--| ----OIL SFTOVE _ Two--burrier model, a beautiful, con--. venient, economical stove . Ed w, 9 Giant Oil Range °_ HARDWARE _ PLUMBING _ HEATING Telephone 17 | LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Why Sweqt'ln a --Hot Kitchen? FRANK H. EGER derfu «* w A wide selection from which to choose. The Hibbard is beautiful in appearance, its finish being unsurpassed by that of any gas stove on the market. Fuel consumption is low--=-- and so is the price. * --burrier model, a beautiful, con_ @®@ in pe _ nient. economical stove . _ !. $22°75 i;;;lé;l;; The beauty of its finish is unequal-- | &A." Ewery housewife should see this de luxe,. AL Oil Range. Price _ ---- -- _ -- ;~------ _ $61,00 { represents the acrne of achievement in stove _ Ze~tthe COVaDpobp ~FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS 2 L It is THEN that the b&@OWbOb f wise and thrifty per-- "0 veegs sw mt * e soront reg son' makes provision "IT HIDES THE BOB" *for unforsech con-- shortest boyish bob. Endorsed by Transforms the bob to an enchant-- Bg dressy coiffure; On and off in society's most fastidious women. Perfect march-- guaranteed. _ 325.C. Park Awe. Telephone 49! L IBER T--Y¥V iL L E. 1BL MARGUERITE BEAUTY > ~~&---- SHOPPE Holds securely to the 1t y3 *Mrs: Hénry Numset was a Wu}t "'m visitor Wednesday. -- ° Mrs. Carrie Sghroeder was in Wau-- meii re »Sare es e e r m E+4 '|J _ +plentiful---- w a g es -- f are h j g h------every-- -- | thing is running | | A Buffer | Against | The Unseen Ie 4 c4-- Mrs. John Numsen is hostess to the Euchre Club--this afternoon. L Misses Beatrice Numsen and Louise Wagner were in Chlctm.sl_turday. f Mrs. Chas,. Trenner and Mrs. Chas. Whitney were in Waukegan Monday. _ Lake County National ~*~__""The Bank 6f Service' The first gain is not theé last' Local and Personal Short Iiems of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie People ~--W. W. Carroll & Son Co. Telephone 29 tingencies. _ Spring Brings New ~-- Bobolink Colors-- Silk Hose for Women _ $1.25 Pair _ See for yourself the trim ankle, the three--seam back. Buy BOBOLINK HOSE with full assurance of satis-- faction or money back. _ Paul MacGuffin and B. H. Miller re-- (turned home Wednesday of last week (from a business trip to New York. iployed--there. CIIPS®IH, WION LC IPOBUIL MC °2 UMRIZOCD | --fuctmat® ds ow ciatovabe Antaal1 "fi_, pnulo I a broken arm. I s W..0 was .'ed oné d.' & , | & DTC WHY he walked so-- iener ns maee e .. {~~The.Charles Johnson family moved.l TWISTED liké dnd Ne z. ztz= _vhu week from the old home place to| ,-- fSAJID--he. just couldn't-- . . : ese. (the. "Bine.. Iery Je _ _R SOCPMHNp ) _ . 0 y #d * <-- 1 ~ . Xnafiam-- W&.--:&m&f ooo onl nan t P h smmb '_ Marion Jones, chief factotem at the | g:&'?rnu':c*"': Tay ' l Ames farm, north of town, "(m"dl JUST made for him, and _ _ o rnmmaanieahe emmmman o 'hll Sumday from Chandler, Arizona, WE ARE sure that coull ' f Q |where he spent the cold mpnths. l NTYT have hannaned hera -- * i ** 4 kisic end "Ih" Chicazo sister. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brockman visited Surday evening at the Richard Hor-- man home in Area. ---- --Mr. and Mrse. Max Miller and family spent Sunday with relatives in Apta-- The new residence of R. W. Bulkley is well under way. Lange & Nicholas bhave the contract. Mrs. Maude Lusk returned last week from Bassett, Neb., where she has been visiting for several weeks. Mrs. E. G. Becker of Chicago was here over Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Carrie Schroeder. * Jamps McCleery of Waukegan was here Tuesday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Esentrot re-- turned Tuesday from Pasadena, Calif., where they-- have been for several months. Frank Welworth got too near the kicking part of a flivver 'iuesday aft-- ernoon, with the result he is carrying a broken arm. H. Burridge & Sons are busy at the present time filling a large order {or trees. The Schroeder brothers are em-- | _ _J. N. Bermard, of the Libertyville Garage received three more new Chey-- 'rolet cats from the factory --at Janes-- | ville, Wis., Tuesddy. This popular car 'is enjoying a wide sale, and large nuw-- bers of people visit the display to look : them over. . : f following eveninRk Printing only or d« veloping only can be had in 24 hours Information and aseistance cheer! ; *rtren to amateaurs 1t yor warg the : # pbest your films will produce and also \ prompt delivery we are at your sery-- ice. Local prices always HONEYWELL STUpIO |__Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. ? R. G. Kaping moved Tuesday to his | \beautiful new home on Sunnyside ave.. Phone 55 and Forth St., in mon'uubdlviulon of | ++tbai naume.