira concert will be given under the auspices of the United Evangelical church orchestra at the Deerfield school assembly hall, Monday eve-- ning, July 31. The concert will be gven by Miss Alta Freeman of the ertern Union College at Le Mars, lowa, assisted by .the Deerfield orcnestra and a soloist, The admis-- sion charge is 35 cents. P Chester Wolf attended the funeral of 'mis brother, Everett Wolf, Wed-- nesday in Chicago. -- Vr, J, P. O'Coannéll, deritist. has an office in Deerfeld, over Hermann Confectionery store, on Wednésdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 a, m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. > The Mission Band met at the U. E. church Tuesday afternoon with ; Mrs. Arthur Merner, the Jeader. ; _ Mrs. Lincoln Pettis spent . Wed-- 1ne|d.y with her sister, Mrs. William }Atterid(e of Rondout, who is re-- | eovering from a serious operation at | the Presbyterian nospital in Chi-- _ The U. E. church will give a con-- | cert on Monday evening, 8 o'clock, fJuly 31. Miss Alta Freeman, pianist .of Le Mars, lowa, will render a ; few selections, also a noted soloist from New York will sing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merner and son Richard spent Sunday in Chi-- eago with Mrs. Merner's aunt, Mrs. Gilfillen. Milton Merner, who has been visiting there returned nome with his parents, * The Friendship Bible class will give a beach party Saturday after-- noon at Highland Park. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church gave a beach party last Saturday after-- The Deerfield orchestra will ren-- der a few selections, Come out and enjoy yourself. Admission 35 cents. | Echool. | Frank Machnick, North Chicago School. Ruth Johnson, Gurnee School. Hildred M. Hendee, Round Lake Sehool. _ The 'l"'rie;n!!y Bible class will have a picnic at toe lake Saturday eve-- ning. Come and enjoy yourself. Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock Come and enjoy yourself. in the county. The pupils represent-- ed the graduating classes of seventy schools in the county. County Superintendent of Schools T. A.'Simpson this week made pub-- lic the names of the 282 June grad-- uates of rural and village sehools, naming also the winners of Lindley scholarships and the thirty--five pupils havinz the highest averages The -- scholarship _ entitle _ the| winners _ to _ training . in the! state normal schools but _ oe-- cause of the convenience of local | high schools only a small number | ever take advantage of the offer.| The scholarship gives each winner four years of schooling in the nor--| mal course. -- l After a careful check since the graduation exercises in June Mr. Simpson has determined the stand-- ing of the first thirty--five pupils. The scholarship winners from the various townships are listed as fol-- lows with the township represented: Vietor W. Melville, North Prairie School Agnes L. Gloden, Deerfiel Pearl Herschberger, Lon School. Marie A. R. Vos:. Gilme Sophia -- H. -- Roc«sicin, -- School Genevieve A. Kane. Area Scho« Doris A. MceCormick, Wascon« School. The highest pupils graded in t~e order of their standing are: Caroline M. Kublank. Area School Bernardine _ P. Walsh, Ingleside School. Genevieve A. Kane, Arca 'chool. Ruth M. Minto. Oakland School. _ Elva Jean HMall, Lake Bluff School. Bertha E. Zersen. Area School. Agnes L. Glocen, Deerfield _ School. Margaret _ 7 Gardine, Highwod Schoor. Ethe} N Eebora, Lake Villa School. Louize Sheehan, Oakland School. (C«!=a Gentilini, Highwood School. S. Jack, Grubb School. I Dolton, Area Schoor. Mryt Norman, Antioch School. _ M. Hendee, Round Lake Evelyn M. Bauver, Rou~| School. Pearl Herschberse-- Grove Sehool. Lucynda J. Madden School. A!ma M. Na Madden School. Victor W. M North Prairie School. Gla« Barthel, Antioch School. Butterfield. North Chicago. Machnick, North Chicago. Swan, Highwood School. ] W. Peterson, Deerfield _ School.| Memorial hospital Tu: Della M. Amann, Round Lake| noon. School. Leona C. Helming, Lake _ A couple of "nigh Pluff School. Genevieve Geraghty.