Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 18 Oct 1922, p. 2

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.. with Re: Jobn Beese of Livertyiilie _ \_\/' Ms. J. Richards, passed away at */ _ the home of heri deughter: Ms. 8: * . y ~on Sunday morning after | y > _ The mastn a c uoi tb Te 4 A y\ _ PAGE Two. .. WThe G. W. Club will give a dance at the Ivanhoe Woodman hall, Tues-- day evening, Oc 24 _.C. G. Smail motored to Springfield to attend : State Odd Fellows Con~{ %w'" for the ertyville Odd Fellows. ! y h mmay." _| Harold Gressens of. West Chicago "m'""nfic H.°C. Mey-- _ Mr. and Mre. Watson and Leland r -,.,..:mn.a.wm Cmickge reatines Sn Mrs. Everett Richardson and son of Waukegan were guests of her Mr. and -- days last W ie tm oo day at 1:80 p. m. pg_."hl'mki}ulofWfl- mette und Mrs. Payne, wife of Dr. Payne of Berkeley, California were Enegtalied w m hons or atrs n C. Holeomb and Miss Dorothy Hol-- Payne leaves for her home i1 Berk-- cley the lntter part of this week. son Hubbard and daughter Matilda C i Aaants fankss. . -- M and family Sunday. &.d ln.'Vo'.lhnn @nter-- thined a number of friends at cards urday eveniig. Mrs. Bert Swan -".?wmln.lfia a x con-- Wednesday umw ..-i;' ':';: store. : Mr. and Mrs. FownsSnt Smith will move into the nmouse they give a dunce Sat, eve, Oct. #1 at Long Crove hall. Music by Smart's -- The stage is all set for C m' E:'-.'s hoanls avent, 1 ¢ & Many novel amusements are plan wention at Waukegan ~ Friday-- and Saturday. Rev. Newcomo was Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell and mily motored to Lake Forest Sun-- at the home of her daighter, Mrs.| where 6. L. Tripp of Area at 3 o'clock| _ Mr rm_ She had been afl--| Des | for a few days and was thought | the V -- 7:'1.:' u-:"l Half Day. Obituary will appear in the mext issue of the Register. Long Grové Basevall Area Phone 122--J W. Club will give: & 'card tmufia'lhfl . L. CHANDLER F; M. Harding several afternoon. the house Tues-- ir, and Mirs P. J Mr. and, M é n c ; isughter Ruth and Mrs, M. of irtyville called at the a home Sunday. 23 Walter McLaughlin hnd Sunday with re vh'"' Schuler spent Sum day at her home. S as oa a Pinber ol frigeds and rentiv fi'w*xst\a mh hom'r_v: l"'!lr-' se Schuler ww%fi a num of friends at a party day evening. ..| . e Aunters auDuhnfi advantag f',-'*vznt stéason AM rged a deal of game hear 'of the sudden death of Mre. Josephn Richards on Sunday of paral+ ¥8 --" oynpach is extended to the \\ Long Grove B~~*--~' us wal give & danee Sat. eve, Oct. 21 it Long Grove hall. : Music by s-# - i tion at Waukegan -- Friday ~and 1t prom bh.'fl.m'-y'" mwwmflm} : Bansday. Oct. 17, was registration (<H. H. Schroeder has been laid 'lfiblh His son, John,"h" m-yfifiommafiemi qt@u,»dhu;;'.dml. ¥4 %_g R. Keithahn reports that | he likes Yale very much.. His ad-- | dress is 1140 Yale Station, New Hay-- | .X Spears of Chicago, an old }ufl" T ag: calling . on aid friends in this village, Sinday, /,f' _ _Man m-d or i. (fig es Sn SE Sn aanielae day at Half Day. ~Another oppor-- tunity will be given for registration was thrown from a truck WiLA . '* stove, while moving < from "'*"I Bd pened by 1. H. Krager of Mil-- . Fred Gleason, a merchant of Cope-- mish, Mich., spent several days Inst wwm He also called several friends in Mibertyville to a Palatine man who is working on the new bridge. . hxk mtored to" the Biguas recently purchased bf Sam m | u-x. --w--a"- -.r'r*" at the H. C. Reenike home...