Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Jan 1925, p. 1

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th¥ ¥% b§ y EK c o_ wib.s : £2t). oofte t w5 Pbogi>' o ty Hhak c »' _g " Tt Sine, [ Apank ut c 14 t > :;%W- :andolph Boyd of Galva wr 4 & bill requiring all mo-- HJromfiollfll'wDNmN mm : diroad, it became known ¢ 'e Name time, his bill re POnrsE: y w i wpind Te 8t 12 wlete . lagrt» Mane, a Waukegan negro, whuw L -- mumber of allaes, Monday nont --1000-- to serve sixty days in »imp>~. Jail after nto:u'nmp:u MA 1 & charge vio t t ¥'-'" % ." f " 1AG)) *+*0, Is slated for the place :lhnd he would get it t'ie great opposition that B developed in the last 'Us appointment. 'I¥ve David L Swanson of . 'ated for chairmanship of * Ro judiciary commit-- 4 appointment goes all--Florence G, Jack alte Locks, Nellie J, Daisy tinnie Edgewood, Blaize the finish was: Hale sy Pointer, Paducah Kid. sts were close and fully + watched the -- unusual we racing on the ice. wlay there will be two ro for all pace for $200 #:2%5 pace for $100. The tholes -- declared . Repre-- hur Roe of Vandalia, mi-- leader, had not yet 'sub st of committee assign-- oo mlosnin aceurding is e8, according to i Teaders, ~ was having pace for $75 and the r1ed as follows: Florence attin, Edwin C Direst. reefor--all, 28 mile, for on Bangs lake at Wau-- of the sports now at-- lovers on Sundays and vents were pulled off lere were seven entries :, BANGS LAKE nity in agreeing on the 1 of the major; commit-- each intersection. Such e not less than 25 feet in seb still a bone of con-- ed SpringfNield today for ation 'in a wet and dry t a bill ready for intro-- 'olleagues said, which j_"'m of the dras-- arch and seizure liquor %hat were the zense> of vote at the next general id in the county P. L. Persons. is checking hp Thomas Cur-- Fying oppon-- amendment m, "so let's commit-- proper of ROAD BUILDERS OF LK.CO. TO PUT EM-- BARGO ON TRUCKS Take Action at Liberthille Meet Thursday to Save Dirt Roads in Spring. Association at their quarterly meet-- ing in Libertyville Thursday decided to put an annual embargo on heavy trucks every spring from now on to prevent the roads from being cut to pieces, and not only making them impassible but also resulting in heavy expenses to the various townships in improving them. Heavy trucks, under this action. will be required 'to operate over paved roads during the time that the dirt and gravel roads are soft, when the frost leaves the ground. There were about 60 road officials at the meeting, which, was held at the Chamber of Commerce headquar ters. A general interchange of ideas on how to improve roads was the order of the day. --. E. D. Hubbard, Town Clerk of Lib-- ertyville, was chairman of the com-- mittee on arrangements. N. M. Isabelal, of Madison, Wis.. maintenance engineer of the Wis consin highway department, expert on road construction wrok, gave an address on gravel road construction and maintenance. j Moving pictures were also shown relative to grading and repair work with a talk by an implement repre-- sentative named Hagerty. Efforts are on foot to gain a parole for l'rmt Hoy, aged McHenry county er who is now serving a one to ten year term in the state pen-- itentiary at Joliet ftor confidence game and embezzlement. gfhy will be elig-- ible to parole withinwthe next month or so, having served eleven months of his sentence. _ . . PAROLE IS BEING SOUGHT FOR HOY UI MID BORUSMUCY # The condition of" Mr. Hoy's health is a factor, it is said, in the move to secure a parole. 6 CONSTABLE HIT BY HIS OWN CAR Constable . Fred "Spot" Petitclair is limping today off the left leg. It is badly, skinned, bruised, etc. When he was cranking his Ford last Friday the oritter started off on its own accord and was not satisfied until it had chased Spot around the lot a couple of tHmes anr skinned his shins. He has not been estrang-- ed from his car, aven after the ac-- cident. The Township Highway Officers RTYVILLE INDEPENDEN INDEPENDENT THE BUSY MAN'S NEWSPAPER ROMPEL MAKING -- MANY CHANGES IN DRY FORCES Former _ Waukegan -- Pastor Active in Prohibition En-- -- forcement in State. Changes in the organization of the AntiSaloon league in central Illinois with a view to obtaining better en-- forcement of the prohibition laws have been announced at Springfield by Rev. Henry Edward Rompel, for-- mer pastor of the First Methodist church in Waukegan, more recently pastor of a church in Joliet, but now superintendent of the league's activ-- ities in the southern part of the state. Under the new plan, the central and eastern districts will be 'consol-- idated with headquarters at Spring-- field and Rompel as superintendent. C. R. Johnson, R. E. Owen, E. E. Fletcher, Hayward H. Johnson and E. E. Hudson have been named field secretaries, and N. R. Johnson will act as assistant to Rompel, who will co--operate with State Supt. Frank B. Ebberts in representing the dry causeé at the present session of the assembly. Dr. A. W. Smith, the Rev. J. E. Artz and G. D. Childs will continue as special workers for the league, and a special staff of inveéstigators