Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Feb 1925, p. 2

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:fl: ---- Reasonable Prices. -- Workmanship and materials _ ":'2'.'.'"" wrs To bensarkle aid their *At Gunrétiteed. Formedy with Cadilac Moter Cur Co. _ Cl lfns Wea. Prakes se nuy *' * | WHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY?" | FOR SALE i. |zsiz=> _1 1@ _'mm__._____. rion._come AND GET JUST -- || n grommee | r § **Whut 100 wan. l( ARLING T ON i *X aalmane ampne [| 4+ HOTEL + J + LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR --1' ---- CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINCERS 4 ~----_--WET WASH _--_ _-- # |an m'nnmumc;nvnmm --]) ~~*~~DRUDCERY OF THE WEEKLY wasn. | AUTOMOBILE PAINTING 4s "Thr very important 'decisions re made at yesterday's board meet * said Frank T. Fowler, Secre ry--Manager of the Chambér of Com RE/ ard Decides to Map Pro-- ram to Bring Apout' set C Tor Farm OTTO H. GROSS | . 44 CGuaranteed. Formerly with Cadillac Motor Car Co. First House East of River. it 3006 * W. BAIRD BENSLEY . 20 POUNDS FOR HIGH GRADE 95¢ 114 B.. EANERS AND DYERS _ _ * . o -- eruue," _ _ *3 Libertyrille and Highland Park flm Over -- Pearost Drag Store, m CHAS M. BERNARD dizcuss the many legisiaty m:-uly'ulrl}m*: "Our employment bureau thought is to bring together any unemployed and the employer. It will take some tions,". continued Mr. Fowler, "the directors are keeping faith with the spirit in ~property fostering commun-- ity 'advancement.' ' thousand members to properly func-- tion. Every dollar raised is account-- ed for and any interested citizen discuss the many legislative ques 'm' 'i'm" . mem h'Efi' fees must slv to carry on t work. > ~~~~____||[ WAUKEGAN, LL | . |SNo wW'sS PHONE 306| ~ * easions.--Next--Friday also is the 13th of the month. > &= The petition for stay of «zecution in the case of'John Kammerer, seD-- tenced to hang on Feb. 13 for the murder of fAve persons, was received by the governor and referred to the state division of pardons and paroles, which will consider it Monday. #% 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 The P. T.A. gave a very successful Valentine party for the school children . Lawrence Washington, colored, of Lake Forest, who wis to have been hanged next Friday for the murder of Nunie Mascolino, an --Evanston shop-- keeper, has received a reprieve until May 15 from Governor Smail, in or-- der for him to appeal to the supreme court. His l@wyers assert he is in-- sane. Washington has made a hard fight to escape the noose, and obtained a *__ LAKE ZIUVURICH Lawrence Washington, Lake Forest Negro, Was to Have -- Been Hanged --Fri.--13th. 1E at'$ p. m. refreshments. Mr. Simpson will bring |* -- Mr. Faust. a professor n writing, to give lessons in penmanship to _ _ Zrade puplis in Eis toenship Miss Florence Sutfin of Dundee vis The Orpheus Glee Ctub of Eimburst College will give a concert at Catiow's Auditorium at Barrington, under the ansplces of the Evangelical Ladies Aid Bociety of Lake ZEurich, Tuesday ore A number from here attended the basket social at the Pomeroy school Friday. A neat sum was realized for current expenses. f James Dymond returned last Friday from a sBbort business trip to Michigan. Marvin Payton was home from the Univeraity of Tilinois over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bchaefer and s Jean aitneded a birthday party in hon-- of Mr. Echaeter's sister in River For-- | correctinternal troubles, stimulate vital est this week. organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist " The members of the Rook club gaye | on the criginal genuine Goin MrpaL. a surprise party--on Mrs. Herman ~ Prehm at her home Wednesday eve | «nsm amnmemmmmmmenmnamntmmeme ning. Mrs. Herman Helfer of Liber-- Sn ocgemine w e tyville was the out of town guest. ¥ _ _ ¥" j & _ <oap February 12 will be Patron#' Day at | . the achool. The teachers and children wifl entertain--with. patriotic songs nduu«n All patrons and friends of attesd. Mr. Simpson has been asked to be present. The teachers will serve Mr. and Mrs. Lee Comstock of Bar-- rington were callers here Thursday. Good Meals 50¢ || Office 469 Res. 186M List Your Property With Us 10 to 11 a a., 1 to 6 a n 1 to 8 ap n Office Phone 12%; Res 11. _ > TO SLAYER OF We Aliso Write Insurance Dr. L. B. Jolly * ning, Feb. 17, at 8:15. This glee club ot more than ":g&.' wWill --give one and onequarter hours entertainment, and are gure to please all., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erost and family -- Mr. ~and NMrs. Fred Doolittle and | daughter of Waukegan spent, Sunday with Mrs. Henry Siek.