Peterson's mother Monday Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Selig had as their guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. John Bensiey of Chicago. Mrs. William Gaing of Dubuque, lowa, Misses Florence and Ruth Ender and Mrs. Margaret Ender were the week end guests of Mrs. Eugene Ender. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murray of Chi-- cago were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Kent. Mrs. B. H. Kress and son Arthur Wave returned from Fargo, N. D., where they spent the past three weeks with Mrs. N. McKellar. Miss Agnes Peterson is spending her vacation in Michigan. Miss Macy Selig has returned from Denver. Colorado. Charles Selig spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Reeds of Glenview. Mrs. Ira Hole and family hnave moved to Glen Ellyn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perry are making their home with their daugh-- ter, Mrs. Ed. Beckman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Labahn had as treir guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Labahn and daughter Erma of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty and two daughters Wil-- ma and Margaret of Chicago. Delvert Meyer and _ Raymond Dobbins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWade at Lake Gene-- Miss Dorothy Supple is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wells, of Monmouth, IlJ. Bruce Blaine and Raymond Meyer, while towing Mr. Carison's car to the. city the same day, broke a chain, tre car got loose and rambled into the Briergate golf course, missed two fence posts and reposed peace-- fullly on the green. Lawrence Wendelken of Liberty-- ville is working for Arthur Kiest. Mr .and Mrs. Oral Kitch have re-- turned to their home in Bourbon, Mitchell of Area, #Rd attended the picnic at Diamond Lake Tuesday. Mizs Edlyn Landau spent several days with Mrs. Edward Therrien Sr. of Highland Park. The Dorcas Home children en-- joyed an outing at Lincoln Park Tuesday. On Sunday eigat girl scouts of Chicago Came out to the Dorcas home and organized a Girl Scout Camp. They were met at the depot by the Boy Scouts who _ escorted them to the Home. The Highland Park--Deerfield road is closed and work has been started on the road. The people who were injured in the automobile collision at Buesch-- er's corner on Monday are getting along nicely. F. E. Borckob of Chi-- eago, who owns the damaged car, was in town Tuesday and had his sedan taken to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willman left Wednesday on a motor trip to' the Dells in Wisconsin. Mrs.: Arthur Kiest and two child-- ren spent the first part of the week Ind., accompanied by their niece, Mr .and Mrs. John Hueh!, Esther:~ _ ~~ and Barbara Hueh!, Mr. and Mrs.| in renmnanbmnnainpn c uy Th George Harder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry LAKE ZURICH Waitcomb and son Irving motored to | se« Lake Zurich last Sunday to spend _ Mrs. LeRoy Landwer and little the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. dazghters returned Wedzesday from George Whitcombn. |& week's visit at Dundee. Program of the W. C. T. U. Lasti-- tute, to be held at the Deerfleld Presbyterian church on Thursday, August 24. 10:30 a. m. Devotionals....Rev. M. L. Thoma:s Caild Welfare ......Mrs. Harding, Area, TIl. Waukegan, IIl. 12:0 12:00 Luncheon. Box Lunch at the Community House Parliamentary Law Address .... Miss F Periodicals Baseball games and other free at-- tractions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t a, m. to 9 p. m. Phone 218--R. gelical church orchestra Song Service, Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Union Picnic at Electric Park. Good speaking. Big Trap shoot, Confectionery store, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 WELL CONTRACTOR & DRILLER . Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders . Rhone Lib. 286--W--2, Waukegan, N. Presgident, W. C. T. U. Courity Fair work .... Mrs. Jennie Miller, Libertyville, Il. 4:00 Closing. 8:00 p. m. Evening Session. Orchestra Music ... . United Evan-- office in Deerfield, over Hermann Mr .and Mrs. Raiph Peterson of ricago were the guests of Mr. Miss Dorothy Reichelt.spert Wed-- sday with Miss Martha Borman HENRY BOYSEN, JR Dr. J. P. O'Comnell, dentist, has &n Miss Helen Hood, State Mrs. Metcalf, Rev. Shank Miss Hood affair and then told of the selection mm 'o{mby,which'um.ddefor Strikers Make Definite Concessions on the Elks. The members of the B. Contested Point of Seniority, P. O. E., especially those of Wau-- it is Reported. kegan, will be in their own that| wow york, Aug. 18 --The railroad day and to make the occasion OD€ | shopmens' strike is near settiement. 