Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Mar 1925, p. 8

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p * M.mumm-oug're- # eelved for salvage of reacting tle, P which would bring the total received s well above $135,000 to date. We have x yet--to hear of a farmer whom the test 4. has bankrupted. On the other hand4, 4 . practically every one who has gone _ __.. *~ through it is ginad hbe did so and is well them slaughtered, and was astonished :.intp-n;-tddbo-othmut- -- ahowed. e immediately cleaned up sand disinfected his premises, made a ftew simple changes to allow more ms--z» ~fimmm-¢g (Crooot wnat wit Te reduit?. Hie now has ME U K HOLR RAH UA 42 2. e ceicm E. mss uis ------' We could mention a number of in-- stances: That of Mr. Benwell, a young f farmer neat Gurnee, is striking. He ~. --., '"Bad a bherd of 24 cows a fttle better 3. than a year ago. He was afraid to a feed the milk from these cows to his 6 ns . #o ~was buying a day from a farmer who hat B4z accredited berd. This herd of 24 y cows was only producing five to six L ans of mik per day. The test show-- k® «d most oA them tuberculat. Mr. Ben --]|15--30-- TRACT OR morning. 'Then he perceived his wife and gon preparing to leap from the -- window to the ground, a distance of perhaps fifteen Teet. Hurrying to a telephone Rys called the police. He . was weak from loss of blood when taken to the police station. Dr. J. M. Walter was summoned to sew up the wounds in his neck.. An eramination missed a large artery in the neck by the fraction of an inch. Ryse had two revolvers in his possession when 'ar . _ Six hundred of Lake county's daily men have given their herds. one or more tests under the county area plan _ and have cleaned up on bovine tuber-- eulosis. Over $100,000 of Federal and . Btnte indemnities have been received Sor reacting caitle in -- Lake--county less than he got fro mthe 24 cows, and bhe is glad he don't have to milk 24 dis-- eased cows to get the milk. He would not go back to the old way of keeping -"'_u d'fl_tf.l health for any co> SLASHES THROAT .. OF FATHER TO _ ~SAVE HIS MOTHER T. B. TEST A BIC HELP.TO * LAKE COUNTY DAIRYMEN boy smote his father across the throat with the keen edged knife.. Once-- twice--three times, the blade hacked the victim's throat. Not until then dld Rys relinquish his hold upon bis Rys is alleged to have © been so busily engazged in choking his wife that he did not notice the youngster. _An eight' year' old son, ° awakened by the struggle between his fathe and mother, got out of bed.and, fear-- ful that bhis mother was going to be killed, ran into the pantry .and ob tained an immense butcher knife, the blade of which was fully fourteen inches in length. «t : the:police by his wife, arrived home drenk early Sunday morning and be-- gan to abuse her as usual -- He syc ceeded in throwing her to the floor of the kitchen; then with both knees fArm planted on her chest to hold her down, he is alleged to have started choking her with one hand while. he drew a revolver with the other and announced that he was going to kil} dan Rd., Waukegan, had a close escape from death Sunday morning at, 2:00, when his eight year old son slashed him on the throat three times with a big butcher knife. The child. accord-- ing to the police, made the attack on Eight Year Old Son Attacks Lucas Rys With Butcher-- This is a brand new outfit and has never been used. Must , be sold ut once, Address M--130 Care Independent. = _ Lucas Rys, 38. of 35 South Sheri-- 604 Second Street Telephone 193--R Libertyville, Iinois j Cement and Mason Contractor CEMENT BLOCKS CHAS. SEILER McCormick--Deering AND P. & 0. 