will be organized to secure evidence against and assist in the prosecu-- tion of persons who violate the pro-- hibition law. ~\ All cases in which evidence is pro-- cured, by the-- special investigators of the dry organization will be turned over to the state's attorney of the county in which the alleged violation occurred for prosecution. Mrs. J. McGregor Adams of High-- land Park, I!1., is greatly improved, according to word received here yes-- terday. Mrs. Adams was treated by her physician on her private car at Birmingham, Ala., and arrived at Thomasville, Ga., in good condition. Her Iliness led to a delay of 20 min-- utes in the departure of a faville and Nashville train from {E ing-- ham, Ala., on Friday. * TWO MORE REAL ESTATE IN LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP IS TAKENTLL ON TRAIN; IMPROVED Two mote realty dealers are re portad at TLibertyville, as follows: Ray Rice of Cooper & Rice has bought 24 acres opposite the Spring Valley Country club for $750 an acre and 40 acres onwhalft mile north of the S8t. Paul right of way at Libertyville for $800 an acre. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL+INOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925. Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyville, lilinois, as Second Class Mail Matter. (Arculation Grcater thas Callahan Brothers and the Callahan Dairy company of Waukegan won a $10,000 damage suit which was filed against them by Ernest Johnson, a young man regidin gin Waukegan road, west of Waukegan, for injuries the latter received in a collision with a truck driven by C. C. Hutch inson, an employe of the company, on the night of Nov. 30, 1923. The case was taken from the jury late Thursday afternoon after the tes timony in the trial. The court ex-- plained his reason for taking the case from the jury was that the employers of Johnson were liable; if anyone, for damages under the state compensation ast. CALLAHAN WINS DAMAGE SUIT; NEW LAW POINT ARGUED $10,000 Suit is Taken from Jury by Court as Testimony Hutchinson, driving a truck, claim-- ed there was no light on the grader and he ran into it from the rear. The team of horses hitched to the grader became frightened and dragg-- ed Johnsoh for some distence. Hutch-- insor took Johnson to the hospital. Johnson was employed by the Warren Township highway commis-- sion and was operating a grader. He was on his way home when the accident occurred. A point in law was brought out by Callahans' attorney to the effe¢t that an employe is entitled to dam-- ages from his employers if he is injured even after regular working hours, proidving he is on his reg-- ular way home. It was indicated that this was one of the points upon which the court decided in taking the case from the jury for the reason stated. TAKE NO APPEAL IN 1 CT. VERDICT Judgment for one cent was entered Tuesday in cireuit court against Eva Harrison and her sister, Mrs. Nellie Sanborn, of Antioch, that sum be-- Ing awarded last week by a jury to their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. John Brogan, for false arrest. Motion for a new trial was overruled without argument and no motion was --made for an appeal, counsel for the defense Indicating sthat the judgment and court costs, amounting to only a few dollars, would be vald. Charges of attempt murder against A. C. Ferguson, of Libertyvillie, who made an alleged confession to the states attorney in confiection with the shooting of Joe Salotico, of Rondobht, Jan. 1, were not heard be-- fore Justice Hervey Coulson as acheduled for last Saturday. The case was continued for one week. 's Big Weekly [\ | REPORT ARMOUR | _ INSTITUTE IS To * MOVE TO LAKE C0. hak 45 That Armour Institute of Technol-- ogy, one of the forement institutions of its kind in the world, is to be mov-- ed from its present location in Chi-- cago to Lake County, is the report which reached this city Monday. The rumor is to the effect that it is to be located on property owned by the Armours, on Green Bay road, north-- west of u§e Bluff. Thls' pro?_?'r'ty 'Ll Information Is that Big School Armour. It was learned Monday from an ap-- parently reliable source that a meet-- ing of the board of directors would be held in a few days to discuss the proposed relocation of the Institute. The Institute is operated principa)}-- ly for the benefit of ambitious persons who do not have financial means to attend other institutions which are operated on a paying bni_l. -- The Armours still maintain con-- trol of the Institute, and it is reported that members of the family gave out the information concerning the plan to change its locations There have heen rumors that the Institute would be consolidated with the University of Chicago, but Mrs. Armour is re ported to be opposed to this plan. It is believed that this may have led to a plan to locate the institute on the Armour property in Lake county. The Comptroller of the Institute declared Monday that he had heard nothing of the reported re--location. He stated that if it were authentic he likely would have information con-- cerning it.. He is also~secretary of the board of directors. From--this it would be indicated that in case a change is contemplated !