e Ae e inaaaAy vWelninn . | tabsished Jawn in the spring with 156 e o npedy &"b" **!igea that it needs resceding. Very \ _ --__ . berculine testing bil wus--seen by DPFO {lizely it does, but his method will do _ = ----_ peonenits here today when the: house|1little good. * .z i h __ cons An Acticellume k &;fi i'l.ll.%b??nm hfl; wmmm Tows by the heavy rains of apring. __..__ : Im 80 days provision wilt not become|Jt--has no atiachment to the sof and _\ effective mautil July 1, 19%27.. 'The bill| the--first bot sun will shrivel %m' e-- eauired thai io any count? where e Aapioant on . thy cwoittre. " . < 4 4: . pericent of the herd owners submit! ;/ ,, Jlawn is thin, and .,.'.h' _.___ _ veoluntarily. to herd testing. the PMAC--{there are--thin spots each spring. Fake E{: __| tiee becomes mandatory on there--|the thin-- spots vigorously with a gar-- --'=='_ maining. 25 per cent of the owners, ~|40d rake until the soil is stirred *..--» ----gmittem, however.--after-- listening--10 ~___-- afficers of the sanitary distriot, added %~~-- Bm --emergency clause making the bill eftediiwe immediately on pasmage. it °~ JS effilmated that the increased bond-- \__ Ing pewer: will . raise Aan additional --_ «fee i $6,000 for all business houses _ -- giving away traiding stampsa or pre-- _ «Sor &eauty Aociors> and yincing al} _ --such eccunstion under control of the _ Repartment of education and restric-- _-- on witer Oct. 1, 1925. \\_ _' A WBI appropriating $3,000,000 to _ BILL PASSES HOUSE Eianer Cent Have Herds _~~Fested, Other 25 Per Cent | on moecy hocas and pucing an|Leaves Problems of World to Cagh proposes to take over -- Blfle passed by the house this weck mmn:t-;l-'--:i range at CMicago: the %ill approprint-- ing #$100181 for the purchuses «wl ing \weld this week at which oppo-- nentsof the measure presented-- thir the MHnois siver valley. The Chicago tramszportation district ardinance, whoreby the oity of Ch+ age Oilsposal piants 40 the rolieft af per wgeni oi ije nerd Owners SUupmMmsi -- 1¢ 4he jawn is thin and usuafy|velop Genty--and holiows here and voluntarily. to herd testing. the PMAC|there.are thin spots each spring, rake there. FWH theee in with good earth, e en ie n i inn . 24np taike unth tbe oolt is Suimel Andiong stamg Fom: 4 drampy Reae doier j 5 R rake until the § slLamp £ ".."2;:""':."'"~M-uummmuxuawuq ud i the mewikg. nt the House -- senate committees "'hnlmhmu-anl.m-rficfii id will mnot restore its @ppearznce, Induxtrial--affairs are expetted to meet }grass seed is sown so thickly that surtece of the soil mwust be dovel within a week to act op the wornen's}| gmothers itself in germinating. I, so a 'Yelvety gresapsward> > cight--hour hill, Sollowing a joint hear-- ' ', w e :A r We bills, as they are termed --has been Het fpr hearing before the joint sen-- ateand house committees on pubic Loretta EKllis, 3%, Milw. Clarence Gelszar, 21, Milw. ~ YVictoria Gashowski, 48, Milw. --Ohas. G. Marter, Bt, Green BRay. _ Oollette Olson, 20, Green Bas, * Wright Matson, 22, Chgo. _ Gindys Downing, 21, Chge, Rstel Guodgen, ' Waukegan. ~--B. J. Moore, $1, Dallas, Texgs. Kiizabeth Koip, 21, MH=, The Camp Logan Park bill intro-- In the state legislature recent ' by Reprepontative W. ¥. Weine otf rru' which would cause b tifle range to be convertad into Eva Viotetta Gaddis, %, Zion. _ |UBI JL1IL AlMA a P. $0, Ingiannpolis. s m n s ".. "| PLANES AND BOATS O+r*ar Wiukie $1, Mile. & Springfield, HL,. March 27.