'lo be remembered the committe®| This was made plain at a conference was asked to get in touch with the | between leaders of the "big five" | other lodges along the north shore | brotherhoods and railroad executives and seek their co--operation, | when it was learned a definite con-- The band c( the local |odge will | cession had been made by the repre-- 'be present to furnish the music for | sentatives of the strfkers on the con-- the day and it is hoped will be in | tested point of senlority, and If agree ful' uniform. Hope was expressed able, may serve as a common ground cano arca arcs 2004322 lpua _..__1, for an agreement. Signboards Biamed for Roy Hawkins' Smashup at Spaulding Corners |_ Spend Labor Day at the Central Labor Unéon Pienic at Electric Park. 'Good speaking. Big Trap -- shoot, Baseball games and other free at-- Itutiou. Dancing afternoon and evening. Good Music. 61--5t Death lurks: behind the huge signboards which obstruct the view of motorists on Grand avenue and the Green Bay road at Spaulding corners west of Waukegan. _ Roy Hawkins of Gurnee miraculously es-- caped fatal injuries in a crash at that point Tuesday night. -- Hawkins had driven to Wauke-- gan in his Ford touring car, and after transacting business here, he started to return via Grand avenue. It was just twilight and the head-- lights of autos did not cast the glare that can be seen for any dis-- tance. Hawkins approached the Green Bay roud crosing at a fair rate of specl, and as he ran out from behind the signboards, a south bound auto, with a rattle of brakes, glid on to tnc Grand avenue cross-- ing Hawkir into the Hawkins unconscio were bad Preparations were started last night for the celebration of Elks' day at the Lake County fair Sept. 7. A committee of three was ap-- pointed following the announcement of the date and it is hoped that all the lodges along the north shore | will co--operate in making the oc-- casion "a real Elks' affair." John Hodge, in charge of the fair publicity, gave an explanation of the fair program for this . year which he promises is to be a banner one. He detailed the growth of the vieinity, «ressed Hawkins wounds and took him to his home in Gur-- nee. The Oak Park man was able to drive his car on to his home. Considerable agitation has been started by the presence of the sign-- boards _ on _ Suaplding's _ corners, boards _ on Spaulding's corners, have occurred, resulting from the inability of drivers to see cars ap-- proaching on the roads which cross at this point. Hawkins today de-- clared that he had not anticipated any suit against the owners of the signboards, but unless they are any suil against the owners ol the signboards, but unless they are moved back to allow a clear view of both roads, action will be taken to cause their removal. The band ci the local lodge will be present to furnish the music for the day and it is hoped will be in ful. uniform. Hope was expressed also that the marching club would be ready and eqvipped for the cel-- ebration. vere in The dri Park left board his c ished. ELKS TO CELEBRATE . Miss Flora Clark and Miss Mar-- guerite Clark were Chicago shopper® Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Prenm Jr. and Miss Katherine Flood are spending a {ew days on a motor trip. Miss Crystal Simons is vsiting this week in Waukegan. Quite # nmumber from here at-- tended the farmers' picnic at Dia-- mond Lake Tuesday. Miss Exther Hironimous is visit-- ing relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Edward Prouty issentertain ing friends from Brooklyn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hager anc daughter have left for their in lemon,. 8. D. They have visiting hére the past three Chas Russell, county superin-- tendent of roads, was a caller here one day the first of the week. W to d crashed headlong of the bther car and taken from his car His head and face , and he sustained se-- o his body and legs. the other car, an Oak s slightly cut on the is face. The running ders were torn from AT COUNTY FAIR a resident in the Hawkir _ from demol-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 been HARDING APPEARS BEFORE CONGRESS Document Deals Largely With Sugges-- tions for Modernizing Coal Indus-- try and Transferring Railroad Labor Board to Washington. Reads Message on Jndustrial Sit-- uatian to Joint Session of Houses. ASKS DEFINITE LEGISLATION Washington, _ Aug. _ 18. --President Harding appeared before a joint ses-- slon of the senate and house today and read a message on the industrial situation. The Pregident asked for definite legislation to prevent a recur-- rence of mine aund railroad strikes. The messuge deals largely with sug-- gestions for modernizing the coal in-- dustry and in