Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 6 Dec 1922, p. 7

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arts 'and sciences. This number in <ludes all of the courses in the cur-- Heula of the English language and lit-- erature, the ciassics, mathematics, for-- Urbana.----A survey just completed mmw«mmw& fered to students in the University of filinols this year, and of this number 405 are given in the college of Hberal eign Innguages, history,. bhome eco-- nomics, philosophy, art and design, and pbysical and biologlcal sciences. The schoo! of music is second to the colleg» of liberal arts and sclences, Offering 149 courses in theory and applied miu-- ale, : Sterling.--The fifty--Ofth annual con-- vention of the Horticultural Society of Northern Illinois, comprising 23 coun-- "hus closed at Steriing. . The meet-- ) was a great success and was large 1y attended. O1ld officers were reelect-- <d, They are: President, L. B. Bryant, Princeton ; vice president, N. A. Kluck, Lena? secretary, R. A. Green, Ottum-- wa; treasurer, L. H. Cutler, Rast Du-- mmnifest. For the first week in Sep tember there were reported to the state department of public bealth 180 caties of diphtheria. The first week in Getober showed 340 cases while for the first week in the present rmonth the total number of cases bad mounted Gu; second vice president, Austin Powers, Steriing, and third vice prest dent, Phil Seott, Rock Falls. * Springfield.--Diphtheria and other communicable diseases are increasing n Iilinois to such un exten' that the Springfield.--The "melancholy" days of autumn were somewhat late in ar-- riving this year, owing to excessive sunshine and unusually warm weather Guring October, according to the weather summuary for the month is aned for Illinois by Clarence J. Root, government _ metcorologist. _ Many places experienced maximum tempera-- tures far above normal and the rain-- fall was low. Peoria.--The Western RBoller Pipe company, of which J. Howard Jayne of Monmouth, who disappeared and subsequently was locuted in an Ev-- anston hospilal, is president, denled that it is insolvert, in answer to in-- voluntary bunkruptey proceedings re-- cently fled by creditors. The company stated it had £1).®»0 in assets agninst $50,000 in linbilitics, and that it has full securities for it« debts. Alton. --Litigation attending the de velopment of the industrial section of Woodriver, some years ago, was re-- ¥dlled by the death of A. R. Benbow at his home at Alton at the age of seventy--three years. Benbow, whoiwas Rockford.--While feeding waste pa-- per into a pulp machine, John Pocola found a ring. He gave it to his smaill daughter, who wore it to school. Her teacher was gmazed at the size sand brilliancy of the stone. Investigation disclosed it was a diamond, valued at $500. The police were asked to find # son of one of the first settiers in Madison county, was known as the founder of Benbow City, now a part of Woodriver. Springfeld.--Although the Chicago & Alton railroad has protested against the alleged excessive costs of the issu-- ance and serving of injunctions during the rallroad strike, Jndge Louis Fitz Henry, in Federal court at Springfeld, has overruled its motion to Rave the composing the membership of the Tl-- nois High Press association, met in second anmpuoal conference at the Uni-- versity of lllinois, Robert Fisher ot Champaign is president, and Thomas Rohon, Decator, secretary. Moline,--Though the --election for mayor is nearly five months distant, wix candidates for the place already have appeared. These are C. P. Skin-- ner, the present mayor; W. P. Hunt, C. W. Sandstrom. Charles Meyer, A. G. Abraham and John Swansoon. Danvifie.--A boulevard lighting sy» tem is to be installed at a cost of $65.000. The asseszment roll for the improvement has been approved in county court after two years of oppo-- altion. Rockford. --The library of the late Dr. George P. Gill has been offered to the Winnebago County Medical so-- clety. 'The offer was made on condi-- tion that the society create and main-- tain a medical lhrary in the city, Peoria. -- William Geesman, forty years old, a farmer Hving near here, was found crushed to death beneath a wagon load of corn. He had left his home to drive the corn to market. ' Monticelio--The question of Incor-- porating the ten Iive stock shipping as-- sociations of Platt county was dis eussed at a meeting of the organiza-- WI of a. wife to follow husbhand to their new home constitutes tlon in the opinion of ui-u-'-.:ba-emm Urbana.