i 4«_ Deposits (4b) ----<-- + & Reserte Acccunts (6) _ 50 ~', MrS. Ray Washburn, of Milwaukee, .. . sapent the.week end'with Mr. and Mrs. e Aesociation met at $}: day at the second hearing of evi-- * --_. €@ente in the trial of Fred Cashmore _. _ @f Wadsworth, ~charged with keep-- --J .. * Img his six children from the Wads-- hBeer----worth sendor ~--*_----__ * * ----~--~~ _' ... -- The trial, which has attracted un-- --..._ ueual interest in the community, was --'.~«*-- continued until next Saturday, when _--. *' more evidence will be beard by Jus-- tice Harry ~Hoyt. * "esk .. MILEEUKN TKA * doh.:o n wir, i M n ies aint TOABRA LABDAICLOBH........ ... smcs in ammmmmmenicemmee m mmmmmmmcccc ssm $261,009.29 ;a L E C. 'u"""d.c::-" ot the nn.t' ::t: :'nt:. of Ro:'nh uz do sot-- Jiim- that the items and -:nn-u ..m?'*m.:.'.;m the .. tems and amounts shown *3 'ovabigngr ntitalmofmw'_ no%g:.l' u& ; f 19%5 | sw ------_ Def ~~/**~-- Total Resources _ _ CONTINUE TRIAL _ OF CASHMORE ON --------sCHOOL CHARGE Mr. and Mrs. A. Nell of Racine, Wis., '"mz'keulmlr.udlu * Ker., -- L Rite;pastos'« 0u? HNCL --mummnutnm amuflm-'ul.lldm to returh home for the Easter survice. The doctor was afraid pneu-- monia might develop. _ __________ eqint of iliness Mrs. George Low, of McAree Road, spent the week end with ber daugh-- # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 --~-- 8. J. LeVoy was laid up for a few begun the erection of a new home. days with the Nlu. .__ | A comparny of cavairy from Fort John 'Leé Voy of Chicago spent the Sheridan camped here Wednesday week end with home folks. night. f R Mre. ld4na Strang Truax of Waukegan . Miss Bessie lewis of Chicago was spent Sunday with ber parents: here on business Saturday. + ox% -- Ruth and Marion Edwards and Mar--| Mrs. Apple and daughter, Miss OMie --J. 6. Denman < an# son, Kenneth, drove to Chicazo Haturday. --Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Weise and Miss Kima Cannon of Chicago spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mrs. Smith, of Waukegan, a fine alto singer, took part in the Easter The Sunday School and choir gave the Easter cantata in the evening at h . on cactmnt Foyd Wetre! entertained his sister| Mr. and Mrsé-- P. W. Newhouse and from Chicago over the week end. | son haxe rturned from Florida, where Miss Mary Dunbar jleft Friday for they spent the winter. her bomte in Fond du Lac, Wis., for| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards enter-- a visit with relatives over Easter, re-- tained relatives from Lake Forest last turning Monday. . (Bunday. & > *' There was no school Monday, as | Edwin Sheldon spent a couple of the teacher, Miss Dunbar, was away. day in Peoria on business recently. -- Miss Frieda Knox. of Rosecrars ac-- ecompanied the musicians Sugday, with the violin; also Richard Martin. board held a special" meeting at his home, that Miss Delaney pro-- duced. a certificate 'of gool health, which accounted for her soft voice as a weakness of the vocal cords, smd that the board decided to re aéveral nunils tes 7|;"7,| *m. u m_ Beveral of his own witnesses, how-- éver, said they could hear her voice clear across the room, and one told of the= bhigh grade she had received Cashmore's defense is that the teacher, Nellic Delaney, is inca pable of teaching the children be-- cause. of defective speech. -- 15 --for an ail--day --meeting-- ---- -- -- _ -- Miss Frances Louise Young, of h cago spent several days of her Easter ¥acation with ber grandparents, Mt. and Mrs. Keel Mre. Ellen Wirth, who has been con-- fined to ber bed with the grip, is much better. s => *-- ter bere with his parents _ Miss Josephine McCture visited ber parents over the week end. Mies Sylvia Zimmerman returned bhome with her aunt, Mrs. Agnes Rice, ta spend a {ew days. located at Round Lake, State of Tilinois, at the close of business on the 13th day of April, 19%5. a* made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of HMilinois, pursuant tq law We were shoéked to hear Easter morning --of the death of John Hope, the ~only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Two school board members and Leslie Haines of Chicago spent Eas-- Capital Stock (1) Burplag UL} ... --=-------------- Undivided Profits 'Net) (3) Loans on Real Estate (1@) ________________________ Louns on Collateral Becurity (1D).