Presbyterian Charch will meet at the bome of Mr. L. C. Hole, who be seventy--seven years old that day. A cordial invitation is extend-- ed to all the ladies of the church. Reld, Mr. Koeblin has charge of the Brier Gate Golf: Club farm. Mra, George Stanger, with her sis-- -';:'-u-rut-a..::- L--,mm'-&g: are visiting their zlecqs and a nephew, Clarence Wessling. Mrs. Frances 'Clark, president of the Chicago Presbyterian Board of , Missions spoke st tht Missionary ; meeting 'held-- Thursday afternoo:, | at the home of Mrs. T. L. Knaak, / the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, MWr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Wolf, Roi-- land Wolf, Mrs. Louis Romme! and Mrs. William Kist visited in Wil--' The executive committee of t.lnt klanawya Sorority met with Miss flmorlugr.&t-mhy. 1 Miss Susie Easton spent the week end in DeKalb. : | Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Phillips have | a Ettle daughter born Friday. The | Philiips family live in the old Duf--| Philip Romme! from Thursday to SBunday. Mr. H. J, Allardt, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Allardt and George Pat-- Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Phillips have|! Miss Lvelia Knigge visited' Mr. a Fttle daughter born Friday. The | and Mrs. Claude Knigge of Liberty-- Philiips family live in the old Duf--| ville, last week. ty home. & A large number of young people 'The United Evangelical Church or. | Sttended the Elks card party. and mmmm r.efidn(andi"m :Iiflixh'lnd Park, Wedues-- m fe th concerts [ evening. : 2o be wiven sround Thanksgiving,| Miss Louise Kersten of Caicago, one,. at New Years, and one on SPent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Racgar <Thers are tweive nieces in | Vivian Haggie. -- to be given around Thanksgiving, one,. at New Years, and one on Easter. <There are tweive pieces in the orchestra this year. Dr, and Mrs. A. R. Warner are attending a Hospital Association convention in Atlantic City. They | will spend a month in New York ; Wednesday, September 20, at 6 p ®, to Miss Laura Ott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ott of Northfield The cereriony was read by Rev. Wiegand of the Waeeling Presby-- teriun Church, in the presence of only the immediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Church at 10:»0 Sunday morning. The departments to be gradated are the Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Pri-- -yflluh--. The 'l'-l n.u.'u'l.:--h ouse at muh'ubflohfly with Dr. Warner's parents. Edwin Koeblin, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Orsborn returned from Europe the latter part of August and spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Stanger. Their lit-- tle son Charles, who spent the sum-- mer with his grandparents, return-- duflvw?m\:d'!&'flfll his mother and k lr,pdl..hlnMfl(Mn M)mfit%fldunflu-- pound , Helen Elizabeth, on su-:%-dlubm* land Park Hospital, Little Dorothy Peters is staying with her grand-- for Oonfectionery store, on Woednesdays and Saturdays. Office hours from 9 a, m. to 9 p.m. Phone 218--R. Dr. J. P. O*Connell, dentist. has an office in Deerfeld, over Hermann Mr. ind Mrs. E. J. Binghan Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on the premises known as the Burdock Farm, 2% miles northeast of Long Grove ,2 miles south of Gilmer, 314 miles north-- east of Lake Zurich, on Thursday, Oct. 5th, 1922 16 Milkers and Springers, some fresh. 3 Springy Heifers. 1 Stock. Bull. All Farming Tools, Hay, Corn and Grain. Usual Terms. =-- Froelich & Blank -- -- of William the Romme} home. 20 Head of Cattle 38 Good Work Horses north of Libertyville commencing at 12:30 P. M. sharp, A U C T I O N of Mr. and ¥a+ 42.f rving Park will entertain the Young DJ Mr. and Mrs. Wloyd Godfrey and ns end their husbands at din-- WAM 'liuhn'd were week--end ner, 'Sunday evening. John Davis of Crystal Lake ca'l-- suests at the Botme of Mrs. C. E. Miss l--abel Biederstadt returned ed on friepds here Satufday eve-- Jenks, parents 08 Mrs. Godfrey, Tuesday from Valley Ranch, t.lnx. * | Mr. ;nd Ray Prior and chil-- y B *¥ drea who # . | wee lp:k::mrg.uvmm | Miss Mas Mai fevems ooo it t. las n:m,.u, spent a month. days this week with relatives at| d ~ i Miss Evo Pottis was Rostess to #) r);;, w | cousin ret i their home here mruthlmwrm * |\ Menday e on Thursday afterncon, at the bhome| James Gainor jeft for Peoria -- Mr. and "fi;}hm. Kirk moved of 'ser sister, Mrs. Emil Fredrick. early Monday morning toattend the from a farm 'ox River to the | Mrs. Raymond Lord of Chicago was | Mystic Workers convention which Anderson hous# Bére in tewn one _an out of town guest was in session from Tuesday to daY last week son Dean Kirk ! Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Whiting of Thursday evening. Mr. Gainor went and wife moved Unb the same house ih-vinz Park were the guests of Mr.| 28 delegate from Wauconds.lodge. L':'l;'é\&"vfllmll-fé Mr. Kirk's par-- | and Mrs. Lincoln Pettis, Saturday. "ah " |_Rev. ana Mrs. I.Lfl-lhfl&h::".w Maxfield who has| J;, 3. "is driving a beau-- " j visiting a sister at Jeliet the | gir,) 7dill"d'n|;an,\vrlsownulwldlnlmt fow wouks arrived Nee lnst | seven -- P r Sedan,. We | the <igh*h grade, Monday. 'Thurrdav eveninge -- Mr. Maxfield. ilffld. ,:t.c l.:ll' Ee : inm of their mother, Mrs. Henry Meyer, Monday. | _ Messrs. Jack Kress, Raymond !G.odmnn and Alfred Schwab are camping at a lake near Madison, l'lhondn. {s . Harry Mau, con of Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Mau was married Wednes--| day morning at 9 o'clock to Miss | Theresa 'label of Chicago at the Holy Cro=< Church of Deerfield '"i Futher Ryan officiating. ~Following the ceremony wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. The young couple will re-- side in Deerfield. : The Conley, Hutt ang Neweombe fanilies of Chicago will move into three of the Jonn Woodman houses, October 1. Six of the houses . will be eompleted at that time, .&ho moré are to be started this fall, Mr. and Mrs. Minorini entertained friends from Chicago over the week-- Miss Louise Silber of H Park visited her sister Mis bein Siloe: at the Grammr Wednesds y. * ---- Mrs. George Lockman and Mrs. William White of Chicago were the where she will study nursing. \ Mr. and Mrs. August Klemp ea-- tertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hole Tuesday evening. Mrs, Blair--and family who are oc-- cupying one of the Stryker apart-- ments will move to Chicago the 1st of October. The Progressive Club met at the home : of= Mrs.. Ed. Worenberger, Wednesday afternoon for | further plans of the bataar. Don't miss the bazsaar. Look in Register for the Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Battey of Winnetka were the guests of Mr. and movable chair desks. afterncon. The basketball equip-- ment has arrived and will be put up out of doors. Mrs. Fred Labahn was the guest of her mother--in--law, Mrs. F. La-- bahn, Sr., of Evanston, Friday, THE WILMOT SCHOOL Chester Hagie, Editor, School opened with thirty--five children present. Raymond and Rose Frost aure attending school in High» _ Several of the district enjoyed the harvest festival given at the Ridge We made Raffia picture frames Friday afternoon. We have applied for cur reading diplomas. Mr. and Mra. Jonn | m&fl.'l'--ay Battle Creek, Tuesdiy morning. The school exhibit at Libertyyille Fair brought twenty dollars. . land Park We have eigat eighth graders this year. We are enjoying the Princess Mr. and Mra. Johr Hagie left for John Davis of Crystal Lake ca' !w on friends here Satufday eve | Mrs. John Davis, of Crystal Lake | _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Winkleman of | Marengo and Mr. and Mrs, Harry ]Ba.seley. of Union were Sunday (Mn!.heh-ooflr_.dln. | Wm. Baseley. -- early Monday morning to attend the Mystic Workers convention -- which was in session from Tuesday to Thursday evening. Mr. Gainor went as delegate from Waucondsa lodge. last few weeks arrived hore last Thur--day evening, Mr. Maxfield, is on the cement road gang, driving a truck. He is a nephew of Mré. W=m. Baseley, and his home is at Water-- |00, la. j Mrs. Jane Neville is numbered with the sick. She is suffering from lformo(they!g. Albert Baseley was taken sudden-- ly ill at his home Monday night, He has had serious stomach #rouble for of Miss Lillian Tidmarsh, Saturday evening. was a pleasant caller at the nome Mrs. Henry Shafer, and little son of Mr. McHe--nry spent from Thursda ; morning to Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Broughton. Mr. and Mrs., Clyde_Carr, of Bar-- rington were entertained at six o'clock dinner, Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 2 Milkers, Balance Springérs 28 Shoats, 3 P # 4& Work Horses --._~~ 100 Chickens _ 20 Milch Cows 1 Sow with fixe pign.. .. 