| their airplane are stati Lake Bluff School. Marjoric L. / east side of tne lake. Cleveland, Round Lake School. Ben-- Charles McMahon, wi edict J. Eiffier, Highwod School.| ren and a sister, Mis= Helen R. Russell, Area School. Rut) | Mghon, of Chicago w Johnson, Gurnee School. Emil M.| on friends here the f Haley, North Chicago. T'hereulw.k. a Hay, Antioch School. Misc Nettie Murrtay In speaking of the successful mosquito control work of the san-- itary district which was commenced two years ago, the Oak Park Oak Leaves, remarks: "In time the ds "hlhch in @ as & & ho-..monm.o'r- dens, especially on _ moonlight Florence U. Westman, West New-- ft School. Ruth M. Minto, Oakiland School. Adrian Rudolph, Chanfiel Lake Bernardine P. Walsh, Ingle Caroline Elva Jear Hall M --Contributed Gilmer Se Lake -- Blu society called on friends here last Thursday. gave .1 lesley Tumnbul!, wife and child-- after--| ren returned to their home Sunday laflcr spending last week at the home ; ~Weq--| 0f Mrs. Turnball's parents, Mr, and William Mrs. Albert Paddock of Round Lake. is re--| _ Miss Carrie Wells of Glens Falls, ition at| N. Y spent last week visiting rel-- n hi. atives in this vicinity, THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER sSATURDAY, JULY 20 n 0| "-- _ WAUCONDA ; X%IC | ness | ou se M M and at the ncme of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeker of McHeary Sunday. c | _ Mrs. Allie Tidmarsh entertained friends over the week end. 'l Mrs. George Prosty went to the Victory _ Memorial -- hospital -- last i i week and underwent a minor opera-- tion. t Misses Martha Hughes, Hattie |\ Powers and Orpha Russell returned i to their homes here last week after ]spf-nding the last couple months at-- 't(fnding school at DeKalb. : _ Mrs. Ollie Granham went to a ffhica;m hospital a few days ago l and had her tonsils removed. Mr. |\ and Mrs. Grantham spent a week's | vacation at the home of Mr. Grant-- Meilm Hughes, son of Mr. and Martha and fiw'"mfl ealled Mrs. L. E. Hughes of Crystal Lake, at the home of Frank Horcher spent the greater part of last week last Sunday. # at the home of his grandfather, Dr. . George Volz &B@ Mrs. Elia Knopf C. R. Wells, also called on young attended a pieni@ at Morton Grove friends in town. % \ last Sunday. Dr, W. W. Coon, wife and young Martha Voss is spending a week's sons of Gays Mills, Wisconsin. vacation at her Uncle George's at called on frieads here last Thursday. Lipertyville. F Marsh Huson of Round Lake spe it las:. week at the home of hi« daughter, Mrs. Roy Paddock. of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Herman her }rother Be Aurora recent!y. Mrs. S. several day of Mr. and Mrs. Almecsa Grantham of Chi-- Herbert Barrett was poisoned by cago spent several days last wee" poison ivy while cuttingy cats thnat at the home of her-- sister, M~-- contained some Of the poisonous Harry Grantnam Sr. weed. Miss Grace Wells of Newark, N Wm. Luebbe, who was poisoned J., was a guest at the home of h»~ by poison ivy & while ago, while uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Dartre!. cutting grass, R@s nearly recovered. last week. James Matousek and Caroline Misses Martha Hughes, Hattie Busch motored to Waukegan last Powers and Orpha Russell returned Saturday. nams parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richar Grantham of Cary. M:. and Mrs. Ira Cook enter-- tained a young lady friend from Marengo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton were Waukegan shoppers one day last week. Mr:. Viola Carr and sister, Lydia Clark cf, Chicago were week end guests at the hom» of their pavents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clark. Mrs. Jane Neville returned to ner home here Sunday afternoon after spending the week with her daugh-- ter, Mrs. P. B. Johnson of Crysts Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prior ente: tainecd Mrs. Prior's brotner, . M Colb,, wife ang childrea ana Mr. Sherveren of Crystal Lake Su_de Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Neville, two