--Tilinots and the nation lost a06 of the world's wreatest authotition on solil when Prof. J. G. Mosier died at his home. His great service to the state of Nlinois was remdered in E::..aup«u-hnz_ ,c(n-mmgmm had charge of this work for % years Mount Vernon ~--The Beuthern Nn nols Horticultural society beld its an-- of the section was invited to attend. this subject. ILLINOIS BREVITIES Champaign. ---- Rudding journalists, pirejece aslly cuit's Tord witl make i dalry cattle will make new pational and state dairy produc-- tion records, according to M. H. Canip-- bell of the university's dairy husbandry department. Many of the cows in the herd are showing signs of remurkable freshening. Raleigh's Siby!, hoider of the world's milk record for a Hving eOW last year, has freshened again and, although the weather has been wurm, has produced wore than 64 pounds of milk a day, which is four pounds above her highest production last year. She is expected to exceed by fur her production of lust yeAr, which was 18,847 pounds of milk. Urbana.--If it is true that crop rota-- | tons, as now planned and recommend-- | ed, will produce an adequute supply of mitrogen by the growth and proper , use of legumes in the rotation, the | purchase of commercial forms of nitro | gen will be unnecessary. If it is not | true, such purchase will uitimately be-- ', come a necessity,. To answer this im-- ) partant question was one of the pri--| mairy ressons for constructing the ; famous "soli bins" at the University Of | Iilinois and the resultant expeériments , that have been going on for the past | sevetal years. | Bpringfield. -- Although the fight against tuberculosis in Hlinois bas re sulted in a material lowering of the death rate from the "white plague" since 1918, caucer has reaped an in creasingly large barvest of death in the state since that year, according to a health bulletin of the state depart-- ment of public bealth, made public &t Springfeld. Last year cancer took a toll of 6,042 lives in llinois, or 825 per cent of the total of 73.204 deaths. .« Urbana.--The Ricker Library :of Architecture, hidden away on the fourth floor of engineerikig hall at the University of Illinois, has long been known as one of the two great archi-- tectural HWbraries in the country, Ref-- erence books, histories and follos com-- prise some 8000 volumes in the li-- brary. All of these books are placed in open stacks and cases in one large, well--lighted room, and are easily mc-- cessible. Alton.--The First State and Savings bank of Woodriver was closed by State Auditor Russel, "pending examination and adjustment" of its affairs. The bank's capital is listed at $100,000 and its surplus at $75,000. H. H. Clark is president. The bank's latest. report showed deposits of $900,000, but the resignation of I. C. Hatridge, cashier, two wetks ago, is said to bave started a run on it. Tuscola.--Alleged widespread thiev-- ery of chickens, in which whole flocks have been taken from farms at night, has led the Douglas county farm bu-- reau here to offer a reward o $100 for Information leading to the ar rest and vonviction of the gullty per sons. Thieves have stolen as much 1s $100 werth of poultry from a single farm in a night, it is reported. Belleville--A telegram announciog the death at Seligman, Ariz., of Louis Pfingsten 'has perpliered his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfingstem Inquiry at Seligman disclosed there was no-- hody answering the description ~of Logis Pfingsten there. The last Pfing-- sten's parents heard from him be was in Los Angeles, Cal. \Dixon.--The annual convention of the Hllinois Firemeu's convention is to be held at Dixon January 9, 10 and 11. Representatives of fire departments to the number of 500 are expected to at-- tend. A Chicago delegation has an-- nounéed that it will arrive in special coaches with a brass hand. Belvidere.--Beilvidere -- voters . want Sunday movies and theatricals, & was proved in a two--to--one vote fagering Sunday shows. Protest against' Sub-- bath amusements was made by church people and the city council decided to settle the dispute by a referendum * Springfield.--Fire, startinzx from A short ctreuit in the basement of Van Horn & Link's store, caused damage of $117,000 and for a time threatened an entire block. + Canton.--For the fArst time in months the city jJail is empty, follow-- Ing recent activitiee of police under Chief of Police Roy coupled with harsh fines. No arrests have been made for many days, and all those persons recently confined have served thoir sentences. Belleville.--Martin Hostetter, thirty-- five years old, whose automobile struck and kHNed Edmund Delany, eigcht years old, shot and killed himself when po-- lice went to his bhome to arrest him on a warrant charging mansiaughter. Danvilie.