TATES IN LAKE -- * The third transaction is > the ~por:-- * ~~ -- chase by Harold H. Amber, invest, ment banker. of the Redmond estate F. Trestik and wf to G. M. Wagner --WD 445. Lot 1, Blk 1, Wainut Grove Subdn, & pt of Lot 2, Co% Clks divn. F. Trestik and wf to G. M. Wagner ----«--~BWTK) $1.045. St-- $3,. Lots 17, 14, 6, 3 and. 19, Blik %, Waelinut Grove Subdp. : ---- Three g'fctfie Finest Estates in That\City Now in ~Hands 8. M. Safr and wf et al to R Kerr WD $10 Lots 3:3 and 24, Bilk 2, Mari-- on Terrace Subdn. -- 0. Noble and D A. Clithero to Char-- lotte M. Stevens Deed J1. Pt of Sec. 15, L®erfield. . Charlotte M. <Stevens to QO. Noble Deed $1. Pt of See 15. DeerSeld. E. Heyden et al %0 E. Heyden Deed vegre*~Pr o( ol.; 1' WX 3. Robetisons Wh &nflrh:r *xi _ Cafrie Millard et al <o E. Heyeder &T }18. P--ot J nt--#-- AKk 47 Rabart: sons Subdn of TLake Zurich F. Trestik and w!t to W. Heiden WD $150. St $.50 Lot 8. Blk 3. Wainat Grove Subdn. L. R. MacAdam and #f to V. M. Gannon WD $1.. Lot 45, Highland Lake 8Subdn. ~ ¥ M. Gannos to 1. R. MecAdam and wT jt tens WI)$1. Lot 65, High-- land Lake Subdu. H. D. Hill and wf and Esther R. Stone to E. C. Schweitz:er and wl jt remns--WID $10. 8t 345 Lot 15. Hill apd stones Shore Crest Subdn. . 8. Addrejewskt and wl to J; Stane ;ak WD $1v St. 32. Lots :1 and 22 k 10, Dreyet's Sub. x M. [D»-- Meban to t t«--Webrheim & w1 jt tens WD $19. 8t. $3. lLot 190, Mo hans Deer Park Subdn. %. in Schanes Subdn P. Wilder and wf to H. E. Wildet qQCD $10. 8S!. $50. Lot 1. Sul«in of Lot 9, Lake Fore«' a H F Wilder to Mars_ Scott Wilder qCcn H10..sL $.50. lot 4. suxin o% Lot 9. Lake Fore«! F Jt Barttert and wf to G. A. Rolfes WD $10. St. $10. Pt of Lot 2, Ser. 4 also pt of Fusut 5, Fremont. ~ ~~I*--dGresnemam and wi to K. L Thorsch WD $10. Pt of Lot 5, J. G. Schieks Subdn. . _ J Cannon and hus. to F E. Henry and wf jt tens WD $10--8t. $2 50. Pt. of Sec 15, Newport. M ~H--Amrt at gt to L#--E--Henry and wf jt wens WD $10. St. $2.50. Pt of Sec 15. Newport. _ Minniec E. Smith apd hus. to V. lLouke and w1! jt tens WD $8$00 St. #1. Lot 55. First Addn to Washington PK. F. H MiHer and brauck and wfi ji t P Iot 3. Bik 1. M« T A Hogran an J A. Jadrich and wt to J. Stancmk QCD $10. Lots 21 and 22, Bik 10, Drey-- H % Furnished by the 4# % LAKE CO. TITLE & TRUST CO. 4 %.-- 220 Washington St., Waukegan. ~*# % Telephone No. 4. _ %# 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % 4 % 4 4 4 4 ~ MARCH 24, 1925 > Becarty Sy;«a lark to J. Stanctak QCOD §$10. Lots 21 and :°%, Blk _1", Dreyer's Subdn. 1. Smith and wf to S 100 St. $.50. Tots 21 a Warrens Addn to Wkgn F. Hotz and wf to Eether R. Stone WD $10. St. $70. Pt of See 2, Vernon. F. Trestik and wf to G. M. Wagner WTD $654.50, ru 19.'18. 16. 15, 14, 10, 1, 2, 21, 12, Bik 4) Wainnt Grove Subdn." --I. K. Btinson and wt--to ()~ A Roifes W.D. $10. St. $10. Pt of Lot 2, Sec i4 also pt of Sec 5, Fremont, * . _ _ MARCH 28, 1925. F. Trestik wft to W. G. M. Wagner W,. D. $100 8t. $50, Lot 14 Bik. 4, Wak aut represent an investment of _ @about $300,000. * of Lake Forest The property in-- cludes about twenty acres, and the house is a seven room bungalow. It adjoins the Armour > and John L. Mitchell Jr., estates. Considerations in all three purchases were withheld. James H. Douglas, vice president of the Quaker Oate company, has pur-- chased the estate of g:nk