l Blg 10 Days' EZ4 .. -- °C T CC ns C | Clearance Sale %¥ . made from young pig pork butts; per pound...._. 4*# _ Swift's Bacon, 2 to 5--lb. pieces; per pound................28¢ ~Shoulder Pot Roast of Beef, cut from Yearling' zzc _ Veal, Lamb and Beef Stew, per pound.....................12¥/ze¢ $s w& Loin Roast, per pound.................._..........18¢ s and Frankfort Sausage, per pound...............18¢ Mfl!fi[ s PR()I[(}EON plus INV[SI![II We Are | Equipped For Service The Most Valuable From January 21 to Jan. 31, Inclusive two bottles for ..._.__________. to the can; two cans for ....________.. Rider's A--1 Tomatoes, No. 2%/4 Size; three cans for ... Extra Quality Four Seam White Enamel 79 Brooms; a real buy for .....__._.__._._._____.L......._. C Triggs & Johnson Special Coffee; blended by us for par-- ticular people, who want an exceptionally fine flavored coffee at a moderate price--for this sale only ; 51 00 two pounds for ..._..__._.__________._._._.2.cccc2cc22l22222222 * P. & G. White Naptha or Crystal Soap, 29 c Crepe Toilet Paper, three large rolls for ..zsc Triumph Family Flour, 24!/4--lb. Sacks ; limit of one sack to a customer; . satisfaction guaranteed, or $l 00 money refunded; per sack.............._._._.__._._______ * Ferndale Brand Maple Syrup, quart size, 57c¢; 90 , Heinz Catsup, large size; Libby's Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, 8 slices pint size, per bottle .......... Triggs & Johnson's Homemade Pork Sausage. FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent banking service, is that which encourages and helps depositors to get the best results from their own individual effort in developing them-- selves or their business. © ?'t forget the Flme;sn'dl'mhgn'tme;mr? Big9 Dajy(; S o "fll*'. Y, y, Jan. s mlg 1, at the Libertyville Township High School. THE LAKE CoUNTY NaATIONAL BANK Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. J A NU A R Y "The Bank of Service'"' s & Johnson o Cordially vours, __ 65c __ 65¢ _-- 62¢ . 43¢ 29¢ 22¢ "Red" Robley also has a place for first money, and a real race is looked for. The Young People's Dept. of the M. H. Sunday School will have a sleigh ride party Friday night, Jan. 23. All meet at the church at 7:30. A number of Libertyville race horse fans will go to Wauconda next Sunday where a hot race will be run on the cold ice. . Bert F nsted has been grooming his prize nag all this week, and already has first money spent. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith and their guest, Clif Shulander, of Bluff-- ton, Ind., were here from lvnd'lake last Thursday visiting relatives. -- Philip Bensinger has 'been on the sick list the past week, threatened| with pneumonia, but is improved at: present. 4 Mrs. Elizabeth Wurl returned Mon-- day to her home in Laramie, Wyoming after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fendick. W. I. Collins was in Chicago Tues-- day to attend the State Convention of Illinois Monument Dealers, held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. O. P. Meyer was in San Pierre, Ind., the latter part of last week. -- Mr. Meyer owns a farm near the Hoosier town. HHHHMINNNHNNN Mrs. B. R. Prosser and littel son visited relatives in Waukegan several days this week. Libertyville Garage sold last week a Chevrolet sedan to Albert Godwin, of Hawthorn Farm. * Don't forget the candy sale to be given by the Camp Fire Girls at the Farm Bureau January 24th at 2 p. m. Joe Alkoier is driving a new Max-- well coupe, delivered last week by the Ree Motor Co. Mrs. James Curran and Mrs. Lue Imsk of Round Lake were guests at the Mason home Sunday. Miss Ruth Hafemant® was in Grays-- lake Thursday visiting Miss Florence Mr. and Mrs. J. Vikengey of Chi-- eago were here Sunday visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Herman Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee were here from Round Lake Friday evening to see the triple basket ball games, kegan Sunday visiting Miss Martha Pietz. Mrs. Hugh Carney was here from _ Lewis L. Pepper was n Libertyville Chicago Friday, visiting her son, Wednesday night from Barrington and Fred Carney, and family. bought a Ford touring car from J. N. hP 2 S Bernard of Libertyville Garage. WE ARE; and that's the WAY it ought to be, BECAUSE we're too busy WITH our own business TO BOT with theirs; AND tlnm us to REMARK that everybody * OUGHT to be a specialist IN HIS particular line, AND while we may not KNOW as much about the ' DRUG business as WE should, we are trying CONSCIENTIOUSLY to 'use WHAT KNOWLEDGE we have TO provide 'you with THE best goods at the BEST prices possible, ALWAYS. Miss Jeannette Blere was in Wau-- Local and Personal Short Itemis of Espécial Interest to Libertyvilie People Start the New Year with W ork WE ARE ready to admit RIGHT now that Philo Burgess KNOWS more about farming THAN we do, and that * JACK BERNARD can repair AUTOMOBILES better than WE CAN; and that Dr. Penny IS a better doctor than P. 8.