Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 2 Sep 1922, p. 1

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> <.. $30,000.00 TO : -- ENTERTAIN THE: FAIR VISITORS Lake county will flock to Liberty-- to 'be not only the greatest Lake sounty fair, but also one of the fin-- est fairs in the middle west. The fair will run from Labor Day which falis on Sept. 4 until Sept.: 8. Special features have been ar-- ranged on eath day. < 'Monday there will be the regular Labor Day cele-- brations. Tuesday is children's day Wednesday _ women's _ day. g'-l' y will be lodge day to which every lodge in the county has been issued a special invitation. -- The last day wil} see a grand Old: Set-- tlers and Homecoriing Day. The fair committee: has planned an outlay of more than $30,000 to make the affair a suecess,.. The gen-- gral premium. alone run up to $15,-- 000. The next biggest item is the purses which will b* offered for the five days racing meet on the Lib races will be yun every dag. L. C. Tewes of Wapkegan is, supgrinten-- dent of speed. ©. . _' .. . .. It is the exhibits, of prize. win-- for the racers. Othe items*are $2,-- 699 in special premiums, $1,400 for of the best horsefles" in lllinois and of the finest herds of -t' America, and the cattlé r be an attraction to b from all over the state. Sheep and hog owners in the county have been at-- tracted by bigger prizse lists than beem. crowded with entries of swine There will be two sttractions to lovers of good horsefiesh, besides the race Fine draft animals of which tounty has more than its share, will be there by the score. And in addition millionaire horse owners in Lake Forest and other in the horse fair which promises to draw some of the biggest andiences at the fair. € every walk of life. There will be daily discussions on home econom-- i¢s. -- Art exhibitions and net work -- will gecupy consider space. Style shows have been ranged at which the latest m from Puris and New 'York wil exhibited. In connection with space. Style shows have been ar-- ranged at which the latest modes from Puris and New York will be exhibited. In connection with all this there will be a fine arts axhi-- bition and school and Sunday School departments for the young people. Aute Show to Feature. vflb"'h&o"fl: show, at $200,000 worth fi"nvflhuu -h"nm'flhtbb tor and exbibit. ~These will be greater thar pver, as the fair authorities have been request-- ed and have agreed to furnish extra space for the manufacturers of all varieties of farm implements and The State. of lllincis has furnish-- ed through its various departments a half dozen exhibits and displays fi'?fldle& crowds. The state highway depart-- ment will a number of photo-- graphs ~ materials demon-- atrating good roads pro-- gram of the state Isbeing put over with special to the mater-- énl used. The will wiso have an § game department will be at the En--nuuh.-u.: at which {armers rfilmvfl'wfinb ~know. The seed display will The twelve tanks of Minois game fish which were showr. at the Page-- ant --of Progress by ie state ficsh To Spend $30,000. $7200 has been hung up alike Asks Police To Find Daughter A' mysterious : call from Chicago luring her r, Ber-- tha, 20 years old, from the hom We mt f ' Bahling -- of~ Lmn grief on her ed. She 1 'b:npcritically i1 for five weeks. Chief olice Tom W N asked to aid in the mflgt'u': girl and to cnlist the Chicage police in the hunt. C¥ teams are the Foresters, the High-- |..._........,m.m Lurich -- and -- Libertvville -- Nine Waukegan (or several months, the mother saic today. . k day," Mr not home number. she called mer o come . to {IdcagO /. se° . "The following day she stating tha she was going: te .' to work. en't . .1 fallen into the s of white slavers or that she 7 ry been murdered has di me «~*Goodby, mother, T'll mg temarrow," . were h ind as she left h-% r'&lg home to meet 4 ?r;d'w;:uhu::e f 8 * billiard 11 a bn&dw the exhibit their pet stock, and in con-- neetion with this the poultry show will have some of the best birds in the county. A new {eature is the 'Bertha is the oldest of nine chil-- dren. (The youngest are unable to understand the disappearance of their big sister, while the older are erying for her return. . no word was heard from Bertha the called the Chicago num-- MmLmhfilfllfln was that of a billiard Hall there. breed of dog wil. be shown. Many Fun Events. spite the fact that the acres upon acres of exnibits alone will attract committee has booked a number of ture that ".m.;.:; every one will find something to his fancy. county whick has shown ability suf-- lected in previding for the {air. De-- which will be presect at the fair, h-? on the list are the Po-- lonias of North Chicago, and Lake Villa, the two principal contenders for the> county pennant. Other