Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Mar 1925, p. 3

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. Nerthern M/ home T;-- #rowmm < . -lk kfix -upfcroltnx ¥ es --errk .~-- '?M-nu arrival 'at ~ PRETTY CEREMONY --MARKS PETERSON:-- The acuual «£ymnoasfum show will b be hiolC Friday evening, March 27, at the high school. > . . ' ._--__-------- -- Loslie Hagnes sapent the week end ue cyC 1 e _ A,reudl us wex wi .'c- Haines have M turned bhome tfrom »>icago, where Mrs | Hailnes --has been carink for their * Bridal Couple Go On Honey--| "m;.an 'moon to Northern Michigan ':::el Su ht .: : 3 PB . Cpramanys, ... ! . 14 R . _ 0 oi e it e Ne Ee Een Eie it Ee e en en o Wl( ies mb venioman uit hy persiergrepeiecme ce uies . .2 v'l'm s ~--'----' ~--4epg--¢he--QOrftter of the Eastern Star quisite 0 % #% #% #% #% p &4 #% *2*% * * |officiating with Its beaptiful sérvice. | OD®TA! #% » > enrerccey ty css cce gonremcomrerrmenmermmmcmonn the n * cUlNEE * 4 % 4 4 % & # # % % #| -- 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 % % 4 4 * |% "ALFDA' «4| * * * Mr. and Mrs: Maurice De Leof of « « Wnnle'-narrtheproudn-rvnuo!nio000660,0;oo'- daurhter. born March 11. at the LAk®! i mhourh there WAat k lirke delegs | * # 8# The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Flood of Gurnee, was the scene of a pretty home wedding on Wednesday, March 18, when their daughter, Luella 'Ali¢e was united in marriage to Geo. . Peterson of La Aington, Mich. Rev. Amstutz of the Gurnee charch per-- formed the marriage ceremony. The bride--wore powder blue canton crepe trimmed in gold and carried pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Birdella Flood wore blond satin and carried a | bouquet of sweet peas. The best man was Mr. Arthur Howard of Gurnee. The wedding march was played by Miss Ruth Waldrond, cousin of the bride from Libertyville. Little Mijss BSarah Beth. Newsom, cousin of the bride, was ring bearer Miss Sylvia Elizabeth Studor: of Gurhee, flower and ribbon bearers. Miss Flood was given away by her father. The dec-- orations were pink roses and carna-- tions. About 60 guests were present. Miss Flood was a graduate of Warren 'Township high school class of '23, has . been employed the yast --year in County Clerk Lew Hendee's office. Mr. Petersen is employed with. Wilson & Ohm garage, Waukegan. A boun-- teous wedding dinner and recep:ion followed the wedding service served by Mrs. Harry Howard of Gurnee af-- ter which the bride and groom left im-- mediately under a shower of rice for Mr. and Mrs: Maurice De Leof of Waukegan are the proud parents of a daughter, born March 21, at the Lake County General bospital. Mrs. LDe Loof was formeriy Grace Sponnenberg of this community. Miss Evelyn McCullouzh spent the | «ek end with ber mother | M:i. and Mrs. Georgke Panter and i ch'ldren end Misa'Locille McCulouga | vojc entrrtaircd SBunday, Maroa 24. ai a surprise birthday dinver gi~+u '.&I the bome of Mrs. Cynthia Miiser," n | honor of ber anniversary ' Miss Josephine MceClure has return +4 to her home to spend a 'ew xecks with b.: parents Mrs LDora Amith and dauzn'»s, Nor-- ma, spent Siturday in Chicaro. Miss Dorothy Cornell spent the week end with ber parents ¥iss Dorothy McCuttough »~4 {riend epent Saturday with ber sister, Mil-- dred, in Mi'wuaukee. H B Ametuils speAt Saturday in Chi-- cago on business. lee Gilbert is serving on the jury in Waukegan. . . President F. C. El#ieien of Evan« on will give an iMustrated slide lec-- ture on Kekypt at the church on Sun-- day, March 29. These meetings begin at 745 p m.. prompt, and are always very iInteresting to young and old The church cboir is very fortunate to hare Fred Peters, of Kenosba Con-- servatory of WMuale to direct the Ear ter cantata, Life Everlasting, which will be given Emster evening at our chureh, and at the Methodist Epiasco pal church in Antioch Paim Runday evening. -- H--t;."