. FORMER LAKE CO. > ~EDITOR DIES AT > WISCONSIN HOME c o. ol ig of noline * ' Chaex 4 C clfl'"% m donated $5 toward the tornado relief t¥ 4 4 4A 4 4 4 4 4 4A 4 4 4 4 4 *4 News has just been received of the death of J. J. Burke near Chetak, Wis., His burial took place Monday, March g:h Mr. Burke was the founder of | Antioch News, a weekly paper rinted at Antioch and was a" resi ;Q%L there for many years... He sol out about fifteen yefils ago to A. T. Johnson who --conducted. it prior to the present ownership by John Horn. Mr. Burke, following the sale of his paper, moved to, a small place about six miles out of Chetak, Wis. He.was about 68 years of age and had no: beer actively-- engaged in susiness since he retired from the newspaper . Miss Sue Harrison of Ringwood vis-- iteodthe week end with be, sigter, Mrs. J. J. Burke, Founder of Antioch News, Succumbs Following pr slz children _ most of _ _ whom _ are married and living in different parts of the country. Three brothers 'sur-- vive, Anthony and Peter live in Wau-- kegan and Mike in Antioch. Mr. Burke was born in Antioch and spent ail of his m& there prior . to moving to~Wisconsin. The citizens of Round Lake domlfd $17150 for the cycione relief fund for the people in southern lllinof#®~ . J. Graham of Round lake was in Round lake Monday. . Guy Thomas --of Grayelake is again back in the Thomas and I®mrby drus store in Round Lake this month. Mrand Mrs: Be,nard Geary were Kound Lake cWilers Monday --Earl Jacobson took his mothwr to ber--home in Eimhur«t Sunday ' Mrs. Naomi McCandless was a Chi-- cago caller Monday. Martin Thelan and his lady friend attended the Academy Theatrée in Wau Tekan Runilay EVeRDE o --o-------- kee Monday ¥# % 4 % 4 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 % %4 4 week. f Work on the Amann and Wagner -z;:; is progréssing rapidly. r Thomas was a Chicago bus!-- ness caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. Ed Krapple and their daughter spent Sunday at' the J. Schu-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt enter-- tained company from out of town over the week end. *~ C nmd *«=n«bhter of Kenosha apenot at the 0. A. Howard res-- _WA. A:*}. Smith, Mre. Milford 8mith and Mrs. BR K. Tucker motored *to Graysliake Friday." Mrs. Edith Cleveland spent Sunday at the Sumner Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Al Meyers and children of Lake Zurich and Ed Daley of Wau-- conda, spent Sunday at the Jack Daley home. « Mrs. Wm. Frost and daughter lnrl spent Friday evening at the E. Brown home. A. R. Andrews, of the Telephone Ceanpany, trom LAbertyville, called at the Round ILake office Tuesday. M, and Mrs. Wheeler of Chicago spent the week end at the Katie Nolan Yelma Fits and Earl Jacobson were _ _Mr. and Mrs,. Joe Amann and chil-- dren spent Monady evening at the Peter Meyer home. c Miss Celia has been unable to attend school for several day» on account of Mness. > Mre. Milford Smith and sister, Sue, apent Saturday in Chicago John--Sykes of Grayslake was in our town Tuesday. ~ Mrs. Saralr Rippberger has been on the sick list for a few days. Mra. Joe Amaaor and children attend ed the fune,a@l 'of the former's uncie, in Milwaukee.. Miss Olive Repeban and Geo. Da} ziel of Waukegan called at the Peter Meyer home Sunday. Dan Richardson was a Graysiake caller Monday. Mr. and Mre. Aloh Amann, Miss Annpa Amann azd Mrs. Mike Luby and children spent Sunday evening at the Frank Amann bhome. M Long Lake Tuesday evening. A!thollmchkem.bu- lpess caller in Round Lake this week: Mre. Dykes is on the sick list this Miss Ruth Davis of Chicago spent the week end at the bome of her par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman lmvis. Mr. and Mre. Ed Brown and daughb-- ter lMliab, and Me,le White were in Waukegan Sunday evening _ Helen Richardson and Evelyn Ros ing made a trip on borseback to Mc Henry Sunday afternoon. . heals the throat &i&'nwn"' ints the cold from through whols ayst M Ammu;un stores. » Befors it has a chance to Inteo croup or something dan get right after that cough of your child's, No use to doss with ordinary h syrups At once give Kemp's gm--,: 8:. dd-fuhbn':z tried l%d proven medicine safe for children. It George Renehan motored to Milwau-- Auick To--day*" J He is survived by his, wife and fiyve Mr. and Mrs. Job# --Daley were W&u-- fiefllfl Saturday. Edith Cleveland spent a few ys at ber home in Round TAKe this Mr and Mrs. Jahn Sykes spen: Fri-- NC es th. ' Mr. and Mrs Roy Turner and {am-- . ; were | ily, of Waukegan. spent Bunday after: | !mn at the Ed Turner--hofte. ---- { Iwgr to|-- David Flagg and Kennech Conners | * ' of Area and Libertyville were in our | a Chi--town Monday evenin«k. s ' Sue Mrs. Etta Bloom spent Friday eve l 1 t--the --Pramk "A¥HARt h pAWielzlnd spent a few days at the Ralph Davis tBkG NFOOIK.----------~------------------------ 'Btantey Stadtfield was a CGruyslake caller Friday. * Mrs," Cora Marttin and children apent Bunday at the Ralph Davis home. UBF'--G%MT'"' y o t Dr. M i of Libertyville was in Round Lake Tuesday--exening. Charles _ O Wa ; M%MMV'M Mre. Jim Curran is on the sick list. Leo Richardson was a McHenry vis-- itor one day last week. Round Lake caller Wednesday." Mrs. John Rosging was in Round Lake 'one day this week.---- > Ed Krapple of Long Lake was in Round Lake Friday. Mrs, Ed Turner and Mrs. Lee Ben-- well were Chicago callers Monday. Mr. and M,s. Wm. Hironimus were Waukegan. callers Monday. C. G. McoCandless is still on the jury in Waugegan. * _Henry Jansen was a Chicago caller O. A. Howard and Ray Rippberger were Grayslake callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Bauer and children motored to MeHenry Suruay afternoon The meeting of the Ladié# Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Bavis last week. "-- . * * Mik# Tlemensen ~0" TLong Lake wus a Round Lake caller Thursday. Mr. Nichols, the cigar salesman, was in Round Lake this week. ' Miss Ida Doe was in Round Lake Friday morning. . Earl Potter was in Round Lake last Thursday. Philman Hanna of Fox Lake was a Round fike caller Wednesday. . .> _Mre. Jason Renehan and Mrs. Frank Martin were Chicago callers Monday. ~ Mr. Piche was in Chicago Monday. Mr.--and Mrs. Wm. Rochell and his nephew of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home at the lake: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and baby Norman called at the Milford SmitX home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mra. Henry Wagner and Mrs. Emma Stadtfield apd Mrs Pet-- er Wagner of Volo were in Round Lake Thursday. The ladies Aid Society of Round lake took up a collection of $11 to send to the sutfers of the tornado in southern lilinois last week. day evening at the Milford Smith _ George Benwell spent a feow days last week at the Mabél Benwell home Little Evelyn. Aylward had an attack of pneumonia but is better at present. Little Jack is also vyery sick. days with her mother, Mrs. Phannis-- till at Lake Defiance. Mra. Peter Meyers and daughier, Betty, called at the Kate Nolan home Ray Rippberger was at hon bis wark tfasea(ew days a)*" * Gifford White and Harrison Gilbert spent Tuesday in Chitago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Volo were in Round Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Raiph Davis called at the Fiiz home Friday afternoon. > Mr. Walker was a Round Take bus-- iness caller Friday a{ternoon. Miss Clara Amann spent Friday evening at the Harold Kennedy hume Mre. Roy Davis was a Chicago Vis-- itor Wednesday. Mre. Etta Bloo maund son, Emmest, returned this week to their home at SBpring Valley, I!Il -- Mrs. Mary Kennedy and daugnter Mary Lue, and Clara Amann called at the Sumber Bauer home Friday. Clara Amann, Velma Fi't: and Ear} Jacobson were Waukegan callers last Sunday evenink. * Maurice Murrie and son of