tronsferring the rail proad labor board from Chicago to greater aggregate sa for the remain-- |John Welch of Chicago were pleas--| uo. Mrs |a Dovt Mathews -- -- Ing 400,000 men. | ant callers at the Herman Maiman sistcr, Mrs. La: Doyt Mathews: The President's message contains no | home Saturday afternoon, | M'r. and Mrs. Blumgren are enter-- recommendation for anti--strike legis | }enry Maimman ~turned to hnis| tén.mng this week Mrs. Lagerlund of lation, such legislation being cODtFATY ) home here Sunday after spending' fmmwlen, Mre. Isnaskson of Odg.en, to the administration's policy that | the week with his cousins, the Geo.) "__"", MB G Lageriund and child-- sHie 6 s cousins, * ren of Elwood Park, Mr. and Mrs. American workers have the right t0 | yeuers' children of McHenry 1 . refuse or accept employment at will. w . [ F. Lagerlund and son of Chicago, Favorable to Labor. |__Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn} Mrs. S. F. Strone and children, Mr. A major portion of the message | **'* called to Dfl\fflb last Thurs-- | and Mrs. Harry Joianson of Mankato, is devoted to a review of the present d'a_v by the serious "!"e." 0! Mrs. Minn., and Mr .and Mrs. Lundin of industrial crisis s#tnce its inception. | C!°M®®t Reid. Mr. Reiq is a orother Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. © Blumgrin The President hopes by detailing the O' Mr= Blackburn and Mrs. Reid & ) occupy the farm known as the old various obstacles encountered in ef.| SiSter 0f Mr. Blac'kbum. They found | Lamphere farm four miles west of forts toward settlement to suggest to | their sister suffering from a severe town. 6 congress means of preventing a simi-- stroke of apoplexy. There are hopes | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Godfrey of lar crisis in the future. of her improvement. Mr. and ln.'Ch | Chicago were week end guests at the Not only does the message omit all George Broughton motored to D€-- nome of Mrs. Godfrey's parents, Mr. reference to "anti--strike" legisiation, | Kalb Sunday to call on Mrs. M!.:.d Mrs. C. E. Jenks. ' but the whole document is to be con-- | :rl.&r:us'hhl remained to care for | en strued as distinctly favorable to labor, | NCr week. . t f M it was learned definitely! * +o '| Mrs. R. A. Prigr, who was iD last | GRAYSLAKE genaral supervisor of transports h of the Chicago, Milwa abd 'Bt. Pant railway, died of henm at Henrotin hospital. Mr. Simpson --wnun--stventy--hve yoars old ant> hud bean with the Chicago, Milwaukes and St. Paul since 1882 __--_z____--_--___ _ _-- | week is better at this writing. STRIKE IS NEAR SETTLEMENT| Mrs. Maria Powers, who has been wz _ Isen'ously ill for the last few weeks Strikers Make Definite Concessions on | is still confined to her bed. c«muungnov Seniority, | _ Mrs. Henry Golding is slowly re-- The yielding by the strikers on the menjority lssue is given great weight because those rallroad officials in the conference are known as "moderates" --men who have repeatedly empha-- gized that they were anxious to effect peace at the éarliest possible moment. It is believed certain that these officials will grant concessions on the minor points of Issue. Washington, Aug. 18 --WIth the passage of the tariff bill but 48 bours away, senators began laying plans to day for the impending battle of the soldiers' bonus bill which by a special order, is next on the senite program Opponents of the bonus, realizing they probably would be unable to defeat it outright, were planning dila-- tory tactics in an effort to again hold it up. A suggestion was put forth that, after the long fight over the tariff. the senate should take a re Seattle, Wash., Aug. 18 --Fifty--three Chinese were arrested by immigration officials in & raid on the shipping board steamship Prcsident Jackson, which arrived from the Orient. Im. migration Commissioner Weedin de clared that the arrests frustrated the most extensive plot ever ubcovered here to smuggle Orient--ls into the United States. Foes Attempt to Hait Bili's Passage by Ordering Recess After Tariff Vote. Federal Agents Halt Extensive 8mug gling Plot on Yank Ship at Seattie. NEW ATTACK ON BONUS BILL SEIZE 53 CHINESE IN RAID I George E. Gimpson !s Dead, Chicago, Aug. 18.