Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 25 Oct 1922, p. 7

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&n the essay contest at the state fair «chool for boys. Avl'il.of"-m «ud a gold medal were offered for 1 two best exsays, one by a< boy i-t&-mu.% . on the work of the school, . 1 who won the country boy 'prize,. at-- Clair county. Karnest Galloway, win-- wer of the city boy prize, is a graduate <of the Pontiae high school. The essays consist of a report of what the --boys had learnéd at the school. -- Kach boy attending the school this year was re Wmm-mul read it bef school, and aiso be fore the County Farmers® institute of &efi;'mhovlmuvmlul w:h' ys before the school at the session next year. The essays submitaed this year were of excellent <qualty, according to the report of the clans over the state. 'The proposed new Ilinois constitution provides that they shall be 'held in November, along with state and county elections,. out-- #ide of Cook county. nocnaag is to be set by the state legislature. the constitution is adopted when put *o a vote on December 12%, many city lllincis Has Election Problem. of when city elections are to be held in 1923, whether in the spring or the fall, is bothering many local politt+ wondering whether they should start Their campaigns now for an April elec tion or walt unti! after December 12, to see whether the new basic law will 1 0 bond issue to pay 2 Poens io Siilncis Ictdiers who tesaht in the World war will be not more than 10 cents on each $100 of asseased value of property in the state, accord-- dgrand troaxarer, Charles D. MorAtt of : azfi:&u--u-'h Ti wriel sed mevieg Dqioent t would be held in April, will go over member of the Illinois tax commission. Mr. Caristrom spoke here at a county meeting -- of ~leglionnaires and former m---«m&u said that by an errof in a decimal point he had--previousiy been quoted as stating that the cont of the bond issue would be only 1.1 cents on the $100 of valuation. 'This error he amount réquired for the first year If moth electric power plant on the east bank of the Mississipp! river at Grand Tower, has been broken by the Middle Ot. Clair Gounty ang Pontiac Boys Win Contest at the Fair School in investmebt of $12,000,000. With plen-- tiful cont and water available, it is ex-- Elops Via Air. Peoria --Miss Alice Turner of Peo-- ria and Richard Ramig, employed by the Triangle Airways company of Chi-- CAPTURE STATE ESSAY PRIZES fast as the detmand for output grows. them to descend at Ottawa. found a parson and were wed on Gang. Bicosdiiginertue dhicese and A1 ton Limited was passing Auburn at full speed. -- The catcher on the postal car, instead of picking up the us nended mail pouch. tore it open and track.. A wild scramble followed, but all except $2,000 was recovered. Five pored to have hidden the balance. Woodford county, was dissoived at a upecial clection by a majority of three years old and was for many yeatrs a promineot trading point in central N-- it reuie ns a wintipal elactive 'ofice, as it loads to Tooes Inititionn by (Anidnatie sitcos Srand patriarch, Forest Gore of Cham-- paign ; grand high pricst, John F. Siky-- Salom Caristrom Corrects Bonus Figures. Break Ground for Big Plant. Village Fades into History, State Needs Corn Huskers. warden, ernor Small's administration and de-- mropy don't like the inference he has some ~Andrew Bonar Law, : up the Britlsh yremistanip. iaid down (b7 David Lioyd George, faces many grave questions. 