Rev, J. C. Busscher will preaca his ollowing day m«vdlflnfi-fl will charge of the services, . | . _ gjhrf' everend and u_;;mmim % sday,. Reptem-- Reverend chey will a g:'l:fl:f St. Pm _ Mr, and Mrs, Joseph E, Epstein (Melita Unger) have just returned in ho oo ©8, "a pat » s 8. Unger of South Waukegan road at the County Line.<s. . .~ >« > ~. Miss Martha :J t Chicago was a guest at thom Galloway '-h-lnhh.nrym- Mrs. Hiram Robbins has just re-- earned from a twelve day motor trip w thousand miles, which i1-- ''xh. Washing-- ton, and. Mainé resorts. ® \\Mr. and Mrs. William Kreh en-- ertaine q*!.":n-d-y evening -- in vhe is visitin the parents of her ince, Harold Vant. Mrs, Seth M. Gooder entertained informally on Tnursday afternoon at ?"m'flhflfldm Mrs. Ira Hole of Glen Ellyn will give music lessons on Saturdays at the home of Mrs. Frank Bruggman. day. twuu Bergheld will board at the Galloway home, +. Miss Anne Sherman is visiting her son ~Clarence and family is Chi-- C (Esther Nelson) and Marjorie, Mrs.--Archibald (Helen Rebling) and Bernice of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Fredrick and family visited relatives in Artington ?au!. *' J. Knasck and sister Emily guests at the wedding of Miss Wenben and: Henry Rohde Forest of Wednesday after-- noou. * s Miss Sadie Galloway has as 'her Miss Eva Ender had as her week end guest Miss Mary Moran of Miss Laura Mublke of Plano,'I., Mrs and Miss Orma Jonnson of éw Robert Friebus and gone . to. Menominee, for their vacation. W' w, Mv re-- covering from a sérious "_l'l:fl'-. Gooder | entertain I'hat.' a tof K . dappi Thursday m Mrs. Fred Horenberger will en-- tertain the September meeting of E_ui;iui Bociety -- of hSt' churech at z'.r:fim" =h~h'chfl Amelia Pyle, Mr. m:-. L ; P Schneider and son and -- Jack Keete of Chicago and Mrs. Frank #ting her brothers Oscar a: FhrettRuahe -- Armetation _ will Association -- will emmwcdfic'n" 7 "Mh;&_"fl.h- Klock of New York. stead of the second Friday Miss Faith Reichelt returned Mon-- iy from Europe, where she spent _ William Schnelder Jr. is spending the week at his fraternity house at the University of Chicago. Special dance at Ray Bros, Pavi-- mmllh'nmfl: a, m. to 9 p.m. Pr. J. P. O'Connéll, doatist, has an Ohio are the guests of Winter visited rel-- awo -- Monday * and will preach his is -- in < St.. #4 » Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grewes %yn&hqt'l_fing:f _ NMr. and Mrs. Fred Sigburg from Ariington Heichts were callers -- at J. N. Busch's |ast Sunday afternoon. r--vv- s ® W -- Miss Elanore Bornhofen, who has | : affiicted . with . spinal . trouble | © & couple of years, 4s very much | E ved and is able. to get around M micely. Her many friends are very Biad to bave her with them again. | -- Mr, and Mrs. Al. Sehroeder spent Bunday atthe'aouda 'F. Busch. @Mr, and Mrs. Will / on from Mazon, also their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brooks and daughter l'g; t several days visiting rel-- m.p!:]re s:x;nu Waukegan. er assisted with the threshing at the Crestmore Farm last sday. . .. Herbert Weidner spent last week at Fremo~t witn his sister, Mrs. 7 Weidner _ Trom AICBRY %y at homes ; S [00A + '-- On Monday morning at Milwaukee occurred the marriage of Waiter Weidner to Mis; Amelia Storm of that place. The yourw':u'l-,fl reside in Kenosha, _" : them a worl| of W}M body here wi!l miss Waiter as he was very popular and well liked by * Mr. and Mrs, Max Miller, Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Busch, also George Weim-- / James Matousek from Wm Caroline Busch & t v'=n :::em;"e" uh-n!fiy evening. + * Fage «Herbert and Victoria 'du?p-- tored to Fremont Friday &z several days with Mrs. Fred Well folks we've alhh- "thrasied" again down in Pun-- Kkin Center, and it's .nmd#y- Fred Obenauff. «2. , §iese f --N. F. Busch was @ "'& Crestmore Farm last Thuraday, .. are that its all over with again for unother year anyway. ctertd ~-- We'll tell the --world those boys-- Chester Wolf and his helper, .E. m en onk which never fails. n Yes. we came near forgetting to tell the joke. Mr. Nikol when he got through at A. J. Raupp's pulled down north and parked his "thrash-- l-"vnhhtnddc.l.,'"' ner's grocery store, right in town too. Guess he intended to thrash him the next day but he got -- fooled. Early in the morning long before the binds were singing, he got all the family in his car and hied away to Milwaukee where there was some big doings going on, a great . mat-- rimonaial ceremony for his oldest Ray Busch and James Matousek motored 'to Waukegan early Sunday morning. _ ~ For the choicest kinds of fruit and the wreatest variety . we must nand the homors to Schley Rob Schley wiee Ahictnte hitgles to Goo. : to see 'a nite with the choicest : ib everything _ & peanuts, which m this locality, Rob W i this. He will exhibit and : ; of them for sale by the $ !