Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 29 Jul 1922, p. 7

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+ Acute Shortage of Coal. ; Urbana, July 28. --The mine strike has brought an acute shortage of coal to Urbana and Champaign. Few fam-- llies have their winter's supply in and ' denlers' supplies are exhausted. The Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas **-- ang Ejectric company can operate for -- --=~two--weeks on the present suppiy.--Thé shutdown of the University--of Ilinois power station has thrown a heavy load on the local gas and electric company which must soon be relieved. T. O. Henderson, assistant superintendent of the 'University of lIllinois buildings states the University can operate until the middle of October with the pres ent supply. The university started buying coal on the open market when conditJoB# became unsettled, and this policy 18 said to have caused the pres ent shortage. Last year the univer sity saved $25,000 buying on the opef market. Threshers bave been paying $0 to $10 a ton for coal wherever they can get any. A price of from $8.50 to $10 a ton is expected for local con-- sumers. iDistrict, Private and State Le Rights Disagree on the Matter of Treasurers Making Accounts Public. A Telegraphic Chronicle of the State Happenings. QvESsTION OF LAW BOBS UP Springfield, July 28.--The question whether the state law providing that mall custodians of public money shall publish a statement of receipts and disbursements applies to school treas urers is disturbing school officials in several counties The law, approved June 24, provides that "each public officer, other than state oflicer, who, by wirtue ®of his office receives for dis bursement and disburses public funds in the discharge of governmental of municipal debts and liabilities, shall at the expiration of each fiscal year pre pare a statement : 1. Of all money re-- ceived and from what sources received, giving items, particulars and details. 2. Of all money paid out, giving the name of each individual to whom paid. on -- what account pald, @nd the Eoo Un mt e o Oe en C I the expiration of each fiscal year pre | Seek to Commercialize pare a statement: 1. Of all money re: The lotus of (ira=~ Lane grows .n ceived and from what sources recel\ed.{ i wild, u'ntamed manner, similar to giving items, particulars and details.| water lilies. Nurrow channels are 2. Of all money paid out, giving the| made through the great beds and name of each individual to whom paid. | hundreds of parties nave heretofore on wn§1 account paid, @&od -- the| departed with all of these flowers amount. This statement, according| that could be carmed. A great many to the law, must be published within| people have seen fit to commerciaiize 80 days after the expiration of the|this wonderfu! privilege to the ex-- fiscal year in one newspaper in the)tent of robbing the beds of thou-- town in which the public officer holds\ sands of pods, thereby threatening his office. _ Attorney General Brun !to extinguish the princeiy totas, and dage, in an opinion sent to County Su-- l unless this unsport: maniike practice perintendent of Schools Steiner of | is stopped it is hinted that steps shall Quiney, bolids that this law does not | have to be taken toward establishing apply to school treasurers. Francis G.| a protection which this rare flower Blair, state superintendent of public| so justly deserves. apply to school treasurers. Francis G.\a protection which this rare flower Blair, state superintendent of public| so justly deserves. instruction, takes the same position. An Ideal Spot Several attorneys, bhowever, give it as|\ Not only is the lotus found in their opinion that a strict ll"fl'l'"fl'labundunee at Grass Lake, but also tion of the law includes school treas | every form of water lily, seaweed urers. This bas been the opinion, !!\ and acquatic plant known in this is said, of several Chicago '"om"'htitude. This region is resplendent who have been retained by the N""[\vith beautiful scenery, much of it paper Publishers® association to fl€ ;; ;ts virgin grandeur, an, though information against state treasUrer®| pathing is not to be enjoyed at Grass who Trave failed to somply with th¢}1afe jon» sweeps of sandy beache: law. _ State's Attorney Garner of abound at most of the adjacent lakes. Adams county, it has been announced. | poo) jnviting spots for basket is to insist on the application of this|j;,,pes will be found along the route law to all school treasurers of Qulncykmd many hotels and restaurants, and Adams county. _ A local contest} » ;. ; o+ Grass Lake for the con ;-y result as the city school authorl ties of Quincy have decided not to com ply with the state's attorney's request Whooping Cough in Lewd. Springf 44. _ July 28.--Eighty--nine cases of «mallpox were reported in the state last week, necording to the re-- port of Dr. Isnac D. Rawlings, director of the department of health. Preoria county bad 48 of the cases. Saline county. 5; Tazewell county, 6; White «ide county, 6. and Williamson county 21.' Diphthéria enses in the state for the week numbered 146. of which 100 were In Cook county. Union countt mor ported meeting @ th sociation of Rockford thre of the Roc ne«s Men's t Minmnows Prevent Malaria. Reardetown. Jnly 28.