3 Fresh Cows with calf by side n & 3 Close Springers 6 Work a from 6 to freshen within 6 weeks 14 to yre. Owefigumfl'fii Drafe® 2 Heifers 4 months old Cows are High Crade Holstein i Holstein Bull 14 months old type and a very good quality. Usual Terms of Sale. :" Rake 1 Grain Orilh 1 Horse Rake 1 Corn Planter 2 Disk Harrows g;:uy lshltllhdl 30 Acres in Shoels 650 bu. Onts . 50 bu. Barley 16 Tons Timathy 15 Tons U; Mixed Hay flhdg'h" c14--3 80 bu. l'wa 1 Corn Binder FRED GRABBE 1 3--Section Harrow Having rented my farm .1 will «l at fihb.lli; A=I- on the 'm M m "'m i 1 caieie Tiew ons u;mmamz Grove, on Having decided to quit farming, I ' at Public Auction on the farm known as Lux Farm, in the of Wads-- property : Commencing at 12:30 p.<®m. sharp, the follo m--qm_ 8 Truck Wagons 1 Sprifig Wagon : Hay mi $ M' ower ® 1 Grain Binder, new 1 m * 4 1 Hay Rack . _ 3 1 Manure Spreader 1 Plow, new 1 Plow 2 Itivators 1 W Cultivator : 1 Pu)verizer Seeder 1 :wbnl 2 Sulky Cultivato 1 W Cultiv 1 1 Pu)veri: 1 Seede 1 # Drag 1 Drag 1 Hay Rake i + by 'sy Peqont : Auctioneer WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1922 A U C T I O N ng at 12:30 p. m. sharp, the foll@Wing described A U CTI O N MACHINERY, TOOLS, HAY AND GrRAIN MACHINERY, 44 HEAD OF Outfit Belts M# ( ter, new stone OCTOBER 3, 1922 14 h'l !J'.li'!!..' .I' RECISTER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 192. GENO GUSTA ; MPeueRy+ n | Mrs, Ella Cady daughter of Mr. | and Mrs, w;.fiuriss who has : spent some titme Mt Woodstock with her aunt Mrs. Eilla Wynkoop, re-- | turned to her here last week. T lr,;nd.'.'renceD.vitd Crystal Lake visited at theé Harry ' Grantham 3 day last week. ! _ Myron Hughes son of Mr. and | G. D. roker s spent a few days last ME Minocqua, Wis., returned to his Rome the latter part of last week,. -- i Mr. and "'}o«ph Dowell of Anderson hous in tewn one day last week. Kheir son Dean Kirk and wife the same house and will reside Y Mr. Kirk's par-- ives at Loyal and Marshfield, Wis-- :::in rmed to their home here Menday e s did not learn the name of the new car, but can ',§ is a beauty. visiting res in Michican for a Wm. Shaw and fami'y accompanied them home. _|_ . Miss Belle TARRArt is visiting a Aug. Kuebker and Tony Miller re-- mwm"&hemsmuhy from a trip to Virginia. Mrs. Mannin@ Slster of Mrs. Geo. Blackburn réturnéd to her home in _ Clarence JenKs son of Mr,. and Mrs C. E. is attending the DePaul Unive , Chicago. _ Many other small articles that -- _ are tbo numerous$ to mention , HAY AND CR AIN 1 Barrel Spray Paump 1 Chai 1 m'u ;(r tle 8 Seta Double » rfiées 1 Single Harn~ss 700 bu. Oats 5" B.&m 20 10 tons !1,.3 H"a\yfim 1 40--Gallon Gas on of were week--end st the: of Mrs. C. E. parents of Mrs. Godfrey, and Mrs. Ray Prior and chil-- ho Jast week with rela-- t Loyal i Marshfield, Wis-- in Tank wt. 200 lbs for a couple of m Winkleman Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Harry , of Union, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Maxfield and little son joined the happy throng. Elmwood m entertained the fol-- lowing pats at. chicken diiner, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Dowell of Grays a Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Peck and ehildren of Wiscon-- sin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kolling and little son of Waukegan, Mr. a~d Mrs. Ray "g]fifl. son of Au-- rora, Mr. and Dowell's family rumber eignt in their own nome. In the afterzoon Mr, and Mrs. Frei Winkleman of 'Marengo, Mr. anq Fred Nelson's workmen are build-- ing an addition on the east end of the outlet bridge. They have been leveling the roads each side of the cement road. If they call the job Mr. Why Bismarck Went Out Emperor Karl of Austria Diplomacy With England Swapping Zanzibar for Heligoland . 