Grays-- lake were Round Lake callers> last Monday. Mr. and Mts. Herman Molidor vis Ited in Volo Sunday. Ben Peterkort was a Grayslake caller Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Frost and thildreuw tHave returned home, after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs Mitcbel', in Chi-- cage. -- 20 #ick list this week. Mrs. C. G. McCandless and children Eloise and Eltog. were Waukesat v1% itors Sunday. week end at theip summer homes at the Lakes. H. Harmon, of the Grayslake--C. M. & 8t Pau! raroad station, was in Round Lake Monday eveniasg. Iittle Mafty Ime Kennedy spent last Monday at the Fitsz bomeo. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford White motores to liébertyville Monday afterncon. Mr. and Mrs. Nells Hoigaard spent Bunday at the bhome of their s60, Chris Holgaard, at North Chicago. -- Herman Molidor has been on th« #ick list this week. of Area and Libertyvilie were in ourl John Burke passed away at the age town Monday evenin«k. » |of 75 years at his home in Cameron, 'Mr. and Mrs. George Winebergt. Of | wis, Friday, March 13. 1925. after a Chicago spent Monday evening at {D®|sport jliness. Mt Burk® was well Jack Daley home. ~ --|known in Ahtioch, having lived here --Many --people--{ro mChicago speant 1B4+ uarit--atout 25 years ago, wien ho 4 D ctzace -- Chas. D. Proctor Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M ul A U G FR O E L 1| C H FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 Lake Zurich, Miincis. aglA |. The Senior class of 1925 of the An-- tioch high school presented "Come Out 'of the Kitcheh"~at 'the high school ;auditorium Thursday and Friday eve-- tnings.-- The piaytng was excepttonaliy 'fine and showed what good work the |high schol students can do. ~Len Paddaék,;~60, Antioch recluse, who has eked out a liviag for many years by hunting and trapping the lake district, was tound dead Mon: day night huddled in a ditch along Anderson Lane, near Channel Lake, where he had probably been for a The <story of his death was writ-- ten by his foot prints in the sand, according to Deputy Will ~R&sing; of 'Antioch. His tracks--léd --along the lonely private road to summer cot-- tages to a:"depression in the road where he appearéd to have lost h footing and plunged seven feet be-- low into the ditch lined with rocks. His tracks are the onliy ones along the lane, Rosing stated. John Eddy, who found him, stated that the man was on his back, face up, and hbhad $1.20 in his pocket. He was not a man who carried muck money. > ' Dey' Mss 40. gaupoably been Paddock had been missing "since Tuesday of last week and his near-- est neighbors, noting his absence, believed that bhe was doing jury service in Waukegan. One wound was found on the body, a badly bruised .spot on the top of the --head. --with--the--indiecation --that the skull is brokeB. TRAPPER, MISSING A WEEK, IS FOUND DEAD ALONG LANE Len Paddock, Antioch Rec_:lu;se,' _ Discovered in Ditch With, . It is Rosing's opinion that the man slid down the incline and received the 'blow on his head from a rock. Besides the $1.20 in his pocket the shores of Channel Lake, and his foot marks in the sand indicated that he bad been on his way home. He had lived for years in the hut, his mother making Ber bhome with him until ber-- death a year ago. Paddock was unmarried and had lived mear Antioch nearly all his life. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and son, Catvin, were guests of relatives in Ev-- anston Sunday. moved to Cameron, where he has since The coronmer's jury acting in the case *"of Paddock returned a verdict Tuesday afternoon that he had died of acute alcoholism. No mention was made of hbis falling and strik-- ing his bead on a stope. ohme bere al days correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist en the original genuine Gorn Mapac. haarlem oil has been a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and FOR OVER 200 YEARS Qinsses Boientifically Fitted Office Hours: 10 to 11 a an., 1 to ¢ a a. 1 to 8 a a. Office FPhone 123; Res. 111. Dr. L. B. Jolly ~ Eye, Ear, W. Ross is very sick at her Waukegan NMitnois LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925 ° The first of last week O. E. Hack-- meister. moved his--meat --market-- the new King building, recently com-- lploted on Main street. Cleveland, Ohio, April 28; 1861, and died March 4, 1925, at the home of her brother at Madison, . Ohio, aged 62 years. October 1, 1879, she married Sanford Eddy and lived for many years at Gates, Will and Willoughby. About ten years ago they moved to Antioch. A year ago she went to Cleveland for medical attention. Mrs. Eddy leaves to mourn her loss her husband and one son, Ray Eddy, of this place;--aiso one sister amt three brothers. The funeral seryices were held at the Mentor M. E. chureh on March 7, with burial at the Mentor cemetery. ~ Harry P. Lowry transacted business in Chicago Friday. -- lived. About 38 years ago he began publishing the Antioch News and con-- tinued until about 25 years ago when he sold the paper to A. B. Johnson. He has engaged in farming near the Wisconsin city. _ Mr. Burke is sur-- vived by his wife, four sons, two daughters and three brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held on Monday, March 16, with burial at the Chetek cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett of Waukegan were over Sunday visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Buschman. i Mrs. Vida Money has purchased the Robert Runyard house on Johnnott street'and expects to move there soon. future home __Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hill entertain ed relatives from Kenosha Sunday. Percy China is reported very ill at his home here. _ --__ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Kincade. * Pete Peterson and, Albert Shepard spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-- day of last week in Chicago. | THE FINEST ESSEX KCns -- EVER BUILT Mrs. Harold Wells and little son vis-- Ited several days last week at thee For Lake County circulation, place your advertisement in The Mr Mrs:.~Banford You CannotGet EqualStyl'c- esene ~Ferformance and Reliability Within Hundreds of Dollars of Its Price \ CHAS, M. BERNARD, and Mrs. Fred Sorenson and ter moved Satupday tn. emogha, " 'These qualities make it the most wented and largest selling car of is css in the world. > Hudson--Essex, Largest Selling 6--Cylinder _ Closed Cars in the World Essexr is a totally different type. Its advantages are exclusive because patented. It gives results never be-- ewer bmmit. it in the best looking, nost I is the finmest Essex ewer buik. it in MAIN GARAGE wi\ The riding ease of large, costly cars. The handling Low price, without disappointment in looks of The lowest maintenance cost, we beliere, of car in the world. mes Economy without sacrifice of performance. Stability and highest roadability without unneces-- A Car You Will Be Proud to Own SERVICE WORTH WHILE rop. ; 345 North Milwaukee® Avenue __ _ Mrs. Penciliay in her blood soak-- _ed bed from 12 o ck . last night |until 8 o'clock tbimim\_,'rhefi \she. was discovered by Pedro Tarm [anza, another Mexican, who lives 'mcross the street from her. The jpollce have been unable to find Cas-- tro, -- whom Mrs. Pencil claims, d.0 |the cutting in a jealous and brutal 'rage. -- Caranz:a . notified the police i:nd Mrs. Pencil was taken to the 'hospital where it is feared she will | die from infection caused by her wounds which lay open practically all night. -- Emma )Pencil, negress, of Twenty-- second street and Dickey _ avenue, North Chicago, is beliévbd to be near death in . the Lake County General hospital, horribly mutilated hy deep gashes inflicted on her person with '.:mr.._tgr.s%n.,mwm'w, %fl n aw husband of _the -- pas ree months, eBaito Castro, a M@xican, according to her charge to the police MEXICAN CUTS UP COMMON LAW WIFE TN JEALOUS RAGE Emma Pencil, Negress, May Die of Infection from Hor-- . In HAVE THE DORMANT SPRAY PUT ON YOUR ORCHARDS THIS SPRING. 