Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 6 Dec 1922, p. 3

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the Constitution. Mrs. A. M. Simons, state chairman of the committee of citizenship study of the III. League of Women Voters gave the final analysis. Mrs. Almon Powers (Mildred Whiting) of Irving Park was a guest --at the Young Matron's 'Clob Tuesday afternoon at the bome of Mrs. Elmer Clavey. | Mrs. Alex Willman will be the next hostess. m.w:uw as their Day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kiest, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wesling and dazughter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiest and daughter, all of Shermerville. Mrs. Clay Jarvis has married a flyddnnud'blhhlhm Six years ago month Mrs. Jar-- vis lost her husband and only child Mr. gad Mrs. Henry Biljestrom _ two little sons spend Sunday with MWMr. and Mrs. Frank Siljestrom of of the Highland Park hospital as-- sociation, for the election of three members of the Board of Managers will be held Monday evening Dec. 11 at 7:30 at the city hall of High-- land: Park. Stockholders and friends of the association are requested to The Dorcas societ; of the Presby-- terian church will give a bazaar at the Community House, Friday even-- ing, Dec. 8. It is rumored that John Woodman is to have twenty more new houses built on his property. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine were the. dinner guests of Mr. and Mre, Fred Shafer of Chicago Monday. The member of the high school Board of Education and Mr. Sand-- wick and Miss Hessler entertained the Lake Blof P. T. A. execative committee at the school last week. The Highland Park--Deerfleld road hm from Central ave. west to W stt itg. & eamert ~Ano -- the has been cleared and is al~ most ready to open. M Dr. C. J Davis spent the Thanks mwpm& Lincoln Pettis'is building a bun-- east of the Charles G. Pettis home. The intoxicated driver was arrested and brought to the Highland Park police station axnd held until Sunday when he returned to Deerfleld where he gave bonds for appesrance later. The Engstrom family of Glen-- View has moved into one of the Woodman houses. Mr. Engstrom is a» employee of the C. M. & St. P. services at the Caristian Alliance church in Chicago, Sunday. The Lake County Farm Bureav held a rally and township meeting at the Wilmot school, Friday even-- ing, Dec. 1. There were several good speakers and a number of reels of excellent farm motion pictures. Charles Shaw who has been taking care of the C. M. & St. P. engines is in the Waukegan hospital. The high sehool P. T. A. will meet Thursday eventag at 8 o'clock, Dec. 7 and everyone is cordially invited to attend. The subject for the evening is Character Building. The program 2lbemadbytbodnflm u-wrnfi.m Club studeats. . -- Nelson Hall, Lake Bluff, will speak on "Service." Rev. Walter Bihler, Highland Park, "Our Boys and Giris." Miss--Kirsth-- ner, Highland Park, *Girls Retations gi-&-n and Girla"> Pro Woa'E "Our Boys and Girts." Revr. B. Edmunds, Llake Porest, vech par weseies # | warting for mutaal beneAt for the adrancement of seducation and the credit of the achool. thy 4 +0 'Speliman, Sandwisk and Watt of the Deerfleld Shislds Amibh> «chool :Iu'm"dbrh y Tribuns as member= of the Arst hondrary all atar suburban The anaual stock nolder's meeting Mrs. Olivia Anderson entertained It., at M mt an Teiea ""mbn was a end visitor at the Hasemann Mrs. A. G. Hasemann attended a m,urflmpm ,.'g.mnnu-m-cum Mr. and. Mrs, Frank Saper daughter Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr, Barabas and Ernest were callers Thursday evening at Hasemann's ¥4 The basket sogial which the Archer school was to give Dec. 15th has been postponed, owing to whooping cough in the Wickersheim family, « Alvin and Clarence Wickersheim are quarantined until after New Years with the whooping cough. Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Zimets were visitors at the Cooks home Saturday and Sunday afternoonr Miss Lucy Cook and friend visited ber home over Saturday and Sunday. -- Miss Marvella Keiler was a visit-- or 'at the Cooks home Saturday ev-- The eighth and third grades have lost one member each, home Sunday afteraoon. The Pilgrims lived in England The king wanted them to go to his thurch. They did not like the one church When they found out they Miss Clara Moldenhower and sister Katherine were visitors at the Cook Mr. and Mre. Edw, Cook of Wil-- mette visited their parents at Ar-- lington Heights Saturday and Sun-- Mrs. Zeigenbein and sons Ben and William and Mr. and Mrs. Teagon and son Johnny visited at the Bar-- baras home Monday evening. made up their mind to go to Holland., Holland. _ The Dutch people wel-- comed the Pilgrims, the Pilgrims lived happily in Holland, until their children started to marry with the Dutch and talk their language. They then decided to go farther. Whey took two ships, one.was the Mayflower and the otner the Speed. well, the Speedwel! started to leak; and the captain said she would sink homes, mardly any clothing, and the Indianscame to them. Squanto was Puu.mmu-hm 'dhwuflsm n i next year things went better 'nlthl'lphmfin-flhl; zv:c. They shot wild Turkeys, and bears, they invited the In-- dians, the Indians brought some pop corn. This was something the Pil: grims had never seen before.--Mil-- dred Barbaras. -- All had perféct attendance this week except Amna Peterson, Emmett Raasch and Eston McMahon. Some of tht pupils have started weaving baskets. Arnma Peterson was absent because of iliness last week. We have started to make our room decorations for Christmas and have made some pretty lanterns. _ Grage Loomis and Paul Wells were perfect in spelling for the week. _ A member of the Farm Bareau called on us Friday afternopn. We have a bank and are trying to rave money for eurtains for Christ-- friends from Brookfeld, l!}., Sunday. James Fritech and his nephew, Arthur Merner, visited John Fritsch of Northfield on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merner and two little sons spent Sunday with Mre. Merner's aunt, Mrs. Gilfilian of Chicago. Miss Irene Rockenbach of Lansing Michigan spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the home of her father George Rockenbach. sales will be used in furniching the ehurch school rooms, . . The Church School will have a bootn at the Doreas bazaar on Fri-- day evening and wil} sell Kraft's ealled to Ohio, Thraraday evening be« enuse of the sudden death of Mrs. Montavon's sister. Miss Chris Duffy mas been il} for several weeks./ | ~Mr. and Mrs, Edward Gayne and tm duuagbter Mariiyn of Porest \ spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. Gayne's parent, Mr-- and Mrs William Plagge & Presbyterian church school gave an informal reeeption at the Commun-- ity llo-:n'.h:hwovdu to p:: Arthur: Larson of m';nh County SBeperintexdent of the Young The Brave People of England. The boys are busy with their jig Mr. and Mré. A. Montavon were ARCHER SCHOOL IVANHOE SCHOOL pie ie of of | electric, communicate . with Clark ;muumv.:w-u:'m | day phone eonvey-- 1aw.'m£pnfld. | The bazsaar will be held at the Woodman hall, Dec, 7th. -- Selling of the articles will ~begin at. three o'clock. B-unn'bczhndu there are> some very . pieces of fancy work, in linen. Also don't forget the . children's booth, which will contain everything a child needs.---- The _'mjh'"" fro:nhnr'mflmmm.m er which a short program will be The Half Day Ladies Aid Society will hold their sanpual bazaar and rummmmb«. 1922, expper will be held be-- \tween six and nine P. M. Oysters lvmhth-nhl--uth-m Here is one great big chance to pre. 'mywflf'fimrfl- | ents for your relatives and friends, I we hope to see you all out in this | services and we have been asked to ;--h.mmwfiww in this line. Let's assist them by Imwwfllhoahndflthdr \next practice. 