Pup ie -- Prominent Lake Forest Resi-- dent Had Been Ailing for --~----Some Time at His Home. _~STUDEBAKER --C. G. WENBAN DIES -- AT AGE OR 86 YEARS Curtis Gideon Wenban, one of the Oldest residents.of Lake Forest, died :fit at his l_ono!tharlo'. aged 86. was postmaster for years at Damond Lake, I!L, and : moved o Lake Forest 10 years ago to. estab-- lish a livery barn. He served for many years 06 the city council and board of education of Lake Forest, and also was supervisor from Shields -- He is survived by lhis widow. to whom he had been. married for 56 ~KODEL RADIO 'Y ET i ihe mms i# 1¢ ~discovered by an independent--experi-- ODEL is "h,. m."...e!@!:d.'cnnnl teanit that it nicks up Sta-- nmmmemenentnnneemetemeeieenntnnninemmmmmmannenmneneente ELCC 1 cce er RADIO FOR EVER Y PURPOSE AND ANY PURSE--$ P P f 1 /3 t 'fTO $80 "t:l:l FA menter. So wonderful is the KODEL circuit, that °l tions 1,000, miles away, using only one tube and no aerial, tions are right. Add tubes and you increase distance and you succeed in covering 3$.000 miles on the loud speaker. only a turn of two dials." All KODEL %'l'l'le the uniq@e KODEL cireuit, and may be oper-- ated4 {rom either s e or ¢rv haitery tubes at will, and without an wuc4Gf KETIKA, 11 Wee.. _ s.~* *s y ym > P is' . c-- ttuks~ YA ----If you want distance and quality--KODEL. --If --KODEL. If your pocketbook is limited--KODEL results regardjes#of cost--KODEL. This is the KODEL Three Tube Set Telephone 212--J This Set will tune through all Stations with perfect ease NEW PRICES STANDARD SIX 3--Pass. Duplex-- Roadster . $1125 5--Pass. DuplexPhaeton . 1145 The Radio Shop PQn i1 mm Pb in * * f -- --THUIS IS A STUVUDEBA K ER Y E A R Only the prices have been reduced--the quality has not been ' changed | Write For Descriptive Literature LIBERTYVILLE GARAGEKE J. N. Bernard, Proprietor AND SALESZSER VICE Best By Test 19 NEW MODELS land,--Onid,. ... years, ~and by --six --children: --Attor-- ney Albert C. Wenban of Wilmette; Frederick, Frank and --George Wen ban, who tre in business in Lake Forest; Mrs. Henry Rhode, and Miss Ruth M. Wenban. ~~ SHERIFF WOULD _ . _ GIVE AWAY NAGS Two nags, that kicked loose a few beehives in the vicinity of McAree road, can be had for the asking .At the sheriff's office. The horses ax doqlbd as good steeds and full work. . 'za inlml-- are etrays from farms, a the owners cannot be lo-- cated, The county will have to pay & months board bill for the animals as it is, and this is given as the reason for giving them away. The first come will be the first served, according to the sheriff. Battery Chargers, $12.00 Up $80.00 If you want simplicity EL. Even if you want that it picks up sta-- ) aerial, when condi-- ce and volume until eaker. All this with in' Cleve How®to keep the high power radio stations from~T6cating in Lake Coun-- ty and thereby monopolizing the air so far as Waukegan and Lake County radio set owners are . concerned seems to be the chiel concern of loc al radio fans. B. L. fienderson, loc-- al radio dealer and fan submitted a letter to the Daily Sun which was printed in last eevning's edition. In this letter he exrpessed fear that un-- less something is done Lake County radio receiving sets soon will be shut off from the rest of the world. Today the Sun received state-- ments from scores of radio set own-- ers in which they stated that Mr. | Henderson has expressed their views exactly. l All assert it as their belief that the great objection raised by Chicago radio set owners to the proximity of stations is what is causing these sta-- tions to seek locations outeide of Chi-- cago. Lake county is selected as the ' logical site because of its proximity to \ from their studios in Chicago the 'stations will broadcast by . remole PLAN FIGHT TO KEEP NEW SUPER . STATIONS AWAY Local Radio Fans Will Ask the Chamber of Commerce to Thampion Their Cause. o Me e o on ie Ane ies i ep t t m P [m!;ht be a good thing to take the | matter up with the Chamber of Com-- merce and wage 4 rea} Aght to keep 'xh« stations out of the county it pos \sible --Waukegan Sun, Feb. Tth. | a # 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 -- *k a# xk ®k | _ Mr. and Mrs. R. King of Long lLake -- »re Round Lake business callers on Saturday. _ LeRoy and FEimer Hendee were Chi WLGERPGITW MORRT ES memnsnescs, Sn control from the distation sending stations. Thus Chicago will get the benofit of the advertising of having the stationd' but Lake County will get all the deplorable features, accord-- ing to local