-- a-- legislatare. "do . pass" --the ige bill_ Wwcreasing --the bond LCOW TESTING . . THIS STATE mand the houwp Wed week by a unamimaus wer ~Corke LUKEGRANT, YE ED ON BULLETIN, :; More grass seed t0 the square inch gaking'is too arduoys, after sowing is arasted probably -- than ony ~other ,! sedd give a. light t0p «dressing of :'..".ll" m-.;'f'& mpmatec F m'"' * bute gible conditions-- which the owner of #aheep. manure. H none a lawn forcés mupon the soed and then e mathods is used the most felec: expects it to grow. It is a common]tive of mM, --rolling: the sead iuto the sight to see a hoine owner soattermg | sofl w#h".a Bawn roller, wilt mi seed hroadcast apd lavishly an an e#--/plish the «ftec. s tabjished 4zwn in the spring with 'fimmm.hhm% idea Ahat it meeds reseeding. Very take hold and be aftany value in lUkely it does, but his method will do |Fepestahbliszhing ~and %4'; earth amd will be washed-- into »o00t yrows by the heavy ratus of apring. nn:' It ~has no atiachment to the soi and f \rthl Mret bot l:: will shrivel mw the lings-- which have been uged 1:khllate by the moisture [ '~, UE _'If the jJawn is thin, and usuany/velo there.are thin spots each «spring, gake | ther imm--moukufilmz' den rake until Athe soil is stirred a ffiu sow the seed, mixing it . with ey half its bulk of sand, for a&cfii \ grass seed is sown so thickly that itlowbmyn;s 3. |FILE AFFDAVITS <-- ----IN LAKE COUNTY | TOPROVEWILTOF i GVEN T. 3. TtsT SHEPHERD UNPROYED S00--wH#h'.a dawa raller, wilt nocom plish the <«ftec. 6 :'fimmm»uum k take hold and be af--any value . d, it mutt be brought: iuto «lose coptact with the soil zo that the Ziny »oetlet can strike into the earth uwnad 'no:lllou'-fib.l. .. Now is the fime 'to wtart leveling the lawn. Iun wpite of the best «fforts m.np-'fl.w'-mcw_- 0t the soil, scem bound to de LIBERTYVILLE--INXD Luilke ut avd Highniand Park, it is sauid, whun to adopt Daylight Raving wgule this your an -- thot The 'pative Korth ahore will b* an the same time. LE AFFDAVITS : 'l:'-;':u';'-::-:-".é'-" i r-- "TO PROVE WILT OF 1 --------------=-------------- A»p urude offective again waus aut hraongirt --uy. «un Tact it «ppearod that The majority ot local residents have vearhed the belel thet inaguch u&t}th-""h Chicago Waukegan ceunot afford boaut af tune) eapecitilly wince tiew thint menibers of the city commis-- sion 'hecftated --about .ecting. untll . a atraw wate 'had been takon by the . This wote thowed thut a ma-- werse in 42 vor --of gaving &n hour w ~Arptight each day and. The <ity wl to the Alltery.ce in thma. thie April %6, the last Sundag in the M'a.""-u B wb baast -- in Septenfber. «mil Tthe other Towas io the threrior af Uhe osunty, it A0s «it, *4 dollow the waws qjlun as they© heve in wther 'flfinmmn The mlr#1t of Daylight Saving this your wi mot bring the battle That has heen waged eyery year in --Waukegam sinte the gilan first was put iito i6f-- COUNRT yY On ord CITIES ON LAKE SUORE TO ADOPT DAYLIGHT SAVING Rven Inst yeur there was eutch a alwars om t Py T as to *\ duy with a victory ower the Sutem, Qre, team, y a ucore of 27 to 21. me.] -- The Trazla, La., Tive Artomedl tho 'On@--| Tomopuh, Noer., Cowbays, by a scare w¥\ of B to 46. The game waus *oerodiy played. muum-an' ow i with 15 peiots. : s the |>~ Whesler; Wisk., took the thirdl u» j game of the morning, A--fouting Albe K. ¥., B to 4. The Hustiagim, N. T11, fin 4+ -- _ | tfeatpd Port Suwih, Ark.. 1 to 18. The foor tosses ubar the end of The game. | Chbaiky sfte, Teaus abeut tweuty--cight E mtmmcmlhdn-«m hus The tower i the Uoiiteary caothe drd in Raegoaid, to taey tor ns English Loaning Tawee -- | GOrdon Wrecking & The Isle of Pines has whe continunsa Jaannmer, the varistions of tewpernture Alwoughont --the . entire year ~belag aonrcaly as groat ns often wccur nsA Wagle aummer wonth in mang ~(--the | nourthern Gbnies. -- Lt is wore, Andend, thr Istend pegisters as bgh as W Oe grees, and in wiriter The mercury aevee Lalls bottow TD degrees. ~ |BpringReld. 14., Apri "1.~¥4 : tipn-- of tho--wajory part <i.'the staicte $300,000 aturm: relisl Yund. wilt n00tbe . held by the iey'siative commitiee, | Covornor Para't add' Mioraey Conerat : . Caristrom, 4t decame"known A0day. --* Members --of --the-- --eqanmbH}es-- <aald : they were ouger Ao--upend 'the -- money .. in rehabfitation ol public properties, chiof among which were wchool buld-- ~ Ings, but Thiut thoy desired -- to ns hew far they could go legully, dolore -- dtstributing The money. I Home Builders! --Buy -- COront Loen, £1. 1 _ Phone, Waukecser 10M Thene are somk wttiem anh ; ToUr mwarmrin 1s INVITED BP onl sc w