1 Sunday school services at the us-- | ual time, 10:30 a. m. Church serv-- 'unamg-. We nope zou all ! will be in attendance. Mrs. Gertrude Beach visited the last of the week with her son, How-- ard in Chicago-- Waliter Fountain and family spent Thanksgiving in Evanston. The Will Smith family of Barring-- ton visited at the Albert Snyder home Sunday. | school Monday |Floyd Baldwin '-.d. | Those who w '- for the t were excused Wednesday. _' --seven names t We were ver MeCormack, pr is ...3 Jn' wk E. E. Smith of Waukegan called on relatives here one day lust week. Mrs. R. E. Dunn, Edna Shepnerd and Mrs. J. L. Shepherd spent one day last week shopping in Wauke-- Miss Garrett spent a few days last week in Chicago. Doiph. + | to: i..}'";_.--"n?"" after spending t.hhwilm'l &y.u '"}?ean'u fitt grand * e or one in-- ; s 3 wakss mwu*mmfi'wlhm*.'dwm on ie 2 c cog M |gan visited at the home of her bro-- c;wM';.l:.y-l dlg;-.g.,,u.x.n...couphadm booth at the bazzar, ' Ih'...__'u_-'i. Bm _A PME Mrs. Ella Smith is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sell of Libertyville, Mrs. Frank Knigge and son, Don, ald, and Harry Kramer called at J. L. Shepherd's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E> Ransom were Libertyville callers Monday. days given A. R. Smith resigned the principal-- ship of Half Day, Il.--school and left for his home at Quiney, 11. The P. T. A.'s monthly meeting the Half Day school for the present. B. W. Smail has again leased the farm he is now on for another two yc..vom.lfluhnn.wddmo{lr.' Mrs. . George a-mu-'num-th-lfilufiu-.d-'huw two years last week by in his little We have been missing our past friends to his h help eat a correspondent's news items so come | big birthday cake ther goodies, on and co--operate with us and let About ten or . youngsters us have your items placed in our| were present and a couple 'ntbfl-l. of hours in play and wishing that The hhfl-mmoua\wuymm. will hold their anpual bazaar and Mr. and Mods Wm. Baseley ate ruwwmmmmmnmdhma mm-m,, tween six and nine P. M. Oysters ley. will be the main item on the menu. Olin Snyder of Homer, Mich. is a Hevrs is ans #reat bi# chance to pre. guest of Mrs. Mildred Huffman this ing ones and a big attendance. practicing patiently for | Everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiv ing vacation and #ere all back is school Monday morning excepting Floyd Baldwin and Rhoda MeCor Those who were perfect in attead-- ance for the third month of school were excused at 2:00 oc'lock last Wednesday. There were twenty --seven names this month. We were very pleased to have F. McCormack, president of our school board, for a visitor last Wednesday forencon. We appreciate interest .mflviim m C and colored constraction epent Sunday at home. Nr'and Mrs. Houlthan and Pearl Baths! were in Waukegan Saturday, _ Bertha Belenaki went to Wauke. Monday when she started work. lag at Sheriff Ablstrom's -- _ +Mn And Mrs. Mulden entertained mt_uhvnus-ay- P. Wright of Grayslake visited at '"m.lm.nd-y. Misa went to Chicago Fri-- Anyone from away, wishig to at-- The broken windows hare been re-- We received 13 new lSorary books, We W. Lockhead is in charge of WRIGHT SCHOOL HALF DAY IVANHOE na Harden spent a few week with Mrs Frank Libertyville Sunday a dozsen rolers Libertyville Heanokaett~| _ CSE NnBnTei e 1| back in been very ill with diphtheria t excepting recovering. There are three a MeCor-- children in the family. The | years old and a boy 5 yea in attend--| were sent to the grandpare in Chi-- ent | Heights has to her home after spending a few days at the ined | home of Mr. and D. L. Putnam. John Murphy, wife and daughters and |spent the week @nd at the home of Clyde Golding £@hicago. _ The Young MeD's Club gave a dance at m"nvint Picture Theatre W mrht which was well attended. -- . A.C, Stoxen and son of Bassett, Wis, was in town Monday, where they attended %lflk Producers convention at the town hall Monday Mrs. Henry % id uéu. is ar son of MeHenry m Tuesday to Thursday at the of her parents Mr, and Mrs, Ge@, Brougnton. Mr. and ln#ry Golding are spending the E. with their son, Mrs. Roger Moffit spent the week end with Chicage friends. Miss Eliz. abeth Daley ug :. Moffit's place on the telephone @xchange while she was away. §# Mts. Bert ufium Joe