--Tuesdey. r. Kapung has + ------------ béen living at the Esentrot home on m |Jaka, street. He has one of the best arranged residences in the village. !"'-- A. W. Whitmore,; one of our well kpown elder residents, was taken to the Victory Memorial hospital Monday to undergo an operation for rupture. Jokhn Cole blossomed out last Sun-- day morning in a new hat of the latest pattern and pearl gray in color. John went to Chicago that afternoon, but he diM not wear the new hat Wonder why* * -- Having been repeatedly requested to ' finish kodak wo:g for quick deiivery.| we Rave installed modern equipment ) tor the purpose and are now reamly to . deliver the highest grade work obtain abfe in %6 or 24 hours. Devéloping and | prin'ing left before 9 a m. ready the ; . THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 Mrs. John i *There is no obligation askizg--iss,.>rmation or advice C o2 _ 2J am always glad to be or service to--m:. [NSURANGE is PROTECTION ATTENTION, KODAKERS --FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. rl--.-'*?_ ___PHONE:306 621 T t 1 s 4 P t o C x ga 3 w4 ! 68. C. Kimball; assistant postmaster, was in Lake Forest Thursday.night to attend a meeting of the Lake County and North Shore postmasters associa-- tfon. <Dinner was served at the Ki-- ~'wanld Club, "dhd the now~postar rates ;v'u the principal topic of discussion. Among the other . postmasters from lthln part of the county*were Mrs. sohn ;H.odmo'ot Ar:-/u; Mrs. C. T. Mason, of 'Prairie View; Murrie, @rayslake; Mrs. O'Connor, Rondout; Ififlne@&gmd | Lake; Scott, Fox Lake, and Mrs., F~H. 'Hours 8 A.M. to 8 EM. Chas. Cape was in Libertyville this week and expects to start-- work on the street paving job in Oakwood Terrace about next Monday. He is getting his machinery ready this week.~ ~ ~>~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Needham and their daughter, of Waukegan, and Miss Hel-- #L 30OBRSOM oL Ghics eo..wora hore last . _ Mrsa.: Huarold Aylsworth and her two Sunday, guests at the Charles®Johnson home on North Milwaukee avenue. The Mardi Gras and Athletic Carnt-- val is on at the high cshool tonight and tomorrow night. The program promises some extra good stunts, and it will be well worth while atttending. 'There doesn't seem to be much do-- ing in village politics this year. One ticket was filed Monday, the names of which were mentioned in a former is sue. It will seem like a miracle if all can get toggther on that one ticket and elect them without a contest. -- dmighters left today (Thursday) for Rochester, New York, where they ex-- pect to remain until after Easter vis-- iting the former's parents. --~ Meyer, of Deerfield ' And we are going to have anothe; _ big OneCent sale this month, Watch for qr ad "*~* . * . .v * Decker & Neville sNoWwW s OF COURSE you've heard. THAT one about the man WE ARE sure that coul NOT have happened here > IN LIBERTYVILILE because WE DON'T know of any WIVES who make shirts "'il'zs who make shirts FOR their husbands any MORE--it pays to buy 'em READY--made--but what we STARTED out to say was THAT we have just -- RECEJVED another new SHIPMENT of Rexall Goods plus DRUGGISTS INVESTMENT Libertyville, 111. , Libertyville Lumber [ 1 ~ -- Company 7 |-- THE INDEPENDENT-- We Are Always 3 Glad To See You _BETTER PUT IN A FEW LOADS OF CHUNK WOOD WHILE THE GROUND IS FROZEN. -- Seeding Time Is Close At Hand------ See us with your plans and let us apply our service and qual® ity. None better--few as good. §o YOU MAY NEED A LITTLE MORE COAL <BUY IT NOW! The F 1r:§en§&2mal BanliT Maybe there is some way we can help you or some information you want. If you have some M plexing business problem bring it to us. This bank is here to serve you so come in and make use of our _ Whenever you have a little extra time came in and see us.-- You'll always find that the offiers of this bank have time for a friendly chat. > The Ray Furniture and Paint Store E of the big adv intages of Kitchencote is that you ONcan use it any place in the interior. md'h Eate}l: Brothers finiS». is ml:ld ;nocl::ghfot hont?' itchens, !c is equally suitable for bri bathroom pmrr;,"z. allway, stairway, % cellar of closcts. 1t gives any surface to ' a beautiful, tasting er:amet--like finish. _ Youcan use it on plaster, concrete, wood, steel, fron, brick, asbestos, wall--board--in fact, it may be applied on practically any material with perfect results. _ : -- TELEPHONE 47 ./_ | DonbytheOldDepd--Boen_&(nhudyym For f tion, and m@eémappimh;mgdmdm See us regarding your requirements -- whether bt inside or outside painting, . -- Transforms Any Surface -- -- Look for the message of The Bankers of lllinois in this week's e Prairie Farmer. * Libertyville, fllinois w % ai Cb S AgeiGities mem it mt it ie We in N ccion: tm Antimant NCOTE |. "3,