_ ~IBY THE L N: S. lho oo , UREAr M en io C ".';,-. '% }£ Litchffe}d, HL, Jan. 15 --Charles W Norris, captain of the LitchfHeld fitse departniont, who (is this cweek at-- tending the lllinois firemen's con-- vention at Murphyrboro, --bas never missed a state convention in 20 years He is a mail carrier here,. but 4s one of the most enthusiastit ¥vol unteer firemen in the state, Through his efforts Litchfield has one of the hQ: volunteer and paid fire forces in the ' state. Quincy, IN., Jan. 15. --The passing Of the horse has taken with it one oft Quincy's oldest industries--a wa gon and bugsy factory. The Koe-- nig and Luhrs company, founded in 1866, and one of the largest con-- " NWokomis, IIi., Jan. 15.--The Sun--] day distribution of letter mail, which has been an unusual feature of the postal service in Nokomis for the . past 40 years, has been discontin-- med. No reason was assigned for the change. Sunday mail service. was> inaugurated by Postmaster Mi-- chael E. Tuchy in 1886, and was "scontinued by his successors. ~ Clinton, HL, Jan. 15. -- Paul H. ~@mith; instructor in agricultufé, in 'the Clinton Community high school, gerns of its kind in the middle west, 'has announced it will close its ve-- hicle manulfacturing business March Horse drawn vehicles of all kinds were produced in the local fac-- tory.' For a number of years the company specialized in the construc tion of heavy vans for moving fur-- miture and large trucks for heavy Treight h'nlinx. Ten years ago the company "began the manufacture of anutomobjle bodies as a side line. ---- Galesburg, IIL, Jan. 15. ---- Goid watches were presented by Gales : burg business men to Capt. Rody 'Lamb, Alvie Thompson, George Kas# per, Rouben Brockmueller and Earl Murphy, members of the Lombard college football team which has won four straight state championships. .'The presentation took place at & . special chapel service at the col-- ;g: G. 8.. Stevenson, Oof Farme? , and A. R. Proctor, of Beli-- flower, has been appointed as a com yiittee in charge of arrangements for the annual livestock judging contest at 'State Normal university in --May. . 'Gatesburg, IHL, Jan. 15. -- Hiram Mars, Galesburg's oldest citizen, is ~A@ead at the age of 96. Mars was «born in Kentacky, came to lilinois ~When 13 years old and Ahas been a 'regident of the state ever since. He . was prominent in civic affairs and in ~ the republican party in his younger '_.. Patent No. 1,512,269. TIRE CHAIN, | Patent Litchfield, HL, Jan. 15.--Charles Gable, 54, is the--miracle man of St. cis hospital He is alive at the tal with two 48 calibre revolver t in his head, fired with sut-- cidal intent. Gable shot himself five times but only two shots entered the brain. His chances for recov-- ery were said to be fair, aithough one side is paralyzed. s days. fiurhn. IIL, Jan. 15.--Southern 1| rois will be visited officidlly by thel CC _1. A tire chain tomprising paralle! side chalin members, cross linkage be-- tween and connected to said members, a hook secured to one extremity ol one member, an 'eye secured to said member at a point adjacent said hook, an ¢ye secured to the other extremity of said member, a tie end extending from fluz' of the chain which car-- ries the mentioned eye, a hook Ed td the md hore meart o0 in tie to Exh n en ao on e 1e , 0 4o l "fi to the end c.-,a-aw.aa,n.u_mumczmm WPMM.WM-.D-C- * Recently Granted by'U. S. Patent Office 15. -- Gold club for the first time Jan. "21 when President Harry A. Newman of Toronto, Canada, will address the Lions clubs of the southern part of the state at a meeting here. Rep-- resentatives from more than twenty ¢lubs in as many cities are expected to attend the meeting. District Gov. Wayne C. Townley of Bloomington, will be a guest of honor. international president of the ngu "De discovery of a new comet," gald Uncle Eben, "makes a heap 0' taik. But when y:Sconpes right down teo human requirements, 'taint near as im-- portant as de discovery of a two--dollar bill in last winter's pants."