Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 16 Sep 1922, p. 2

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.. . Wisitor _ »~ The Ladies Aid Society will meet i at e ham ''"""'"" \ _ _\ Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook and Mr. und Mrs. Townsend Smith left Fri-- ;;.;{"'3 : morni '40_:4;& to © Montana -- "and other parts of the west. ~Mrs. Elizabeth Hute: Glen-- _i vi_ _ .: ARBEA SCHOOL & #t ment up to date is sixty-- ~Ag m forty in the pri-- :. mary room and twenty--nine in the _4 The Citizens State Bank of Area 'car whith he recently <pur-- A 5. h a z & . on gredmaadiy evering at wpent . evening at % R..J. Lyons was a business ; in Chicago Wednesday. : ~~-- The Aag pole has been rigged with ~a pew rope and we are again able to Wfi-fin-mf:ufi:é Mr. aid Mrs, J. 3. Rouse.. . + fi 7.._.'"!" with Mr. and I!'t'.fltenrl ~Q. & who has been visit-- fi;m in Sweden, ar-- home\ Wednesday evening. He Wfi':ifld'y evening. He also spent one week in: New York ' /A bazaar and . lunch . will be give mu Society of M;&nhatuhrty- ville on 'afternoon and eve-- ning, September 21. T0--2t "' h"""-m children asmartest appearing young man will u:%phd-mnt ?h Diamond Lake, on Saturday 'night, September 16. Novelty prizes also given. ? 4| .iw' an ples & 7 & are thirtsen pupils in the E's \&'Y% e_*fi ' c y m Foirth Garien: C~ tendance is desired. 10 --a. as.--Sunday -- school, Mrs. na _A % Wilcox had his collar bone while playing football Mon-- M. L. CHANDLER civics this year instead ever by Dr. Clark in t + 6. Julins Cham-- ; berlain " An' '. oo a 6 0 V hoi 44 The Ivanhoe school began Mon-- day mot with Mrs. John Traut as teacher, The g).z:nl begin; 'ners th ir to-- place thoue W .h;"fi-iu on to fii:t\ friends and relatives in Ivanhoe a vicinity to Misso pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Dwi Doip! Mr. and Mrs: f C on friends in Ivanhoe Sunday 11-::.'mmu:'um ser-- } 7 & hoped more af the Ivanhog asd] school. Mrs. ';"" ~Beach (Wed-- home anid attended the fair Thurs-- day. with Mrs. A. E. Ransom. Mrs."J. L. Chambe is . _at visit with her sister, Mrs. Orell in m :*":1\ C . My. u& & Roy Newton have moved to . C Woods where Mr. Newtoa's business is located. ~~~Mr. and Mrs, Ransom and Mrs. Gertrude Beach spent Monday in Mr .and Mrs. Martin Wagner and Mr, and Mrs. George Wagner were Waukegan visitors Monday. x..}.um""" t, Ind., Sanday morning with a Joad of goods from the Lake County Fair. He was accom-- 'm __m.-..w" Ransom. They ike Afze Wirts' has been en wum the Murray school CA --/ ienss Axel Petersen has returned home from a two weeks 'visit in Nebraska. «© Next Sunday the second of a series of sermons on "The Meaning of Faith" will be a talk on "Faith, service next Sunday will be devoted to a children's taik in the nature of neighboring people will take an ie mabet on The (Nreah a children's story. This ~will be to-- will 'be arranged :any childres "Where's going to be _ something doing t3 Sunday school next Sunday, Come and see, $ . A meeting. of 'the Ivanhee boys between the ages of 9 and 16 will be held in the <church basement next Sunday morning at 9:45. It. is re-- . A special meeting of the cometery will be held at the home of J. L. Shepherd . next & . y. This will be an all mesting. It is hoped for a good at-- guu $¥00 + £4 WA porset o8 necio o aniip y cream will be served called on friends in this vicinity Wednesday. * ; Mr, Lusdke of Gary, Ind., is sta® Ing with his daughter, Mrs. F. C. Miss Mary IVANHOE AREA, ILL extra Doiph retirne 8 t a yery visiting Sunday | ealled M in 1eeess \ reverts back to contribu-- tors mnd patrons. The help was ap~ preciated immensely and even' bet-- ter service is promised -- for next and three seconds in the Sunday' sehdol exhnibit at the -- fair The, juc spoke. very highly.of, fi.] if Day work. The Sunday school was much better than that of last year. Are you doing any-- for the Sunday school? If why not? It needs. your help. e i dflb'.mm fair a sudden rmyolouflm 'other ailments. It was worth it last' week. Very few churches could camplete such a piece of work as mony throughout. It is great to be uble to work together. € coming to church again next Sun-- !_!lfiilfil-dlmth'nnz: meet ' ' o"..(u.fmmma' Hal# Day to be noticed 'these days is the number of its yourg péople going to high school. Education -- of the right sort and used in the right way is what we all need. We hope that there soon may be an 'endless stream:of our young people going on to college. week. Are you a. prize winner: Come und find out. Saturday night, Sept. 16. Ray Brpthers Pavilion, Diamond « Silo fAlling is the rage now. Mr. The Sunday school won four firsts day, Summer is over. Our vecations are Miss be "Persecuting Jesus." fim\v 3 have been flliag: the past Buffalo . Grove Catholie Schanek Hardware Co In community 1ad L&r secring. dinaem at ven dared to 6x-- Mmre Spreaders $125 to $135 the Best Paying Machine itional, New Idea Emmerson * Come ~~, Thos, Meade of Chicazo apent the first of this week in Grayslake among rs. Wiler of ' Lake was a taller avong ld:g: _=P. J. Druce, of Waukegan chammy --croad model . 