daughters and son of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carr Sunday afternoon. Vincent Martin, who was severely injured in an automobile accident a few days ago, is slowly jimprov-- helped to bring the Camp Fire Girls and their camping g\_ltat_ho-z. !ilr and -- Mrs. Vernon -- Johns motoréd to Round Lake Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. George Scott n-di davighter visited at the nome. of : Mrs. Ella Wynkoop of Woodstéck| e uh 2 CC d Mrs. Farnsworth, daughter Wiima and son Whight, Mrs. Riley and Miss Edna Werden motored to Chicago Monday. Henry Beckman of Palatine was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Daley. Mr. ari Mrs. George Hapke and Mrs. Mort Baseley were Waukegan shoppers Tuesday afterncon. . Nm':{mwofllfll erine Murray, an old "" this place was réteived by rel and old friends Monday. Miss left here a fow years | her home with her. her death are not known Edward Hopper and W!!! RelY of Ringwood called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr Sunday afternoon., Mrs. Birdie Hill and daughter Ella of Mobeily, Mo.. are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clark. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hill are sisters. Mrs. Ira Fisher we--t to the Vietory Memorial hospital at Wau-- kegan Monday where mhe under-- went an operation. She |s getting along nicely. Mra. Samuel Hole daughter of Kentuck: the nome of Mr. an« Kent in a few days. M formerly Miss Leila G ter of Jos. Glyneh of Mrs. Heary Golding camping al ROUNC * Mre. M. S. Clark, Sowles and Mrs. Ethe on Mrs. Ira Fisher a Memorial hospital T ing tw Ashlan a few days at the father, James Murray Charles McMahon, wife and ¢hild« ren and a sister, Miss Maggie Me-- Mahon, of Chicago were all calling on friends here the fir:t of . the week. a hk d Miss Nettie Murray is W% Mr Mr. a D ousing, Mrs. Stewart of is., and a sister. Mre. J. P. Blank and two [hursday for a few days t Round Lake. of "nigh fers". with ok of Area spent week at the home Hicks entert: 'amin Barker H. K. Harris ud' Syviles C--g the home d Mre. R. C. Mr--. Hole was Glynch, daugh-- (Chicago. i« ente--ta Stewart <IMASON CORDS ed on the yoing visit at George Volz, Mrzs. Ella Knopf and Mrs. Frank Heréher attended the Half Day Sunmday school picnic at Diamond Lake last Friday. Mrs. Emma Sturm an Giss were busy«picking latter part of l@#t week Mrs. Charles Meyer Philip and Cnarles Jr., gan spent Wednesday F. Busch. + Mrs. E. J. Gigs wen': to tne city last Wednesday.s e Mrs. George Zimmer and daugh-- ter Estella from Arlington Heights spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Raupp. Herbert Barrett was poison ivy while euttin contained some of th« weed. James Matousek, Fred, Caroline and Donald Busch spent Friday eve-- ning at the Crestmore Farm. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raupp enter tained company Friday evening. John Bornhofer Jr.. Al. Bunton, Clarence and Fred Busch were in Wheeling om business Saturday evening. « Mr. and Mrs. Nick Galster from Waukegan were callers at J. N. Basch's last Saturday. -- Mrs. Jacob Rienm, -- daughter Della and son Ben, from Chicago, former residents here where they kept a saloon about 25 years ago, called on old friends and acquaint-- ances in this vicinity last Tuesday. To say everybody was glad to see tnem again is e®pressing it mildly. Mrs. Liloyd Ritzenthaler (Bertha Holtje) is in the hospital with a case of appendicitis. Her many friend of this place wish her a speedy recovery. S. L. Tripp from Area nauled a truck load of lummber, which he pur-- chased from Emil Geest, last Sat-- arday. irday. \ The Keisler Bros. are delivering Emil Geest, Al Bunton, Fred and | the material for the road from Apta-- Clarence Busch motored to High--| kisic to where it is required. land Park to see Wheeling get beat| Jacob Zimmer and family from last Sunday. Seome 13 to 2 favor of | Pullman called at J. N. Busch's, Highland Park . also other friends last Sundav. Al Bunton Jr. and Alice Bunton| Mis: Ruth Hanson spent Sunday motored to Prairie View on busi-- nignt and Monday at the Crestmore w 9 New Bed--Rock Pri | MASON CORDS Heavy--Duty Oversize | 30 x 3 THESE ASTOUNDING NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE TODAY 30 x 3!