C. Letts, president of the Western Grocer com-- pany, on the west side of Creen Bay road at the porth and of Lake For-- est. The estate comprises between four and fAive acres. The house is of brick, containing fifteer rooms, and the property adjoins the estates of William Clow $r... T. E. Dongelly, and Edward A. Cuodaby Jr. * dent of the Unitg@gda States Steel cor-- poration has purchased from E. E. Tolman the latter's forty acre estate and eighteen room residgence on Ridge road southwest of Lake Forest. An artificlal.Jake, swimming tank, and large stables and garage quarters are included in the property, which for-- merly . was the estate of James Thorne. ~ _ --_There is a brisk demand for Lake Forest residence property,-- it three sales negotiated and reported by John Grifith & }on are an indication. : * _ Thaadar I Rahlncakh--'vina : neast: ogan WD #1 H Theodor?® E. Robinson, vice presi-- Sabastian Tnxt Sub«ir-- Schanre and wf to L. Peterson d it tens WJP» $3990. Lots 1. 2 & hat\City No vite RBif+ .'9"5.-' Jt tens W DM1. 8t. $7 Meakin= Subdn an1t wT to Catherin (). Pt of See 23, New ow fAuace .. -- Mary. Scott Wilder Iat 4. Subdn of Hogan WD 32 t Hans« yden Deed | Rnr".cjr'w:fl" *. Heyeder ~@f Rnobert " { V. Haftr®e p¢1. 8t 37. | n wWD Blk 6. *h( i) ..J. H. Giffey ang wife to P. Konrad QCD $1. Pt of lot 18. bik. 2. resub lot E Channel Lake Bluffs. . E. W. Butterfleld and wife to B. Regaier WD $19. 8t §50c. Lot 16, blk 2, resub lot E, Channe! Lake Blu{fs -- + H. P. Pope and wHe to &. G.! Smitb. _ WD $2250. St. $*50. ~--Pt of blk 3. Burchells subdn of pt of Deerfield. .. ~ | C .T,.?Pf' Tr Co. to M Maistrovich and wife. D CHO STCH.--Tot * M¥c: Guire and Orrs Nortbwoods subdn, also pt of Sec 29, Deerfleld © C T & Tr Co to C. R. Davis. D $10. Pt of Sec. 26. Libertyyille. | H. A Shea, a bach. to C M. lLange and-- wife jt. WD $10. St. $1. Lot *1. 1st addn'to Washington PK.~ ~ i 1 $550 St. $1,50, Lots 12, 11 & 18, Bik. %, Walinut Grove Subdn. Elyira M. Jacobsen & hus et al to G. Hansen Q..C. D. $1, Blk. 3%, Fred-- erick H. Batrtletts North Shoe Acres. D. C. Bchroed@® & wt to F. H. IJohnson W.--D. $7, Pt of See %1, Cubs. J. Griftith &:. wt to A. P. ~Rartest W. D. $10 St.: $2.50,; Lot 13, Washing-- ton Circle Subdg. 4 J. H. Giffey. and wife to J. Otto QCD $1. Pt of lot 18, blk 2, resub of lot E. Channél Lake Btuffs. C. A. Newcomb jr to L Martin and wife JC tesus. D $250. Lot 11. bik 6, Washburn PX. 4 C. Newcomb ijr to Michae!l Milz-- norich. D. $400,000. St. 50¢c. Lots 27 and 28, bik 28, Washburno Park: Martha 1. Hucker and busabnd to John ~M. Tapper. WD $10. St. $150. Pt of lots 14 and 15, J. L Tweeds Pistakee Jake subdn Granm. E. P. Dragoo and wife to South Shore State Bank. WD $10. Lots 18 and 19, Bilk 2, Fowler subdn of Org! Plat. of Lake Vilal, Antioch. G. E. Rensiow and wife to South Shore State Bank, QCD-- $10. Lots 1*% and 19, bik 2, Fo-mnbdn of Plat of Lake Villa, An h. L E. W. Butterfield and wife to'J. H. Giffey. WB $10. 8t. 50c Lot.1% blk --2, resubdn of lot E Channel Lake Bluffs. B. F. Stein and wile to Y. M. Jew-- ish Charities. QCD $10. Pt. _ of Sec. C. H, Pelton to D. Evans W. D. $10 St $5.50, Hot 1, Schwartz Subdn. O. B. Vonlinde & E.--Reiner to H. F. Marquis & wf jt tes W. D. $19 St $25, Lot 21; Ravinia Ct. L. The Hartford Seminary Founda-- tion corpa to Tony Claudio & wf jts Deed $4500 St $4.50, Pt of Lot 59, Highwood --in-- Everts and. Jefferys Bybdn. _ Jt tens W. D. 10 St $3.50, Pt of Lot 59, Highwood in Everts & Jefferys Bubdun. . 