= 4n the residential and m*l dis« ®*triect»-- adjacent to and surrounding Chicago, is to be found in the 1924 ~~annual report of the Public Service Company of Northern Illidois malled to stockholders of that .gom ay (Tharsiay)" andsttgoee Polind ~--ANP.S. CO. REPORT| Iin-- the Jlast five years..., . |"%. " We e esnt s retirement ¢expense e were $11,122410.87, The balance earried to surplus was $1,082,433.95. More than 30648 customers were added to the company's lines and mains during 19246. The total sum-- her of customers taking service of from the followibg "statement' taken €direct from the report--"During No vember a new record. was estab-- lished at the Waukegan Geperating Btation when the average coal con-- sumption per kilowat hour was re-- A@Auced to 1.56 pounds, being 17,309 RTU. per kilowrtt hour. The per-- formance of the Joliet station dguring 1924 averaged 173 poun:s of coal per kilowatt hour. The improvement in the c ating . efficiencies ruo= preciated when it is ; the averazge Mcd pany's plants inas pounds per kilowatt Loy Concerning the addit * | tensions in the company "g equipment. the report $§JB: _ _ "At the new \\'nnl.fie' "At the new Wan'@G@s 3 Ing Station work was etarted '¢= the yearon installing a #ecvond turbo tor of 35,000 kilowatt capacity. g the completion--of this unit the erating capecity of 60,000 kliowatts. Construction of a 1320090 voit to interrommect the company's Jolle" Wtatton--with --ihe Calumet. gtation of the Commonweaith-- Edison compady was undertaken during the eyar and tTha part of the 'ine between the Joliet station and Chicago Heights, a distance of 30 railes, was com-- pleted and placed in service." --\.~ § o the cem>ination of black and h .. mnm«wmm«m _ may be the vorus. Here is a typical 3&5" n-- atrost frock of mosheen . Song sleeves and pleatod * that Salt Keeps Road Moist 'The peculiar prop§rty thet salt has Of nttrarting moisture, makes the fa-- mous salt crystal road in Utah one that is seldom Iif ever Gusty. The sait erystals pack together and become al most like stone. The bighwi; t gineers are --using salt erpstals a% & binder for other road construction wuce the «uccess of the salt roads bas 'ine between the Chicago Heights, railes, was com-- in service." Ohblo. _ .. lall Ellen C. Backus, 19, Cleveland, O. New York, Feb. 16--Girls lose their baby teeth' and out permanent teeth before boys do, and all children show their baby teeth from the lower wY firet. This is shown by a survey by GIALS LOSE THEIR BABY TEETH BEFORE BOYS DO and cutd Its permanent teeth. It also!portunity to increase m_'dl asserts that underdeveloped children|crops of which a low production. is are slower to lose and cut tncisors indicated. . The information enables and certain of the canmine molars. ltlcm to equalize acreagee of the dm-l Cross Word Puzzle Fans _ Throw Your . a # Mary M. Zeman,>22, Chicato, _: :;;n.n. Wanson, 28, Great Lakes, Wim. Gerasimovich, 38, Wauke Julia Urbance, 2#3,, Chicngo.. . Chester/A. Sheoly, 21, Mil ;ukcc; Ruth M. Sandlin, 21, cycag o t i} --® Ray A. Brawn, 24, MilWaukee. | Marjorie Collins, 21. Milwaukee, »~ -- John Putz, 22, Fond du Lac, Wis. . Marths McKinney, 22, Ford du --Lac, MaFy Mark, 27, TUhicago. . f Chas, Johnson, 28, Nortk Chicago, | Mary Hardey, 26, North Chicago. Ronald J. Weereing, 26, Chgo. Alice M. Brooks, 18, Chgo. Joe Brovinsky, 32, Kansas C Jessie Dovi, 26, Kansas City, Mo. .\ John H.; Kerrigan, #1, 3 P L'.r")!t Kvaus, 25, Prairlie ~View, Helen Alict, 25, Mitwaukee.-- | Emil Jobhnson, 21, Mpis. Mipn. : Agnes @mith,--19, Mpls:Mins.---------- Robert _J. Beite, 33, Chicago. . _---- > .mluy Reid Raley, 22, Chgo. , . Keilman, 22, Chicago. -- -- Frank RWogowskLt, 26, MilWaukee. Youn OBywa, )r, 31. neceer W -- Gladys Castle, 18, Kacine, Wis Mitché!! A. Koleum, 25, Cleveland, --Send 98c to The lfizfindeni with 7¢ added for postage| and one of these fine books will be sent by return mail. --~ . SOLVE THE CROSS WORD PUZZLE WITH _ EASE!-- A-Mu-onm--hmmdum'tfi:mnkdw-- out of date is out of use. Thousands of new words--never put into any previous being distributed to readers of THE INDEPENDENT Old Dictionary Away -- t"-; _ _ It--Is Out--of Date ] Ti n n n fhs-- .mt EED OF A NEW DICTIONARY was forced upon the nation by unprete dented advances in science, the arts, and by uphcavals of war and politics, t whoy .. CROP --ACREABE .. FORECAST ' . Spring{ield,. IIL, Feb, 18. --Modern sclence h!-'f_!