--»--.~.....____...._...uull.. DOUEF LOBRIGE (1C) ..........______._.___coouu usc coumeacommeere Overdratts (2) . Pripe w Hercim mc oc s on ns wene dn uc enne ww se ue cce Other Bonds and Stocks (4) aSureat on semcoess ces O0 aaeieemompmeges se i¥ ovsinmer on + Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures (5) ._______ fme from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8 w¥X of Instructor. G U R N E.E Attempts to Prove were FIRST STATE BANK OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Report of the Condition of the TT LIABILITIES ons nds evoad ut . LN q ze poretuile wat M ¥ «> A".'""w 1 > ~ lc awe goend Cets P Pe e BP on 0n m ho "o e e y --spinenaine for| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards enter-- re-- tained relatives from Lake Forest last (Bunday. & = * as | Edwin Sheldon spent a couple of ay. day in Peoria on business recently. lb' Miss Mary Jane White spent the ith week end with friends in Evanston l Mrs. Yonker spent several days of * we can ce:tainly feel proui of ihe , _ Mre. Bare is spending some «ime at j the home of ber daughtervcin Chicagu Among the Chicago visitors last Wednesday were Mesdames G. W. Thomas, M. E Shaffer, Ed Collins and «ago spent the week end at their sum Ll:ho Young People's Society will con-- fully during the last year under the management® of. the superintendent, Mrs. Gladys Ames, with Mr. Reid and Myrs. Davis as assistants. The children put oh a very nice program, the East-- er services beginning with the drama Friday night, continuing with the Enster sermon and the cantata Easter evening were yery impresasive, _ with palms and jpotted plants. Many were sent to the invalids and shutins. mer home here ¥% % %4 % 4 &4 4 4 %4 4 4 4 4 % 4 4 4 at 7:45 p. m., as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dilley and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis of Algonquin, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. _ Mr. and Mrs. Scutti and Miss Bre--| aux have returned to their home here,| after spending several weeks in Cl:l-I _ Mr. and Mrs. Johi Weisch are en-- tertaining Mrs. Welscth's brother from New York this week. Ed Read. Imn Hook spent several days in Chi cago dn business récently. Misses Esther and Olga Wetzel vis Iited Saturday and Surday at their home in Darien, Wis. % dcmsi M--~~ Tonies and daughter, Mre. Fos Kemp, épent last Wednesday in Chi cago, where they attended a shower given in honor Mra. Tonies® daughter, Mra. Maade Homlien, who will be mar: riled this week. -- At the school election held Saturday night George F. Sweet was elected to take the place of Joseph Vassau as school director. ; The prospects are. very favorable {or--another home 4o be .buillt this sum-- mer on high »achool road, as James Campbell has had a well dug on his lot, and is plann'ng to build. ~ Several from here attended the card party and dance at Round Lake Mon-- day evening. A very large crowd was in attendance and all report a most enjoyable time. _ L. J. Wieks and Carson Neville have begun the erection of a new bom:. -- _ Mr.: and Mrs. Sherman Sponnenburg and Mrs. Margaret Sponnenburg were guests at the home of Mr. and \Mrs. HHram Ferry in Waukegan Suuday. Edwin Sheldon spent a couple of day in Peoria on business recently. Miss Mary Jane White spent the week end with friends in Evanston. Mrs. Yonker spent several days of last week.