5* .% F. H. Bartiett & "wf to H. A. LaRoy Deed $10 St $1, Lot 14, Blk 6, Ravinia Highlands. o ® Laura T. Swazey & hus to C. L Morgan & wf jt tens W. D. $25,000 St~$25; Lot 10, Blk ?1, H P .-- Catherine Berryman to T. E. Gray W. D. $1 8t $7, Lots 3 & 4, Bik 19, McKays Addn to Lt Ft. _ W. Hensel & wt to J. Puetz W. D. $10 , Pt of Lot 54, John Griffiths Sub. P,. B. Moore & wf to A. Hein & J. Watry W. D. $10 8t $6.50, Lot 207, Belmont Addn to Wkgn. _ . Nora Springer to B. Peterkort Q. C. D. $1, Pt of Lot 1 & all of Lots 11 & 12, Blk 7, Plat of Grays Lake. .. Uy--PAtArkOrt &.--wL 10 J. Me!"~~~-- w. D. $2000 St. $7, Pt of Lot 10 & all--of Lots 11 & 12, Blk 7, Plat of Grays Lake. s s F. Walczak & wf to T. Smith & wf W. D. $10 St $.50, Lots 34 & 35, Bik 13, Dreyers Subdo. _ _Chas. D. Proctor Insurance of all kinds Prone 154M LIBE A U G~-- F R O EL | C H ~ * FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALITY _ Phone 41 * 'Lake Zutich, Blinois. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE ELMWOOD FARM QC TWO SONS OF CHICAGO PIETJE CHAMPION. ONE FROM A 31--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD, THE OTHER FROM A 27--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD DAM. BOTH ARE SIRED BY OUR GOOD YEARLY RECORD HERD SIRE AT ELMWOOD FARM. _ # MARCH 20. 1925 Reasonably: Priced Herd Accredited DEERFIELD, ILLINOQIS ** * FIRST VIOLATORS ! C. A° Newcomb j1. to P. Kensy and wife, pt tens. De€d }450. 8t §0c. |Lots 1. 2 and 3. bik 40, Wasbburn i Park. * &» Adeline E. P. Cummings, wid, to R. R. Cowile. QCD $1, Lots 7 and 8, and pt of lot 6, bik 9§, H. PK. ~ E. B, Doolittle and wife to 4A Her-- bert. WD $10. St $1. Pt of lot 2, blk 7, Reotlittles Taylors Lake syb. C. A. Newcomb Jr. to A. Kazmirski and wife jt tens. Deed $400. Lots 17. 19, 20, and 21, blk 1. So. Wkgn. The Ladies Alid will meet at the home of Mrs. Amanda Farner Thurs-- day, April 9th. and-- wife jt tena. D $10. St.-- $3. Lo# 97, Green Bay addn, Shields. C. L. Herner and wife jt tens to G Parsons. WD $10. St. $4. Lot 3, bik 1. Y¥eomaus resubdn. Louise S§. Kanight and hus to A. Karmirski and wife jt tens. QCD $100. Lot 18. biw 77, So Wkgn. E. B. Doolittle and wife te R. E Hoelzer and wife jt. tens. WD $10.: S§t. 41. Pt of lot 2, blk 7, Doofitties Taylors Lake sub. J B Martin, bach, to H C. Litch fleld. WD $1. St $1. Lots 78 and 19. Wkrn sub. tims and they were given fines of $15 and costs by Justice Harry Hfiyt. f The arrests woere made an the farm of Bert Small, near Half Day. Smaill is a member of the board of diréctors of the Lake County Farmers' Protec-- tive . associatibn, an -- organization banded for the parpsse of halting fisk. ing and hunting on Lake county prop-- erty without first getting permission from the land owner, Small made the complaint against the men. All of them had fishing licenses; but bad failed --to get Bmall's permit to fish on his land. % The distinction of being the first Ashermen to violate the state tresnass law ty endeavorin@ to hook members of the finny family from _ private brooks without getting the consent of the property owner went to four men arrested Sunday by Deputy Charles H. Krueger.