--George E. Himp. Mrs. Jane Neville returned to her the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank home here Sumday afternoon from Carr Monday afternoon. Libertyville where she nagd spent a _ Miss Iva Turnbull and Mi---- Mar-- few days at the home of her daugn-- guerite Boemer were Chicago the, Mrs. Ls E. Golding. shoppers Tuesday. Fred Dowell, Wm. Baseley, Miss' _ Mrs, Banks of Barrington ~pent Amy Baseley: and Mrs. Howard a couple of days here the fore part Anderson msotored to Barrington. of the week at the home of her J P. Blank and family and cmm' brotner, George Broughton. A Chicago |ady, who is spending her summer \»cation in this village, had the misfortume to fall on the | steps leadins to the postoffice and | fracture hner \~/t forearm. Cement roa> work is held up here on account <' the railroad strike. Mr. Nelson nas & good supply of cement store here and at Lake Zurich, but can mot get sand and gravel. Thers : #till about one and a half mile of road to pave be-- tween here an| Volo and even more | than that Metween Lakes Corners | and Lake Zunch. J. P. Blank and family and Calvin Prior returnéd from a ten days' camping trip to a Wisconsin resort, Saturday afternoon. They all en-- joyed the trip. Lewis Hubbard Lena Hubbard. M bert Baseley mot Lake Sunday afte ness Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock of Round Lake spent Saturday and Sun-- Frank Roany and Howard Ander-- son motored to Chicago Friday where Mr. Roany transacted busi-- Frei Dowell, Mr.and Mrs. M .W. Baseley and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson went by motor to Wood-- stock Tuesday. Mrs. W. S$. Farnsworth enter-- tained a party Quarantine was lifted from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy last week Saturday. There were three other children at the home, none of them contracted the dread disease, scarlet fever. zdy at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lesley Turmball. Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Baseley and daughter Amy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maxfiel| of Des Plaines over the week end. Mr. Maxfield is a nephew of Mrs. Baseley. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Maiman and childrem of Waukegan -- and -- Mrs. Dr. L. E. Golding, wife and daugh-- ter of Liberty\ille called on relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Grantham was il! last week but under the care of Dr. Ross is able to be around again. -- Carl Fink, who returned to his home from a Cnicago hospital a few ago, is still confined to his home but is slowly gaining. covering from her recent illness and is able to be around. Ralph Tagszort of Dundee spent several days visiting relatives and calling on friends here last week. Miss Mae Mrs. Meyers to their hom« ing last wee igan. Mrs. M of the parts as to her a: on this trip The wood around here must be full of Nelso~«. Anyhow there are several different Mr. Nelsons i2 town. A man y the name of Nelson from Chicaso came here early in May and bou:~t Out a pool room and soft drink establishment from a Mr. Cramban an has Operated the place zince, Mondaw sometime a sponge squad raided the place and took what moonsh:~e they and the man found. Then they left for Slocum's Lake, two miles west of town and captured Fra~k Bushongville and angther boo'!~z@®r with moonshing and took thc thr@® to Waukegan, where they were held for selling modhishine and 18# Bootlegging. Mrs. Fra~k D#emecke, son Ro-- land and davsht@® Miss Jayne of Messrs. Ras Paddock, Arthar Boemer, Homer Cook and Lyga Broughton we t to Spring Grove last Thursday and brought several thousand vours fish to put in the lake. WATUCONDA aimmn and her aunt, { MeHenry, returned Saturday after spend-- with friends in Mich-- red Huffman was not ve were misinformed mpanying the others Farnsworth _ enter-- of friends over the L o hospital a few| Mrs. Littlefield was among the to his home but | people from here visiting in Caieago on Tuesday . s wife and daugh--| Frank Wilkinson has begun on & lled on relatives new home which he is erecting on on. ]tbo syndicate property. -- 1 mother, Mrs.| Mary and Al--| 1 _ to Crystal; h Chicago, and Miss Marguente Grif-- fith of Hammond, Ind., vi--ted at the home of Mr._and Mrs. Frank Carr Monday afternoon. Miss Iva Turnbull and Mi---- Mar-- Monday afternoon a half dozen or more men raided the home of Mr. ang Mrs. Will Hafer, who ieside on the Herman Brooks farm at Slocums Lake. Mr. Hafer was at a neighbors tnreshing and Mrs. Hafer was at home alone. She was very much frightened, as she did . not know why a buncn of men should enter her home and ransack the house from garret to cellar. It leaked out that it was a sponge squad and they thought they were at the Holcher farm where they nad heard of moonshine being nid by Chicago parties. The same men captured Frank Bushongville and another Chicago man at the Bush-- ongville cottage on tre shore of Slocums Lake. Dr. Godfrey of Chicago spent Sun-- day here at the Jenks hotel. Ruth Hapke, who has employ-- ment in Chicago, was a week end visitor at her home here. Eloise Jenks, who has been quite ill for some time is not gaining as her many friends should like to see