--with relatives in Chicago. present their--anuotual ~play on °Fritav, April 17, at 8 p; m., at the high school auditorium. The play is coached by Miss De Hoff and Mr. Reid, managers of the two departments. C Hope, of Lake Forest, but formerly of Gurnee. The boy contracted pneu-- and was Sick only two days. He leaves to mourn His death his parents, and two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Spauld-- ing and Ethel. The funeral was held 'n_aegdg_mernoon at the, home in e Forest, with burial in the Union cemetery. +. -- Looks like Gurnee is to be subdi-- vided very soon, as surveyors are We are certainly glad. to see the Wakefields and Chittenden's back home again, after spending the winter * For Lake County circulation, place your advertisement in The Independent. l dn measra on praan uk ~'Mrs. Pearl Olsen spent -- the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Mainwarring was called home, due to the dath of her aunt,, so the little room is enjoying an extended we cahn cétainly feel proui of ihe 'The Ag Club and Agenda Club will rrrorerecctee copccccccn PiWt P0 BP 9) 13,000.00 _ -- 2,188.06 _ _ $4.181.96 _' THL.41 -- $21,200.00 -- _ 4,23958 _ _ §1,13% .97 s #3.11 .. 101,162.90 _ _ 16,181.10 _ _ 56,473.65 decorated 5.286.69 £% "l Monday and Tuesday the men grad-- nd ,ed and leveled the grounds around re church property, preparatory to seed-- 'Inx it with grass seed. Please be gov-- r-- ,emcd according and do not drive your st |cars there, but keep them parked near «> 'th--md- We thank you for your co-- of operation. ! Our Easter services were devoted ETATB OF ILLINOT8, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss? 4 ¢1&c.m.mam»m.meamo¢mmm that the above statement """""""""""'K""'.,mg,""" Resr Te Y +' ) 0 . Caghier Shbacribed and sworn to before mae this 14th day of April 1925. _, _ . Correct--Attest: BLASTE M. HUSS, Notary Public mmmnmnwmm Last Saturday evening the school election 'was held, only a few being present. Bert Small was re--elected as mostly to singing. The present choir is doing splendidly gnd is worth while. A short baptismal service was held previous to the regular services, at which three participated. The pulpit was decorated with red and white roses, which were afterwaft takat to inmates of the county farm. The next meeting of the Lake Coun-- ty Good Roads Assn. will be held in the Chamber of Cofumerce rooms on the eig@htX floor of the new bank build-- Ing in Waukegan, by the courtesy of the secretary"Frank--Fowler. As this is the beginning of our fiscal year and same as the regular arm}j, oul aro ro-- gquired to dril} only one night d week at the Wauukegan . armory, and to go through two weeks at Camp Grant in the summer. They are clothed, fed and paid for their time. f It is the duty of the regular army to man the territorial fortifications and furnish instructors for the na-- 'Tonal Fuard and rexervexr" "In "an om-- ergency, the regulars will be called upon to hold the . enemy until the other units are molblized. They are but a small force and would have to ve quitkly supplimented. -- This wiil First National Bank, of Libertyville for a small regular establishment of «pecialists, trained> national guard and skeleton reserve' corps, the na-- tional guard becomes an integral part of the country's® fighting force.. . Under the National Defense act, the national guard now stands in the first line of defense. Members of both Waukegan companies carry revolvers. The --howitzer company is equipped with 37mm howitzers and three inch trench mortars. H company was re-- cently equipped with Browning mach-- ine guns. e . _By the defehsoa_act, which provides for recruits has been sent-- out, _~ _ * 'fli'l"é'omfi"n%:("drfi ro'ularnl;; every week.. Those seeking enlistment can apply on drill nights----Tuesday nl{ht for H company, and Friday night Tor the Howitzer company. anits, H company and the 'Howitzer company of tl;?l'l"th,. Infantry, are still short of full strength, and a call (By CHARLES B. SHATSWELL.) ~Wankegan's--two W ----gnard anit=s, H company and the Howitzer GUARD COMPANIES _ STILL SHORT OF ----FULL STRENGTH n e ie uioh ts O _ 129th Infantry. ____ 31 37 27 individual deposits subject to check __.___ _ 17 Capital stoOck pald If ......_________.._..______._.____._____clll_e=p--® 18 _ SUFDIEGS AUIRGQ ........___..___--o..os see€nennmnemneninir io evoeernene isnn encz =s+ 19 a Undivided profits on on rromanmmmmmenntrmmmer=--$B9 200. 7 1 b Reserve, COnting@Mt .__....____ 9,.739.30 $42,976 01 o Less current expenses palid ._...__--. . __ 4,§22.86 20 Reserved for taxes, interest, etc., accrued and dividends 11 Circulating notes outstaAUWMK |...