Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 30 Sep 1922, p. 1

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& ~vr* . $ f --8SECOND YEAR--NO, 74 URCE LINK IN _ e BY TOURDS!® X% In the very near future Attorney General Edward J. Brundage is ex-- , pected to render an opinion holdinp that Secretary of State L. D. Em-- merson must submit the beer and light wine referendum to the voters at the November election. . of Libertyvil u: H. B. Eo eq for support of the c« .. | ko secure four and one--hal. ndditional state aid road for gm The road in question is road, runniag from . the Interurban station at Rockland road to Belvidere road. That this road should be made of concrete and have state aid was pointed -- out -- in --a communication written by T. E. White of Liberty-- 637 butomobiles passing over that road Monday night. ~These cars were going in one direction. Heavy traffic demands--a concrete road, ville, who road and bridge committee and a report will be submitted to the RULING TO PUT " Thepetition, asking for a ref-- ergndum on the beer and light wine question, Wes presented formally to Secretary Emme:son several weeks ago by th IINlino:ss Division of the «Sectretary Emmerson received the _"Be it enacted by the people of the state of llinois represented in General Asembly: That on a writ-- ten petition signed by 25 per ce of the registerec voters of any in county er school district; or 10 per cent of the registere* voters of the state, i# shall be the duty of the proper glection officers in each case National -- Association Opposed to Prohibition. It contained ~600,000 tors of the incorporated town, vil-- to submit any question of public policy so petitioned for, to the clec-- lage, tity, township, county, school district or state, as the case may be, at any general or special elec-- tion named in the petition." The attorney general is expetted to--kold that the petiion comes un-- cer the aforesaid public policy act. It will be peinted out that the ref-- erencum requisted in lllinois does not usk for abrpgation of the state prohibition law but specifically re-- | quests that federal and state laws | be modified ~ By being so stated it | does not --request cireumvention of | the fedéral constitution. | c»n:::"w'"h | . u the . attorney gen-t tudiicnnten eae: ic £ S ir sas Hrdiictariitetihes does not request cireumvention of | _ _A Charge of assault against Coy the fedéral constitution. 'Ilorrdl. former marshal of F>x His 6d Contention | Lake, in the court of Justice Hervey . the / attorney \ gen--|C. CoulsOn this morning, was di<-- eral is .wmmmwhuuud(heevi- referendum is for the main purpose dmh"attow:rnnta of securing sentiment o the ",_'findilg of guilty. He was chars»< ple of the s on the question "lwitl! hz" A. H. Mey*rs, that Hlinoi: representatives in the | Yilage ¢ hous eand senate at ,'.dhflon' _ Meyers mppeared to press }.~ --vhuh;.hwfims'ind«_ mert should question arise at the national eapitol. On this basis the' attorney gen-- eral is expected to hold the ques-- tion one of public policy and there-- fore affected by the aforesaid stat-- ute. 'This being trie he is expected bmms.cmryhmcmnh certify proposition to the re-- w"t yelerks -- who wil have it printed on the official bal-- ing questions of public policy and en 2 to 1.if ar active campaign, which enlists the churches, is made against | it. _--The attorney sto b hit dedisien Iohowing careful stady of the petition, the statute govern-- Opposed to Prohibition and the Anti BEER ON BALLOT township, to the | ropose Change 1 h;(;nZHigh!r novement.. The cam-- ~reate| unusual interest. ion of lrm w county A} & Mfl' wi»'.y bencfit by bringing these two highv=;= int. Lake county. It is stated that many tourists would be brougnt into the {county and ment of puolic works and buildings at Spring!<:d tlat these highways be brought into the county. It is also uske: in the resolution that they be maue state aid roads. Neces-- sary procedure will be taken by the supervisors to secure the r of the state department in mat-- 'fimfllg of guilty. He was chars»< l'itl! hz" A. H. Mey*rs, | village Meyers mppeared to press '.> charge. He declared that the (or-- mer marshal started the rumpus when he 'had been refused his pay check becaume settlement of license collections had not been mads. The df":hk was "' back on instructions 0 e VMMIQ": said. Morrell Weeame enraged, he tosti-- fed, and struck him,and then «:>«~-- ing a revolver threatened him w!on he attempted to defend himse!(. 