&z.!)", old 'rtand-- Crop and Livestock Estimates ' bvagroulinat ie * Stabilize Farming. C e e T e C mongition . against . "counting_ your chickens before they are hatched" is now given the Jaugh by the agricu} tural forecasters of the United States Department of Agricylture, Aaccording to A. J. Burratt, agricuitural statis tician for Hlinois. * *@"" do aot actually take a prenatal pul}-- farmers in time, for them(to "birth control" measures : with 1 formation '}:}7 Vfi' before the hr-m cre, &n % * is wartranted by market emu is a.,. _ _ -- ~~**~~ + draae ----an----opportaunity BEFORE HATCHING The supply is Timited; readers of this Newspaper should act at once. The price is nominal, mere cost \ <of manufacture and handling. Richly bound in textile leather, black seal grain, red edges, goid stamping. Printed from all NEW +ype, large and clear--EASY on the EYES. ~-- s _ dn sn placed in the P oionennne ne 3 i« & < s kss o * _ aanke is ank Ahgnninet o .M« We.pffer. the residentsof the_North shore a _ _ __ papet» f . chance to put their surplus funds of théir say-- _ | TheNew f ----ings to work right here at home at the very at-- ¢ Universities Dnchm 1 tractive rate of 7% per annum. 6 62 Thorough, complete, new au ita-- . _ ' o w';;}mi"'bmmbv .+ The Income from this investment is free from * akeF W Lotks K. PB -- s _ Murvert O the Normal Federal Income Tax and also from c t on : c Pnarmee > Personal Ppperty Ta.xes to repidents of Ilinois. m{%fi Iof T wieum | Wewouldlflxetotalhtovermthyou. %'-'.ff 'of these distinguished eduestors terchon in ~ ' Send us the attached coupon or get in touch with in words changed and c ogre e oo Sxthe us right away so that you can get a dividend uies Ieapmcss Do 5n io scoebe remnns, . __| check on April Ist. culture and force in speech and writing. | e se« : sneiies Heiorne rectogn t vernmens is , M utecremtss==~ | -- North Shore Gas Company The New Universities LJCuONEATY uOW 1asmiUns in words changed and outgrew the old diction-- aries. They tell in this book how to build and punctuate sentences--how to acquire refinement, culture and force in speech and writing. en s euh ts pulonnes m is o. cabulary--it is twenty--two asnd an ex-- haustive inventory of today's English. PERCYT W. LONC, AM., PLD. CLARK 5. NORTHRUP, PAD. . JOHN C. ROLFE, PRD. -- +« okgs w Ch * Pub.l. . miuf&h- -- & HOW TO GET IT speaking of present--day activities. Ihoa-- sands of these words, never before in any previous dictionary, at now fully. definedundplpcedintbemn'_' of read-- Thousands of New W ords --~--Net only are acreage estimates be-- Ing made 4n advance of planting, but an "estimate ~of~the number 'of pigs the farmers of the State intend to bring into the world at the next far: sowing time is made in advance-- of cording to experts. _ These advance estimates may hbe extended to all crops and livé "stock when funds are available, it )3- un-- derstood, and the agricultural fore-- casters may actually be counting the batebed. Theatre in Waukegan, bas adopted a | unique idea for advertising to the public of LZake County that be. hnas | one ~of the "best -- stock 'com pantes m" the . world at his popular Blayhouse. He eays he realizes that if a person | visits one of the plays that be will come again and again. l2 an adver-- tisement which appears in this issuc tisement which appears in this issuc Mr. Dubin 'offers to give a free tick: et te anyome who purchases one tick-- et and presents a copy of the ad. This applies for the production to be seen rassing villages along the Bulgerian-- JugoBlay frontier, it was -- jeatned bere today. Several yillages ~have been attacked, with many casualties on both gides. _ guests to be robbed. The robbers chloroformed théir victims and es caped with a large sum of jewelry and money. f -- Medr"~ "he proprigtor ol ue 3o GET FREE TICKET Monday, ,Tuesday and Wednes-- "m---------'- k +6 which will: go a long way :. ibilizing agriculture, ac |i Harvard Corneil Ponnsytvania Cobambia Princeton Editor--in--Chisf | OUR FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE ~Foot B ; nut'for ~~_._------, GONTINUES THROUGHOUT THIS MONTH _________ _ Thousands of dollars have been saved by the people who have bought ¥You should look over our selections before you buy | _ ~ 2--piece 2 tone Wainut only .........._~ €HEN TABLES 'white enamel ---- base with -- drawer | -- 96.95 Porcelain, Have two incomes a year. _ . _ One from your work, the other from your invest-- ~ment. s ' _ Have your kitchen laid-- without seams LAID Linoleun--with felt and glue--means We ouarantee a satisfactory joOb---- Here's An Attractive Offér CoUPON ® ' Gentlemen: . + Without obligating me please send me full particulars regarding your 7 per cent investment. _______, ______. __._-- 4 C $49.50 =2° * rurniture ne Let us show you the new patterns Will solve your kitchen worries. The new 1925 models of Gas Ranges are now--on display.. Alcazar Combination Coal and o +o RguztiF N_ PAE TTTSHNe-- o P comns zm s K5 s 2 Nee i w seams--12 foot wide IN:-- means a perinaneunt floor. A 2--piece Overstuffed In a very high grade Jac-- quard velour cover, carved 7 piece DINING & .SU_IT}:% in genuine Walnut Table and 6 . $64.75 Suite Univ s C %s