-- Miss Elma Potts <returned < last Monday from a 2 year stay in Los Angeles, Calif. A, 48 Miss Esther Schworman of Aurora and Earl Schweorman of Fort Wayne Ind., were Sunday guests ut the home of their parents, M# and Mrs. church. Miss " Next Buaday, Oct, 2 "at 10 a m there will be regular English ser | Many novel amusements are planned Miss Verna Haren: who. attends school in Stewart, NL., spent a week's vacation with her parents here.-- Miss Anna Weber 'of Elgin, 1L, apent Sunday at her nome | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rabe and chil-- 3:mfiu' Amlvarst Saturday 1 lr.ndln.'n.m"" lbannh-mm'""' the Wi. Peters home. -- _ _ . <~ E.. Olsea is recovering _ The stage is all set for LAberty-- ville's _ Street c.niv:.'fl-"'" and Friday evenings . week 1t promises to be a gala event, with Mr at HALF DAY 18 ome. He also called | ends . in Uibertyville| & 46.' ** 7| rented nis farm house m' all set for Liberty-- Carnival, -- Thursday in of Liberty relatives in | ral of ey and daughter Corrine NMis!te? t * gnqq,fla-fiy. ol ie shocked to| _ Mrs Mattieson of 'z ath of Mre. |down Stairs cutting her head quite hyogfl'm.,mx. tauke1 to »aded to the close up the gas «F'Mgg .. «ue | /Mr and Mrs. John Woodhead of Club / Antioch are > 'm Oct. -- 21 at Mr. and Mrs. AWood s by Smart® onl ALncinth . _ Alithe Wock on _« fAan.! with friends in Chicago. . > ~ _ > Lutheran of \. Geor m-wg E > 3;', by auto.! } ;fi ,d\; * . Mr., and lhl;nu} l'mm i1 Michigan and Minne-- Ota. : m report a fine trip. ._ 'filuu. G. Peterson have te-- from a trip to Sioux f, Iowa, They were gone about " H. Crandall and son Milton and tdsc en e ies oo hss mamd methment # Mr.* and Mrs. B.S- w daughter Olive and Mrs, V ~ o 402 Aanahter : CorHI0G A in . Mz and Mrs, W. G. ie and Artids wia Grady 1 yreet y im retu trom a vacation .# at --?@"' firm verdiét for . superior qu@lity. A million 15. 10. '~-- M h i {{}fis ib;' , na 3 CA 'e' \}T %i"fi"v ciga |3E 'The 'stage is all set for Liberty»= $ Carnival, n im hharal oo It promises to be a gala event, with mask dance for ta®e 188t MnnY Tore) Eo ssoments are plantied We all celeprated Columbus Day. The: ~grade wrote & of his life. Tae mau:'E Colunius PsY calc ..g.T:omu 2l ip af oc in while our little st month was very good. The fol-- pneither absent nor tart ty: Donald Doobins, Alma P&Akonin Friday. s made snips _ Miss Russel attended a: Township T "f'g*" beancess~ .w.umb, '-\'J'- -:3 opntioentzedaaimened s HAWTHORN SCHOOL |_ . y Wyan Evans was absent this .f',.- count of throat trouble: _ Bree %;;x,' has completed :nlq»' September's work , Pesiian" mnship do~ Mr. Simpson visited our school Ke Ausripac. Pboces ky for occupancy 1iA SCHBULTZ SCHOOL gchool 'house is located. [ noved ts ont during of attendance for the ---- Phyilis Clift had 2 perfect marks nwuwmn!: mae. Clift 3, Bil Berdux 2, Revelle Morrow 3, Josephine Milbradt --4, Josephine Hocre 8, Frank m' 8, Stanford Morrow 8, Y Reyse. 5, Lillian: Fry 6, Maxine Rathburn 2, and Gwyaeth Wheelock . Josephine Reuse had . 