--Minnows have assisted Reardstown in prevent-- Ing an outbreak of malaria as the re sult of the recent foed. An engineer rom the state department of henl!th reports that many small minnows found in the ponds have been destry: ing moequito laryae. Police in Civilian Clothes. Elgin, Inly 28. --Have policemen wear clvilian clothing while on duty, at least part of the fMme, and better resuits will be obtained in the appre hend'ng of crimind®s, Mayor Arwin E. Price helioves. Poltcemen in uniforms are too conspicuous, Price declares. Produces a Baby a Day. SpritigBeld. July (28%.--The county clerk of Mercer county has reported to the state dqlflnw:: of health that the. county !s produting ."a baby a day." 172 births having hbeen rocorded in that number of days. A Merchants Meet at Rockford eckford. _ July 28. --The -- at nven tlor tteee of 111 three thur J M Ane CERmC T C paytng | In .the same time the value of per ver they sonal property in the city has drop §8.10 to | ped $43,140. Last year is was val cal con-- Iued at $1,254,290 and this year it i | placed at $1,211,290. LOTUS FLOWERS One of the greatest annual attrac-- | mh the lake section of this y anc northern Illinois is the vatural Eyyptian lotus beds, the The majority of this city are familiar of the lotus. The in the Nile and a and no one seems ! growth of these v started in Illinoi=. cepartment has en gate the lotus in -- Ameriea, but witho: in two other places . ,:i?i river though i thé coloring of the far more oeautiful in the south. An Ideal Spot Not only is the lotus found in mbundance at Grass Lake, but also every form of water lily, seaweed and acquatic plant known in this Cool, inviting spots for basket lunches will be found along the route and many hotels and restaurants, abound at Grass Lake for the con venience of those who prefer this accommodation. The roads from Waukegan, Keno-- | _ sha, Milwaukee and Chicago to thisl: lake are of excellent concrete or gra-- H vel all the way and they pass man; | beautiful lakes. | 3 $10,646,750. Figures taken _ from the assessment books turned over to the board of review by _ Assessor Charies Armes show an increased valuation of $94,410 over last year. These figures do not include the property of the railroads or othe foreign corporations in the township, which are assessed by the state tax commission, nor the capital stock of banks. The northwest corner of Wa--) ton _ and _ Genesee -- streets _ v Pearce's drug store is locateo probably the most valuable pie« property in the city. Both sics« Gene--ee s«treet from Washingt: Madison. are listed as having a value of $455 per front foot. the Pearce property is only a low lot, while all other propert the street runs back halfwa; Country street or Sheridan roa« The Genesee street property south of Washington street, including the Waukegan National bank comer i« valued at $225 a front foot on the asses«ment rollz. Thesé values in-- elude only the actual worth of the It is safe to say that the owners of this property would not sell at these prices. Real estate agents in this city value downtown property at between $2,000 ana 73,000 a front foot. Lots near the business district upon which a sale price of ubout $900 was recently fixed, are listed cn the rolls as being worth $38 a front foot. Mr. Armes made a plea that rea! estate owners make sure of their facts before appealing to the board of review. He said that in every case the board investigates . com-- plaints, but that Miuy t:mes proper-- ty owners, having heard that some of their neighbors are paying less 'ust go over the lan . thus taking into ac ral increase in value «|. Next year, 1923, car for this valuation nd so all real estate hip will be assessed 'e values of last 1 rovements. IN FULL BLOOM | n made during . U Every four vyvears I he land and reval into account the na value over the pe , 1923, is the reguli luation in Waukera the residents of with the history lotus originiated :lacent rivulets, © know how the v~.@lerful plants The agricultural a~_red to propa-- various parts of it --uccess except alonyg the Missis-- t i-- claimed that lllinois flower is , AUTO RACES AT | _ Motor fans who delight _ in watching _ speed _ demons whizz sround the «dirt oval in autes and motorcycles will be givem their in-- 'flial opportunity to witness the first 0f a long list of events to be staged 'thi- season wheén Promoter H. E 1(i|mble of Kenosha rans off a classy | eard of events at the Ideal track at event day. consi( billed THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY mnding . spill an eut dow the sou the south bend his left f oot was erzsding and kicke: up a stone. His machine went flying =cross the track and he went sprawling into the arti-- ficial lake. The doctor on the grounds Geciare, he'll pull through all right. Some Real Races Following are the results of the races as announced by Gamble to-- race cay 5--mile--Won by Edward Strodi-- beck, Hammond, Ind., on a Harley-- Davidson. Time 4 min. 32 sec Paul Scarkowski, second, Indiana on an Indian; Clarence Sorensen third, Racine, on an Excelsior. 5--mile sidecar race--Won by Fred Wagner, Chicago, Marley--Davidson. Time, 9 min. 2 1--5 see.; Sam Masha, Chicago, Excelsior factory--riding. 