_ bet fag got on o4 d mare + Aul:<(~ Bex of Cigars--Donated by Jack ;«, .,\;: d a~ -I'OC*' ',.'.A : } 1 s nmm Fax ; & hd&v--wh'- ~\.~ _ Knigge, -- for filly ..dll&. E: ._: 'nmfl. J, C. Moore, Rushville, E; 6 Gal. Havoline Oil--Donated by C mwmfn"" 2 driving Ben Clybourne, Lis-- mX '5!3'{;" ® #2 o meal on ""'I *r'.;;;'.';.; F + _ .' . At Lake County Fair F# : § Lk & $ $ $25.00 < Farm, Cup--Domated, by Folly Farm for best |Guerndby: female,. Must be won twice to &wn. <B. C. Colvin, Gien-- --$10.00 Cash--Donated by Thorn-- hill{ Farm, Deerfleld, for best Get of Sire. Grove Farm, Deerfleld, $10.00 Cash--Donated by ©Grove Farm, Deerfield, for best produce of dam. ~B. C. Colvin, Glenview,. ~~$8,00 Gash----Donated by Philip Rommell, 'Deerfleld, for best Guern-- sey ealf under 6 mmonths.© Thormhill $25.00 Cup--Donated by Citizens Bank, Area, for -- best exnibit . of mm!hw&wni'm,m Cup--Donated by Hawthorn Farm, Libertyville, for exhibit of Jersey eattile, according to ribbons -- won. J. K. Dering, Lake Villa, by Libertyville Lumber Cos _ Li> ertyville; for best Jersey | Heifer ealf under. 6 months. / J. K. Dering. .. $10.00 Cash--Donated by Hussey mber Co., Lake Forest, for best nated 'by Edw. H. Selig; Deerfield, for best. herd. of Guernseys 'from ~ $5.00 Cash--Donated by Pundts kflqwl..x.'m. . q. ~ated by Hawthorn Farm, mare. Must be won two | £88806 DC .-- . 'Teitz, Lisertyyille | Burke 2 \Brc x« & w C e . "h= °* wase :fi 1 * we pl&a«-mfi" mys"p.% ®R E. -Mhtn"w-d:'mo"'ufi'lwm_ by = Ifis---'-\-fi- oven J. C ww & ko'vrn for thes wl!wh: eE i B i * _ >{Wread. Mra, Roder, Area. _ $50.00 +Lilly Cup--Donated by Lake County Board of Supervisors for Grand Cammpion boar of-- all breeds. _ Must be won two years to may compete for this prize. Cup--Donated by Waukegan Na-- tional Barik for sow with best litter .ri-m--wnz-q 15,1922. Type of sow and pigs to be eonsidered Folly Farm, Liberty-- dependent for -_-i'.'cfifv'?f'"-'-:- Dverlers, it SX dhifaey busieind: Chas, Smiley, Judson, Ind. -- _ Peter Keller, mil Judson, Ind. mmfl.fl ';-:rr-n w j P« * years to own. ET e ,| dn, for gh,:* J"fi Lake Vibs. ' .A_u'-,fi'h'ln., LA ducks. : Eimwood Farm, Deerfleld. ""WMWM 1..""&. WM' Co., Lake ty |for In + n.n-\mlmmry l'" C waony c '--|. | Smee, Tiberty hul Pags, ***>* *\ "$3.00 "Wi. F.| -- 35.00° Cash mmmw MWH* '{::tlflfi mated by Libertyville . | stein female + $ months. quilt' wad ih:'um»dm"a. A l-ldocrhn.y;i" t "Nma' : » "" " "' o' 1". _' MAbertyville Lumber Co., for hast | oid gam'wm ',".?3% Lal m T * i Box of Cigars--D« ted by J. E.| quilt Mrs. J . 300 Lbs. Red Comb--Donated by | Goodal for best 'fl $5.00 ' EAbertyville Lumber Co.. for best| under 6 months. Baffalo | | < c ._'V 'w eock. J. & h. 4 9 ;'f: f i "' r' e $ vm T V P "_A;" ";"'-- l'-_u- . $§000 in Nursery Stock--Do-- welte ty lihe Hamon Ne tor of vegetables by non-- ,. Libertyville, for best sock and 2 heas. Chas. --(*<r 'best herd of <Ayr-- k ucame T albo Ramsct Cash--Donated by Foulds Company, Libertyville, fot . Grove Dest| > UI'--U-" Ww . NC s e hi ce n t 2 se 2. > F Chas.| Area, for best pure bred Holsten| 1 Velvet Rus pamomtad® three m" wb | won W.OM'; [' Waucon«| > ".Rdm@ uair-- |three yra to on Prunle Per'es | ts fou e sinnte Mhes * (Sioter uo hant Fokd ' ( L 4A r8. f 'by | County National M | +c ie > Aunalhye~ J Sa. .{tor Dprosder's young herd . Hol-- | embroidery ® "Mrs. EN. Such Sarcian alo f | Sme#, i 9. "M*h $ Poflale L o Un F| 1500 Carh DHik Wanconda\ rematied in the shop. ~A f -Wl!""'!' 94 > "';;'"' C on gaw "ww wint whent shown by cexpibitor. L. 