1t was said at <he time that Morre!! had been drinking moonshine pro-- vious to th@e encounter. The + ouble |_ After the state had finished Mor-- |reil took the stand hnd denied the charge that he had used violence to-- ward the clerk.. It was one man's tostimony against . the court held, with p_% af evi-- dence. Tht'ni. ssed. It is being piauned to have route 19 follow Main «treet in Barring-- ton from its intersection with the south count~ line for two and one-- half miles, 'her west to the copnty The mattor wili b» taken with the state by the road Tfiu committee and C. E. Russell, su-- fiznundent of county -- highways. delegation will go to Bpring-- field to present the petition. Main stree helf miles Grass Lake Saloon Man to Face Contempt of Court Charge Jack O'Connor, wkho gained fame at. Grass Lake as proprietor of an oasie which was frequently searched The first raid on' the place was made by th* sponge squad on Sept. 20, 1921, when liggor was confis-- cated by the raiders. A complaint of State's Attornty Smiltt charged manufacture and sale of liquor. On Sept. 27, 1921, the court entered an urdéer restraining O Connor from maintaining the place. This order was made permanent at the final hearing on June 27, 1922. The case has aroused conside?-- able interes. and--O'Connor has be-- come m prominent factor on the in Finands own friends h-m'm" y__" vious to th@e emeounter. The + ~} vccurred some weeks ago after M rel! resighed as marshal. The mantle of siHlence is a great vmmwnflm and ctful .. It is some-- arby Cl A resol shal of Fox Lake tI &6 assed that route 22 follow et north for two and one-- s, then east to Lake Zu-- war. being violated. A outt of ldeor was found on was passed by the mending to the depart-- wadbes & nt Evi-- Ex--Mar-- ake Coournrty ," According to testimony offered iti ; _ | the justice court, Schubert assessed . | Stolzman $40 for a suit said bhn' eC been damaged in fignting a fire on . _ | a farm owned by Stoizman and rent-- '|ed by another party, near M-' ; . | ville. The suit is | based on the _ | "tartling" face that the sult was wl anly a pair of trousers which cwald ay | easily be cleaned after the fire fight-- .. | ing' experience of the eKnosha man. ther use of his right of a railroad actident Tuesday afternoon, While sttempting Paul train he slipped, under the wheel of a quickly stopped and trainmen hur-- ried to his assistance. He was placed aboard and taken to Rondout. A telephone call was sent to raii-- road officials here and the White Tobin ambulance with Dr. Foley were dispatched to Rondout The man was brought to Waukegan and taken to the Lake County w'l boqiulwhtnanmnfion'-tol be made for amputation of the foot. to the grand jury in »f $1,000 this morning when he was ar-- raigned before Justice Albert Gel:) of "North Chicago, on a charge of having obtained money under fals pretenseés. George Stoizman, 'Twen-- ty--second street, North Chicago, ap-- peared as complainant. Stolzman gratified at this action promised to reimburse him for the sault which he said was soflod Be-- yord repair. Schubert collected $40 at that time and cailed at Stolzman's z Bept. 16 to coliect $10 t 4 on the suit. He was fi::hhn before Justise u4 trial was set for today Racine, will probably Schubert and three others Were driving in their automobile t.a Libertyville fair on Labor Vay they stopped to help cxtinguish the fire which threatened for a vfih destroy a large stock of hay + burn. Schubert went to the? af the barn and' with the aid of the others threw water on the fire--mnd extinguished it. FRs Gehl. The trial was set 'or today and \Stolzman made known the ge-- m'z,,mtson m..E all damage to the suit. » vout Before accopting his wrolc an Aite éfore accepting his role as fire Aghter, it was charged but included them dn the bill for accountisg.) _ FIRE HERO HELD TO GRAND JURY PUBLISHED T./ICL WLIL._\ °. m . ---- J . o P Li8ERTYVILLE, ILLJ 6 AY, SEPT. 80, 1922 to fiip a Bt. his foot going years bid, of lose: the fur-- foot as result at Wadswortk sed on the e sult was which coald 1e fire fight-- hay ";' the aid ?" e fire and zman's | «idewalk, was ) mote, zby dJustice i;o was ~B R. Bill« ustice insista ho : today | sidewnalk, but the ."::-' ju to The | wik Amporsivic «C¥ ASIATIC PERCcUsSSION CAPS |\ _ Waukegan . ponce were _ enlisted | this m in a #@arch for Miss | M. M 40 y»ars old, who fled 'from the Behe! some in Zion City | cla en'y im a bat»rob@ and slippers. \ The police in /:0~ were told that | tte woman was |ast seen making 'her way . town.| the lake. . She the romd on 200 ':_'d f defendant «a« round . imed $16.40. 1: that Graft will appe~! W@ ease to the Olrcuit Court, w=oRegan, _ / > The case of C<--s Gtaft, of Thirty--» third street, Zion City, charged with having ridden »:: mbtoreycle on the "w;l;;:;u "~"M'7 more= ee Sch A . Sn "on . ommc Gnk The-- meeting «as called to order today at 11.80 : m. Wwhen routine business wus tra~sagted until noon. Committess are b=sy checking bills which are ro t-- presented to the board for appro: a!. FAT CHANCE FOR . INDEPEN?NT IN' VOLIV A'S$ COURT County firvi Sm _ session here are spdiring *, a>busy schedule a y.d board was adjourned ur 1 980 a m. "om Friday to the su-- pervisors to att~~d the ball game at Electric park _ > Northwestern |.