Fred Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley and Mr. and Mrs. H Ander-- son called on Joe Baseley at Union Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Godfrey of Chicago were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Godfrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenks. Chas. Thayer and family of Wau-- kegan were visitors in Grayslake on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scatt of Fox Lake were visitors in Grayslake Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mathews, Mra. Mildred Huffman and Myrtle Darrell motored to Crystal Lake Sunday where they spent the day with their sister, Mrs. La Doyt Mathews. -- A. R. Andrews of Libertyville was a business visitor in Grayslake last Friday. Mrs. D. G. White and daughter Mary Jane were among those from here in Chicago on Tuesday. Miss Margaret Duffy of Cincin-- nati is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lawrence. Ben Peterkort, mayor of Round Lake, was a business visitor in Grayslake on Monday. * The Tagen and Kuebker families motored to Milwaukee last Sunday. Jay Graham and family of Long Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest behef that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and bence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. of 50 « 45¢ 20 for 18e 10 for 9¢ Vacuum tins ggest & Myers Tobacce Ca, /2 «Q Chesterfield Lake were here among the visitors on Tuesday of this week. Miss Martha Amann of Beach vis-- ited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Zandt. The Rev. Barnett will occupy the pulpit at the Congregational church next Sunday. Services at 10 o'clock. Miss Bessie Ragsdale of Chicago has been visiting for tie past ten days in the homes of the Allen and Sikes families. Mr. Gerretson of the Inderrieden offices in Chicago spent last Sat-- urday in the Grayslake plant of that eompany. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doolittle en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ira Holdridge of Waukegan and other relatives at dinner Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. J. H. Barnett, who have been spending the last ten days in northern Wisconsin, returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bown of Waukegan are spending a two weeks' yacation nere in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doolittle. Mrs. Roy McBride, daughter Edith and brother, Edgar Harper, have returned from a visit in the home of the former's &ister at Whiting, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerry and family left last week on a three weeks' auto trip to visit relatives in Iowa. s Jess and Charles Longabaugh are spending the week on their annual vacation visiting various parts of CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos--blended We used to know a chap who wore two--dollar shoes, fi_fteen-&lll.r suits, a dollar watch and threw his socks away instead of sending them to the mending basket. Said he'd a heap rather pay less and buy oftener. Ifb hecxafia aroum(iwl;x: now: he'd grab a ttery Separator) and have it on his car quicker 'n 1 We've seen lots . of htwht--&"" rfiem onzwx.i:l;in gu-ht:t )offthe CW attery Separator), for qual-- ity at anything like the price! Price: for 6--volt, 11--plate, $15.85. _ Lake_County Battery and and CW Batteries (Wood Separators) Representing Willard Batteries 111 8. Sheridan Rd. Phone 3$4--J Oh Boy! Here's a Battery That Fits the Pocketbook (Threaded Rubber Insulation) | _ Mrs. Chas Hook went to afi | on Saturday, nere she met her | band, who came there from Grand | Repids, Mich. After visiting a few | days in Chicago, they will retara | Were for a visit at the Dan Hook | home. ClE . | _A certain house down in Georgia 1was held in terror by all negroes i tne vicinity except Sam, who | joined the other, "this nothing ' | there all night. A purse was raised and Sam was told to carry out his | end of the bargain and to:call in the morning for the money. When morning came no trace m 'found of Sam; the house com | nothing but evidences of a hurried ' departure. A search party was or-- ganized but with no result. 'l'lfl four days later Sam, covered mud, came slowly walking down the Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schults and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schults, the former now residents of Forest Park and the latter living at Des Plaines, were here calling on old time friends Tuesday. Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prala "d: Louis spent several days , week visiting at the Chas, Kucbker home. 4 "Hi dere, nigger!" yelled a.. by= stander. "Where's you been de Jas' fo' days?" To which Sam curtly te-- Went a Long Way PAGE THREE