(kor'o MeCullough who has been.ill with the flu, is rvyona% 10 eb on the gain. -- -- asughter, Mamie, who has been very sick with the flu, but is somewhat bet-- ter at this time. &4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 «@ % 4 %4 %4 A large number from here attended the school entertainment at Waucon-- da Friday evening. . _ &# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 &# 4 4 4 4 % % 4 * * LA KE ZU RICH * Arthur Briges was a caller in Bar-- rington Monday. > Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grasso of Jef ferson Park visited Sunday with Mr. and Mre. James Snetsinger. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heybeck were in Wheeling Tussiay evening: --._. ¥¥m. C. Bicknace was a Palatine caller Friday afternoon bunco party at the school house Fri-- day at 8 p m. Come out and enjoy the games and refresbments. Prizges. Mr. and Mrs. W A. Laun were Chi cago visitors Monday. A big one day revival at the Baptis: church of Lake Zurich Sunday, March %#9. 192%5. Live children's service at -- FLOOD WEDDING PILES CURED We absolutely guarantee to care your .fidfl'tv'o"fl'-x::m men sad women have, by c--n stite --.h-na-uddmbw-m" remedy. You don't to go under the knife --ne dector bills, no pain. Just a sitiple home remedy that can be tried by anfome without cost. Ne Red Tape--NMe Obligation We have each faith in cur marvelous rem-- W"-%D--Jyum!flll a sire jar of is se this--and i you W"'vflfinnh. IS. t not it will cont you noth-- ie ioe s anmather r * CLA®L LASORATORIES Bex Oek Park, IMMnoto NEFORE YOU PAY will give a 500 and 11 a m. Grown folks' service at 3 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. Conducted by N: B. T. 8. Evangelistic Band of Chicago. Special music. Good sing-- ing. Rev. Harold F. Damen, Pastor. W. A. Laun, §. 8. Supt. 1e . )"él-:;'e;u-l; as i--vriy of sunshHine into the home while her father was serving this country in the civil war. -- i f Charles Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Brown a ) , P were Bunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.| Ment Almost Finished s ------#AfPOAnir*** * _9 _"Tompletioh -"o"r'-'a;'c'%gfil'.'oezio- dG¢ Clara P.. Catiow (nee Whitney) WAS ins gkokie valley extension of the born at lake Zurich March 2, 1862.i(~mc"0 North Shore and Milwau-- and departed this life March 14, 1925,. | kee railroad will be celebrated next at Barrington, at the age of 63 years,| g)ry>qay afternoon when _ s@¥era! and 12 d.yl- Bhe ~was the eld?'t'weclal' trains c'mh" offjci.l' of daughter of the late Joseph C. @nd ' yorn shore towns, business=----men's Mary J. Whitney who were among the ~organizations and. officials of the earliest residents of Lake county, hay-- railroad .will be operated to the settled here in 1839. --present teérminal at Dempster street, She came as a ray of sunsHine INIO | pocorging to announcement made to the home while her father was serving ldly by company officigls. SBhe received her early educaiion in the grammar school at Take Zurich, later attending Waukegan high schouol. She taught for a period of ten years in the public schools of Lake county. On the 28th of January, 1891, she was married to Joseph G. Catlow, of Barrington,--who survives her. --There were five children born to this union --Mrs. Josephine Loomis, Lake Zur-- ich;. Mrs. Ruth Whitcomb, John and Wright, of Barrington, and Mary who preceded hber mother in death. in early wommanhood she was baptis ad and joined the Baptist church ca, the Women's Club and the Wom-- tions in Barrington, and the members will mourn Ber departure as a loyal .&he was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Royal Neighbors of Ametri-- and --the--Or*ter of the Eastern Star officiating with lts beaptiful service. She was a woman of high ideals and was & constant inspiration to her 'am-- ily. and all who knew ber. y Funsorohs __ "seso«ete hbeid at ht late borse Tgesday, March T7 "by the Christlan Science rites~ She was Inafd % % % % % % % t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4# + * H ALF DAY _ -l' & % 4 4 4 4 4 4 %,. % %4 % #!