--Washing-- ton Star. -- SJapanese Retire Early Japanese as a rule retive much ear-- lier than occidentals, even Wwhen'a tea' house celebrition is going --full blast, and the sake cups Aare> circulating freely. * 0 "Cap»tain Quits nated the--election, Albert. Bloodgo0d, recently chosen captain of the Uni-- versity of Nebraska football team for 1925, has been forced to resign. Ed Weir, AllAmerica tackle¢, ' been elected to succeed himselft in place of Bloodgood. | Here we have Prepare Things at Night -- Getting the children off t6 school is ensier on the whole family if their things are in order the night before, 1. In a stcering and controlling me-- chanism for motor vehicles, a steering post, a stcering wheel rotatably car-- ried B the post, a steering 'shaft mgehfi in the post and connected with nc wWHC€Ci, CDNULIST trically disposed spark 'and throttle' cunm'lin.mdispooed within the & shaft, and rotatable hand grips .a':l' the rim of the stcering operatively con-- nected to said spark and thrott{am- trolling sleeves.. . Patent No. 65,820. VEHICLE TIRE. Thomas C. Marchall and Edison G. itent No. 1,512,072. STEE WHEEL. Jay G. Williamson. are in order the night before, woman household writer, _ Uncle Eben the "It 4s noat dificult to make a radio set and if you are at all handy, you 'flilmfifl. trouble in building one of one to five tubes. 1 do not recommend the building of super--heterodynes by the average person, because you need more than a knowledge of bhandling tools to make the super work after you build it. HWoday you can buy "kits" wlth| panel and baseboard and all parts for a--complete radio set with blue w-m layout and wiring As the--pane!l is already drilled, it is a simple matter to1 mount the parts and wire them. One manufacturer puts out a kit that can be assembled with a pair of pliers and a screwdriver. The various conneetions are not soldered because they use what is termed a solderless joint, Anyone at all who can read can easily put together such a set. Nothing is left to the Imaginration in these kits for the manufacturers know that over 75% of .sets are home--made, and when made of manufactured parts, there is no reason at all why they won't work just as good as ready--made sets. * Unless you have an understand-- ing of radio, It is best for you to buy blueprints of your set before you make an attempt to build it. Get a blue print of the panel layout P----Z--'fi;* --~"IU ~ #4, -- * c e * *I*°'=§_:' C~_*« BY FRANK CHAPMAN ® . 3 bpard layout and wiring. If you just go along in a hit and miss faghion, you will not get good re-- sults. The various parts should be spaced in relation to each other so there will be no interaction. Cer-- tain cirevuits when run 'parallel to 'Pthers cause howling and are nolsy. Snowy white is this new kitcken fixture-- white porcelain en-- amel on Armco rust-- resisting metal and white embossed glass-- 30 Day Free Tri: Public Service stores Newest Model, w All metal Balance monthly with service statement kitchen is the orkshor f your home and i %d%vé%&ckrhl}l%mmmg e will install of these new all--white Daylite Lighting' Fixtures on trial if you now have vaj ns B 9@ 25.. 400 0 clmtll .. an outlet in your kitchen ceiling, We turnish every-- %anmtlbt:ig?fig&tmmzdal&mp for $100 ighting e mon pay-- cmmceme ments with yourelectr%:'giflo. Onf;r « Down E-:nOfier--mnMonfreeonouflgtnowinceilliI:s of your kitchen. A free demonstration may be hyourhomewmlod_m A do your washing. Sove your strongth. Daylight Y our Kitchen WIRING YOUR SET PROPERLY Double--walled tub and other features. Lat the Federal demonstrate this washer pusuuc Senvice COMPANY We will Do you need « tron? Wa wiil aliz«: you $1.,00 for o m cirinid honan thtarche «. »: :s J a nete one. Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 0| NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEO 'BLRKCOH, . .. Mgr, Waukegan. M'an':a'. Local "Ftep. The leads to the grid of the varicus tubes skould be as short and direct as is possible to make them. Plate and grid leads should be separated or run at right angles. The fAla-- ment leads are not important in regard to their relation to others, but they should not be run all over e set. f [ In wiring the set, It is not neces sary to use heavy bus bar that can hardly be bent, but the wire should be self supporting and when bent a certain way, should remain th tm position. If it does not, it may and touch other circuits which wfl' either reduce the efficiency of Ah«@ set, make reception Jmpossible, or, burn out the audions should the, plate leads get tangled up with the Alament wires. { Some of the wiring may be done before all the parts are mounted.' Go at the wiring job in a systematiel manner. If you start on the fila-- ment circuits, finish them all before jumping to something else, because it you de not, you are liable to over-- look some--connection and your set will not work. A good plan in wir-- ing the set is to mark off the blue print as you put in each wire. Then when mthlnk you have all the P!ren fun, check over your blue print and if you find a line not lead lmcllod. check the set to 1.0 it the wire has been run. It is also & good plan to have a friend check the blue print while you check the set. Whoever does the checking, should call off the lines on the blue print and then see if the corre-- sponding wire has been mad> ° the set. silh . tector and do not connect it in a regenerative circuit, it is little bet ter than a crystal. oz For short wave lengths, do laoa use a loading coil in either clrcnifl. It is better to wrap foil around A crystal than it is to solder it. ,»*»1 NEXT ARTICLE--A Etep 0j Amplification. -- ~~*~~~~~ If you have a vacuum tube de . THURSDAY. --JANUARY 15, 1925 wa $1,00 fer . en s . PA * o . : s e k i *.: + lt "World's: M 3 .o S $ N in oo ul + , " MIC 3 _ It gives greatest value for the . money. It undersells all rivals bee _ . . cause the world'glargest volume of _ -- six--cylinderclosedcarsgives greater _ _ . cost advantages. °<!}~ > . M Its motor is the famous Super--Six _ Q which Hudson patented and exclu--| -- _ sively holds. | s Comparison further shows what _ _ - everybody says and what sales } +/ ' \ / ' * Note These Prices i 'CHAS. M. BERNARD, Prop. e Hudson Leads Because _ Notrth Shore Merchandise Despatch Reper! pipes foms s * e dn e o7 ) o) T might be stamped on every North Shore car of every train on -- _ § I which you ride. The car repair man,.working in the shops of the _ -- %'f North Shore Line at Waukegan, Milwaukee, mdem iss $ . ;ers&onsible for a continuous impec'dn(:t of North 'Sl?ore : « Att x $ . e men, mechanics, carpenters specialists, knowin . »Te. their jobs thoroughly, make certain oi--'m:;mt service", £ . ns ; are carefully inspected at the end of each trip. After running one thow» . : sand miles each car is sent to the shops for thorough inspection, and . . is completely. overhauled every hundred thousand miles,. leaving 'the ' I Highwood Shops as new equipment. ' /.. es e Before equipment leaves the shops for service, each tatrepair ma x wh "', g inspetts its apparatus signs his name to &n inspection card, stath p e e .. that it complies with a yfinlte standard termed "good order". The .. : . before he signs hissnameito 'it: Thus, a double _ § -- North Shore safety is obtained.. . é f i m,)',?-' ".erchan,dise This continuous Inaudon 3::! ntenance | ?5 ¥ Despat | a definite annt the high degree of safety _ P patd_' incorporated in the transportation service of the:_ « 8. r""" E 'i:":'_!' k if mea Everyone Says It--Sales Prove It H U D $ O N MAIN GARAG® . _ They are below all comparison 345 No. Milwaukee Avenue "*"~ LINE on the Famous Super--Six Freight and Tax Extra incorporated -- in th N«:EoShowune. SERVICE WORTH WHILE Milwaukee Inflroadw l JA SCGCL LIBERTYVIALE 1i SHORE kis 1% t t D t i 3«