Dowell spent one day last vweek at Grays--| lake at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; John Dowell, a | Little Laverne Brown, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. John Brown returned My. and Mrs. Wan. Stemple of Chi-- eago visited at the home of Mr. and Gus Dahms and.son Harvey who visited last week at the home of Mr. .lluhfl&m , returned to Mrs. George Scott during the last -- Mrs, Ella Kady returned to her home a few days &go after an ex-- tended visit with relatives in Wau-- R. C. Kent ind Willard Darrell | attended a director's meeting of the | :figmpm,hmmf i _ c c c d _ Mr, and Mrs Willard Darrell; daughter Myrtic, Mr. and Mrs. Har-- ry Mathews, Mrs. Mildred Huffman The Mystic Workers of Mizpah Lodge No. 142 o( Wauconda will hold installation of officers Wednesday evening, Dece. 6 at Woodman's hall. and Mr. Olin Snyder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mathews of A& lunch wil! be served after the and progressive euchre Mrs. Carison and little son have been very ill with diphtheria but are recovering. There are three other children in the family. The girl 3 years old and a boy 5 years old were sent to the grandparents in Chicago to escape the disease but they had contracted it and the little girl died last week. will be played The little daughter of Mr. and Mre. Albert Macther has chicken pox. Miss Della Kirwin is very ill at her home with a trained nurse in attendance. Raymond Daley was out of school the irst of the week on account of a bai cold. Mr. and Mrs Plutie Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daley and Mrs. John Blark motored to Wauke. ~Mre.s Wm. Baseley spent last Thursday at the home of her daugh-- ter, MrB. Fred Dowell and Friday at the home of her son, Richard Base-- ley &t Graysiske. _ _ _ . Mr. and Mr:. Pintie Houghton and ¥rs. L. H. Waie wore McHenry call. ers Monday evening. Marths Harrison has the Ald Neediework Dlzlly at her on Main St. Mrs. Harriett Ruggles and Miss mmn;m have For & years Mrs. m'flhmh conducted the busi-- ness at her home aad it was known as the Ladies ~xchange. + day to hear sir Harry Lauder, the great Seotch comedian. Mr. and Mr. E. J. Houllhan en-- tertained Pan) Duba and family at dinmer Thaored:7. Mrs. White has gore to Arizona. can DAY,_DECEMB na 19 DA -- | MER Mrs, F. C. Sebhumacker and son Walter were Chicago visitors Friday. A. Hitzemann attended a teachers convention at Aurora Friday. Monday. Saturday evening, December 9th the St. Mathew's Ladies Aid wil} hold a sale at the Fairfield Parochial School. Don't fail to attend as there will be many pretty and useful things on sale. A program will be render-- who is on the alek list. Miss Cora Jones of Area spent the week end with her parents here. Mrs. H. Heéise was a Chicago bus-- mess visitor Saturday. H. A. Schwerman and family motored to Lake-- Carnes Sunday, where they ealled on Wm Pepper, Mrs. Alma Jones of Area spent Thanksgiving. with ner son, E. J. Sunday, December 10th at 8 p. m. there will be regular English service at St. Mathew's Lutheran church. Miss Marie' Voss who attends school in Chicago spent the past wo* a% the home <5 ~or p rents. Wm. G. Peters motored to River Forest Sunday. Mrs. Edw. Gosswiller's daughters, Bernice and Vérna Mae spent Wed-- nesday afterncoon of last week with Mrs. Clayton Hutchings. Mrs. Wm. Stoerp and son Frederick also spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Clayton Hutchings. Willis Towner spent Wednesday of last week with his grandmother, Mrs. William Cooper. itor at the Harold Thatcher home school grounds leveled off and prop-- eriy graded. A carload of crushed stone is to be applied to a part of the grounds. In the spring a con-- siderable amount of shrubbery and a few trees are to be set out. When the project is once complete and the lawn in front again established our school grounds will be very pretty. fm'hm'crf"tinmd- ance so far thig--year are: A)na Pan-- konin, Harty Berghorn, Alma Steil, Selma Steil, Elsie Pankonin, Elmer Ernsting and Harold Gosswiller. ~The