'Tangier Visit and Moroccan Crisis Chamberlain Offer of Alliance -- Germany's DeniaF of War Aims Russians as Asiaties 'Propaganda Before War Germany's Naval Plans . Germans and Art Treasures Charges of Atrocities _"The Wrong of Versailles" i aind the 14 Points "Secret Talkse with the Czar 1 When Defeat Came Visit to Victoria's Deathbed F and and World's Opinion King Edward's ment" The: t to Holland ; 'Failure of German. acy mr Avoided Suicide --Attitude of Sir Edward Gray rmany of the Future _.:___ Publication of this remarkable au aphy be ) .. mpenlenttittl ommc nb mt on is _ Newsdealers throughou theport:-m' ive increased their E_ofthem nd ean give new back n be oo re-- / -- _ Jermatiihy c d f all the chapters prinked in the E&f{:'engto ry new reader "The German Kaiser's Own from the 'beginning. > SW o > > 15 e We 4 The long.awaited autobiography of Germany's deposed emporer will be published in the Chicago Daily News, beginning Tuesday, September 26, continuing in daily installments until completed. The story is well told, and will command the attention of readers everywhere. Many of the author's opinions and statements are fantastic from the American point of view, but interest in the narrative is increased, rather than lessened, by this fact. Old controversies are sure to be revived, old discussions renewed, by the fqrmer kalsetscbfenge of Germany and his attacks on the leaders of other nations. For instance, he takes seriously tne old absurd canard about a secret treaty w Germany and Austria, in iq17, by the United States. Great Britian and France. This is only one of his declarations that will amaze--------and amuse------ the American reader. Beginning with a chapter on Bismarck, the ex--emporer tra torythrough'onrdeude& In a general way the story is chronol although in the opening chapters the mmn diverges into long past, or into the remote future. But the time he 1 _ genod immediately preceding the world war the story moves in ac-- jon and is in many respects informative, 'notwithstanding the author's prejudice, eccentricity, and, in many instances, his surprising misinfor-- mation. ' 4y 1.00 to: ies is postig Why Bismarck Went Out Diplomacy With England Tangier Visit and Moroccan Crisis Germany's Denial of War Aims Propaganda Before War Germans and Art Treasures "The Wrong of Versailles" Secret Talkse with the Czar Visit to Victoria's Deathbed King Edward's ent" Failure of German acy Attitude of Sir EKdward Gray The German Kaiser's _ _Own Story alers throughout aper, and ean giv CBQ '.d' " &u rom Tu j"o o every new de: William Baseley finished, some people wou'ld badly finished job. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartelle of Chicago spent the week end at their sunpmer cottage on the south side of Mr, and Mrs. John Spencer, who spent a few days at Spencer High-- land's returned to theirhome in Chi-- the middle of !st week. "g--n was a light frost Monday and Tuesday morning, no damage was done however. %.H. Osman of Crystal Lake is spending part of the week at his farm just north of town. Dr. Wells, of McHenry was call-- ed here Tuesday afternoon to at-- tend. Albert Baseley who is very in a home. n&'hnmy Dickson is it mor y for two m ore convenient. t the paper Daily No"w Wells Mwm for two months, -- % call it a very ill | eation, daughter, Mrs, f J.Nlu.Al.C-m _ gago Saturday and was taken sud-- denly and seriously ill s0om. j arriving home, Her three from Chicago and son of Tor ich were at her oedside ow Sunday, Mrs. Bassett is staying with her lr.andln..lmswg a day at Lake ZZurich last & visiting Mr. Gainor's mother. . _ Lydia Clark, also Mrs. Don t panied him. Mrs. Carr and K Clark were mumuwwaz phone duties after a two weeks Y&-- Ed. Dun, conductor on the C,. P. & W. R. R., motored to f Sunday. Mrs. Viola Carr and Mis: PAGE X3 > i s P S +X