____occc c cc ces ce2 cce C 24 Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust companies the United Atates and fore}gn COUNtTI@®_....0000 .222 b 25 wd Checks ou M \--mrcane c oaeccvmonaseen'es 44-- reviads es covia uies of Items 24 and 25..}. _._____.scclc2 200 $25,130 87 Demand deposits (other thin bank deposits) subject to Reserve D MR _ cerrcrwarye: courremnpnamnenatnanarecresens shure orovme summencs'. oo reerreunrgecess ©0. 876 1% § her %tocks, bonds, SBGuUrItG, Oter..____----_.___.}.._.. ... _ 140,11180 6 Banking House, $21,200.00; Furniture and fixtures, $3,000.06 24,200.00 8 Lawfu) reserve. with Federal Reserve Bank--_ . _0 . 38,600.00 10 Cash in vault and amount due from national bank#.........------ 122366 91 18 Checks on other banks in the same city or town . A8 FOpROTtING D&ABK ....._._...___.__.____._____zzczzczczcssses 916 39 Totals of items 10 and 18..........._._._.._..... $123,283.30 15 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. $8. TFOMRBUIOEK .L...._.......cooomosrsrmmmmstemmmmmccmn ces bn cms men nonesavsnastc«toum 500,00 Individual deposits subjec¢t to check ... _._._....._._._.________.__._.. 8¥3 20000 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than State, county. or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety DOMA ,....._._.._.._..oz2zclzclccse> 1,500.00 DAvIidend# GNP&AIG _....._._.___________..______..cocjcllllccscnvmmcet enc ns 16.00 Total of demand &;':flu (other than bank deposit«s) sub Ject to Reserve, 1 %7, 28 and 31......_____.._._$350,807.60 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days or > subjectto $0.Aays ur more notite, wnd postal savings) : ... Nt us Certificates of deposit (other than for money borréwed) ... 71)Bt1.00 Other tiMe dEDOGItH ..----....=c=<:=--s=2 css m mmmmmpoomemesmsrentimncmmenene > 248,201.15 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, ing War Loan deposit a States disbursing officers Items $3 and §5 ._......._._._..____._............._........_..§820,012.15 United States deposits (other than postal savings), includ. in the State of I!linois, at the Close of Business on April 6, y RESOVURCES -- a Loans and discounts, includin&k rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills » of exchange or drafts, sold with indorsement of Ihik WMABK ........._...________ccllcl-- sege«» . seess U. 8. Government securities owned: t't)rpoufid»mcbeohtmw.&m » DRF VRVOOJY ._..___...___.__cuuluccuucue ewvesc ce cce ces ............ $10,000.00 b All otner United Bthtes Government securities oL H A L F D A Y io i m n Annntminch MA ts Iveon ied rattrer ce Noy'v sof ho mna 4ss t M y KK h 4 Toi. s 24b uin on us ho 2 hh Ariniy maithy e n se Tok & Sb% 0 4 4% a nas 4+ anes o on a olieas t qeusscrie s aue a un on a un t aay s aae m e ne en Report of LIABILITIES --Dr. Peter G. Petaerson of Zion died Friday night at the Henrotin hos-- pital in Chicago. The body was brought to Waukegan today for bur-- lal. .ms it shaze--A «*¥ Ana C)Jak in BOROF p* Haviitianl Et »t "he o P k s sn it t one corner of the yard that is of oo Aisiuasnne ahies RHoas 25 ht survived by his wife. DR. PETERSON unknown age. The new. building which is --of brick, will--be, ready for I n be secured for 60 cents on e same floor, which will be very Convenient. So arrange to attend the forencon session. . 'The bridge contractors are making in keeping with the new heme~» +>~ _ Chicago --people who purchased the land from E. Schroder on Milwaukee avenue, are building a b low, and the tract has been lubdlvjded for the sale of lots, erstone of the new Lone Oak school, north of Wadsworth, was set Satur-- day, 'l% E. W. Thompson, principal of the Warren township high scnool being the principal speaker. Among the speakers were R. E. Eddy, and Mr.Reardon. Children from the dis in keeping with the new heine"~ **~ at work. 