'The British war States, alone present a mnmmham looks at the situation thiswise: With less than four weeks remain-- ing before the general election at which officialy will be chosen,. the POLITICAL SITUATION e BAFFLES WISEACREs ' Mike Walsh, editor of the Har-- Mmhnmfil'o{ no mean dimensions, Mike's review of the situation in this senatoridl m'fldm%eflr paign is always interesting gen-- eral just about correct, but his analy-- sis, as indicated by the following article from the last issue of his paper, sort of leaves Lake county guessing as to just what his honest to--goodness opinion is. It may-- not be amiss for the '"h'mmu § mhmm.mmm say. And they are pretty nearly cor-- reet in their analysis of conditions to jidge from what one may hear Weies m& ticket this fall is only minor ison with four year %'hhfl&mnot» count 'Indifferenge as to polit-- ical m Outcome What upon as the uncer-- tain T at relating to mem-- ?.;". hur1 is taken, Voters rarely ever t time to discuss candidates and if it were not for the fact that the contest foo members of the legislature is 'uctive, one would not think Hiwflhwul--s than 30 away. Either the voters are losing interest in off year elections or else they re-- fuse to waste time in discussing politics, and will vote without much ado about the matter. politics is the theme of dis-- to preface the article with o# THEM '} JR( L. c€| & 12 670 Mny #" s P €7" 3 k. se e \\ ' 4/ n f Wb iL /l/l-.' ? *A PD. salad T * e UAL m--w "220 / Andrew B onar Law THE LAKE COUNTY RECGISTER WEDNEsDAY, OCTOBER other and some things Francig is "--i: .;d. nor mmu-:br:leundiw ord what he is saying of Francis. ed. The formation of the Irish free state will reduce the next house of commons from over 700 members to over 600 and this change, with what new faces the general elections will bring, will give Law a strange un-- der house to work with. there is the rub. As to Candidate Hayes : Now as to Candidate Hayes. How TYarge a Republican vote can he poll and will it be of sufficient strength to win him the election on November #*# His friends say yes with much bers of the lower house in the eighth district, where Chas. H. Francis, Wm.. L. Pierce, Wm. F. Weiss, Re-- publicans, and Chas. F. Hayes, Dem-- verat, are trying for the three leg-- tion is,.can the feat be performed a second time. There are hundreds of. wmdfiaflvfll posted in'the affairs of the district who say it can if the trio of Republican nominees work in unison. because of the overwhelming party vote in the three counties. Indica-- that bound Damon and Pythias nor David to Jonathan. Rather are they Two years ago Francis, Pierce and W eiss m'd'::bd'fimw margins to spare and Thos. Graham, erically is the Democratic party vote in the three counties is difficult to say, because there has been no leg-- wwtamyoffinm the past, except two years Ago, to bring out the full party strength. Jative candidate who has espoused . That "m;m mfitw.u" extent through accessions 5 railroad and labor vote is not by those conversant district politics. Also he wnlm by the fact that he is the only w'd'h'hum&- ud he is just sawing wood, keeping in mind that the knife of Gov. Smail and "Big Bill" myml'-&m been whetted to get his scalp on November 7. Weiss is not favor-- ed by the Hlinois governor, who will faver his program. Francis and Pierce are agreeable to the searching Webster to find words wants only such state legisiators and Weiss is not. So Just how strong Rum-- of 8 radieal , in | industrial e & Pierce, each of Wwhom has elements of strength that Bone can take away-- The strict dry MMd church vote will be largely ;'L',' Prancis. <The law-- yers and hy s of staunch friends'fll_' routetorm and who became ohe of the big.lead-- ers in the last hons duthmh- itial term. 'That these two will win and that they Will receive the SmaD organitation's inlz coun ty and in the as a whole is w h 4 u6° d & her -.Jz ' that Migh: have to p etw now and No-- vember .7 besaiise of conditions that might aris« If what | & M@Ars copcerning the political 'strength o( Gov. Small in Lake county is Urve, "Bill" Weiss is the candidate mos hkelyhbt;h-h > e is the I»¢ county and :l':hfi: Weis buttbuzqn,r has dropped MADy plums in that county, edito®s, furors, far and mechani¢s RAWINEG received at the hands of Uhe governor. if Weiss 'is not TOr hemvumfl& gra~., what ©oro | natural th would it be th@h for the governor to be against We "-T::."Ull: tion ol w I.l for the ' PS program in order to make sure O# Ris clection. This & S dow! to Francis and the will mmvily he Republican vote, y those who favor wines i beer, and that he is high man in 1 and 'tailroad circles, .. s 3 'ar he e P € d et ( £. paign, "" > .. ~ PC . Cul & . C T P The Wet ?fl 7 f the Ni It -= c:e !o{ ?"'T"' ballots to be votsd on . 