|~ DEERFlEI'D Aithougkh there Was k larke delem | 6 4# ® # * u«w & % 6 & % % % % tion Dttlem al m'_' caucus last Satur-- Mra. J"n Stryker heas ten ap int-- day, everything was qulet and no op-- !od deléegate to ru,n- P /T. A. oonve':uon !'M" N. J. Blocks and Ge0rE® |1o be held at Rockford April 22 to 25 tanclif! were nomirated for Junll('rl' Mrs. Mary Koeblin is slowly improv-- and Fred Priess and Chas. H. Krueger | _ ll.lhe rl'llxhluxd Park hm'l!:llp for constables. M W.Knedier was r'-+ LC hed Mrs." Apton Pimage snd ' |-lnav~1_ ak school trustee from uluth, Minn., where they at Wm A NBock. retiring constable, 1% {t,/_aded the Tuberal of Mrs. Plagere'» moving to Drerfleld. Don't blame yOU. | mother, Mrs. James Bodine,. Friday. Wim A BDock, retiring constable, is moving to [®erfleld. Don't blame you, Bill; Deerfleld is a nice town o_ and | _ Miss Maniot and Mrs,. Krall trams~ acted business in Walkegan Suturday~ MU~« Knol} returned the iaz books at <IPuat time A number of men and 'arge amouni of material arrived in Prairte View th-- o*her Gay prepa--aiory to »larting work oi the new bridee at Ha~' .ay for Foxte 22, the new cemeni ruad. C Car, Heinsobhn is prefaric«; :n move (r11 the old Kruger farm onto the p--lje farm. just yracated by Mr Nich-- t ie tot maod nea?" ans. Beers' pila o4 ai.e AFOUDU _z *e--we saw hir pulling | it be--me With a team of howeee . It | l--alsd ratho~ cur leal. Filyyart Jo gel1_ « vet once .3 a while, dou't they l Vie@ Alice He'schberges has accept | id .a position »t bigbland Park. | Arril 7Tth is town election day. Come on apd vo'*e for the specia«. tax, the pr sprsition .0 ~n decided on that d¥ ¥Yau want to tbopicve the soads in ou: township, angd you know they peed |.: proving. The ttown hall is now fitted" up with electric lights, so you can see ty mark your hllop. There was no church services last Sunday night, as the pastor was H with the mumps. So come out afxt Sunday evening, and let us have a lirge congregation. DECORATING PEATS PRIZE WALLPAPER s 0 '_'l_l u--'.f:"-mf m gorge -- R WM. J.. FENDICK Telephone 199--J LET ME Do youURr lay for FORMALLY OPEN _ ; --SKOKIE VALLEY _ EXTENSION SAT. The completed portion of the new railroad, the most expensive portion and one which entails évery form of modern raidway construction, will be operated over by the Chicago Rap id Transit Company under a special trackage agreement. It was built at a cost o' more than $3,000,000 and is-- the--Hifat --step --In ~the tine which will "eventually connect with the main line at Waukegan. O The inaugural ceremonies wilt consist of taks by Mayors Harry Pearsons of Evanston and John Brown of Niles Center, Bernard J. Fallon, chief engineer of the North Shore Line, and others. The pro-- gram will be held at the Dempster street terminal. Mre. J. C. Huebl entertained the SRewing Circle of 8t. Paul's Rvangel+ |cu church -- Thursday The -- ladies |qum-d a beautiful quilt which they '-m sell in the near future. George Burnette has old his bome loo Chestnut streel 1q a Mr. Hertel of _--The Niles Center _ division __bas eight stations of the most modern | type. These will be used by the| "L",. with the -- exception of the | Dempster street station, which will , serve both as the "I." terminal and a station for North Shore 1e #ta--° Iian when .jhe balance of the rail quisites of a high speed, PieCTnmCarly operated railroad, are ~Included-- in the pew line Mrs. Mabel Hendrick's returned on Saturday from the Highland Park hos pital, where she underwent an OpeTraA: tion for appendicitis two weeks before. Mr. and Mrs. Hprace Stedman of Ginrzeon Ray Wis. were week. end --!;--:l;d Mrs. Ross Sherman and daugrhters wpent Sunday with friends in Oak Park. -- 8 s Mr. and Mrs. Horace 'steaman 0i Sturgeon Bay, Wis, were week. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meyer. We are glad to report that Chris Ko@blin and James -- Galloway, who have been poorly for several weeks, ar« improving. _ Rev. and Mc:s. V. E. Stakemillier moved from the church apartment to the R M. Vabt flat" ~ S Arlington Heights _ Mres. Harry Whitcomb and son and daughter, Mra. George Harder , and Mr. «nd Mres. George Pettis attended the lley suspension, a new @departure 4 Pass. Coupe -- 5 Pass. Sedan . DRIVEN 200 MILES NEW CHEVROLETS: LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE & SALES 611 Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, HI. Phone 202 HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE a Big Ceremony. ELMmWOOD FARM TWO SONS OF CHICAGO PIET JE CHAMPION. ONE FROM A 31--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD, THE OTHER FROM A 27--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD DAM. BOTH ARE SIRED BY OUR CGOOD YEARLY RECORD HERD SIRE AT ELMWOOD FARM. Reasonably Priced Herd Accredited * SERIES DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS KX4 --oO~. C.~ $910 ' _ The four year old son of William \Hertel is quite sick--with diphtheria. 1| _C. Meler of Prairle View hbhas pur-- ' The Mason family left last--SBaturday for Houghton, Mich., where they will make their home. wlr3:»FPret-- ¥*°*PA6k,.ADd. 1'}"'__5'_.& funeral of Mrs. Joseph Catlow rington. _ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. «ohnson atiended a wedding anniversary at Arlington Heights Monday. _ ' _ Miss Larson has taken a position in the Hellstrom Home Bakery. _ _ Second street Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibbs and son Jack, of Ravinia, were guests of Mr and Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt Sunday. man, of Ravenswood, spent ~Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Adams. Miss Gertrude Rond of Harvey and Mz. Margaret Nelson of Galesburk wike guests of Miss Eleanor Meyer Saturday. » o A large number of friends and rela:< tives gathered at the home of Mr. and "\Nrs. A. FrankIm Sunday evening in honor of their 25th wedding anniver-- Mrs. R. M. Vant, who had both bones broken in bher right leg, fust below the knee, by a passing auto on the eve-- ning of F}b. 22, is able to sit up. Mr. Matter of South Dakota, is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Fehr. Robert Johnson's new home at Briar Hill will be ready for occupancy about May first. I _ we _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dye and Whyte Freeman have returned from Sootts-- ville, Ky., where they spent the win-- ter months. Alex Williman has given up his po-- sition as Pullman conductor, and gone into the shoe store with his father, E. H. Wiliman. They are putting in a complete line of shoes. _ Mrs. Harriet Johnston and son and daughter, of Lockport, were guests of Mr. and Mrk, Conrad Uchtman Suuday. _ The !ene'& Club held the regular monthly meRing at the Masonic Hall Tuesday evening. -- a. m.; Worship and Sermon aat 1030 a. m. Evening service at 7:30. Theme, The Believers IWWQ The W. F. M. S. met for the annua! meeting last Thursday afternoon. The following officers were elected: Pres Idept. Mrs. Fred Meyer; vice president M Fred Haggrie; secretary, Miss Sadie Galloway; treasurer, Mrs. Rich-- ard Patterson _ Mid--week service Wednesday, April 1. at 8 p. m. Subject, Abiding. -- * Pastor's Class every Friday after noon at 4 o'clock.' . The young people of the church en-- lWARItN joyed a SL Patrick's party on Friday e¥enink£. l Warren Miss Cary!l Tillotson of Delevan, Wis., is spending this week at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Thompson and daughter visited at the home of H. A. Tillotson Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Olsen of Waur kegan visited at the bome of Max Irv-- ing Bunday. > gan 'visited at the E. W. King bome last Sunday. e _ Mr. and Mrs O. L Hollenbeck and daughter motored to Edison Park last. Bunday . s -- | "'i; 'Gnco Tillotson is at home for a few weeks. > _ _ George A. Thompson was a Kenosha visttor Wednesday. C The (ruly strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great 't\ong* apd «mail things. PRERSBYTERIAN