--The Danvilie Moose lodge has dedicated new quarters and launched a campaign for 600 new mem-- bers to bring the membership to 2,000. Ten years ago the lodge had 50 mem-- bers. | It now 'has 1.400. Aurora.--The Aurora school board is planning to build a mnew high school, a tentative site for whith is under con-- #ideration. The old atructure proba-- bly will be used as a junior high Chicago.--Sixty--cight head of Here-- ford cattle have beet entered by 12 exhibitors from Ilino{s in the Intorna-- tional Live Btock exposition to be held here December 290, Springfield.--The United States vet-- erang' 'bareau is notifying all veterans entitled to receive vocational training or education because of disabilitics auftered during the war that their cdlalkns must be filed before December Springfeld --Aithough Niinois as a wu::-llno-tmnm ber ' Beptember building contracts the e contracts lot 44 per cent ahoead of «heeording to the to con-- | Sunday. roh-l Oarl Raupp shred high | last week. Matilda Popp sp¢ m a| Ethel Umbdenstock. Yan M_'_ The following letter was published in.the October number of our school paper. It was written by Jessic lmmbuwmmrairy.} I watch over you when you sleep -uvmm-nuwuvoum| sick I fairy tears and when' younro'::ilmflo. . § 1 nave a magic gift, the best in | the world, for you but L can't give | you this magic gift unless you prove | to me you really want it. l First you must promise me | 1. To get plenty of sleep with your | windows open. _ _ Sek d . 2. To take a full bath at least once each week. once each day. 4. To drink milk, lots and lots of milk but mo tea or coffee, 5. To eat some vegetables or some fruit each day. [ -- 6. To drink at.least four glasses of water each day. 20000 day your body goes out once & day; And if you do all these things I promise you on my honor 88 a fairy Jumes Hansford is on list. { to give you my most precious and wonderful gift--HEALTH! -- Don't turn up your' HEALTH is MAGIC! Health will give you the pretty rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes and strong bodies. _ Oh, Children, do you want the' magie gift! e hn Mr. T. Arthur Simpson and Mr. Henry Sealing were recent callers at worh'.'onlwmm Taey choose Boughton's "Pi}grims Going to Church" and are trying to teHl the same story with their dolls. building the log church.: picture is very real for they even have turk-- eys in the woods Charles Cross has had his tonsils and adenoids removed by Pr. Leiber We have had Dr. Brown's famous story "Ray and his Friends" read to us. We enjoyed it very much. Some of us were lucky and read "Stickeen" another dog story by John Muir. We have added a small colored print of Meyndert Hobbema's, The Avenue, Middelnarnis, Holland, to our list of few pictures, While so many people seem to find Hobbema's cnlors poor and depressive we love to have this picture on our wall.. [The tail poplars, which line the road to Middichanris, seem so real to us and how hard the people of the Nether-- laxds have had to work in order that they might live, We have started our first tri. mon-- thly examinations and so far have found them rather easy. school now trying to make lost time. There were twenty--cight perfect attendance for the week. The Afth, are taking their tri--monthly exams. There was no school Thursday and Friday. The children were all glad to have a vacation so they could sett. Vfifisu&m---' Sunday were Rev. and Mrs, Vooeks dm:;um::lmwnd] Esther Giss of yville, Robert | aad Justin Kalkbrenner of Alhurst and Emma Kalkorenner of Palatine. --i:fllhnnndhnmo and George Reimers and Mabel Hans spent Sun-- day evening with Miss Marvelia Kie-- Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason and daugh-- ter Ina of Libertyville visited at the Stelling nome Suhnday. George Stelling spent Sunday at home l.lao Block is working for Joo Kies-- Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Chicago visited at the Goetz home Sunday. J. Raupp visited at the Goetz home Sunday. Carl Raupp shredded a few days last week. The Moldenhauers were visitors in Barrington Sinday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hofmeier of Fairfield visited at the Goets home Monday evening. _ t p y Dear 3. To To be sure that all the waste in To play outdoors part of each LONG GROYE SCHOOL RONDOUT SCHOOL your teeth at least SQUIRE ~EDGEGATE The Health Fairy. HEAR VE -- HERR E+ MEAR VE -- Tais CouRr t or TusTCE or Tn GCRERY Copament wEebite 4 8 NOW _ IM Sk$§1» -- o-m-on&: are busy up for 'Philps of Waukegan called at John | Irving's Sunday.