8 day in Ch Mesdames and Dooley fi Waukegan spent a couple of days the first of the week here at the Wm. Brandstetter home. y John ; who is connected with the Mer v'}hiry company of Chicago, j in the village the greater of t & week. # Mr. and Mrg. L, Y. Sikes left on Thorsday morning for a month, visiting and looking after business matters in Nebraske and Montana. ~Mr. and Mrs.J, E. Bixier left the first of the week for a two wedks' wacation in W sin. The . trin is being made by auto. ® . Mrs. Lehr, mother of Jzeob Lebr, was taken to the Waukegan moapi-- tal a week ago to receive treatment, She is suffering from dropay. _ _ 'ech, Sr., visited with velntives ncuitnys s turday jnd Sunday. KCms e o on dR x ~--ciold and EVERYBODY STEPS _ Payilion : from Laurell & Kelly's o i NDATS Admission 50¢c t M l is y from. . who speat TUR Evenings has gone to\ Mr .and Mrs. Charles--Fisher and icago, where | dan Margaret of 'Libertyville r the coming ml.fl'y with Mr.. and Mrs. were JT' id at the Victor Sauer home Sat-- m'gmmmm ----Charlés Herschberger and daugh-- 'ter Pearl were Libertyville callers _ Mr. and Mrs: Waliter Gosswiller spent Sundsy afternoon with Mr. Math,: Umbdenstock spent several days last week visiting his daughter, Mrs: Herman Brandt of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin_Roder and family of Area spent Sunday after-- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonne. * twlhly oi vnrtaid sport Priang eve with Mr. and m 'Mrs. Henry Laseke and son and Miss* Ethe] 'Umbdenstock were Ar-- lington Heights callers Monday af-- called to St. Lonig on account of the death of Mrs. Schoppes brother. Mrs. B. R. Simons was a Chicago visitor Monday: . ---- . . _ ~Mr. aad Mrs. John Hironimus are visiting Frank Hironimus at Volo Tonne will return their home in New Baitimore, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J.--D. Fink, . Mre: were some who attended the O. E. Miss Eleasnor Fox is enjoying & mwn'i&bum.'!'. "Mr and Mrs. Emnest. Tonne and little son are visiting the former's at home this week. . Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders . Phone Lib. 286--W--2, Waukegea, . L Aopaapotime in «ue LAKE ZURICH Arlington Heights, DL Charles PAY is visiting FOR ~SALE--Registered -- Holstein Fremont, 11L Phone Wauconds, 20. --1 . "O--8t FOR SALE-- Concord grapes, R. F. Rouse, Area. Phone 251. 70--2t MONEY TO LOAN--We have funds FOR SALE--Grapes and Pears, C. 1. Cagey, Pnone 288--W--1 7O FOR -- SALE--White. -- faced black Spanish cockerels, took first pre-- mium at the Fair. W. H. Ge Hinge, 820 North Ave, 60--tf FOR SALE--Grapes and omcnn-y.mmac-;_:_. including bath room, al' modern im-- provements. Large dry basement, new porch, large barn : and© hen Minimum charge, 25¢.. . _ -- :6 insertions for $1,00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. 4 FOR SALE--Hearts of Gold canta-- loupes and Milwaukee Market, for sale at all times. Fred Parkhurst. Phone 38%--3--4. S1--4t FOR SALE--Are moving. Hoasehoid goods of all description for saile. property. mpt service and rea-- sonable terms, _ "invite your in-- quiry. First k M Lib ertyville. % 70--4t FOR SALE--Cider apples; pears, SEWING -- MACHINES--Adjust o d, DR SALE OR '--1 x0 bmhm'm,&l-, Housse on lot 100x380,. A bargain if taken quick Easy terms, See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Office, Phone 90, Libertyville. 66--t( good for esting or canzing and tomatoés. Cheever Place, Mechan-- ics Grove Rr, Phone #4--W. 1ib-- home, Used machines in good con-- dition for «ale. Will be #1 Liberty-- vflhm.'fll.*lm month. me & card. B'm»y.mupl-bn.m._~ If you waut to buy anything, or if you have something . to -- sell, or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these Walter Madsen, Area, Route FOR SALE--Modern six room house :podd-du'trnd Tloca~ 'tion. Must be sold to settle estate, and is offered at a very low prite. FOR SALE--Chicken and fruit farm of four acres, well loeated. It FOR SALE FOR RENT--Farm, 172 acres, good Area, 289--R--2. Office, Phone 90, Libertyvill¢, WANTED--To sell your stoctk and -oummmwlm are all kinds af milling on the market but thre is zy ; 1 Bull Teat Cup and . 1 Buil Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank . which heats water free of charge in the bars while milking. Com-- plets installed $280.00. _ _ -- > Edwin Austin, Libertyville, OR SALE OR ~RENT--Double cement block, 6 rooms each mide. for two gen waukee Ave. March 1, 1923. Inquire E. J. 'Gib-- bous, 106 No. Utica St., Wauke-- lc-llndndpd-t for girls and mm in offices, tories, homes and hotels, de-- lay, call on us. Exchange, 86 Northwestern Lake Forest. Tel. 889. B aunction quickly for : wmore r'hn"'.- 444--W. Lake Forest, HL. t 6 We have© an -- excep-- 159 No. Mil-- Fu

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