4. The £: 24 Who Win wint > And if wing 'hdt three Rep ns will be . ted? Frané thl'llhz,bt man ed c au + "Bill* h mfiz titled iig OF her opinion that n Wich: have to be e eiwesn now and No-- vember .7 besaiise of conditions that might atis If what ; @ars copcerning t! litical 'strength o( Gov. Small . ike county d# Eruc. "Bill" Weiss e candidate most |ikecly to be trir et. Lake is the is county and it e home of Welss, but the govern -u-'n.f-mg-z-.u wherever the theme is discussed outaide the psle--of those who are ardently committed to-- a :.."é Tds dn ns ners f1 the entrants , at this stige of the game is the That the i--cialative race is a real détby and that i Would be particular candidate, x is not fWrth. ad i we chel vation of colte the governor's p it wil Auy 8 four officers and teachers and 15 scholars, making a total of 19. Six schools have been reported donddwfi.t:oym. Township conventiong.. been held in nine out of tem district. The latest re-- Miss Faith Bushnell, -- superin-- tendent of the children's division, in made, and the special exhibits show-- ed the effi¢iency of this department. The d; Lake county .received much favorable ports from the schools in general show that more attention is being given tomnhflnndthe monthly officers and teachers' meet-- ings, two jof the most important Telyphone 67 ----~LIBERTYVIL there are 89 schools in the county with a enrollment of 9407. The largest day school reporting is the First M, E. Chureh of Wauke-- gan, with officers and teachers and 524 i 51 on the cradle rolt and the home department. The s school is Volo with state ofi@e, gave an address, sub-- ject, " to an End." Fol-- lowing, ®e was an address by ';'a:;l iC.' s""' , the --subject, &hooltyv wy A in Sunday After Junch the devotions were led by tobert E. O'Brien. Har-- ry D. Faxon, p of the as-- sociation, & m gave re-- ports. .( / es ed C.'B. OLNEY. D. V. M. ' _ VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoln Ave. : Phone 8 Office in First National Bank Bldg Mours: 1 to 2:30 and 7 to 8 p. BA / BIG DR.O. F. BUTTERRIELD * TETERINARY SURGEON _ __ + -- Assistant State Veterinarian WAG. Brage, Bex 72, Libertyville, CHp A e oo rts. nA¥ .. I)."'* € The report shows that h ere are 89 schools in the county |* ith a enrollment of 9407. The| _ # ©°B rgest day school reporting is 6:00,° 12 e First M, E. Church of Wauke.| . After 6. C. MELENDY Professional Services *, "4 PE CHE Toar, reu pamenl | S Persp or MREE | L_"!»; Assistant State Veterinarian ' H. HRSLIN --' Doctor of Chiropractie DR. J. L TAYLOR in B. H. MILLER -- © : 1:30 to 5 & 6 to 8 2. "2 Autidays by Appoiataient Bidg.; Over Gas Office. # & on Minutes sSUERYVHRYOR 8. 5. MEET DC CHNEFE ONt y P uc hoi 'ra eonvention dinner was held at l".,"lfl deiegates being present. . After the opening exercises of "u--%m, Dr. Ed. D. S6-- per of _ophvenem unlvuey --The conference separated for de-- artr eonferences after which a --de tion was given of the Macation Bible school work. . Monk was in charge and. she the order of the program ear-- 'out in the schools. * %mfimufionm«!lfil iéeial hour and inspection of the 'There is no one living who does not like the sight of fresh 'They add a wonderful touch of beauty to the home and their Sweeter yet is the thought that mamh*: j a& " {nvinbliinisiatn in avsi s x-- i+ Fusg h -- i Bm 7 7 3",7"{?3' Greenhouse Phone 174--J : Res. Flowers for any occagion delivered by wire in ./ any part of the U. 8. f Say It with Flowers | If still wash at home, the / wax d bare you aver snouai e Siroful workere of tais ubndry satisfaction fi clothes--consery actual dollars cents? Damp Wash 25 lbe @1 . Semi Finished | 2. 9. Entire Family Wash . -- of Christianity, a World Re-- Bring Natural Beauty Into Your Home JOSEPH KOHOUT Count the Cost Urua a1.2.40, Ts Toiy mad stimiwe e se t n uon & T lor mi. o @"':,'fl brush with it and draw this ts oys ts amantite . mar en k4 (a s fiw? i ts ,fii}'i" e BE PRETTY! H

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