3--BOTTOM PLOW $1175 CA S H -- y Aold 497 and Election-- ot--Ofticers ot said Town ahip will tak on e 'l"U-MT. mmm pPa¥ -- ' OP APRIML Wws ~ ~watrty ® P w' ~<ofemen -- '....:..;:!" "&W" Shail a Special Tax for stoné Road purposes be levied?t hohnleocuwm.p-no. Town Hall, Half Day, lilinois, at the hour of 2 p. m., and after choosing a ToA urodan ap Nee u. mc Moderator wilt? proceed to hear and mmum.wm m-ouytodofnyuom expenses of the township, and to do Moq'deddcumm T ACCC, garage. FPFi10e0 IoF qur ANNUAL TOWN m?lflfl ANO Owner in another city. Lyons & ELECT *__ | IiAbertyville: Phone 243. Notice is hereby given to the uc:'l es mm Voters, residents of the Township * Vernon, County --of Lake, mbdl' m'mm DBH4 LibG ABBOKLE : FPOWBHBMG HLbDFRAI | «Kst on ssmmmsmmme m _ fourth day of March A. D. 1925 _ CHAS. J. HERSCHBERCOER, 13--1t Tauwnabhin ("er The Town Meeting will open in the Town Hall, Libertyville, Mlinois, at the bour of 2 p. m.. and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appro-- priate money to defray the necessary expenses of the township, and to de-- Uberate and decide on such measures as may in pursuance of law, come before the meeting GMven under my hand this twenty-- fifth day of March A. D. 1925. ED. HUBBARD, 18--1t --___ Townghip Clerk. Library; two for three years, one to ml_ne!ncy for one year. District No. 1, at the Town Hall, Lib-- ertyville, Illinois. District No. 3, at the Village Hall Area, I!linois. 2. Leonard C. Blank of the Cash and Carry--Market, this week is installing a refrigerator plant of the most ap-- proved type, to properly care for his meats during the bot weather. 'The outfit will enable him to keep fresh meats chilled without the aid of ice, and arrangements are provided for the freezing of a reserve supply of ice in case the machinerty goes wrong. The display cases are also provided with al the federal, state and county work 8r0uUnd-- LJbertyville; no experience being done to eradicate this dread 3®C°@88&ry; average earnings about $40 disease from the herds supplying milk : P®" Wweek; must be clean cut and am-- to the great city of Chicago? 'Nmi rharried man with car pre-- Chnnmenememcrenplllietiis ntoeniecone ns ferred; references required.. Write F. CASH ANNM CABPY MABKET _ |W-- Garver, 226 Calhoun Street, Wood:-- CASH AND CARRY MARKET If"@'{_",{{' -- _ HAS NEW COOLING PLANT ------------ of 'their milk through me,mbomun'l----'h-----f'--;";:'_'&;; teat. should --nof.these . men. of..their WWANTID---W; nation: own ftree cooperate and aupport } U¥ Advertised -- In_ and all the federal, state and county work 2r0und-- Libertyville; no experience ty does not deny the statement. that® adgares, V¥y p e y 1202 °° ! auired. % per cent of bet coma'ure mortaagey | Address VXV, Independent _ 124 and that over 50 per cent are | ooop:omww 'or--an < l nrnennn l se ".'.'v"W:&_ ' 41.:. '.:- When such condiftions are true, e the handling of dogs. Must be l'hml" umm?"h;?ti'o'rmlydw of a kind dizposition and not use cig-- t. Is not con n large ue !0 arettes, . Litchfileld. the fact that these cows are uproflt-'*--wL-----_.&' able to the owners? | Instead of fTight-- WANTED--Auto salesman. nt.:ood ing progressive efforts to make beiter | -- Rroposition for -tmt 'Call conditions for dairymen and the 'sale | Libertyville Garage. ne 20%.3= 12 The officers to beelected are "Two Justices of the Peace. Two Conatables. * selected in ~Wisconsin, and averages six cans per day. Far from being bankrupted, he feels that the test and Three Members of the Board of Dt ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ANO of the Township Free Public No. 2, at C. Gottf & Co.'s OWN MEETING AND ELECTION P | HOUSES FOR SALE my hbhand this twenty-- dge |-- _' AGENTS WANTED ave.; nice location. $60.00 per month, 1 .year lease. Sellers & Petersen 1t FOR E4LE--402a farm, fuily equipped; See Fred H. Smith, Libertyville, 11tf FOR SALE--20 acres, 2 miles north good condition; terms. See Fred H. Smith, Libertyville, L. 1141 FOR RENT--190 acre farm near Long Gro¥e. Apply to G. H. Andgerman UR BALE--7 room hbouse, beautiful lirge wood lot, on Stewart Avenue; furnace beat and all modern conven-- lences; grarage. Priced for quick sale. Owner in another city. LyOons & Rouse IAbertyville. Phone 243. 1}4f FOR SALE--Rooming house, 21 rooms with steam, electricity, $550.00 in-- come; 10 years' lease transferable; opposite Lincoln Park; $250 rent Ad-- dress A. ¥., 2236 N. Clark St., Chicago, Tilinols, . 