~ ' | Mr. and n Wm. Thompson | spent Sunday .filoon with his |\ parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson. r.x.xn-drfinme:hunh-t ¥Friday from a oattherm hunting'nwminnl:;'; five pound deer home with him. guests at the home of A. T. Sevage m'- « Almond Pullem purchased a Ford torring car last week. Paul Proting family entertain-- ed relatives £1 Zion Sunday. Clara Christengén was absent Fri-- day. ty aminations this week. | Harry Walker Was a Sunday guest | at the Wells homle; I Annie Dorsey Visited home folks ' Alfred Pederien and family moved into their new house Wednesday. Wm. Siver of Chicago spent the Elaine," given "'g'me Sophomore English class of Antiqch Town-- ship high school.. f Miss Grace n of Kenosha is visiting her folks, savE YOUR EyEs--CONsSULT DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Telephone 57 161 Lincoln _ DR.J.L BPAYLOR omahmnflpgmm. Houts: 1 to 8:30 and T to 8 p. m. Imt.lzlt':.l"vbl fi Te Assistant Stag# Veterinarian DR. O. F.;ERFIELD Telephone -- Telephone .:I v;orz' m' Pé::d. ..lh'-h.a French Horn-- Stuart Barker, Pres. Area, HL WELL CONTRACTOR & DRILLER Deep Well Pumps and Cylinders Phone Lib. 26-- W--%, Waukegan, II. Experienced Public Anctioneer sATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TERMS REASONABLE Phone 444 W. -- Lake Forest, IIL. Reverse charges on long distance Joe Smith and Irene Savage mo-- red to Waukegan Sunday after-- The upper grades are naving ex-- Several from #his community at-- LYELL H. RIS ATTORNEY m&m C. B. OLNEY. D. V. M. Address all communications SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART HENRY BOYSEN, JR. B. H. LER AmmfiliT-LA' Pirst National Bark Building. Assistant State Veterinarian onofi'm' KETRIST-- ROOM 9 MUERAY BLDG. J. H. HESLIN HICKORY SCHOOL LIBERTYVILLE S. sIMMONDS Bldg., Over Gas Office. Broadway, opposite park . MEL END Y SURVEYOR of Chiropractie LIBERTYVILLE SURGEON an and Hn. called at John AY,. DECEMBER 6, 192. Phone 241--J |\ Wells Bored and Drilled 'Houses Moved and Raised Zion Institutions _ or when it fades, turns groy. dull and lifcless, is caused by a la k of sulphur in the bair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her lock$ dark and beautiful and thowands of women and men who value (at even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so at-- traciive, use only this old--time recipe Nowadays we get this famous mix-- tur: imp:oved by the addition of other shur ( bair S body < body can possibiy tell it has been ap-- plicd. lou just dampen a sponge of soft t.oush with it and draw this throug' your hair, taking one small strand 1t a time. By morning the gray hair disapprars; but what delights th« ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Suiphu: Compound is that, besides beautifull: darkening the hair after a few applica tiors, it also brings back the gloss an« lustre and gives it an appearance 0j abundance. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAJR NOW Druggist Says Ladies Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Suiphur d is by atking at any Urug store tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul-- mipound," which agrktns the naturaily, so evenly, that no-- . (Dep't 4) ZION, ILLINOIS A Plan Which Assures You 7# on Your Money North Shore Gas Co. A Battle of Wits Investment Satisfactory mses its color and lustre Choice securities yielding 7% are rapidly disappearing from the market and the opportunity to secure such attractive return may not occur for generations,. In order to assist our customers, we want to take this oppor= flqwmwma.wmmmm tbmwwmhintnn. ohvo.ornthstm even the smallest investor to purchase some of our. high grade mmadm By taking advantage of our offer immedi-- igbpodhbbplgumrmmywm&wmmaw [ _ First, it helps you save money. ' Second, to increase the rate of interest your money earng for you. rate of return year after year. 'This * to invest your money F Mbaxmfll:omhm of -- one of"tn::"fi investments the market offers and to earn a high rate with safety even though you have very little ready cash. @4 Third, to azoodinmt opportunity within your ruchwbsth:l:n you have ready funds. If you will mail the attached coupon to our office in your Aistrict, it will immediately bring you the story of this plan. THIS PLAN HAS A TRIPLE PURPOSE ° & Industriecs 4 BuT SQ»RLC MoPPExto To A4 SPECIATOR MHERE Lasrt MNDAy* Ano THERE WAas " Coun't _ CRIER qwn i _TrEn _ Please send information as to your plan for saving and investing. Phone 39 Schanck Hardware Co. International, New Idea Emmerson $125 to $135 Manure Spreaders IT PAYS The Best Paying Machine on the Farm. C OU P O N Are what you need now. TO ADVERTISE IN-- THE REGISTER & BY ..S... colm . C ON3TAURLE _1 WELPuweg MHS 00 Py m oC sEnr ake TrHimt WE Conortt LIBERTYVILLE vES y 9 43

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