--THIS week WHITE PINE AND TAR COUGH SYRUP, 39c. Telephone 29 -- [d U GINGHAM PERCALES rse week over the prophecies of folks who day see into the future. The'total eclipse the of the sun is scheduled for next Satur-- een day morning at 7:11, and some say it eek, is a forerunner of the end of the ent. world. John went: to the show Tues-- irst day night and to prayer meeting on r. > Wednesday night. s '--"-'-' The Fun Makers, a four--piece or-- im Chestra, which is fast gaining popular-- ity, and the vodvil team, Liz and Low, are to provide music and entertain-- iment for the next party: at'the Oak °*® 'Grove school. Many Libertyville peo-- :' |ple enjoyed the parties there in the . past year, and plan to attend the next ~ _ !one. « Earl Corlett is not near so inquist-- tive as he once was. On one of the recent cold days, he passed a man on Milwaukee avenue, who was busy at the pleasant job of cranking a stub-- born automobile. 'This man had been at the jo bfor quite a spell, and he was not a bit cold. When Earl passed, he (Earl) asked the man if he had a Waterbury. The fellow, a stranger, straightened up and made a remark something like this: k!ma!'*yZb!*%; shrdluetaoin" and Earl walked right on without replying. & | _ The windows at the--postoffice are|. W. F. Hafemann this week installed |now open during the time the mails in his dairy a new automatic bottling are beng distributed. Formerly these Machine. This is the last word in windows were-- closed, and caused an. bottling milk. The bottles are filled noying waits while a large amount of| With milk at the rate of about thirty mail was being put in the boxes. Post-- Pe" minute, direct--from the Pasteuriz-- ! master Ellsworth has been allowed an | inE machine, which makes it unnec» eytra clerk and the new arrangement C@S#ary for the milk to be handled by is very pleasing to the patrons of the | hand after it léeaves the farmer's can. local office. Mr. Hafemann says the new machine ' saves about an hour of labor each day. John Cole has been worried this | His dairy is now equipped with all the week over the prophecies of folks who | latest machinery for the handling and see into the future. The'total eclipse | marketing of milk. When he erected of the sun is scheduled for next Satur--| the present building he thought he day morning at 7:11, and some say it 'had roo mfor years to come, but with ;h a forerunner of the end of the | the installation of° new machinery, world. John went: to the show Tues-- |etc., he is getting rather crowded, and _day night and to prayer meeting on |another building will soon be neces-- Chris Peterson, who 'hauls the mail from Rondout each morning, keeps the gas tank in his car filled to the top all the time, since last Monday morning. Chris forgot it took gas to make the truck go, but he found it out about the time he got opposite the Copeland place on Rockland road. (He turned and tried to make it to Libertyville, dbut the bus went dead at the foot of the hill. «Chris walked to town and ltoted enough fuel to make the round trip. He says it is eight miles from the river bridge to his house. ry Baker was the winner of the first prize; Mrs. Veronica Wilcox, second; Miss Jennie Kern, third, and Mrs. Al Croonberg, fourth. A fter the games, a fine lunch was served. The John uandis home Monday eve-- ning was the scene of a party given by the Ladies' Bunco Club. Mrs. Hen-- M., next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock.|called there on account of the serious The degrees of Past and Most Excel-- illness of his mother, Mrs. H. C; Gwyn. lent Masters will be conrerred. All' Mrs. Gwyn comes from a noted fam-- members of the local Chapter are ur--|ily, being a sister of the late Sir Wil-- gently requested to be present, and liam Osler, M. D.; of Sir Edmund all visiting Companions are invited. |Osler and of the Hon. F. Osler and S D !B. B. Osler, K. C. Dr. Osler gained There will be a special Convocation of Libertyville Chapter No. 272, R. A. Marshal Limberry's voice was akin to the fog horn at Waukegan a part of this week. He contracted a heavy cold and part of the time was barely able to get around, but he stayed on the job. He is better now. William Pollitz, of Chicago, will be associated> with J. N. Bernard, in the sale of Chevrolet cars here. Mr..Pol-- lits has been in the automobile bus-- ness for many years, and knows the business thoroughly. At a meeting of the North American Union, to be held next Wednesday eve-- ning, January 28th, the officers for the ensuing year will be installed. All members are requested tobe present. Hearing to determine the mental status of Jens. E. K. Faverlo, of Lake Forest, was continued in the coun-- ty court, Relaiives otf Faverio are planning to send Faverlo back to Denmark, as he is not a citizen of this country. Jullus Houl, of Oaks, N. D., who had been here visiting Otto Boehm, left Bunday for New York on a business trip. APRON GINGHAMS 12 yards Ric Rac for . THURSDAY, IANUARY 22. 1925. CHAMBRAYS 250 _ _R. G. Kaping, of Libertyville, has been granted a patent (No. 1510324) on an ice--making apparatus. The in-- ' vention consists of a device whereby impurities ma ybe thoroughly expelied from the water during the freezing period. It is a valugble addition to ap-- paratus used in making artificial ice, jand Mr. Kaping has-- received numer-- \ous inquiries from ite manufacturers freutlve to his invention. For a num-- ber of years he was in charge of re-- |frigeration at the Great Lakes Naval |\Trdining Station. At present he is attending to the development of Sun-- Inyalde Park Subdivision in this village. | _A real boom was started in the sale of building lots in Libertyville last week. The fine subdivision of Sunny-- 'side Park, where lots were most in 'demand. Last week twenty--eight lots 'in this subdivision were sold, 25 ,to Chicago people and 3 to Libertyville folks. Wednesday of this week five , more lots were sold. This choice 'tract is ideally located, and the com-- |ing summer will see many new homes built there. Read the big display ad of this subdivision on page three of this issue. _ _A Dodge coupe, license number | 242--505 I11..--24., was discovered near | Gurnee Sunday by deputies out of the sheriff's ofice. They believe it is a ' stolen car and the property of a mill-- ing company located in Chicago. much notoriety some years ago on ac-- count of a joking remark that all men who reached the age" of 60 years had passed the age of usefuilness and should be chloroformed. The remark was taken seriously and heralded all over the world. Dr. Osler's mother lived to eb 101 years old. The Rev. H. B. Gwyn left Monday night for Hamilton, Ontario, being called there on account of the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. H. C; Gwyn. Mrs. Atchison, of Libertyville, this week was the recipient of a beautiful spray of orange blossoms and a large box of assorted tropical fruits, sent to her by her sister, Mrs. Edwin Mei-- sel, from Miami, Fia. Paige Jewett Xir TELEPHONES Residence -- -- 4 . J. Lyons Cars to 8 P.M. M These Items Mean. Economy to You Libertyville Lumber Co. | WE CAN FURNISH ON SHORT NOTICE ANY SIZE STORM . SASH FOR YOUR WINDOWS, .AND THE PRICE IS VERY _ REASONABLE. -- THESE SASH ARE A CREAT PROTECTION --_ AND KEEP OUT THE COLD DRAFTS. -- YOU WILL ALSO _ NOTICE A MATERIAL SAVING IN YOUR FUEL BlLSs. _ Telephone. 47 STORM SASH Estimates on the different | _ sizes and styles furnishs | . ed promptly EARL H. C Safe Investments First National Bank We own and offer for investment LM PR OVE MENT BONDS $100.00 Each Fancy New York Jonathan Apples DéF POURNC ................Bits.--escrerpessi¢es. Gold Dust Scouring Powder, _ P9§ Hillcrest Brand Peu?l. We also own and offer a choice selection of First Mortgage Farm Loans yielding 5 1--2 and 6 per cent. White Soap Chips per pound ........... California Oranges INFORMATION WILL BE GLADLY FUR-- NISHED ON ALL INVESTMENTS WITH-- OUT OBLIGATION. WE INVITE INQUIRY No, 21/p CHI conclnncensintnntnrsirenmceniccenommniicl Canteloupe Preserves 14--07, jar ......______. Good Kind Sliced Pineapple Swift Washing Powder large package for .... GRANDPA WONDER SOAP-- Village of Libertyville Help to Reduce Your Coal Bill 10¢, Size, _ 7 bars for.. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO eescessssseesensecasem 50¢ * ® | chan 1 for....z&' #it Down by the Old Depot . a «4 a cenescnectuh 16c 10c 20¢ 15¢ #Al 4A }.'Afl SW 3 A% ¥4