will play on one of the five days. Devotees of the old sport :f .r'-':n» have curnament. . P have been of-- county sta flhpn:utu: sfl" eArers with all manner nearly y of € ly every matte general in "~ g_bfl'u. The t ¥~ Shows. lidw Rave an unus-- ually metive. display of circus and € --mets. There will be io hive Gate of the tape. **** udmgsr.w-m cireus 1 the committee was able to find in the country. Features of this part of the fair wil! u'Jfi' Jomnstone's edu-- :"hd" I#, < M.m&mtr m-nzd_ some of the most irs in the coun-- try. The _afe topliners in the ac1 --world. _ There wi three bands on the grov h day and night, "A .man _ from Chief Tyrrell will forwurd every , at tnephmmw Bahling said. "She wa wahc ldtl" L"M 'hflln ows and stands, of .. 4) 4@« Mhier : Sn' oT 96 * ' w.% Arlr ¥f T .XA s t 4 3 uds s e a i4 *Tuni ad PWE SE fi . 4. $ s M d o 0 td t t e '.'\ y & ¥ .' is 66 % 'P','?"' f ' lowasl & ¥%* 3 48 Adt mm e * > | m 2l c > i e y 4 * "aha 1 x +s r®> A . *1,° ; o' yE ># Eo * * ; f + & t < Bc 7 J TV U aff $ w 5h. e $ 6 > _ e y o 'ar t C ¥° " ' % C :vvfffi';fj t 344 % 7 % es Lo td 6 +\ h n brightly dolored doll sweaters which land Park. This was only one of mmhxmm learn how to each a subject by they were weaving under the direc-- tion of Miss Grace Wright of High-- acting as pupils. ing ages under her, the teacher is unable to confine all of 'her time to book studies, and these weaving and other similar --enterprises serye to . Construction work is not the only study which the teachers are learn-- ing by: doing it themseives. 'They also have penmanship and musk j"dLfi--.bc. 4 ~Mrs. Eva continued her in-- struction in primary reading teday. ns 20 We stt w on PMAE 00. . w on Aiccan tiinr ". Morp thath 50 teachers Of the taral schools of the county worked fever-- ishly at the--Lake county teachers' work is known, is exceptionally im-- portant in rutal schools where there is a wide disparity in the ages of T. A. Simpson said. With such vary-- wiar section. Miss Tiffany was in charge of the music section and E. round table discussion in the gram-- section. § 1*"0&" noon on "Thrift," by Mr. Appel, and on primary English by Miss Wright. tical,"" this morning, and this after-- noom Professor Case of the Univers sity of Arizona gave ancther on instruction in geography. the death of Mrs. James Brock, of the confectioner$ stand. As he Winthrop Harbor, who was killed the auto h@ flnv-a r"h&ofionmn'l alki in the r0%@ front of her confectionery stamd | pa was wet and as he at-- tm ign road at Winthrop Ha®--| tempted to tur apply-- or, _A co jury deliberat tukes, the car and ind Tobin's funeral ho e f * /a «werdiet of ac \Me -- red -- blew EXONERATE MAN IN _ He declared that he § > r ) o1 & that the ma ppar irtion . sontused, the ' did not hear a p Leonard Bishop, Zion City mb-bh-efi'éa All the: witnesses called by -tj:zm testified the tnavoidable of Libertyville of the AUTO ACCIDENT PUBLISHED BWMCE WEEKLY ati0® _ _ "Arest the next. , WAS | gemmmage-------- ay in |s car standing bf the confect the av y . res and night during the Fair. « Eight different .uzwu be shown onthe screen, list fol-- is of particular i to farmers d-l-ofmgm "Exit Ascoris" is & two reel pic-- MOTION PICTURES hogs that has prv: in its value on the farms of many breeders, It shows the yalue of disease preven-- * _ A ahort reel on "Ox Warble" will be of t to both dairy and beef cattlo LC 'lhh.twmd":.mund s ded &0 inspire a de-- m:huerm"d farm ' Fa use &dfim? me on sour soils. _ The North shore Line will show two films. A two reel comedy added to the list will make a three hour £ car standing i~ the road in front af .' eonfection As he #ounded the auto the woman trance of. Fai to ac-- zg"'%: = are vited to make our A Radio outnt will be installed in the tent for the entertainment See part of it on@ day and the n & of DAY :fil'mh&o b't,dnidry -::'3 * Sclhodicts are nnRed io danate a tenth of their incomes to meet .& crisis threatening civilization in an fAuenced by Methodism's: failure of mwvu;h" ¢ Bishops J. F. Berry of n.z phia, W, F. McDowell of Washing-- ton, D. C.; F. M. Bristol, Chatts-- P. 1. and W. F. Anderson of Cin-- cinnatl, reads in part as follows: ~-- would be usb.}-th Methodist nooga, Tenn.; C. E. Locke, "Our world is summoned to mest &10"&-:»!-!*7. criale -- hour transcends supymbly the military crisis of period of the war. Then men those who had power to kill ~the body; now men stand ~awed #' fenrsome in the presence of which threaten to cast civilization : and soul into hell a .'L'mmyim-t.--b a new start., -- time must build up -'.bdvinezd-dfl-,dh; and good will. It was a vision glor-- Wdunfi"ffl and ac-- the challenge, with what emed a divine passion. . ; u $ as the movement the attention of the f church cooled in. its ar. and ened in its hat ' Now it is even suggested | '9,?