fans. They, say that were it not for the fact that there is so much obvjection to having the sta-- tions in Chicago there does not seem mm be--gev r~*--on why the new ;g: * ROUND LAKE ¥ * k % % 4 % 4 4 4 * * #% + C O RAERMOREME AMCED M S Mr. and Mrs. Junge and children were Chicago visisore on Bunday. Miss Clara Amns is spendink aA fed days at the Haro! Kennedy home, as Mrs. Kennedy has sick in bed for the past week. Mrs. Elizabeth !'oxlsno'u'hot visitors on #% %4 % 4 * : INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1925 the John Daley home. . | Dr. Reiber and Miss Mable Hironi-- --mus of Chicago were callers at the C. | McCandles homie on Monday. * the water months wth her daughter, Mrs. Earl Barron, of Grayslake. Ed Krapple of Long Lake was in Rownd Lake on Saturday . Mrs. Joseph Fitz and Earl Jacobson were McHenry callers on Wednesday. Mr. Streeter of Long Lake was in Round Lake one day this week. Dr. Palmer of Waukegan and Dr. Clark of Grayslake were called to the Pillings home but the baby is report-- ed no better. -- ~~Arthur ~Anderson ~--#aspent ~ Saturday evening at the Fitz home. c A large crowd attended the free Jec-- ture and lunch given at the grammar school by the Community church last Friday. Earl Jacobson was a Gayslake caller on Saturday afternoon. . 80 _ Len Fay, of Harvard, was in Runod Lake last week. at the Raiph David"home. -- Mrs.: Leo Hendee and son Leroy, motored to North Chcago to see-- the former's motheF, Mfs. N. Kretschmer, who s mprovng from her !| health. _ Mrs. Lue Gaffga and sster, _Mrs. Goldy Phannnstll of Waukegan were n Round Lake ths week. s _ , Miss Lfllian Larkin was in Round Lake one day this week. a Ee _--_Mr. and Mrs: O'Mara and chidren of Rver?Forest were callers at the Ed Brown home on &unday.. -- ~o_ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterkort and daughter of Evanston, -- Mr. anq _ Mrs. 0. A. Howard, daughter Sarah, Mrs. Belle Dietz and Mrs. Joe Davis, were Waukegan callers last Saturday. _.Mrs. Mike Lubbe is spending & TeW days with her parents in Milwaukee, this week '---l-lr;"n--ay Morre!l and Mrs. C. Mor-- rill ealled at the S. Bauer bome last Wednesday afternoon. s Mrs. Joe Amann was a Waukegan caller last Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frost and child-- Wegner home. Miss Barbara Amann galled on her aunt Miss Anuna Amann on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young hiave mov-- ed into the Peter Meyer home mear Jim Curran's ° s _ Mr. and Mrs.: Mike Pitzen and fam-- ily were. McHenry callers on Wednes-- Mr. and Mrs. Clit Sunday at Grayslake Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bracher (MiS» Rena Rosing) arrived in 8t. Paul, Minn., Saturday, where they will make their home. _ Mrsé. Katie Nolan entertained Mr and Mrs. Wheeler from Chicago lasi Sunday -- C Mrs. Myrtle Litwiler has been con-- fined to her home by iliness the past ~Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leonard and lit-- tie son spent the week end at Lak« week Mr~ and Mrs Ward and son, who have been living in the Nolan flat, have moved back to Long Lake. _ Mrs. Elima Peterkort and Mrs. G. Kir-- wan of Volo were in Woodstock last Mrs. Anna Larsen spent a rew days Miss Olive Renehan of Waukegaa was at the Peter Meyer home m Miss Florence Smith was a caller Tuesday. Earl Jacobson and Veima Fitz were in Libertyville Thursday evening. ExA Brown,. C. G. Brainard, Mre: dack Imrley and Mrs. Elma Peterkort at-- tended the funeral of Harry Compton at Woodstock Thursday., _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee took Mrs. Tracy Davis of Antioch to the Lake County hospital Monday. John Walsh and daughter were vis itors at the Peter Meyer home Satur Sunday at the Frank Dmmpqud honq. Miss Ellen Barrett of Joliet spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Francisco Coreno of the Philippine Islands, gave a talk and showed pic-- tures of his native land at the Com-- munity church Sunday evening. and children spent Sunday at the Tur-- ne rhome. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Warren and their daughter spent Sunday at the Harty Drummond home. * FR EM O N T CE NTIER* spent Friday afternoon in Waukekan. The young men of St. Mary's parish gave t most successful and enjoyable card and bunco party at 8t Mary's hall Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. Father Meercher of Waukegan ai'" of i't week. --------.----_.