_ FOOT BALL NEWS t i a eoone es ns se ore bades "Act of _ . at the ost Ag' . r Act of ' 1879.-- Issued twice weekly. _ _ NOLIVA sSCOFFS AT COURTS |..---- --_ i whe aminaig a toow, chik. voive, on gver . The -- MEINY OE .¥ injuncetions canaot td in Thes . county court And of our eiignored if the respect, dignity t . ;mfi imed from maintaining present or erecting more fi.. the Mwm%mrm % CV l 1 * R hmtdtmmafl;dum w'mdm-m in open defiance of 7 Edward's court order.> +d im on Just as flagrant a violation was the reproduction ou' full sheet poste "of the wording on all the signa and their distribution over the city by men in an 'mirplane. Voliva openly and brazenly defics our courts and flouts their power 'and authority to interfere in His persecu-- ticr of the hapless victims of nis hatred. / f Sunday this mad religious fanatic boasted to a great %&Mm.indlsofim:- + > > m going to erect large steel bulletin boards "with jron posts, so that it will be impossible to .ce ;"',"l'hbondavillboehl'ulwith electricity so that if anybody tries to deface them 1ey will be instantly electrocuted. 'There will be : 'M concealed at each signboard and if & fellow #4 I go off." . . . e .\ Te is surely time feariess, determined reatraist be u, 'the jegotistical tyraat who misrules Thon Cit ... Tolerance of the bravado with whick he rid-- ';%Jr pvoh'_thedhgunt of every 1 minded citi _m.mhdiufltr"anbolfl m",mmof&.mfi'u'flbt-d& W'nhmflfinmmm" "'j'trdduuhdfl-m,lhhbm w'.flhmdfiunmumtb' ts 3 r t N4 K ¥ We on i »',!'fit."olivahmtamhbhhlwnlbh- "h»mmmmvwm 'm(:uumumm:quhh why, if they hope to enjoy continued public confidence. l'u'g;flmflmhm'v&-e-h Lake county fatimidate justice with the threat of polit-- fcal disfavor. © If there comes pretty general conviction .g.'.,.M.MvMbommm anv and every aspirant who seeks Voliva's support and tions. WAUKEGAN PREPS any and every aspirant 1 the obligation it imncurrs. By THEODORE BERCHTOLD After having just. come from a 84 to 0 football trouncing, . one doesn't know what to expect from Waukegan's prepteam for the rest of the season. One thing is sure, The team will have to get" a lot more pep and fight in it than it against Evanston if it expects win any games this year. After an jnl-hlhn'r- _ the team courteously let.Ev-- mnston makea couple more. ~A far different team than the one that held the powerful Oak Park team to a 18 to 0 win played against Ev-- anston Saturday. . With the excep-- tion of several spectacular runs and Moore's scrappy playing, Waukegan played a ragged game. KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. NI GLOOMY SPIRITS § "'Mu's':'"! Gazette H. JUST, Editor ng is sure. right end of the Pullmans, pulled aCH ces ay: f 'mkflnd.lbw" down and made a score. city, 83 to. '0. -- The gob team could not stand 'against> the plaunges of the team with the result that the re. went up .considerably, and Baffo, quarterback and --fullback, were the backfield stars of the Pullmans. They went gains and could not be stopped. The flmmfir'd After Northwestern of Naperville wflnl'-fi-& G M;mm into the lear with & _ -rpbbhk r At,Muathnm &m'::od h'?l.!h' pled 'gp'.wr sfdw*l.