children who have & star on the honor roll for being perfect the most of the time in spelling and arithmetic are Harry Berghorn, Al-- Soma of the classes are reviewing for @K&mination, which will come next week. The th grade civies have fin-- mgnmuolfln.dwoldb- trict Iust wek. Our Sttendance has not been so good duting the past week. The first grade is begining its second'Book in reading. Bome people of this neighborhood attended the basket social at th@ Quentin.Corners school Friday night, About $68 was taken in by the sale of baskets and cape., f _ F. Graff was a Highland Park vis» itor Thursday. -- *E _ G. Dittmen was a caller at the Graff home Friday evening. 4 Mr. Dittnen and Waiter Gva# were Lake Zurich callers Sunday mor 1ing. Albert Staal visited at the Bar-- baras home Sunday after20on. Mr. and Mrs. Nigle and daughters Marie and Ruth of Chicago visited & the Barbaras home Sunday mz Mr. wnd Mrs. Fred Holle, Mr, Mrs. Frank Sauer and daughter, R.1'lr. and Mrs. David Schwiesp. and Mr. Ed. Barbaras visited a% Hasemann home Tharsday Mt. Hasemann and Ed went to the market and got tean little pigs. ) Mr, and lrs.'AéG.llu--;n MButh Virginia berg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Senet K daughter Hazel, Erzest Hasoma and Alma Saver, Mr. and Mras Brints and the E. Dessener-- fam -- The sixth and eighth compositions about Tha had & party at the Schwieso«home Sunday and had a merry time,. / Mr; and Mrs. E. Dessenes and family, Mr. and Mro. Wallase Johzs son 'Mind Clara Wehrenberg visited at th# Hasemann home Suaday. . > Nick Rohs and brother Earl vis-- _--Miss Kampert and Ruth Has visited at the Barbaras home Right. 98 '1\- sixth and eighth grades ited with thc The Register is the farmers' ad | vertlsing mediam that brings results. | Robert and Raymond Wiese were Mrs, Ross of Barrigton is the DLAMOND LAKE SCHOOL Voss motored to Chicago SCHULTZ SCHOOL ARCHER SCHOOL will be served. ml.mmw@mxomncm Office Phone $148 N. Ashland ¥ Lakeview 478 CHICAGO, ILL. _ 2 Doors South of Beln Farms, Houses and Lots Sold for Exchanges of Property a Specialty Cash Or On Easy Terms Established 1888 f MEMBER COOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD Say It with Flowers Flowers for any occasion delivered by wire in Greenhouse Phone 174--J Res. Phone 291--R--2 I will sell at Eublic auction on the premises known as the Lockhead Farm one--half mile west 3§lb Pmo;'n'e View and 3\4 miles south of Liberty-- Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1922 11 Good Holstein Cows, fresh and springers 2 good Horses, weight 2700 100 Chickens . A full line of farm implements ED. KANE, Prop. FROELICK & BLANK, Auctioneers to produce them--objects as attractive in form Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, brmh.byg-,verdeantiq-e,lnver,mhnn.wii- er with shades in art glass, silk, crettonne. Electric Cooking Utensils, chafing dishes, toast-- ers, grills, disc'stoves, percolators. Labor Savers, Washing machines, frons, vacuum cleaners, utility motors. © : Electrical Artficles for the toilet table, that in-- 225 Baskets Corn in crib 1 Heater. 600 shocks of Corn Bed and Springs. Stack of Alfalfa and Clover. Oil Heater. ; Some Millet Ard many other articles too Quantity of Shredded Fodder. numerous to mention. crease comfort and m Mail orders may be sent to the sales room named PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Public Auction The art, the skill, the discrimiriating taste of many crafts unite in the construction of When Winter Comes Electrical Appliantés All in great variety at our Sales Rooms When the cold winds blow and the snow flies, when the great outdoors is not in the cheerful and sunny mood of summertime, Bring cheer-- fulness into the home. You can do it if you will let us keep you sup-- plied with our flowers. commencing at 11 o'clock A. M. JOSEPH KOHOUT -- any part of the U. S. *JOHN HEIM FEED AND GRAIN Usual terms of sale. of Northern Hlinois Prices the lowest 12 bu. of late seed potatoes. $ TT

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