CHURCH NXEWS '_m. . Morpingworshi psbhrdlushrdluu #% 4 4 I % 9 4 ¥ 4 4 4 4 4 %4 4# % Miss Fiorence Simmons of "'90@ n enfi n n Apre it c 4 o n : mena satye uin e ib opr ie Sm ho t m nth ce sn it Really Capable Mind the Parker Mason home on HIC K OR Y . THURSDAY, MARCH 26,1925 $675 ****~/ CVETE AND ARCHER North Chicago Men Hetd Up in Lavatory by Slick Gunman , in Evanston. _ .Alderman Eragk %plmvglgd Water Commissloner Frank Archer of North Chicago, who attended the Illinois section convention bf the American Water Works Association in -- Evar«:-- gon Thureday, were robbed of every cant they had in the.lavatory of the Orrington hotel in Eyanston by a boid hold--up man, it became known to-- day. ' ho w Both of the Narth» Chicago men.' city delegates to the convention,| drove tb Evanston and attended Lhe% meetings. --After the-- banquet -- and meeting at night, they went to n' near by drug store amd bought a malt-- ed milk. Svete paid for the refresh--| ments with a $5 bill from his roll o:" about $190. Archer, noticing a tar, | well dressed man with a fur collared .coat watching them closely, gi'gn_a_ledl "to Evete to be on m# ruard. °0 ~----~= Svete and Archer went back to the hotel and into the lavatory "~where they started to wash hp before return-- ing to North Chicago. They had uo more than started when the man Ar-- cher bad seen in the drug store en-- tered the room which is in the base ment of the hotel building. -- The man walked direotly to Svete, stuck a revolver under the alder-- man's ribe and orderdd him to "stick 'em up." Svete did as requbsted as did Archer and the hold--up frisked them both. From Svete he took every cent, a total of about $190 and trom Archer, he got $2.614, every cent the wautar commissioner . bad. _ He then wheeled sabout, and -- ordering them to stky in the room ~for-- Ave minites, left them, after refusing to ROBBED IN HOTEL AT WATER MEETING:\ Svete and Archer ran. into the ho-- tel lobby as soon as he--left, and re-- ported W to the manager, who scoffed at them, ying enuchk <a thing could not bappen in the hotel. The local men left immediately and drove to Glen View where they were upable to proceed because of the storm. Svete borrowed enough money from a man he knew theré, to call bhis wife and then call a taxi to take them home. Warren township high school pre sented obe 0 fthe prettiest exhibits at the Annua) Nature Exbibit, held last week at the Daris store, Chi-- cago, according to Waukegan peo-- ple who attended the show. War-- tarm high school© showed a mode! HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBIT Libertyville Garage and Sales Service Telephone 202 ' | Libertyville {Illinois _'The 'NCW a* CHEV ROLET CARS See the New-- fer Economical Trenspertation Touring Coach _ COLLLINS & DOANE COMPANY | MoON UMENTS ----_ _ and Mausoleums Heath Homes| _ J. H. HEATG & GOMPANY -- BUILDEKS3 -- _: These Homes for Sale On Complétion Phone 200--J We invite your inspection __ from time to time of our _ homes now under construc-- _ tion in Oakwood Terrace.. ~ Our Home Building Service includes complete ar-- chitectural and financial service. -- We will appreci-- ate the opportunity to submit our estimates. on a home for you, on your own lot, or one chosen in Oakwood Terace. Write for our representative to call. «_ 20 2s Ref with new bodies finished in rich dark blue Duco, with cowl lights, new disc clutch, and new extra strong rear axle with banjo--type housing. See the new sedan w beautiful Fisher Body and one--piece V V windshield, finishedjh aqua--marine blue and black Duco--Balloon tires See the new Fisher Body coupe of strikingly beautiful design, @Ilished Balloon tires and disc wheels. See the new coach, another fine Fisher Body closed car of low price, Duco finished, mounted on the new Chevrolet chassis with its mary added quality features--Balloon tires and artillery wheels. wheels. and black Duco-- 4pk u2l ae oo

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