-- Sunday, also sweet milk . aweet cider. Rob i8 Emil Geéegt was out autoin Sl!n% No, the car overl t time, only the seat was taken reom {. that time ---- Mr. w- and . family, _ George :':'l:fl' ~family aad two other Suw"?'!"m" 2e ,'" the lake last ho' * C Of a piece of wed» %":M uie k kee. > WB 1 frow Mil*®"> Al Bunton Jrswas employe Schley. 'h&fl days last w We'll tell the world, if you APTAKISIC e very Sturm. 1 waat zc last THE the wed» nt ! Waukezan for the present to help j | M'n &~ § !4.' . came | to the home of " Datdetive Chas Meyer. o ;'. Mrs. J. N. Busch gted Mrs. N. ¥ Busch with the threshing last Saturday, where they also had a some, or perhaps he "took it." He has our o is as bad as all that we feel foi sc The ball game at . last Sunday was quite as usual with that team, ended in a row. C Sk s Ory _ Mrs. Schar ivflw t iaughter Mrs. Ed. Giks, > O\ innings it looked .lw _ would sueceed, but our' were ouly warming up as the air was rather eool that day. Up to t inn-- ing the acore was §/to 14, favor of Long Grove. But _ eur boys played ball, they put in tem rins in | the nintly inning game @eF, score 15 to 14 favor of + Aptakisic.. Of course the ump tried ,3: l--stunt of puttisg: over something | not in our towp, we have gule books and abide by stated rules and its | the players that must win the. not the ump, If the umpire in ly calls his errors fair, we sorry for nim and if he 't | clearly vnderstand the riles he ought to get rext to himself and study them. The junior girls are iatending to join some of the poys next Sunday and play the Buffals Grove team. Get your seats eayly and don't miss that game of ball, s wipe !._Little Bessie Ddwel!l, who spent the last four months at the home of William -- Baseley, returned ty the General hospital at Waukegan Sat-- urday. The little girl needed special I-nmm.mmt'-u-fl with her grandparents. y Somebody must have been nard 14 for sour milk one da; .1 'hmk. At least he dida't heaitate steal some. or nerhan« he "ust "Look it." Jim Bunton -- from : Joliet spent several days last week at N.' ¥. Busch's. » Fred Busch and Mrs, Ray Busch motored to Lake Forest last Fri-- day afternoon: on business. Ed. Kleinamith from Palatine was a caller at Was. Frillman's last Mon-- day. 9 +o3 ~"Albert and Mary . Bascley .and Mrs. Plutice W toa with her son Arthar and %r Thirza motored &"{-flbmmm '~Sund:y"ln" spent with Mr. and Mrs. Farley Wade. j ds o mc ol e ant d % n eg t Daley spent Sunday at Grass where they visited the lotus beds,. _ Fred Busch and Mr#, Ray Busch motored to Waukegan last Monday. tast week and will spend a few 'days with Bis family. Mrs. a-n:. "'-fl-: last week at Spencer's Highlands on the north shore of the lake, Geo. North, who is cariag for his father, Alfred North, returned from Hinsdale Saturday. He was accom-- fln@bg.Mln._Chfi_'q! Mr. and Mrs. Everett Neville of mmp?-n*!u the home of Mrs. Jane Neville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr. ~ day ' Ray Paddock, Homer Cook _ and Howard Andersea motored to Wau-- kegan Saturday. road. from Maiman's tQ P¥¥ sorner Saturday eveninc. The sp was roped off to keep travelers and a latge exrowd was in at 'The 'Palatine band entertained the Libertyville . County Fair & addresses. Mr. ho . was the first on 4 'ut*'l to ' b w wife and little 8 N attended the open ?i;-.flln. Philip M Mr. and M¥rs. Ed\ Barron of Grays-- , who spent a couple of days : band s well & Nx. A-- > Aaplies 1 ols Afinke d mfi y 8 dth'ifl':;fi Te es and . its oT AVUC .o Paoe 11 m&AiM, ttle -- s + the was and < ne&t . maiMA, e 212 (aduimt a M3 last Phone 9 Would you like to have a Buring the FAIR, Sept., 4 -- 5.-- 6 -- 7 --.8, we will have on display at our store in the Kaiser u%-tdmumrzorm&mcum.f- fice the most complete stock of BRUNSWICK ty------12 Models in all----shown in Wainut, Ma-- hogafy, Fumed and Golden Oak and priced from BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS | + and learn how you can get one of these famous . Do You Own A Phonograph? without it costing you a single penny. RAPHS ever Furniture & Paint Stor GREAT LAKE COUNTY FAIR M <-- nmrmiber) .ar. ccAmmanr a T ue MONDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S ues mt 2 C iyy s imE Don't fail to visit our booth at the #® 4 displayed in Lake Coun-- --shown in Wainut, Ma-- TeR No .'*, 6 L. 1 x a Dur 3+ mummmnm f f After the day at the Fair and while waiting for the evenings entertainment visit us at our store. Look over our compléte stock. § See our furnished flat with its display, of Fine House Furnishings.> ._-- C~ 72 oi ic ag ty TV Emt Ab¥yI ,UE :"'z! C 4.¥ i% will be I n welcome | _ Y ou 4 sn ies ont v2 ts