'The Work is proceeding very systematicalky. & The masons are hard at work on the brick walls on the dew HoltJeGilman cross Milwaukee avenue. This prom-- ises to be m fine and uptodate build-- CORNERSTONE OF _ SCHOOL IS SET the election of officers, payment of bills, annual dues, etc., it is urged that we have a good attendance. ~Al}l sup-- ervisors, commissioners, °: clerks and other officials should be present. The weeting will be called at 10 £. m. | _ Offlese.Phone 11%2; Res. 1#1 .' Dr. Peterson was born May 17, 71L Cmm White: Hait; Mick: He s -- Dr. L. B. Jolly Qinasee Boientifically Fitted 10 to 11 a u.. 1 to 4 2 'n 1 to 8 p i Eye. Ear, Waukegan illtwots OF ZION DFEAD 60 4%6.11 .. $855,485.68 $855,485.68 $ 35,000.00 $5.000.00 $157,046 09 862.62 $8,000.00" 22%,915.37 2.215.00 38,353.15 3,182.41 10000 6+ hi ons hh t V\ @ *mu4 4s commissioner. of public-- worka*der. mtk e S tmins *A $ * ~ >3 > C I a trustee of the Board of, Education Ender Mayor----**arrison . and again Mrs. Evelyn Uhlik DePew of Zion who Sled Sunday at the age-- of 19 was buried Wednesday in Mt. Oliv et cemetery, following fuaneral serv lces from Branch Tabernacle No. 8 She digd of fiu. -- He was commissioner of buildings and publia works dnder Meyor Swift, for 65 ~years. --Mis. DePew was married _ six mpnths ago to Theodore DePew. She gained prominence as a e«inger over the Zion radio station. of which her father--in--law js Aannouncer. ----Among the structures erectedg by Mr. Downey were the lilinois Cen-- tral depot at Twelfth street, the Van Buren street tunnel, insane asylums at Dunning and St. Joseph, Mich., barracks® ~at_ Fort Shertdan, Glick-- man's theater at Roosevelt road and Paulina street and the old Criterion and Columbus theatres. ~Mr. Downey: was bort in King's county, Ireland. . With his parents be came to America at the age of 5. He had been a 'resident of Chicago RADIO SINGER DIES FROM FLU SUNDAY Although retired from busipess fo: almost twenty years, Mr.. Downey had large real estate boldings in Chi eago and Sarasota and maintained an building. His Chicago home was at §207 Sheridan ' road. Joseph Downey, After Whom * Du--wiey's~ Crossinge--~--*#*~~: ...For xyears the.. Downey. bflu g on the lake front just kouth of the main --station of Great Lakes. Dow-- ney's crossing, at which the subway now stands; was named after Mr. Downey. The Downey tract was just north of the Connely tract and was sold by Downey to the-- gorernment when the naval station site was pur-- chased. Immediately thereafter he re moved his tresidence to Chicago. Joseph Downey, pioneer Chicago builder apd city official under three his winter home in Sarasota, Fla., He was 76 years old. 3 cant MAN WHO SOLD-- _ BIG TRACT FOR GT. LAKES SITE IS DEAD Named, Dies at 76 Yrs. THE FINEST ESSEX c Wms EVER BUILT _ You Cannot Get Equal Style Performance and Reliability Within Hundreds of Dollars of Its Price \\ aecr Pigte" in m the Bs foplang. spont . larde more thancarsof thelomait price. Hudson--Essex, Largest Selling 6--Cylinder 'These qualities make it the most wanted and largest selling car o is class in the world. k in the finest Essex ever buik. it is Essex is a totally different type. Its advantages are exclusive because patented. It gives results never bee « fore attained in any car: . Economy without sacrifice of performance. Stability and highest roadability without unneces The ri ease of large, costly cars. The handling ease old':'vlqde. Utter dnpx:lo in design. The lowest maintenance cost, believe, any car in the world. we o* Low price, without disappointment in looks or A¥ Car You Will Be Proud to Own Closed Cars in the World SERVICE WORTH WHILE Don't Be Out of Light Every Time It Storms-- 1 Features of the A s --*--Kohler Automatic > wam mnmesees «+or appliance is turn-- AUVTOMATIC sTART ANb sToPr A turn of the switch anywhere s t a r t s 'the engine. . Jt stops Chas. D. Proctor -- Insurance of all kinds ° : Phone 154--M LIBERTYYRLLE ed oft. 110 Volts; 1500 Watts; No Bat-- teries. wa't'd d.~~~*Virtually 100% of the current generated is avail-- able for producing power and light. D. E. RICHARDSON A U G --F R OE L | C HK * FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 8. 0 s Lake Znrich, Miincis. NO sTORaGE BATTERIES Bulky storage bat: ries in breakable ass jars are élimi-- Phones 3 and 43--R __--_ s Be independent with a KOHLER AUTOMATIC . Ask about it. t €94 comfortably riding Essex ever buke. And the price, because of volume, is the lowest at which Eseex ever sokd. Surely you cannot be satished with less than Essex offers when its cost is but JB or wnte