+ would be instituted by members of the Armour Family. % * The offices and Institute are locat-- ed at 3300 Federal street, which is regarded as not being the most suit-- able location for such an education institution. > For a great many years Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus guided the affairs of the Institute. And his name has be-- come immortalized through bis ef-- forts in inspiring young men to gréeat-- The institute was founded by Philip Danforth Armour. who founded the meat packing business bearing his name in Chicago. It was endowed with $1,500,000, which was increased later. He also founded Armour Mis-- Mary Stasaitis, Waukegan-- Proof of heirship taken. Letters of admin-- istration issued to Anton Stasaitis. Estate consists of personal prop-- erty valued at $550. 8 Margaret Rogan, Highland Park-- Petition for probate of will filed and set for hearing Feb. 16, 1925. er efforts. Asa Joice, Ivanhoe--Proof.of Heir-- ship taken. C o Millie Brock--Cause of action for de;'? settled for $900. na aMrie Leaver, minor--Guar-- dian authorized to expend $7 per week for care of ward. George A. Rieh!, insane, Zion. -- Final report approved. Conservator discharged. €u ue on 1A Emnest Fisher, Area--Final report approyed. Estate closed. _ _ Harry B. Smith of Antioch was found "not guillty" in the circuit court in a sult brought by L. P. Wilcox of Channel Lake, who asked damages following an automobile ac-- cident. In a qjustice court Wileox wasawarded $300 judgment, the ac-- tion of the circuit court jury nul-- lyfying the judgment. Defendant Smith 'claimed Wilcox did not appear to have his car undtr control, stat-- ing that it was swaying from side A number of probate matters were acted upon Thursday before Judge Martin C. Decker, as follows: Jemima Joice, Ivanhoe--Proof of Heirship taken. oo HARRY B. SMITH IS "NOT GULILTY" Mrs. John Cater,|>80 years old, of Libertyville, slipped on the icy steps of the Methodist ,hurch 'Thursday, and fell to the ground with such force that her left shoulder was thrown out of place. She will not sut-- permanent injuries from the accident, according to Dr. J. 1. Taylor, who re duced the injury. L PROBATE MATTERS HEARD THURSDAY to side AGED WOMAN IS HURT IN TUMBLE iformation is that Bi% SChno of Technology Will Be Lo-- cated Near Lake Bluff. of the estate of the Philip D. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN STARTS TO CLEAN UP LAKE BLUFF ; CLEANS UP JAIL They do things in a hurry down at Lake Blufl. 1 George Williams, who claims he bails from Minneapolis, Minn., tried last week to clean out the passenger station 'Of the North Shore Electric road at Lake Blufl. Before he had hardly put his threat into execution, he was seized by the police of that village and brought before Police -- Magistrate J. D. Doyle on a charge of being drunk and disorderly and creating a disturbance. In about three minutes he was on his way to the county jJail where he will rusticate for the next 30 days and perhaps be gievn a chance to help clean out that in-- stitution. TWO CHARGED WITH BEATING AND ROB-- BING H. HOFFMEIER at Libertyville: Hutchinson, in a complaint to--the sheriff's office sev-- eral weeks ago, stated that his car was stolen and that Linsteadt and a friend were driving to Florida, although they had no car of their own as far as he knew. Lindsteadt, who arranged Bail before . Justice Harry Hoyt, I¥ »denied that he bad taken thé tas. _ Walter Linsteadt, of Area, was ar-- rested Monday by Deputy Harry Ahistrom and charged with the theft of an automobile belonging to a man named Hutchinson, who. lives Grand Avenue Merchant Says He Was Robbed of Cash and Beaten Senseless. Two men are being held by the po-- lice on a charge of larceny and as-- sault, following warrants sworn out by Henry Hoffméier, who conducts a dellc?enen store at Grand avenue and Jackson street. George King, 21, of 3207 Gabriel ave. Zion. * 'The police have talked to Solt and say. that he disclaims any knowledge of what took place on Wednesday night. He is said to have made the statement that he and others were in the store drinking moonshine from a bottle which he provided, and that he does not remember anything about a robbery or attack on Hoffmeler. Two North Chicago boys who ran away from St. Charles industrial school, were captured last night by Deputy Sherifft D. <A. Weale after an exciting chase. -- The boys are Rudoiph Schpeski, of 13th street, and John Kuzas, of 1116 Lincoin avyenue. They are being held at the county jail pending disposition of their cases in juvenile: court tomorrow. They probably will be taken back to St. Charles tomorrow. Harold Soli, 40. of 816 Edwards street. -- f CAPTURED TWO _ RUNAWAY BOYS The men being held have been booked as follows: According to the:story related to the police by Hoffmeier, two men en-- tered his place of business Wednes-- day night between 11 and 12 o'clock, held him up, taking between $35 and $40, after which one of the men is al-- leged to have struck him