1}1t --Instructs us to sell fine modern Libertyville home to hbighest bidd within the next week. If you are in the market for a home, see us &t once and make offer. No information b telephone. Sellers & Petersen. 12--1t FOR SALE--Modern home; $ rooms _and bath; two lots; two car garage, chicken coop and good garden. D. D. Campbell, Antioch, HL Telephone A toch* 175--W. 113t 614 No. Mitw. CHICAGO PWNER NEEDS MONEY FPOR EXCHANGE--20 acres near Bt. John's river, Florida. Price $1500. What have you--to offer. . Bellers _ & Petersen. 1f1t OWNER WILL BUILD STORES, also Bowling Alley, on Milwaukee A Libertyville, for desirable tenants. terested parties write to Box. No. REAL ESTATE Insurance _ couple; man to work on farm, wife to board help; good wages. <Weber Duck Furm, Lake Villa, I!l. _ Phone Lake Villa 138J--2. 134f WANTED--On poultry farm, married adjoining towns.~.References required. Address VXV, Independent. 1%3t nato points: falee 10&- W,Wm' fi,' and valuables. Cash by return mail. CLASSIFIED ADS FARMS FOR SALE FRED H. SMITH --~~* Either Buying or Selling SnveT, Nt Sgre OM Gold, Piatinum, . Co., Ostego, Mich. i in * 3t io k F ARPAE : dilinth i cons irpes --qprciace uit en e a ave. Notary Public 0 Ave., 8.. In-- 12--1t , to ||| to render any service that you # <MGNEYT TO LOAN--We hare a con ~.|~#it#rable amount of special funds to rugs, 1 baby bed, 1 step ladder. Must sell at once. Call at 613 First street, LAbertyville. ; 12--2t FOR SALE--Black mare, T yoars old, weight --about 1400 pounds. Price $85., E. Wilcoxr, Area. Phone 627--R--2. 124 FOR BALE--HMousehold goods, includ-- Ing gas range, kitchen table, daten-- port, library table, large rocker, cane rocker and chair, combination writing from 1400 to 1700. Cashor terms. Call at 200 Ellis Avenue, Libertyvilie. Bell & Janusen. ~ 1}--t FOR SALE--2 cows, coming fresh; 4 geese, 1 gas tank, 1 Garland cook stove, 1 hot blast heater. Adoliph Meler Deerfleld. Phone 23# W. 1%--1t POR AALE--Holstein Bull, 2 years old. Geo. Hironimus, Willow Farm, Area, II!. Phone 624W-- 2 1%2t FOR SALE--St. Bernard puppiles. Tel-- CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, dental golid, platinum and discarded Jewelry. Hoke Smeiting & Refining Co., Ostego, Michigan. . 4611 FOR SALE--Marquis cleaned seed wheat. I. DeMeyer, BRelvidere Ro., one mile mpl Milwaukee Ave. Tel-- ephone 61 mminrmmemnnume ue soom § e# chicken house. FARROW CHIX WORLDS GREAT. -- EST SELLING CHIX. -- Thorobred Utility in 100 lots White. or Brown Leghorns, $11.50; Barred Rocks, Sin-- gle lr. $114.50; White Rocks, Rose Reds, $15.50; Buff Orp., Minorcas. Wy-- andottes, $16.50. ~Postpaid in 111. only. Free cataiog. D. T. FARROW CHICK-- axd outbuildings on the Houllhan farm, opposite the County Farm. Look them over and submit your bid to Sel-- lers & Potersen. Everything must be removed clear, except the bhouse and FOR SALE--Portable hog houses, in use one year, measure 8 feet by 19 feet; well built and in good condition. Priced --at less than lumber will cost. Call Lake Forest #98, or see ¥r Lay: son, Arcady Farm, Rondout, HL -- 12 Duck Eggs, 10c each, 11 for $1.00; strong healthy stock. Postpald. Tel-- ephone Lake Forest $94--¥--43. L D. Vaughn, Deerfield, II1. 13--1t QUALITY CHIGKS FROM TWO, YR. OoLD STOCK, 10 To 16 CTs. sun. NY CROFT POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY, PALATINE, ILL_ TEL. EPHONE NO. 5. 18.4f FOR SALE--Barred Rock baby chix apd e@gs. We havye our flock culled y{% production. Roosters inspected for lity Type and productuon. Mrs. Frapk Frederick Grays Lake, IHMlinois. PhoneRound Lake 16--M--1. 1%--1t FOR SJALE--White Wyandotte eggs, for setting, at 75¢ a setting. Tele phone 301J. . 13--2t FROM $3,000 UP, TO LOAN on LAKE NTY. FARMS. INTEREYT 8% . AEASONABLE CcomMmIission Tno ATTRACTIVE PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES. R. 8. DIXON, GURNEE. ILL. -- 4641 WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FOR SBALE--192% Overland. Liberty-- ville Garage. Phone 202. 12+f FOR SALE--One--ton high speed Ford : --truck, 1924--mode!