--. xE Mr. tnd Mrs: Gec. Obenauft were din-- ner guests at the home o# their son, Albert, at Grayslake Sunday. The last social event of the season to be given by St. Mary's parish will be a card and bunco party and basket social at 8t Mary's ht Wednesday evening, Feb. 18, under the auspices of the trustees, Georgs Obenaut and Albert Behm, and will surely prove the bénner évanrt for an all round good time-- Ladies be sure and bring well filed,. baskets, as you know the best way to capture a young man's heart is through his stomtch.--Come evety-- body, or that captivating mflo_d!t. PW ow _ NP _ C CC _'--.,':-..__< nie' _ . esee® u. TPUTIPC I'" Pilframiozen, 9 _ .' / unsl cofrcveatl se e * * sA 2 x Inen Sunawan of Chitagé rvent last ' Trem urpuna Militbuget.. _ _~--=--A=>a* Behm's might wear awiay and never George Weinberg of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey Mrs. Clint Hendee spent Bob Bracher (MIZ»® caller here Lee Benwoell L % % 4 4 4 %4 % 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mrs. Evap Lawrence 8r. was called to Cincinnatti last week by the death of her sister, Mrs. MoGrath ana qaughter Kittle, returned from Chicago where they spent the past six weeks visitng rela-- tves. < Mrs. Wagner, of Geneva, Illinois, is the guest of ber son Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bare have re-- turned from Chicago, where they spent the past two months ' Mrs. Carson Neville was a Chicago visitor last Tuesday. St. Andrew's Gunld were entertain--~ ed at the home of Mrs. McNamara on Wednesday. _ Mrs. E. J. Maethers was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. R. B. Godfrey was in Chicago on business one day last wqek. Mrs. Witham, of Waukegan, spent the week with--friends here. Mrs. Theo. Smth has been_confined to her home by iliness for the past week| _ ° The last of d:p series of card part-- ies given by the Firemen, has held--on Friday night and an unusually large crowd attended. T Charles Kuebker Sr. was in Chicago on bustness on Tuesday. '% l Creamery Butter 41° Cash and Carry Boneless Rolled Roast, all meat, no waste 24¢ Pot Roast, any cut .._.............__........13%/2¢ Boiling Beef, juicy and tendert @2 Boneless Rump Roast --...>~ .';llc We can't afford 545 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE QUALITY . Leonard C 545 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE, mar] M AR KE T L=" 4 [ Buy for Cash and Save Money --|-- C rality Meats At Wholesale Prices--|--, Roasts, OUR SLOGAN "BETTER MEATS FOR LESS MONEY" FINEST WISCONSIN _SMOKED MEATS nfi,mhwofivomhmmw-'"u Trade here and save money. Do not forget that Our Motto is-- 3 " FIRST LOG CABIN €AST OF FAIR GROUNDS AT LIBERTYVILLE. l m 'I|_ on oaK sPRING ROAD. _ _ _ _ TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 470 |I __ Getting a squure deal isn'r ail that's | ' cuke that is dough yie necessary ; you mu@@ know how to erumbs -- of com{ort.--Boston play your hand.--Boston Transcript.. | geript . a RITTNEAR BUILDING 4 Windsor Colonial Chairs in two--tone grey art finiaK, each... % Arm Chairs of same t0 MAtCH, @BCH..............----------emmmeemeemnmmmemintmmet 1 Three--piece set Sun Por,.h Willow Ware, in colors, upholstered DIVARD . ..._._._.____----------ncememmmtprreemensnennecennnnecncanennenennmesennten Rocker, with Magazing@® POCK@L...........__.....--o--m High Back Straicht Arm Chair....._..__.._....._.. 1 Full Size Box Spring, Hair Top, made to order, new. 1 Full Size Simmons Steel Tube Bed, Mahogany finish. 1 Three--fourths Simmons Bed with new Hair Mattress. 1 Mahogany Bureau, with heavy plate glass mirror....... 1 Three--door Stickney Handcraft Bookcase..........._._.. 1 WTIDGOT ............:..........cnoncccoemcemmeromnffinnnncronscnnensanomenemegnems coneentnrnonntnnnqgenenescmen Copper WASH BOIlGT ....______.._._._._..cossoommmmmemmammmcmmmmnpemmnnemeneacenenne 300 Ft. l--inch Best Manila RODE, DOVOT UBO@O.......--_--___--------_--_----__--ooams 1 eightinch--single I. 8. Block fOr 1NCH TOPO......_._.___.<c___--=zccccsce mt 1 eight--inch double L. S. Block f0r iNCH TOPB........___.--_,.._._--_--_._.___i.= 1 eight--inch single Carpenter's Steel Block without becket.......... _ SATURDAYS ONLY, BETWEEN NOON AND 4 P. M. 1 Silvertone Cablinet Phonograph,. and numerous records..... 1 Carved English Oak Round Extension Dining Table..... ~BIG _ S A L E. We Satisty 99% suak t AT THE AT WOODCHUCK LODGE in handsome tapestry, with loose cushions, as follows--» _ .. FOR SALE . . Blank, P Pork Roast -- 1§¢ Fresh Spare Ribs __........._---- Smail lean Pig Hams * ut k aaaus o+ o0 ##me a4 enmenet 1100 1150 17.50 18e