over the head with a club; knocking him un conscious. * CHARGE MAN WITH STEALING AUTO 6 SMALLPOX CASES \ _ ATDEERFIELD Hoffmeier did not make a report of the robbery and attack until Thurs-- day afternoon at 1:45 <~o'clock. A short time later Soli was arrested and locked 'up. King was placed in jail this morning., 7 s One of the men dropped a cap on which was pinned a chauffeur license badge. . The police say this belonged to Soll. Ho#fmeiler supplied the police with the names of the two men whom he said were his assailants, <He said he was positive in his identification because both men had been in his store several times before to make purchases. -- Ythoy: .. *CC dSix: Emaiipox eq: have been re-- ported at Deerfleld an . epidemic, which is now under control, accord-- Ing to Dr. C. Johnson Davis. vitlage health officer and school medical in-- apector. ' _ _None of the #ix cases have been sevete and there is no cause for alarm, according to Dr. Davia. The Deerflald achool anuthorities are also ge--operating in the plan to stamp out an mg:m. Prof R. R. Lowder-- milk, prin 1, being in charge. ARMED BANDITS BIND 3 SERVANTS; LOOT WEALTHY HOME Watchman and Two Maids at---- Joseph Michaels Home are -- Four armed bandits gained entrance to the home of Joummtm thy Highland Park 'Bat night about 9:30 o'clock, and after binding three servants, ransacked the place at will. Michaels returned home about 10 o'clock and found his ser-- vants tied hand and foot. -- He com-- municated with, the Highland Park police immediately. & A little later the Waukegan police received a call from the mnlg Park police asking them to be on the lookout for the robbers as it was be-- lieved that they came in this diree tion. The Niles Center extension now under construction is said to be ly the first link in this system. Bx-- tensiion of the Nileg north to the brancna from 8: to Libertyvilie and Area will to soon. it is believed. and lines hfi the lake region of Lake county extending west to the Fox river val-- ley are said to be contemplated. : Plans for a huge system of heavy duty interurban slectric railway limes: covering the entire Chicago area, are said to be in process of formation by the Insull interests. Purchase of more than 2,000 acres in Proviso township during the last few months has given rise to k rumor that an interurban line be brought into Chicaog from Joliet by the Insull group. A mw south line paralleling the course 0 the Fox river is said to be a part of the plan. age 12. Activity Near Lake Bluftt _ Unusual activity in farm lands in the Lake Blun-uw tor was nm During the last week further in this distriét has strengthened « belief that extensions westward and northwest are being planned. Beven large farms neat ville and Area have been recently at prices ranging from : to $700 an acre. The purchases to-- taled about 900 acres s' omit The following 'articles. are among those taken by the thieves: Two watches, a quantity of silverware, an overcoat, cap and railroad ticket to St. Louis, Mo. A sealskin coat also is missing and is believed to have been taken by the thieves. A check is being made to determine whether or not any: cash or jewelry was taken. The Michaels home is located in South Sheridan road, near Ravinia. At the time the robbery took place no members of the family were home. BIG INTERURBAN PLANS UNDER WAY _ The report was current last that the 8. L Tripp Co. and office buildings been the Insaill interests. N phatically denied by R. week. The story was yard was to be C nsed for other pat ¢¥ Proposed Extensive Enlarge-- ment of the olsm Indicat Boom. _ The watchman of the home answer-- ed a knock at the door. Four young men were standing outside.. In re-- sponse to his query as to what they wanted they claimed that they were police officers. They wore stars on the lapels of their coats and cmsa sd The watchman is of the belief he recognized one of the robbers and © supplied the police with the fellow's name. _A . strenuous effort is being made to locate him. s any fears the watchman might have felt. . He opend the door and admitted The moment they were inside the bandits overpowered the watchman, tying him hand and foot with strips of cloth which they obtained by tear-- ing up bedsheets. * *Ws s The report of the comprehensive Interurban plan has been current = rallway circles for some time. . is to the effect that the ' will ultimately dover the : f w cago guburban szone with a * of lines for both passenger AR freight s#ervice. / se uy s m In another part of the house the robbers found two maids who had re-- tired for the night.. The terror--strick» en girls also were mmw and to make doubly sure the tied them to their beds, warning them that if they made an outery they would be killed. * = One of --.the < maids had a emall amount of money in her purse which one .of the robbers© started to had been ill and needed thom badly. Whereupon the robber ly refrained from taking it. j $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE f*o4 Bound Hand and Foot. BY INSULL INTS. 4n NPR ?«g':

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