3 «+ C e 8 t,'if; ie CA OE ho. Ei *~ :.__ *Mhe E. * 4n his 44 > w9p *«*~~~--~ @xpect 2 * .5 scbaiiiny." %*'ffi ¥ u) ts */ $ 54 * The sho ' / Creat Lakes,ILL. ies L3 ~«dying today, physi-- // <im .u;.vph'u'.uu'-im-'- *!Z:'hmm by 'the > #irt's par. . ) . CBdk t Save Than fron" wot.s. ~*-- WPate Father. M tine in apatrs Lk M / 'A %t Craskss § ' "' ® $ s " ----. NYE RECTHY NY S * ,f' t .+ ooo im M S / ~©RL'S PARENTS ds .. then go away," says Fred W,. Lichten: 1 , 28, explaining --the ghots fired _ in his automobile as the approach of -- the gifl's father put terror into har %, z PR statemen %',m ath* from two bhtf& ounds ..2 _ «@xpected momeniarily. -- ; « LUichten F, Am Lt:l{*:b" * -erlooz y4ll Ia_Jove for Mary, ol --his _desite .to . smagry Ner, of her fear of taking the * ~#tap hecause of the objections of her ints to .the match and finally. of 4: pled to herdJover to kill her when A who. ed, 'he v~~s, sheo was about ;}aM<',ut§.r' P o ,' ® * "She told me to shoot her again," Yichtenberger told attendants at the wl. "And I did, --I closed© my I could not lodk. 1 don't know where 1 shot her. Then I shot my-- self twice." . Mary's fither, frightened -- by the Shots, returned home for ald and, re-- turning, fourd Lichtenberger and his daughter unconscious in the ear. * MThe shooting. . Lichtenberger | sald, Mowed two--days and nights snent in his, automobile. 'The second night, the gar was parked in asfichl near *'4e # home after.they had run out of KaAS. Iichtenberger said, and' the fol-- mornin#. --they saw the "giri's ' approaching. * e girl became terror--strickens and fi:flflt}, to xu; h;r.. K&e h-:'u, She a' .gun, which . hes } , with rifé. Lichtenberger said and threat, ened to shoot herself but he took it away from her and shot her once. ' Ingenic. Fraud. & -- A Paeris mall order dealer objected to "the raige in postal rates, so tu sgending out stamped envelopes for re-- wiy he coveted the stamps with a thin layér of mucilage. When these came back, be sponged off the cancellation mark and used the stam»s over again. Unfortunately-- for him, postal detec-- tives 'discovered the ruse and hee was Sied 2000 francs, after successfully wotking 'the scheme in wmore than _ _ send us a list of our requirements covering lumber, windows, eic., and we will gladly send you our estiniate. _ Itis free and places you under no obligation.. Send for our builletin 8--2. . "Bheo wanted me. to" shoot her 4* guitaite tor" porchen. oth, n-n: 'or port! h uu&.mmh'zuum. x 4 'Write lor Hinstrated Price List Mo. T--2, Bailding Plans FREE | 1 plece.with drain board and back. -- --Sizes 42 Inche# mhd up. Complete with -- nitegs "..._....._...._. $12.50 ARE -- SHOT -- . TWICE Flat Rim Sink Specials--$3.00 and up .$5.00 flath Tub,, Lavatory and Low T ank fit. Complete with all fittings, Bath and Faucets. Spécial Sale Price..... YA Bathroom Outfits Reduced C108ET $ETS °; BATH _ _Tollet Seata I dexed bath fi.'m _at ~$20 | _ cooke $26.00 TH _ ROOM OUTKIP 'complete with Fittings and Deep Amm URVRIOTY * .....coacsccivenevmeccrecs eta WAUKEGANK PLUMKBIHG SUPPLY CO. 1401 Washington Ht., Cor of Butrick «. «--Furnished with white Vit-- reous China bowl and new Low tank style The Gert!: Hunter. "Personalily, you know,.I am very fend of hunting. ©But, then, you see, I beiong to the society for the pro-- tection of animals. -- However, I found a way out of my dificulty. Whengver J go huntifg I use blank ceartridges."-- Cheerfulness is just as 'natural to the beart of a man in strong health as color to his cheek; and wherever there is habitual gloom, there must be either bad air, unwholesome food, improperly severe labor or erring hab-- Its of 1fe.--Ruskin La Bajonnette, With nickle--plated 1 Regular . $4.00 value. Our price ............_.... & meens 4 We Nh ane w Low tank style. Furnished ~with white _ Vitreous China=Bowl! and B Tig. at.. 3190" IAvAtoREs -- 22x26 Bowl with stand. Pure Chi-- | na. Regular in o P 7 ie aiineese | n 00202 . llw,hlfll;h,u eut..b\ut: «L/ seally. one of 'the new <toat --davesses for spring. 'The "ma-- terial is kashes in natural color striped and crossbarred in brown. The beart tfigy be worn as in the pic-- wure, or loose in front revealing a $36.00 _ value. srice $14.00 _-- PIPE and .PIPE FITTINGE& Pipe and Fittings, Btandard , SPECIAL TOILET §EAT th nfimflzfis hin Man's Demeanor Tolis Tale. up o vame a% in ra" $2.40 / Iinch 130 'I'lm 18e White Porcelain east fron Bath Tubs 5 ft. com-- * plete with in-- Onthank, chief of the Domes-- tie Cour Division, who said that the saurvey in progress centers in ~Philadeiphia, while the second Washington, Jan. 21--A nationwide economic analysis for the benefit of domestic trade has been launched b the Department of Commerce. ¥ PLAN . BUSINESS BOOSsT COMMERCE BODY STARTS THRIFT PROGRAM FOR U. S. Make: Survey --of Domestic Commerce z All States to $# # * « "'la'." <~--*"The result