« --wuvu : rea-- mwmm With mw touchdowns. Farley | Jackson tearing off good gains and .ldthmfld.uu'o'htmmhnfihu-b1 tzac&fidfldmfl;wwax..;"\ Immeum4 kfl-nd..bopulld:o dvvnlnd!m'.n:eom'fismwmfl' made a score. Ivani sprint to £00re. f i Whai: Agnene JOPELESS |-- o_ > _ ® i C h [ e Te tss There is A0 chince of a bonus at the ahort seasion o Conyress. Senktor McCumber ans a~iOunced that n .lortwillN '*w =m~m L }J' C ks until there is a change in the personnel of the ent that makes it probable a bill could be P «i'v* t presidential veto, 'And that chance scems very remote at this time. . _ _ o i t es /7 Not more 'than twelve of those who voted ag the bonus anif to.sustain the. veto are to. Fetite-- everyone of them seems reasonably ce 22 of Fe--ciec: tion. There is mo bonus isque h,lny'i ;av-.ful.. e from which they come; so there is little Hikelihood of an wo L Bs sacepes 8 y great for sometime to come. Certain] Hot within the 4. years. " * 6 ahy s enleen h w but it mey botBimEentiment on the subjeet Will erpatal butar t otenis deuins :: 0 30 0. 5 odd c z. OME saalackes 71 ize so that it will be a factor in 1924. (It might be possivle at that tinte to exact a pledge ial candidates 'Om"the subject and to make sue the congressional and senatorigl ig, Jbut until hopeless that is done and aew men come into power, the bonus is Tae people who go or send to Chicago to shop, deal with big rprises . that often seem 1i J"; chine and in which it is hard to get the good person: touch. Tnms--mh_mnhminbit'wd the difficulty of getting intelligent sales forees, and many salespedple are of a type who pat little brains into their work, whose hesds are full of their own amusements:and affairs, and who fail to give the cus-- womer that intelligent assistance that the buyer needs When you buy of your home stores in your town the situatioA is @ntirely different. -- Yon Have personal relations with & splendidly trained body of salespeople and sometimés directly with the proprietor. . These ¥olks give you close individual attention. .. _ _ , mmmmmzmmws tastes, and try to find something that will fit your irements. 'They make valuable suggestions and m;ntly prevent you tm.nuklngih,lor you Selling goods is something more than a machine mflmh".ehflmmm' thing over the counter for you'td' take or leave . It and ft the merchandise to the s of each particular buyer. THE PERSONAL TOUC \NAPERVILLE IS f BADLY BEATEN _ BY LAKE FOREST Wcc 1 -- iefi ds hoi You never can toil how a girl looks at the break(ast table by the. she looks at the postoffice lwz Whenever a girl tells a--fellow that wfiamm of akind of ma-- terial won't rumple, that's sut-- that he'd invest in <a~ high--priced auto if "he wasn't afraid <the bors would think ne was The governor of 'l'de.uh-:: i Sh olo fmshioned fiddiin o test. B _?}'o, fiddling @round, give , -- -- 'The déead--Jetter office at. Washing-- ton is said to be swamped with po-- "fi{'\du'l'&'* of them 5g5 2. ¢ The l(_ nt has signed a bill to rofiteering in coal. It will be a | i¥' bill if it works. C % # # : Libertyville girls should remember mmqmuaywmuq-- ing Nbboutwhattht"mtfi s yO +4# *# & Every now and then Bryan re-- members that Pres. Harrison was 68 years old waen he was insugur-- Lots of Libertyville people can re-- membper .t good old days when all they ha ,'fi,dowuordoru-led and they got it . --_ f i o k I 2 . e More evidence that the ex--kaiser h'v"hfivorofwh*m that he's getting ready. to marry We heakd one man say yesterday . _ You Money _ -- * _ wHEN. BUYING FURNEEURE ° The Card of Introduction, illustrated above, when signed by us enables you to visit this wonderful fur-- mmm&gyumm,pmmnmmmwpuumna&'w --Oriental, Chinese and Domestic Rugs 6f every description; all displayed so that you can readily inspect them. You will find suggestions for furnishing your home the like of which you can find nowhere