10--mile--Won by Paul Searkow--| ski, Chicago, one--cylinger~ Indian. Time 9 min. 2 3--5 sec.; Edward Strodibeck, twin cylinder Harley; Ray Ol4>, Gary, Ind., twin Excel-- sior. | ® 10--mile factory racing--Won by Paul Skarkowski, one cylinder In-- dian. Time 9 min. 2 3--4 see.; Ed-- ward Strodibeck. twin eylinder Har-- ley--Davidson; Ray Olds, Exeelsior 'r the ban. _ V rcle how! agair clared that the music played on e pianos would drive God himself 'f the face of the earth. So, two more items will not be vailable further in Zion _ City-- hich doesn't make Waukegan mer-- ants peeved. xes than they, file complaints With it , investigating their figures . or e books, which are public proper SQUIRE EDGEG/ RUSSELL REGULARLY for futi were | the fir ut com file complaints with liva iery, decree ase to . They aber-- wife, Sabbath school 9:4§ a. m. W. G. Wells, superintendefit. You are in-- vited to fing your -- place in our classes. -- held in this chureh at 7:30 p. m. The speaker of the évening will be the Reverend Slaughter, pastor of the Christian church, Gurnee, IH. Mr. Slaughter was for some time pastor of the Christian church of Waukegan and is a man of real ability. He will give a gooi mes-- sage FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL All Services on Central Standard Time. Jack Bradford, choir director. Mrs Lyell H. Morris, organist. 10 a. m.--Sunday school, D. A. Young, Gen. Supt. -- 11 a. m.--Public worsnip. Music by the choir. Sermon by the pastor. Subject. '"The Cool of the Day." This is the last 1011 which our pastor will preach béfore his vaca-- tion, all members &#d friends are invited to be present}'~ 6:30 p. m. Epworth League de-- votional service, Miss' Williams, Pres. Topic: "Choosi Line of Greatest Resistance." _ , . Butterfield. The attend# 58 keep-- ing up splendidly during the warm weather. All young péople invited. 7:30 p. m.--Union Vesper service in the Presbyterian church. Speaker, the Rev. Mr. Slaughter, pastor of the Christian chirch of Gurnee. Organ Prelude ' VETERD Poxologs 161 Lincoln A Invocation I LIB Gloria _ Apostles Creed } Assistant Hymn 125 ' Reception of New Members 'DR. 0. F. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper _ | VETERD Solo, "Neavrer, My God to Thee" | Felephone 66 LIBERTYVILLE CHURCHES Charles J, Dickey, Pastor °_ Phone 112--J. Have you a 1 thought ? They add a wonderful touch of beauty to the home and their sweet fragrance lasts for many a day.* Sweeter yet is the thought that prompts a person to make them a giit. Say It with Flowers There is no flowers. Flowers for any occasion delivered by wire in any part of the U. S. JOSEPH KOHOUT LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Greenhouse Phone 174--J Res. Phone 291--R--2 Bring Natural Beauty Into Your Home onk living who does not like the sight of fresh d one at home who would appreciate yeur H Taking the Joy Out of Politics for Women . JULY T!ilinois. ¥% Ladies Aid sotiety meets church Tuesday, August 1, Wedne --day evening at 7 clock mi| week meeting for Bible study and Sellowship. Thursiay evening at 7:30 Telephone 57 choir rehearsal. VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoln Avwe. _____ Phon DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON __ PILANO & VIOLINCELLO Phone 304--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL H. : 1:30 to 5 & 6 to 8 Sundays & Holidays by Appointment W. G. BRAGG VIOLIN & VIOLA Betsey Knowiton Williams Suite 10--11, New Castle Hotel Phone 26 Libertyville, IIL LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 uce Bldg. LIBERTYVILLE C. B. OLNEY. D. V. M. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building The pimples seem to drj up and 2 tnly pnrines s Sated mt ige nh':th h"l":bi.: ih': as a m'-l':: harmiess and inex-- Any bttaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or body is overcome pensive. Just ask any druggist for.a small jar of Mentho» Assistant State Veterinarian Assistant State Veterinarian Pro{essional Services . _ C.MELENDY B. H. MILLER LIBERTYVILLE A AMPLY SKD SURVEYOR . HESLIN as Told When YTow LIBERTYVILLE | LIBERTYVILLE || parms, Houses and Lots Sold for _ Exchanges of Property a Specialty Phone 241--J Phone 35 DAawce wao TonEs Igdl 'r;"; REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTING AND INSURANCE Office Phone 3148 N. Ashland Ave. Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL . _ 2 Doors South of Belmont _ fosg | 4 »!g Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 183 MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD Phone 39 Try this better way of washing-- Every week, you are assured a sanitary service whose standard never varies. Phone today--we'll send a representative promptly. Schanck Hardware Co. r moRrEr wn 4t E184 nave To knickers, towels, children's things, table and bed linen#-- everything that needs washing-- t We relieve of the annoyance and A lJm.amm.---nm.nrnm and bother of washday-- y We do all of washing, with rainsoft, mi.ld. vhlteon:;":l W'pnfity;m"nz dry your clothes-- oc We call for your family laundry--dresses, waists, blouses, M_,, 'Vw; from 'our flatwork, without friction or wear, ou;::rrovul m*hm.ndw'lm"y-:.q & murwflmw nzungmudeMm_ would use Sterling Washers Electric -- _ $75.00 Power -- _ $47.50 We return your bundle complete-- Reautifuily washed and froned-- Everything ready to use or wear. JOHN HEIM e cost is 18 cents per pound (shirts extra). The Reliable Laundry HIGHLAND PARK AND LIBERTYYVILLE O@ruu Dry Cleaners and Dyers Libertyville Phone 67--R Highland Park Phone 178--179 By LOUIS RICHARD LIBERTYVILLE Established 1888 PAGE SEVEN \|

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