> -- faymond Hep.er. Morton Crove: Herman M"l"'voler. Niles -- Center; Fred Karsten, Gleaview; and Alfred Schladt, MoflBn Grove. were the vic: Four Men Fish Without Per= mission of Officer of Coun-- . . tv,Protactive Sncigty > OF FISHING LAWS ARE FINED SUNDAY Qiasses Bcientifically Fitted j Over Pesarce's Drug 8 Waukegan Illtnwots 10 to 11 a a., 1 to 6 a a 1 to 8 p in Office Phone 1%%; Res. 121. Dr. L. B. Jolly Eye. Ear, HAL EDAT LIBERTYYVILLE LUBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 _ Bert Small is reported as getting along nitely-- now, 'and l's\ expected to be bome soon. / f _ Gust Peterson, our village black-l smith, is now working at his trade in Ererett--not-- enough custom at Half Day. Guess there are too many fliv-- vers and flappers, which lessens the 'work for the «blacksmith. There is none at Prairie View, nor, half Day, which makes it quite inconvenient _ tm -->v------""'- & ~ yet? * ° -- T Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Cook and Chas. J. !,, If not 'you 'would bétter watch Herschberger made a business trip t0o your step as orders to arrest 'Evanston Tuesday. evenping. _ MIis8| motorists who operate -- their ma-- Ethel and George Herschberger ac-- chines without 1925 license tags after companied 'them. * Apr'l 10 have just been issued by l"gedn'elday afternoon, April 8, the| Sectetary of State Louis L Em-- les' Aid will 'give the church a erson at Springfield to all inspec-- "house 'eleaning" and request all pos-- tors and investigators under his di-- sible to do so to be present and assist: rection. _ . in the task @o as to have it in condi--| The local. authorities announce tion for Sunday. -- i\hn they will co--operate with <the The contractors have started work ;;;":he?:p '.fi;;:::t 't:d tl'::mfu:"el:teltx; m ;:'c:,';':'e here for Route 22,|arrest all delinquents alter the [iDAl 2 *~ _date. Already several .have -- been there, got his arm cut in a wood sa and is staying af home at present. . sY a. K. Bowes * _ Asst. Secretary Seourity 'Title & Trust c«vp_my,' _Business of the Recorgder's Office for the week endifg March 28, 192%5: Nnumber of conveyances filed, 251 Number of chattel mortgages, 63. Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages, 78. Corresponding period wéek ending March 29, 1924: Number of conveyances filed, 197. " Number of chatte! mortgages, 79. Number of trust deeds and mort-- _ Total number of instruments filed 326. LOANS FOR WEEK .. "-- SHOW_ AN INCREASE have already been made. Miss Mantor and her mother are --now occupying rooms with Mrs. Knoll, and. Rev. Mc-- Keith is now stopping week ends with Mr.~ and Mrs. Chas. H. Kruger. Better TBL da.¢0~ more spégdti~> Mesl.pz. your own landlord will be obliged to give you a ticket. . . Mr, Cook many moresuch oceasions. One of the gifts presented to Grant was a box of cigars and they were fine, as teh writer had the pleasure of smoking one. * 4 'The usual May 1st moving of ten-- ants seems to be somewhat earlier Total amount of loans, $442,497.14 Total amount of doans, 166,345.80 Total numbes--o{ instruments filed, Frank Wells has a new hired man, Public Service Stores PUuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS C THEO BLECH, Dist. Mgr., Waukegarn, III. GUS KRUMERY, Local Rep. MUST HAVE 1925 _ AUTO LICENSES BEFORE APRIL 10 Police to Start Making Arrests at That Time on Request uw ~~. Oof..the State . .. / ... Guarantee the Appliances We Sell _LIBERTYVILLE--GARAG o ramrivetie NY ~ +i N veh s $ _ Phone 202 Got your 1925 auto license plate 137 SCHOOL STREET. +P. 0. BOX 119 LIBERTYVILLE, ORCHARDS SPRAYED HAVE THE DORMANT SPRAY PUT ON YOUR ORCHARDS THIS SPRING. 