/2 CL. 30 x 3V/, S. S. 32 x 3!/2 31 x 4 32 x 4 33 x 4 34 x 4 REMARKABLE PRICES ON MASON OVERSIZE "MAXI--MILE" FABRICS and children, from Wauke-- with Mrs. N. pears the FORD OWNERS! I Martin Wolf was in town Thu day nisht. Tue: slar dam hurt Mr. and lu. Math Wickershein called «t the home of J. N. Buch last Weinesday evening. Clarence Busch and lady frien: attence; the pienic Friday. A. J. Raupp and family enter tained three auto loads of compan; last S.nday, Mrs. Rae Busen and -- daughter Shirle\ . »lso Ruth Rudolph and Nor-- man liansom visited at the N. F. Busch home last Sunday. Miss Margie Pfister is spending her vacation in the city, Grain cutting is on in full blast in this vicinity. The oats, it is said, are very rusty. Ma\ Millep aad family from ertyville were gallers in this vic last T--esday afternoon. ness last Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Wacasni from |'.latiie @alled at J. N. Busc} and Goorge, Sturm's last Wedn« day a!terno08. Mrs. Mary Schley was a caller at the home of Mrs. Ed. Giss last Tuesda, afternoon. Em=~a Sturm spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ed. Giss. The beautiful rain, again we wel-- come it--and on Saturday night to lay the dust for Sunday's traffic-- wasn't it lovely? Victoria Kester, who had Leen visiting at the home of her grand-- father, G. M. Weidner, returned to the city. Isabelle Weidner accom-- panied her home to spend her vaca-- tion in the city. Miss Clara Leikam _spent her, A purse of $200 has been pro--| The injunction suit has attracted vacaticn in the city with bher sist"" vided, over and above the open Wide attention because tre Chi-- Kate . . | class money, which will be awarnied| COOK Fair management has widely The beautiful rain, again we we!--| in ten prizes on litters of four pigs| advertised over all northern Minois come it--and on Saturday night to| from the same farrow. The first| that it will hold the greatest county lay the dust for Sunday's trafic--| prige will amount to $40, while the f@ir in America. In his affidavit. wasn't it lovely? | tentn prize is $5. The Fair Board: Manager Glen G. Hayes explained Victoria Kester, who had ve8€7 ang the promotion organization of that his slogan--"America's Great~ visiting at the home of her grand-- the Poland China breed each guar-- @St County Fair, Where City and father, G. M. Weidner, returned t0o* antee half of the purse. | Country Meet"--is no idle noast be-- the city. Isabelle Weidner accom--| | | cause Cook, one of the twenty panied her home to spend her vaca--| According to Sydney .W. Stephens leading agricultural counties in tion in the city. | of Wilson, secretary of the Lake| America, completely surrounds the Some of our junior girls are ex-- County Poland China Breeders'| sgecond largest consuming center in cellent oaseball players. If there| Association, at least ten herds must } the United States. "We have no de-- were nine of them they could holdl be nominated before the show is sire or intent to interfere with the their own with the teams here, a~d| assured, and he reports that ne has' Cook County Fair Association at with the best of them too. But -las,! secured the nomination, with a $5 Palatine," said Mr. Hayes. "We are there are only four. | fee each, from the following owners willing to change our name if there L. Hazgle from Minnesota and| of herds in the county: A. W. Wil-- ;s any confusion. The Great Chi-- Victor Sauer from Long Grove vis--| son, of Wilson; Earl Barron and Cook Fair will in fact suit us much ited at George Sturm's last Thurs-- Geo. Finneutter of Grayslake; Ed-- better." : day, . | ward Barbaras and Fred Holle of _ Judge Wilson signed the agreed The gravel and cement for the| Prairie View; Wm. Kleinsmith of| order which provides for the Chi-- work on the road has arrived at