1 WILL BE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR SPRAYING AS SOON AS REQUIRED. CALL OR<WRITE TO 137 SCHOOL STREET. --P. 0. BOX 119 LIBERTYVILLE, HOW ARD®REPPERT LM comfortably riding Essex ever buik. And the price, because of volume, is the lowest at which Essex ever sold. t:lyyoumnabenilfiedvihla Essex offers when its cost is but lirtle more than carsol thelowest price. She was unabie to move and lay tu her--bed untit "Caran#a --came in this morning to 'see why she was not about her regular work. from lack of care and the 12 inch gash in her back lay open, with the bed clothing stuffed into the cut. AC'4 inch gash was cut across het throat, a 7 inch cut slashed her abdomen, and . a 12 inch cut opened down her back while cher arm was cut and the thumb of her righ . hand..whas . near}y-- #8%A700.----........> move from the painful cuht:')fi ber throat .abdomen, back, d and arm. The raror, with the '(blade shattered from the vicious attack, lay across_her chest ang Castro had disappeared. __When the police arrived, . the m aabuny > > mt &&nml *0 *tarn bixc*k: Quick Way to Stop Them dose of that old 'i'uflgt. racking cou(hm which,, by rapidly weakening your ne»w*f tem lays you open to more dangerous . infections, can be checked often with the first reason, Doctors say 18 nmhhz luike m i ooe :.:,:'g'& opay E es ;a"o':'i-h'f. how Mlythncn-h-g tion relieves the stubbornest cough. _ _ _ --Dr. Bell's Pine--Tar Honey. And there's'a-- 12 iy SelFo Gil Sieww int goot rugqint'a fi Dr.BELLES: PINE ~TAR ~ HONEY COU G H S LAY IN OWN BLOOD Telephone. 456 Z¥ aom e s h ber| d and bhde} attack, ro had ) _ _ |in Gridiey | PP EET Meets First and Thirg Friday Nights of Eacsh Meonth In Gridiey Hall, First Naflow Bank Buudhfi Vlomq\g Neighbors Weliceme E. A. OwWN, Jr., _ W. NAGEL, LIBERTYVILLE LODGE No. 954 Meets Each Munday Night at 8 o'cteosn PMRST NATIONAL BANK BLDGQ Visiting Members Cordially. invieem ROY WATERS, N. G. Meets Zna and 4th Tuesday of Esen Month at Gridiey Haill. Visiting Brother are Cordi>'"v Invites LORA STURM, MARY CARNEY, 0 1 0 ==." Prefect _ Corresnondent Meets'First and Third Monday Nights __of Each Month at Masonic Hall Visiting Companions Cordially Invited s vVICTORY AFFILIATER | . Vv COUNCIL 1_;7 TA P NORTH NAUAZS AMERICAN UNION Visiting M~mbers Cordially Invited : Mceet. Second and Fourth Wednesdas -- ~* Evenings of Each Month. --= > WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. GEORGE C. SMALL, GBecretary. 7 DR. J. L TAYLOR se Office in First Natiom! Bank Buildime Hours:--1 to $:30 and ? to § oA & Residence on Broadway. opposits Pars FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING Attornegy at Law -- _ LBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS -- LUCEB BUILDMNG Res. Phone 13§ M Office Phone is By U. 8. Government--Veterinarian D C. Grirneil, Inspector in Charge FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT f 547 NORTH COUNTY S1. WAUKECAN, ILLINOHE 2: Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 -- _ . EDW. L DuBOIS, H. P. CHAS, D. NALLEY, Seo'y. Cattle Tested for Tubercuiom T67 FREE OF CH ARGE wnx_auneuohnhbhh- and material on your house complete for a set figure 1oa you may know just what cost will be AlTORNEY --AT--LAW Office at Home on Cook Avenue INSU RANCE ||~ Going to Build? Phone Libertyyilis 144.R --IMAR Phone M7M . LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOE VETERINARY sURGEON TELEPHONE 66 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLJNOI8 Office With Farm Buresu, 116 South Gemese St. . WAUKECAN, ILLINOE »--COLUMBIA -- : LODGE MANUFACTURER OPF LYFLL H. MORRIS NJd. 272. R. A. M. A.A.Gr?{{ 'ACME CAMP NO. 17¢ M. W. *f A. GONSALVES PAGE SEVEN K9 4 65