=Call Lake Zurich telephone 19. e l nE T xY Chevrolet truck, Overland sedan, Page coupe, Moon touring 1924, Moon se-- dan 1924. Landwer Bros.. Lake Zurich Garage. Phone Lake Zurich 1. 4--tt FOR SALE--Ford truck, Ford coupe, We have some choice acre property and home--sites, hous-- es and bungalows at prices that AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE When You 'Think of Selling Otluh.:lbdl'amo 2 . > neved --» e Nt spist n n Honeywell Studio oven, 5 dressers, 5 beds two9 by 12 linoleum rugs, 1 9 by 18 linoleum rug; 3 Brussels rugs, 2 kitchen tables, cen-- ter table, 2 dozen dining room chairs, puflaot'andlomm.. . AH sgums over $25, 6 mos, 7 per cent. B4 vwohn J. Wick, A'ufiupr.* ~Office _-- _ ------28--4 / --NORTH SHORE INVESTMENT co. |-- Tuesday, March 31, 1925, 12%:30 p.m., Weige!l Bros.. who are quitting the farm to reside in Wilmette, will sell Aat public auction on the Sanders road, 1% . miles south-- of Dundée road, two miles north of Milwaukee avenue, the following : . o ¢ HEAD OF LIVESTOCK--1 team of black horses, 7 and 8 years weight 3000 Ibs.; of bays, 7 and 8 yrs., wt. 3000 lbs.; 2 milking cows.-- > i, 100 Rhode Island Red chickens, 25 Brown Leghorn chickens, 6 breeding and Accident Policies for §5 a year. BUt you will have to have thea refarence of your Newspaper R.-- H. Gore, Genera) Manager, Appreciation Department, North Company, Box 1157, Chicago, 111. Editor. If he says you are worth while, we will take you. Write U# the ambition surges in you to be your own boss and you: have the determination to get ahsad in the world, we can offer you a position as our representative, selling our $5000 Accident Policy I will not be responsible for . bills contracted by the tenant or anyone other than myself. ~ . ~~ 26--5--12 If You Want A Business M 'u.ll';l:n nl?.'nc%' rier , heretotore beginning as of March 1st. Paige Jewett Cars er. Phone 856.. Write or leave order at Roy's Music Store, Waukegan, II1., or Libertyville Independent.: 13--1t GET YOUR BABY CHICKS at Sunny _ Croft Poultry Farm and Hatchery. € tons timothy hay, bated. HOUSEHOLD -- GOODS -- and give you a liberal variety of proofs to choose from. Come in and see portraits of you will be .convinced. e catch <them at their best WIEGEL _BROS. AUucTion J. Lyons any |[J _ BIG LOT, ALMOST AN ACRE--100 feet by about 375 feet, |J _ _by _ on McKinley Ave.; sewer and water in street. Fine prop------[| v, erty. Price $3,000. -- : # ==|[f -- TWO NICE LOTS--50x200 each. On McKinley Ave. Must 3 be bought together. . Price $1100 each. _ <~I~ se ||| FINE LOT ON MILWAUKEE AVENUE--South of Electric [f _ . Depot, 50x150. Price $1,500. _ _ f . the . © . h a, |f[ ~TWO LOTS NEAR FOULD'S PLANT--On comer, 50x150 [| ~ ght each. Pnce $6w each. -- N C 25 ||| _ ALSO LOTS NEAR FOULDS PLANT--At $300 each. $100 _ || _ x ||| _ NICE LOT ON PARK AVE.--All improvementein.... 502150. . [f*~ _ Price $1,500. 2e * | GUERNSEYS NI#SH EXPERT ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION GERYv-- ICH SUBDIVISIONS DEVELOPED. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AETNA LIFE, AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH and COMPENZATION INSURANCE. * ' a.. . seance cmeul ues in «x «WO Nq --NUN ETTE OUPMK N ------ _=c cce ce niryg ** _ us NP TELEPHONES. ~LIBERTYYILLE §1 ang 14 _ _ waAUKkEGan os | PAY YOU.. ' . ON YOUR SAVINGS WHILE YOU ARE SAVING . p»YOUR HOME PROYIDE THE HOME FOR YOU AT COST, PLUS 5%. ARRANGE.POR. EASY. PAYMENTS PUEK Wi Finance 30 Per Cent of the Cost ol Your Home --__~ . TEAMS FOR DAY WORK AND ODD JOBS Also Lots Ploughed and Dragged -- AGENTS QUEEN INSURANCE CO., OF AMERICA Bartlett & Fitzgibbons Realty Company Milwaukee Ave. and St. Paul Depot Phone 455--M INSURANCE IS A NECESSITY---- For Information, Call at 200 Ellis Avenue, Libertyville, HL. If Taken This Month H ; BARGAINS OFFICE GROUND FLOOR _ 551 MILWAUKEE AVE. _ NOT A LUXURY BETTER $SURE THAN sS0O RRRY Registered Bulls BELL & JANNSEN ELM FARMS Libertyville 4 to 12 Months : > Pure Bred 1/, miles east of Everett Station hi Nn ce n sWnc in e s § + 2 . t 3 2¢

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