Barrington; Edison White of Wauke--| Cook Fair at Maywood, '@nd At Aptakisic. Maybe with a lot of gan; John Barbaras of Area; Alfred | torney Peck agreed not to interfere patience nndroodhe.lthwemnngmqalfion-ML.C.Onmad"ugm' $ L. Hazgle from Minnesota and Victor Sauer from Long Grove vis-- ited at George Sturm's last Thurs-- The gravel and cement for the work on the road has arrived at Aptakisic. . Maybe with a lot of patience and good health we may yet live to see the good road started. North Shore Tire Shop YULC ANIZIN 1150 So. 8 NORT & it quite afternoon Fl!' % ng from work |a: Mr. and Mrs. Ray ' a Ford truck daugh#@r Shirley were into Ray Busch's S«xon, Crestmore Farm Mo m bit. No on« $13.95 $15.80 $19.35 $23.10 $24.50 $24.70 $25.35 48 $9.25 | 30x 3/ AGO W ork At this writing we are informed of thessad deain of a well known and Righly esteemed young man, Everett Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolf of this place. 0: Sunday morning he was called out to work. He didn't feel as if he wanted to go The Lake County Fair Board, co-- operating with the Poland China breeders of that county, have ar-- ranged for a special litter show to be held in connection with the fair at Libertyville, September 4--8, ac-- cording to John G. Wirtz, of Lib-- ertyville, who is secretary. A purse of $200 has been pro-- vided, over and above the open class money, which will be awarded in ten prizes on litters of four pigs from the same farrow. The first prite will amount to $40, while the tentn prize is $5. The Fair Board and the promotion organization of the Poland China breed each guar-- antee half of the purse. POLAND CHINA LITTER SHOW AT FAIR Richmond. The advantage of such a litter show, according to Mr. Stephens, is that larger nambers of swine are drawn to the fair and new breeders are induced to exhibit. All the mm-fidhmm.m be spring pure--bred, and re-- corded before the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch as 32 x 4/3 33 x 4/z 3A x 4/2 35 x 4V/2 33 x 5 35 x 5 37 x 5 Gunnlhul---m% DEhI;I'VLEY SERVICE (ipen ven TILEPIION: § > : _ 4 aviy ous a Ab NO 300y callers at M: _« day evening. The Grea: Chi--Cook Fair will be are informed held at Checkerboard Flying Field, i _well known Roosevelt road and Des Plaines young man,| river, Maywood, I!l., August 26-- Mr. and Mrs.| September 4. in tne cireuit court e. 0: Sunday | July 2ist Francis E. Wilson refused out to work. to enjoin Manager Glenn G. Hayes wanted to go'!from nolding a county--wide fair at ade up his| Maywood. The application for an ithin an nour| injunetion against the Great Chi-- d came of his| cago--Cook County Fair was made ce of 35 feet; by Raiph L. Peck, Palatine, DJ., avement. He| acting for the Cook County Fair n some beolts,| Association of that place. By an safty fasten-- agreed order between Hope Thomp-- 1e died in the| son, Donald Kirkpatrick and C. L. s a wife A&#| Sentz, counsel for the Great Chi-- he oldess we--| eago--Cook County Fair Association d, Burial took | and Charles S. Deneen and Ralph L. at _ Montrose| Peck, counsel for the Cook County d family have ' Fair Association, the Great Chicago-- \Cook County Fair: will ~change j 'its name to tie Great Chi--Cook TER ' Fair, so that therg wil[ be zo con-- w &T FAIR| fusion in the public mind that the © ' Palatine fair is to be held at May-- | wood. Judge Wilson's order graats air Board, co--| to Glenn G. Hayes, the Cook oland China| County Farm Bureau, the Cook nty, have .r-' County _ Truck -- Gardeners' and littes show to Farmers' Association and other with the fair farmers and farm organizations in mber 4--8, ac--| Cook tounty the right to hold a Virtz, of Lib county--wide fair at Maywood, Aug-- ary. ust 26--September 4. PROP. GREAT CHI--COOK 'FAIR ORDERED AT MAYWOOD epupntenamen P DR..OTTO R. THOMPSON Judge Wilson signed the agreed order which provides for the Chi-- Cook Fair at Maywood, 'and At-- torney Peck agreed not to interfere ROOM 9 $30.15 $31.55 $42.10 PAGE atW . vai $10.60 & uts

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