'A. P . . be 1 ~$15.00 Cash~Donated by L A. Tewes, ww Yor best oushel ear comé -tj. J. G.-- Bonner, $5:.00 in Trade--Donated by R. J. m:«. best half bfifl Jate 'pota J. H. Bonner & Son, Clara Miller, Livertyville SMM--numg b'ybf. Bair-- a t Cup for best display of flowers by. professional mf u.d"::,"u'-:'.«'; $50.00 Cup--Donated by the Ki-- w(:h;. Waukegan, for the best exbibit. To beheld by winning sthool 'until such a time as anothéer stow --Co., Waukegan, for bes -- play of asters, mbu-o:f v::ix to be considered. Amateur class. lay of flowers, number of varieties g?figw Amateur class. $2.50 Cash--Donated by F. Bair-- best $2.50 Cash--Donated by F. Bair-- n CE P fi s _9 w Snd '- ifi." cow in Lake county. Cow must be shown at fair. Hawthorn Farm, 0 Cu & by W.. A. nevets Lontrain, "for " hoi boy dairy calf fitted and shown by T or girl under: 18 years old. J. munmi%a ated by the Lake County Board of for Grind Caampion # vof .. al) Oo¥#n. Oaly Lake county exhijbitors | Grayslake. -- .. ry%h%" Frank b'Dawmafl't Sota Pi mc,p-&'uwh";;' the_second "'&uu & P i2 tm pis brva Helstin fapa's | . Gold_ Ment Fork--I bas mm n Pss nos tprin e Olr--mw:" e,'ra"u'lfl'fla Area, for best pure bred Holsten| 1i Velvet Ru,--DO afeman, Libertyville, for best Ho}--| Trost and Sat #5 00 in Trade--Donilted -- by| Libertyville. .' _ Hafeman, Libertyville, for best Ho!-- | Trost and Savings Biik, for the Buffalo Creek Farm. ~ --. _' 70 years Adrie U+ ) o o. ntinalott : 2| 'onp Curmak l ons obr Piagge Bros., Lake 3 Croek | nated by Borke and Wright, Wauke-- "i;dc;' onated by J. E.| quilt Mrs. . aosin "hor fren se w on\ Sowo' a Smith, Libertyville, for best --Dowated by Bai of sheep. A. W. M.| kegan, for best _ Choice of any H : J.| crocheted yoke. . Morse Co.. *-'Gnyshh. % '"_H'm 5 .:\" ' n...nnafl er, Wanconda. Pair Mrs. 'W. G. Wells, Liberty» wl oi a s m : 2\ A > i h ns by H. Cl poich Masier: Cignss | w ce Arto, ToR IAR thai voaned Flowers fo forne, iB bushe! oats. i. sn rbest 'ar-- . Amateur Troidery).© Mrs, Fimer ie ra wnnams, Klectric Iron--Doniited by Geo, P. Cold Meat Fork----Donated by ol oocn en Tok the best af! st Ru,;--Do by R. A. MI¢: E ," Waucon« ive growth: Clover seed Rulling m reping repoly "with yoth ertvville, for es %. Mb'm ® Cann, Waukegan, for ;'*hr'!; pears. A. CG. Mabthor, Prairie View. nated by Decker and Neville, for best display of Muskmelons. Chas. Laycock. Libertyville. 5 Gal. Polarine' Oil--Donated by ' 10 Gal. Red Crown Gasoline--Do--« noated by Standard Oil Co., for best. disnlay of half bushel -- onions. J. remiaiied in the shop. She the majority: of odt apéending a Toward the cl .th-." he *;j! -'.""- "'.'; ;"" "'u.m four Oil Juch Sarcssam Co., for best display Day after da?', in every mail, letters ar-' rive at our office commending employes of the North Shore Line for what many. of :the writers term '"exceptional acts of courtesy and thoughtfulness.". To regular patrons of this route such acts do not ap-- pear exceptional----they are recognized as part and parcel of an organized effort on the part of officials and employes of the Road of service to maintain its acknowl-- e"d%ed reputation for accommodations well above the average. It is with pleas-- ure that we here express our appreciation of the spirit of helpfulness evidenced by such acts of our employes and our sin® cere thanks to the travelers who spare the time to record them. -- CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILW AUKEE R. R. w N i t o Cl ow a m 6 LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE Passenger Station T3 i P An Appréeciation w mt i tor s io CuH%Dm Phone 74