will be a big cut in marketing costs, shorter hagls for freight, quicker delivery of goods, more satisfactory service and fower prices to the consumer and a reduc-- tion in transportation congestion 4t the, rush seasons." , HMHeavy losses incurred in long dis-- tance shipping will be eliminated by furnishing wholesalers. and retailers with accurate information as to the the s ' . «Phoat on Hotle *3 l:" th:. year is centers tion be analyzed. The c-a:'.' gn- will embrace . New n ew > York, Pitisburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Kansas City, Deu-- ver, New Orleans, . the -- Southwest, Ban Francisco and Seattle districts. "The dual aim of the department is to put, all wholesale and retail business on a scigntific basis, and t» furnish business men with accurate information as to their potential mar-- kets, and the types of commodities required 4n the markets," Onthank told International News Service. K C .iL 30 A ¥ The Fesie Aphie. The report of the Smithsonilan (n-- stitution, Just issued, gives an account bf the hop aphis, in which the amazing fecundity of theso minute insects is m: According to the author, the r aphis produces 1% generations in a year. As each gemeration con-- tains an average of 100 Individuals, it was revéaled that her progeny--bar-- ring destruction from attacks of ene mies Wid other nstural causes--would number well into ten sextiHlion aphides annually..--Sslentifier American. requirements of their own territories, accordiig to Onthank, known is in the tower of the palace at Mampton court, where 1t was placed In 105651 <It was so complete that it showed Q':o motions' of several of the planets, 'In. addition 10 measuring the Kok s mc tMAT M mey A . [4s) ' Y P ... .:;. ppallth. -- _: 00 _: , < 7 i¢ f _ -,. '. P " 4 Oldest: English . Cleck. A five tube tuned Radio Frequency> Receiver inco n h proven detail of advanced radio ?outnietlon. lyeeotunpipornelihg every . known : aod The selectivity and o * volume . of this set . mMiiaanntrmtmmemmemenmnmemennniiiii im . ecannot be beat. [ Wheauee meommmcemne: Pav ()nlx}. c The Apollodyne may be had complete with all necessary accessories for Hittle as--$129.00. h e t 5. > w * sories including cholce of Baldwin or Music Master--Loud Speaker for as little as---- The new Pfanstichl 5 tube "Mo@el~7" may be sold complete with all acces-- . 66 ApO"OdE eu -'Sum-Wer" $ 7 5 The Pfanstiehl 5 Tube Life Insurance a# By--Product. Life insurance is an »itgrowth. of the custom of insuring ships ano car-- goes, practiced hy the owners. from olden times. _ They . would Iinsure against the loss. of the ship tblu: the death of the skipper. 'These | cles were issued by Individuals before compéantr> ea+me "~ +~.existence.. «=-- Deviifish Protected by Mature, _ Wheo-- amaler~ desiitsh --swim -- in shoaJu, as they move they change theis en acconliog® 10 their. 80f-- roundings, They have an ther device which enables them to egsonpe when hargd pressed. This is the ink bags, by means of which they can pour out.a dark Auld which makes the sea around them thick and clo=n»~. An average of 2173 persons a diay jfoin the vacious churches in the United We guarantee this radio to pick up stations -- all . over the ©United States, and Canada. Pay Onlv $2 A Highly Efficient Long Range Receiver 2178 a Day Join Church. ... $16.95 _ $2.98 eago, Zion and Bigin. _ ~Abso-- lutely complete with phones, set gerial, © ground, Crystal Set Warranted . to bring. in Chi« y UnIy < 'Veekly 1 The 5 Tube "Appollodyne" $12.00. value *"** _ 98c $5.62 _ 69¢ etc, AUTOMOTIVE ENDURANCE, hard rub« ber, 110 Amp» 11 plate, 6 voit battery guaran years, k guara $2,00 value............. 4§voit, . large size, §4.00 value ........_... A natlionally known make, 2#2%% volt== Complete parts of the well known "Superdyno'"' . with . blue , prints, . panel, etc., all ready to put. .. ., 'm'h" ....u-...mu-«--guw ' "Build your own" and ayold the of heavy um;ah ' h TUSKA'8 + 4 Tuska 4 Tube '"Superdyne" Guaranteed _ > Headphones f Special . high . quality M ; phones, warranted to give . lasting> service, others get as . high as $4.50 for these head-- phones; our price while ~they fast u-sze' j One pair to a customer o "Model 7" They stand vith puffed--out bodies, d@rooping wings, and: blood--shot 27y¢8, U} 0 . Rapuisive Birds, '. ®f The 'greatest Cind gourmoand'Is the vulture of southeast Europe. Beven vultures can sirip the cureass of a horse in half an bour,. 'After such a meal they can O#x onlry « few varis, street.----Atchison Globe, That it is the wite's pr 4 Classes. of-- society, to Iny @M the money for foml. was the dictwm lai down by a Loncon (Engl=nd)! magis trate in --decidinz n mat wals ' pute, which arose h't R bund, ssatisfied with --de-- cided to purchase the food bimselt, Wite's Privilege to B. Batteries : .. _ Life's Handicape. Pay Only «J4. Weekly! ... $1.39 _ $2.79 $3 # «t ie x3