~~ > | WM'(&M«W. Ed Sandman and Miss Lydia Kropp attended the Passing Show of 1924 in Chicago Tuesday: evening. Miss ..atherine Brewer and a friend were guests of Mrs. Walter Laun last lly in Barrington. _ _ . --~_~_ " Miss Della Kropp was home Highland Park visited Supnday with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simon. --__ _ _--> Evangelical League held their enter--| tainment at the church Sunday eve: Ited over the week end with Mrs. Lee® Landwer. ----~ $ _ W.G. Hartman was a Chicago vis-- Mrs. Doc Watson and son of Area veited several days with Mr. and Mrs. 'Misses Minnie Hapke and Rose Kropp attended the masquerade at Palatine Saturday evening. _ _ BRANDING--In fond memory of our dear wile and mother: It's just one year ago today That our dear loved one passed away. Aitho' her body slumbers here, Her soul is safe in heaven. . _ --~Its Chief Value Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rudoiph. »of haarlem oil has been a world-- cride remedy for kidney, liver and vladder disorders, rheumatism, gord MEng» ~ and was yed by noe. ,mmn even This Essex--6 --Coach Loving Husband and Sons. * IN MEMORIAM Essex is a totally different type. It gives re-- sults no other car ever gave. Low price, without disappointment in looks or _ _ The lowest maintenance cost, we believe, of any car in the world. -- | T'wo of every three Essex buyers _ But the patents which make the come to it from those whoform-- Super--Six the most enduring, -- erly. owned cars bought chisfly ~--smoothest motor and give it all ' for their low first price. advantages, also prevent any Just as the Coach body and _ from copying its chassis. Coach name have been exten-- * > sively copied, even by costliest cars, so must future mechanical 1 by a good at-- evening will be ease of a bi Economy without sacrifice of performance. Stability and highest roadability without unneces-- seek to approximate the The Chassis is Patented iding ease of large, costly cars. The handling ~ BERYVICE WORTH WHILE 8 k j s hi' f avoas Telephone 456 North Milwaukee Avenue w OY : THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR DELIVERIES oN SHORT NOTICE _ Just call inkupud state your is one of the very neces-- sities these --winter --days. We are always prepared to kind you need in both hard and soft coal. < . F. Franzen, Jr. Surely you cannot be satisfied with less than Essex offers. Its cost is but little more than cars of the lowest price. OUARANTEED _ Res. Phone 2588 : Office 344 , Reverse Charges on Busnen Calhe FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING ummmmuuaym of Each Month at Masonic Hall CardtiaUa--tartAtac Office in First NMatiowm! Bank Buildine Hours:--1 to $:30 and ! to 8 p m Residente on Broadway. opposite Pars LIBERTTVIILALEL, HIAANO!I8 Phonse 329 Libertyvilie, im > Offizce With Firm Biartis. Attornéy at Law LULBERTYVILLE, ILLJANOI8 WCB BUILMING Res Phone« 134 M Office Phome 1 Meoets Each Menday Night at 8 o'oiese PMRS8T NATIONAL BANK BLDPA Vieiting Members Cordially invram ROY WATERS, N. G. WILLIAM MoLAIN SBena's LIBERTYVILLE, i1LLiwmog _ Meets Zno and 4th Tussday of Hae I'l-;nl-_ ---.,4" m m complete for a sot figure so you may know just what cont will be R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libartyvills 148.R--1MBA Going to Build? Cattle Tested for Tah----~om FPREE OF CH ARGE NSURANCE A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. Phone 217M . FARM AND STOCK SALES s A1TORNEY AT--LAW Office at Home on Cook A C. Orir nell, MARBLE AND CRANITE VETERINXARY S8URGERON TELEPNMONE as LIBERTYVILLE ILLIONIS 116 South Gemese St. WAUKECAN, ILLINOHS EKvenings of Kach Month. _ _ WILLIAM S8TOCKEY, Pres . ORORGE~C. SMALL, Becretary . DR. J. L. TAYLOR MANUEFACTURER or L1 contract to furnish inbor l and material on your houss A. A. Grandy [ Acue came po. im No. 272. R. A. M. Meets First and Thir® _ Friday Nights of Kasch _ No. 131 Avenue

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