else. Com'hl@rdmt:ndktmtflkflomsfiwemamyouwillbemnchinheratedin'vidflngjtihm derful furniture display. _ _ _ _ __ _ ; nSge e 's CALL TO--DAY WE WILL BE GLAD TO EXPLAIN 'Million Dollar Furniture Exhibition PHONE 9 A LONG --THE CURBSTON ES The Ray Furniture & Paint Store _ \Open Monday, Friday _and Saturday Evenings \~ _ A MAN ABOUT TOW N Ask For It At Our Store This Card Will Save Observations By P o nB aF CotnaZicticn . «& Qard of Introoduction & < ~After tobac¢éo ~for-- 81 mlm--a has quit. He must have been afraid the habit would grow. on him. w KK 4 ... . Some folks take too much 'trouble b.nu-gmudbo-uh * ..; One : difference . between llqryl Ford and the.editor of this paper is that if the editor refused to buy coal | he'd freeze to death, | * We oraneant a Linertyrilie & 6 tonic is as long developing a A§" 4 4 . % # # . The tallest man i1 the world has been arrested in New Y¥ork for debt. llomfmdhbl?t"'ln Ee stevevategth... 4 e t PeoxslinisFursarureCo _ -------------- AMSLE . _METE O . E:. NS TCOE . _ mukhhMMnl 'Fifth Grade : | head it makes a poor substitute| _ The Blue Bird Class and the Car-- Tor boore. € ~ | dinal Class are having a spelling con-- § % % # | teat. 'The bluebird class has the Congress 'has appropriated $2500 | first two points. For the first time for killing bugs at the capital but | there were only fifteen one--hundreds. the people go right on electing them. They are as. follows: Cardinal class, 7 %." > C *¥ §# > . Katherine Gridley, Viola Day, Helen | Iaybol-odtbued-nwflllfldm.mm.cmflnh get far enough back to normalcy Bluebird class, . Frances Hafeman. suit for enough to get our, overcoat | Mildred Kruck man, Constance Rol-- out of hoek. 4 #% # &# & I fl%wf-mlmm 'We motice that candidates arourd Libertyville are nice to women, be-- cause women control a vote and'a} lege.is right about too many young men going to college. Not one out of a thousand is fit for a football hss % # # What has become 'of the old--fash-- med man who used to wear a red eol-- Four olue cards have been changed to waite. One red card changed to blue. A new drawing teacher has been hired to try to teach us drawing she will start her work Friday, Oct. ; -- Grade 1. 'Those whose cards --have been changed from blue to white are: Irene Peterson, Alexander Radioff, Florente Shank, La Verne Deinlein, ert Hough, Bernice Pester, . Cards changed from blue to white:, Glenn Huff, Grant Nelson, Nona . Mae Rob-- ofts, La Vaughn Anderson." Roselia Shroeder has gone to the hospital to have tonsils removed. Warren Hags still absent. all lins, Louise Stolizman, Christiana There has been perfect attendance Marjorie Dubeke is out, Four red cards have been changed GRADE SCHOOL NOTES e * 1614 Fivssath 3 The privilege of ated and j ary" uen *"i "rw,."i.'l i«.,-.,""w.l '._ appearance of Hallowe'@n, -- Grace Harms has brought a part of a Cypress tree from the banks of We are interested in 'Collecting weeds and are placing specimens in 'zzh.thnlumm-u.a »«a-n,ph-odh-tfilz not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed --Shakespeare. || Who steais my pursé, steals trash; tid something, nothing, 'twas mine, 4is his and has been slave to thous-- Twenty two pupils of the eighth grade went to see the "Merchant of Vuho."dduOlynhfi-%: Chicago Saturday afterncon. ::utsvzynbyfibm m- go wmmmmm man, M w.m Ml'. Louise Netz, Muriel Pearce, Richard m"qu,-_n}:'h-._gm oc Minan Anaarly, Roweme duen ::'Goo;m; m_ZEF."&; YOU CAN _ INSPECT ; -- THE WORLDS _ 'sHOW Come _ In Let Us on an