4: perfect muwmmn :f?;'&»m"inui. Maxine Rathburn 2, and Stanford Morrow 1. spent Tuesday : in Chicago. They T ;..n.u-fdu.uhnami j the former and the other in Mc-- Fox:m_&n 34 Nt sy m k the FOR m nrenimiet nun . M " s ml \W. ' c mmp {*-------" lE'_""'" dey t vislt Onen Metcalf ant Miss | Cockoais / M E & UMI"M,R:'"' and $2.50 each. home coming week there. **~| ners at the Cc pect to return home Tuesday. ",.'];:ng. 1e 6 aun goain res m dA inbsie ' Forest Ray was a Reekford visit--| : y.," rlbat.l. eor Tharsday. O 0 0. __ W--2. | Prairie *R. B. Dixon is on the sick list. ns racie! mnm"fl"'am talk on the Now Rules of the 222. #Tahnain' Innas Miao #* o ies . -fi-mflfim ttpuhq-thhntfitvflfl Thursday while cranking a tractor. PDr. Young attended him. . .. -- _ "umm . of her mother, Mrs. Selina who is soon to leave for Eng Thumer | on a farm at it Sn e ow NV 1 -- and Fridey evenings of this week. :' to be a gala event, with a Prok denré for the -- last _ night .---nd'-----v-----'/ I*I H a _@ ;} ".\ Efllfl'.fik9 i Cream or Butter _ Call 232--J and arrange to The stage is all set for Liberty-- GURNEE J. C. DORFLER o4 r Thursday mee | POR SALE--Pears. Gordor Ray, | FOR SALE--Nice Danish Ballhead FOR SALE--Seven room house 0n fuire K. W. Churchill, Graysldke. FOR SALE OR RENT-- 10 Acres, umiw»mmmuuyufin_'m?b sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these ecolumns.. You will get results.' a ns t i .. 'There is no way you ean reach: as many An. Lake -- cour hu-han*cfi.ndun,rmihhummfilmu your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. y FOR SALE -- Very fertile 80 acre farm near town. Land all tiled P orieise on hoi ol m".z barn, silo, and a set 'of emaller buildings all in good shape. Price Minimum charge, 25¢. . 6 insertions for $1.00 ¢ Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. : ~ , JR SALE--White Piymouth Rock Cockerels. -- _ March _ and > April hatched. -- Fishel _ strain. | $2.00 and $2.50 each. Blue ribbon 'win-- ners at the County.--Fair, 1922. Also large Rouex Ducks at $2.00 Cc cris "2o+ farbor in m'"'_ "%. .. Benmeibein, Repister Office, Libertyville, 1. _ , quick or they will be sent to mar« ket. Albert J, Stahi. ~Phone 274, large dairy barn, terms easy. See A. B FOR SALE-- house, barn and henhouse in town of Vernon, 2% miles southeast of Half Day. Inquire of Mras. Mary Schar, Prairie View, HIL. °_ 77--6t bosentctess . ind RlRR, .. tsA puingne e it e y e Sugar Carrots, Blood Table Beets und nice 'Yellow Gliobe Ozions, _ FOR SALE 1230 acre farm near |_-- _ Th s Aadromrntt 44 PR Ts church and school. All good build-- .';n.:.'-flll-l-lu troutrs Iohn Predrick, Graystake, Inquire Joha FOR SALE 198 acre farm in ¥re , otc.. ood orenard. 79--4t. FOR SALE--64 Acre Farm near FOR SALE--Houses and at Insurance and 'notary.> ty FOR RENT--Modern rooms with or without board. -- Please inquire at 213 Park Place, Libertyville. TT--6t FOR RENT--Farm, 91 acres in all, 60 actes under cultivation, in the town of Vernon, 2% miles south-- east of Half Day. Inquire H. B. Seiler, 222 Third St. Libertyville, BL. or young man who wonts to loarn the trade. Long Grove shop, Ges. town school and factory; land and buildings in first class condition. 257--J--2, Prairie View, IIL. __ _ T46 m Brown ""': J"# #p--it. Terms easy to right party. Ad-- MORE TRUTH about the Bull Mik-- mse--keebii@. Phone 193--R. --dh mroued ~ovad o rpepedinr * : place. Phone 208--M--1. tag Machine. --Although milking gver 1000 cows in IL., there never has been a Ball Milking Mackise traded for any other milking ma-- chine or sold by any fauit to find LOST AND ] MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT WANTED B. FINSTAD or unfur--

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