~ #ome distance trom the home « ~r@"she was stay-- communicated w<. Capt. George Streid of the 71-- City police force. It is fearea h> mind may have been affected 2. thiat she wander-- ed into the las~ The possibility «1 suicide was : ~ expressed when it was found =)< had traveled to-- ward the lake. |.ry this afternoon a search of the ~ké ghore in Zion ind in the nor <rm--part of Wau-- kegun failed) to |:losge the woman. Chiet of Pol > Thomas Tyrrell started a wide --~arch of the lake front here on ~céipt of the re-- port He report= b&ek at 3 o'clock that no trace of :: ~ Woman had been fourd. Just pr-- :0@% to that ime the> Zion porice ~'mitted that they had heard »othu -- from the missing LAUNCH SEARCH "AKES FOR B "BALL CAME | FOR ZION WOMAN ons 920 9Ce C000 o back at 3 o'clock r : woman had been w"" ous to that time mfi"d.' mitted that they | hi# @Ppoi from the missing m; 1 her absence and Thomas Tyrrell arch of the lake id Aracks of the Jtit B orsirfrise 0 storekeeper at Round»Lake, met his 'u,u n'"\nl-:l"lfi. trom ho on thile haatint eetoin ;m'sficnoon. He died almost Lee County, a former member of the re, on the Court of Claims to-- Judge Ben H. Miller, of lle whose term had w, Lowden appointed J on the Court of Claims 1917, and he was holding omnt this intment. Judge Miller d " a reappointmient to this po-- ms he is not lfilht«'l'lfi" The funeral was held on W n from 8t JW'lm in Round Lake, burial in the new pemetor, west of Round Lake,. boat and 'whet.heroiedthm bumped it, or whether it fell '.he":[vmemoftheboa--otfl Tok > SMALL NAMES SUCCESSOR _ O JUDGE BEK H. MILLER fiw' ingfic!<, Governor Small last week anpointed William L. Leach, of Small fact ty. C shmore ani another Round Lake mlahbehna,mww conda to gather up a bag of ducks. The --agcident mrndm:n as the two were pushing boat off shore. It was difficult to learn just how it came avout that the gun was discharged, however, it was in the Dr. Sagers, deputy coponer held the inquest shortly after the accident happened, . and the coroner's | jury u:.t Richardson had met his death throuch accidental shooting. CLERK REPORTS The sorrowful thing iz that the charge of shot entered the arm of the oWner, causing him to bleed to ty oN Es . | ~¢ 4,07" documents were in circuit court' ig the months according to a m itted to the : wis O Brockaway, clerk, _ secident happened about amoun ted expenses '*;_* )A :.f;'?';] itute Cost $1,24750 _ ;, ' l " T N hownagd /. / 44 ( the offices fo &*':'3 ited to 10,617.00 and 64 f the Republican par-- information received the i --] Board Cuts Pur-- fl'l' -- chasing Power fi nantly admit;, "We're . _ .:ess." | In reality. the board was forced to |act when bills began to pile up and | extravagance developed until it was-- | n't possible to longer find fault with | the manner in which Dr. Brown goat in the Cou sition. This ym« tee of three wh: m was sta.s hfl, too started out to r: Now the boarc © until -- as Supervic One supervisor voluntarily con-- fessed yesterday, rollowing>~> a wrangle in the board meeting over the newest change in hospital man-- agement, that Dr. Brown hadn't done such a bad job after all. «Since the committee of three 5 w ANZ NSHIAAIO Several cuperv.sors Strongly ¢~--| P | nounced the plan and saked M'mm' some changes be made in the sys-- | / tho" Y board tem. It was declared that the new | _ , h system vcd(-n-'n of thg i =' taxpayers' ¥ th pu.-l""" y chasing e every time a pur-- cw chase should be 4s | ------<c----s== Many of the that | purchases not r t ex--| 1t Pays To penditure of money made | 2 supervisors began to run things we have had nothing but trouble," he said.."The réported extravagance of Dr, Brown was one horsed com-- pared to what we have experienced since he stepped out, We had to call a halt and so we told themm where their authority begins and where it leaves off." . While the beard has used the ho=-- pital committes as the bullseye for their target in checking up pur-- chase« approved by the committee, they have also. introduced a system by which all--commutrees will be made to un ~account of pur-- chases 1&". frovides that all orders must be approved by the purchasing committwe. Following the #f the or-- der establishing a ' tom -- | mittee for the county beard much | discussion arose between the supe:--| visors. The Mh-mme'\ according to the order, became e(--' fective Sept. 1, | The plan W provides that | any committee of the cou board | wishing to make $ must | first wet the approval the pu---- chasing mmmwfi. pur-- | chases have been ed on by (?:et various committees of the s ln-' stead of making the s as under the old rule, they must Lo | forwarded to the pu com: | mittee. C6 % -- | through the various committees for 'mitton_maked the J:fll'?', Jakis. s themuthority or the duties of t group.: He declared that--the 0o mittee has been made powerless, He pointed out that the rule bx of the county board reg : "the committee shall nave complete charge and management of the in-- stitution." der complete manage-- ment, then we are at loss to know | 7! just what duties the committee is tc perform," ° deelared _ Mr.