_.Mary "is distasteful. '~ "Burely it would not be r able in this hour of the : e eir inc N stnee mb t the world: to that E'?'l-%" ' ipilsgopal church should ¢ -.',;_ the gift of '.k- s the is urgent and that zmnflhuv 'rotestantism will be largely in-- ?, 1922 CcoNTEST wEDNESDAY 1 P. . Aik ies \< esumed 6. y armpn :. service that . was _ interrapted. 'A'"m freight crews on the *J' have their headquarters at J ¥ filmth,drnfual to :'i armed guards~ around | shops which precipitated the wallt | out.. Local engine crews, employed | in the switching service in the yards wmbeuth:v'flkthm 'mt present little or no freight piled up to await ixtrg will be necessary at %mhw' fi.dduday,bduruptu_flt freight tled Vi'&'.:"":.s.:.' r up 4,' £ | rouds for transfer. <to' .terminal {or some time on the road, it was\ predieted today. s( The Big Four brotherhoods which walked 'out won at least part of their contentions with tHeir : return<--to inuer frpdiomeg 4) 3 . road m remove ing the shops E. 'g: $His es &A which the chief of ves of . 'I' and n#u m ; Lake equnty 'had a. splendid ex-- j NC _ Ti Peoimtons APAURORA last year. Also 18t m boar; §th premium junior g sow; 4th premizm juznior boar, big class 35; 1st premint junior sow pig also first in jun * of Wa f mmm&u Hampshire hogs. ' hor::' ul MI&&" en on 'wwhmgww . Arcady ~Farm exhipited Berk-- shires and clemned up good money, Tho: Wilson 'of . Wilson ---- was nds math in sod tibbone on TDS. f ereditabi "fl':. e . mllfortho"'":" county -- when so many pre-- miums were awarded there in an axhibition where Afteen -- states REMOVE SPLEEN |sistence. He said ho was socking oF MAN IN#D m or udn | was unab _ was contiuued he NEAR CURNEr) "AS°Aui e l.hdenhfi Farm in practically -tlb":h: Livenyvile at . the . hake --Count# at . % Fair, S%hfi% lete epxhibits :'ek which have reached the senith _ James Logio of Gurnes, is at the Victory Memorial fl ra ing from an for the re-- moval of his fl-d. necessary by injuries re-- teived when the wagon on which he was riding tipped over. -- _ _ Logie suffered a rupture The operation for its m is a most unusual one. ding to local physicians, the am is an organ which has no fune-- Heve that the loss of will Injure Logio's health, _/ ---- The accident in Logie was Injured was caused by the fright of a cow which he was tbe wagon, by a m# . P The cow ' t side of the wagon, : and rmfln + When he was rescued i he he rescued was suffering from -- internal . in was oaly the road freight county, the scene of not's : triumph -- in the is not expected to 1 by either side. i Bpringfield, 111., Aug. $0.--Cireuit Judge E. S. Smith today fixed Seph . 41 as the date for hearing A¥gO~ ments for a change of venue in the . «ase of the people of lllinciy ver@us _ recover in a civil suif approximataly . . $2,000,000° in intorest on tdE leged to have misused . | the terms of "6tate Treasurers Smail, Sterling and Brady. _ | | || _ A _: bitter fight . is' y the denfense to take the ease ered hostile territory by the' gor-- ernor> Thesuit is a> sequel to _ GOVERNOR'S _ . __ . CASE CALLED _ FOR SEPT. 11 $ Small in which he was: acquit-- ted of ~pocketing state 4 + me # trial at Waukegan. | «. _' _ _ _' No county . outside -,W"@_ ANONYMOUS LETTER toF':d;u'l m may be asked . _ 9t wohines of Xotew tigation years old, arrested by the W . ' + in (g;':i mgded to dg' . the chatheng :,J o high sehoo! -- ie . §$2#00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE :n-»m. $ Robinson, and . Mr. Was Trailing --Girl, He Bald / t Anderson told-- the: police: : chief . mzmwvm andered .: about the aide 5k He . the u + 6. * sETHes G~ . serted that he addreased the letters &mud"b&h' t some * *. 1nnoh-_-:o1h9~;~ {u,&.'.u-nh;n:-hu no learn if they eared to. C o e e thb'mr~ . 'The occupants of the Sot idan road building in front of which 'Anderson was taken, detailed to the police tlis morning the man's ac-- tHvities last night. For some time they said, Anderson was seen walk ing in front of the place. 'Then he went around to the rear, looked in ane of the windows and returned to the front of the house, rh was at the front window po-- lice were called. He offered no re-- foped of hn ies and wtarg m'"" str daw:dr.d dwm | ho i f Wavkeges on u%"' Tuuk by farmers Mving § ; sheritf's office was members of the foree went to th the automobile was . stolen from point in for C To i i oi e in hi ing the tires of this car, found' neatr Wis. n# truck -- bears > STRIPPED AUTO to Accordina to the sheriff's office, ide ~as a lixely for ~the trial. fully the activities of: the FOUND ON ROAD I i ~arou-- -- of venue in the \« | "..'n:"' £ Illinois versus _ roximately :. d f ille:. _ flill--' * P s. Meack pigt )1 ;' for ¥% *¥ w

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