1 WILL BE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR SPRAYING AS SOON AS REQUIRED. CALL OR WRITE TO _ | Touring ----------~--$510° 4 Pass. Coupe -- $680%° NEW CHEVROLETS HOWARD REPPERT SERIES "F" taken into custody here for failure to have new license plates but for most part the police have been in-- clined to be lenient as they wished to give motorists every possible op-- portunity to obtain their. license plates voluntarity. * ; Records. at Springfield show that motor licenses *issued so far © this year are' 214, 606 behind the total for last year, Secy. Emmerson says. He makes the charge also that, there are many people who are operiting iB3E *~% .3 "*aald "~--~ag.,.plates State department investigators® also have been ordered to continue théir wark in enforcing [the state auto-- mobile lighting laws the number-- of accidents caused by improper light-- ing have been Tteduced matrrially by the work already done, according to Emmerson. 1 On the last occasion that a va-- eaney occurred in the pdkition of pub e executioner in Engiland. the home secretary received no fewer than 786 applications for the post. Many Sought Grewsome Post XS Res. Phone 2588 Reverse Charges on FRED GRABBE _ AUCTIONEERING -- _ in Gridiey mh.'rim--fmu--' I Bank _ _ Buliding. Visiting Neighborse Weiceme -------- LIBERTYVILLE LODGE Ne. 956 ~.. _ MARBLE AND GRANITE o : Cometery --Work of Every= > ~«-- i» ... .. . Description _ * *« _ CORRESPONDENCE -- SOLICJTED -- ~ 116 South Genese St. _ _ > WAUKECGAN, ILLINOIS %g '4' LIB ""--":"';'m.:' ; . No. 272, R. A.'M. % E. A. BROWN, Jr., ... W. NAGE Corisul. Cle Inuflntmmmmr of Each Month at Masonic Hall Visiting Companions Cordially Invited Office in First Nat Hours:--1 to 3: 30 and 7 to 8 p. m Residence on Broadway. opposite Pars LIBERTYVILLE, ILJJNOI8 Meets Each Menday Night at 8 v'ctoos : PMRST NATIONAL BANK BLOGQ Visiting Members Cordially invrtem --ROY--WATERS,-- N. G.-------------------------- WILLIAM --M~LAIN Sec¢'y LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOE Meets 2ng and 4th Tuesday of Kace Month at Gridiey Halt, Visiting Brother 16e Cordi--'"v Invites LORA STURM, MARY CARNEY, 466 VICTORY AFFILIATEP V'v COUNCIL «. § NORTH iv," : AMERICAN UNION Visiting M~mbers: Cordially Invited Meet. Second--and Fourth Wednesdzss Evenings of Each Month. _ _WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. _ GEORGE~C. SMALL : Becretary LUCE BUILDING Res. Phone 13§--M Office Phome ts Cattle Tested for Tubercuiom FREE OF CH ARGE FARM AND STOCK SALES | A SPECIALTY _ 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN, --ILLINOI -- R. L. GONSALVES "h' for a set figure so you may know just what cost will be IN SUR ANCE Phone Libertyvilie 146--R--I1M0R Phone 217M . LIBEATYVILLE Going to Build? VETERINARY SURGBON . TELEPHONE 66 LJIBERTYVILLE, I1J4JNOI8 om..wm. Farm Bursgu, . ATTORNEY AT--LAW ' lee at Home on Cook Avenue a 1 AOrir wail, ~tnupector in ~Charae®© * MANUFACTURER OFf ILL contract to furnish Iabsr and material on your house LYELL H. MORRIG---- DR. J. L. TAYLOR* A. A. Grandy Attorney at Law EDW. L DuBOIS, K. P. ACME CAMP NO. 17¢ ~ . W. *¢ A: 4 Meets First and Thirgd & Friday Nights of Each €«: d 148. 1 hubs f F a