= Martin:| _ | "The committee will be "flylth' handicapped in its work through the | M# new system." e ;thll Despite the arguments w"i:fi the new system by several super-- | * Visors the system was passed :).'! | vote of the county board. cas The new system, provides that the vayments for all supplies, material and equipment be nabr mu' drawn upon the ty treasury after all orders have. been audited and ordered paid oy the county Supervisor Martin of the county PE 1 ° t Te Te .' w T d L ne Through the new plan Lew Hev.-{:'": l % 'W dee, fmmelfli Ttunflr:l l«;! the fl:(l;a- brought H:"lh: s 9 ital, automa complete " * io se 1 w s wanet's* |iccofting: Recustointd A¥ermappidt Wamnunuh@"~~d&n' mh"""' power away from the committce. |law docket mh I"" t they are still permiltted to make | number <of legal matters to -- "The change recommended is somewhat radical," the report n&u, "but lessens in a very great mea-- sure the Iabor required in the keep-- inggMaecounu." > the new system them::;p, ing of a-- er has ntfeamsed heith. . A cash Shok, i hi m}unoflbook,nmflnnly books allowed to be kept at the ~Espital. Jt is alsoimitm.'ted'hx report that a quarterly report be made at the end of each period to 'the committese by the superin-- tqudent..= ; > .. ? peunes} 'lh.nnty boa : t CR minee, HBD Pesi@gnalon | --** COl0e beagnanrigits quxind e zt «F9 i. 1..> ». ad the . |their cases and are ingg. . before the board and a;-- |theit cares and are beginning to of | , -- $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE . _| the institutions they represent. Ireliotes t is Amerean se \CHIEF SZ2i 'ARRESTPR@? | IN --BRIE E AREA WOYAN Auxiliary at Rock Island, F when Mrs. R. Springer; of president along with Mrs. Nell Mor-- gan of Edwardsvilie. This was th only office in which there @n kind of a contest. The candidacy of Larger purchases must be made th m........'.'l of the pur-- fh:?na committee, -- . e The search for fimfl < Police George Scharat reached the stage where w are sounced toary Tolloang 4 manting nounced y & n; the fire and police --mf the North Chicago council. 'The meeting <was held last night at the city hall. * It was announced that the mem-- bers of the committee have a "tip" (nrth: whereabouts of 'the former official and are "\m;zh" Mayor Henry Deacon * ril.y:l\'. given the m"fi power in the matter. | : tb and against the plan it was decided by th.e board to EW make purchases Rot exceeding $104 was elected to fill the office of vice> Mrs. R. E. Thomas of Wm' k developed too late for Mn& Mrs. C. J. Clothier, Rockford, was unanimously chosen w lected were Reba Williams, M Paso, treasurer; Ruby his-- torian; Mrs. Mosely, eepo Bride, sergeant--at--arms. In wthe contest for dent,, a male parlimentarian was" ealled into the meeting to rule.the gath= ering while a second poll of . votes was made. There was an ex= vess of eight votes over the . "' dentials 'handed in by the. dele-- gates and the (repetition of : ie poll was required. % 9 ¥ Kick Taken Out _ _ The. meeting at the be 0 the balloting threatened to cutdo that of last year with its implics: be threshed out during the October term. Other cities near Waukegan within the bonds of me cireuit court have a far lower average of . cases lister. Some cities have as few as three cases while others have more. but with the advent of the man as dictator, the affair dropped to game of follow the Teader, void of the final thrill. The meeting was prolonged ~ until -- delegates~ were obliged to remain in Rock Island until this morning. w*_ selected as the next--n place. Cook county falled to 'place h the _ sélection -- of officers for the auxiliary, -- 'The cundidates 'from Most of the charges are based on the violation of city Many 'similar. cases w the court at the last were wip-- ed off the docket without any -- i<faction to Voliva. « 382 4 casee from $ipn Ci thet hevaraver cinch in' his household. ZION CITY CASES Zion City has crowded the las docket of the Cireait gourt & total of 155 cases to be » Following lengthy discussions for fl"r- --In The Regist#t,

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