_ Route 59 is from Volo north to | > ~----G-- ~ ,Fox Lake, Antioch, etc.. while 176, Mrs. Fink and daughter spent Sat-- g is the one from Area across via urday in Chicago. Wauconda and Crystal Lake. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Sodt and Mr. and The county officials were assured Mrs. F. Sodt and family of Elgin, vis-- that action would. g taken immedi-- ited Mr. and Mrs. Lou Geary last week. ately. It is not likely that anything| Harry Walter and sister Ruth Nich-- ---- ------can be done until after--July 1. when olson--and--a--friend --drove --to-- Beloit, the old roadg bond issue-- is °x Wis., Bunday. -- , hausted. -- . | 'Phil Schaffer is very il! this week, Another plece of paving for the and is being attended by a Barrington county that will probably be com-- doctor,_ 00. pleted this year is the __Gr"nbg!l Miss Katherine Hudson is spending | Mrs. Emma Soderberse and ,Mr« . John Schults: visited Thursday after-- noon with Mrs. Fingston'at Half Uay little Eime Simons was quite badiy -------- hburt a+ schaoot Wednesday of 420i week when he was hit by one of the swings at . recess. landwehr unloaded awear fload of e e o m us 0 5o 2 * 'sutomobiles this wek -- The village has unloaded a car o{ DEERFIELD STATE BANK ;mn: for t#¥e atreets this week --Heanry © & > {iliman --had charge of the car of stone | Located at Deerfeld, State of Illinois, at cdo i on t for 'the Evangelical church, and Mr.:day of April 1925. as made to the Apditor otfh'Pubh.: 'k'cgn'l'lmf th:b'Stit: Grim unloaded one for 0. Rockenback |of Illinois, pursuait to law: «ol Marvin Payton, a student of l!linois Unaiversity, was home for Easter. The Evangelical Laague held the April social in the church--pariors last Tuesday evening. WMs fngn Blanchard and Jaughte! of Beech , Mich. is visiting at the Weavrer home. > *~* The Easter program given at the Haptist church was enjoyed by all who attended. Mrs. Howard Hickes gave \)UPCI 10010 VUTIIGSI VVILI! UVYs sinall and Get . [ of _ ction on Rolifg? gQ-l%. _ (Misses ad- Witt and Verna Gahibeck were in TLibertyville Tharsday Mrs: John Witt attended the Ladie8® | ship was completed Monday, James E. Aid meeting in Long Grove last week.| Sheahan and wife, Margaret John-- Clarence Snetsinger-- visited HW",lon and -- Ann Brady selling their Rouse at the hispital in WaukekAD 'property just west of Highwood and Bunday. \ fromnting on the railroad tracks of Mr. aund Mre. John Hirontmus fl"""itho Chicago and Northwestern to tained a number of relatives from 14b--!t!ienry G. Davik. The c~--nsideration ertyville and Waukegan Sunday. \as indicated by the ind--nture filed Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer spent «wedndnes |vith Ceanty Recorder 1. O. Btock-- day with ber father, Mr. Nordme'y"." ay was $65.000 Fred Kropp and the Misses Rose | and Lydia Kropp were in Elgin Friday shoppin®k. . _ = I o sel _ Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer spent «wednes day with ber father, Mr. Nordmeyer in «Barringtoun. * -- TWO ROUTES IN : COUNTY TO BE _ PAVED SHORTLY Two county highways, routes 59 and 176, may be paved this summer, according to Supervisor Ray Paddock stretch _ running past Yorkhous@ sey mays wi o s e church. This will be. completed to R eral days with Mrs. J. Nagget in 'h" m line: -- --z---- _'__+__" i M ~ # 4 4 4 4 & 4 # 4 % 4 4 4 4 6 W¥ The Wachter and Garland families were out to their co'tiages this week. from Springfield where he and Coun-- ty Clerk Lew Hendee, and Super-- xisors . Austin .&nd Obee. were in Gov.: Small and Frank T. Sheet,| heag of the road Gdepartment, and Col. Miller, promised to send engi-- neers-- to the county within a few; days to go over the roultes to de-- termine when to-- start paving. | Miss Bernice Tucker visited Satur day at the H. Kropp home. e Mrs. Wm. Graber und daughter vis-- Ited Tuesday afterrison with relatives in Quinten's Corners -- Mra.-- Carcoiine Bicknace, Mr. and Mrs. Orvildean Bicknace _ and Mra. Clara Dean visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs Henry Seip conference-- with the governor. Supervisors Confer With Gov * LAKE IURICH _ * i % & 4 4 4.4. % 4 4 * % x# 4 4* Preumonia and #erionus lung trouble usvuaily start with a cough. . 8o if you Rave a cold or cough--stop it at once with a few doses of that fine old medt«= cine, Kemp's Baisam. This famous Palram snothes the nerves of the throat, stope the tickling cough and nature does therest. Noformofcough l)'rnf so good for children's coughs. y & 0 cents at all stores _ _ Beware Of Coughs That Hang On Jewett R.--J. Lyons Paige Cars AND # ' apending |\ Har tamdi kness a few , and da ys with & her ' son, s 3. * a special reading, and the choir gave Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fink and daugh-- ter visited Sungay ~with friends in Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer and son visited Sunday with Mr..and Mrs. Henry Schaefer. spent Easter with Mrs. Geary's sister, Mrs. E. J. Lipsch, in Chicago. '"Those.Merry Men," will furnish the entertainment. Carl Ernest and son,; Ed, were in Chicago Monday. ' f .. Mrsa. Rose Harkness is able to be around, after a week's iliness. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simons visited in Barrington. Sunday with: Mr. and Mrs. Garbisch. © j several songs. The rest of the pro-- gram was by"members of the Sunday SohoolL e l Ernest Lohmann was elecied direct: or at the school election last Baturday evening. _ ~ Phe --Aakeside Hotet witt have the spring opening April 1#th. Nick's musical" entertainer# has been engaged to furnish music. . ~ 'The Log Cabin on Rand Road will 2 0 SUPrplim® (2) . css ce e e .. £,500.00 8 Undivided Profts (IUt) LB)------------:.--.--.«+----sssceve cntoyrnsnnernnrensorsecceer ns s soee ... G,MOT PC 4 ~Time Depogit®s (4a). .T ¢... <o.c 0. 02222222 ..... 12,014.0 5 _ Demand DepoRt® (4D).--;.......cccilcl css cosnicoonreccocrccennccmsccecnceccccces -- 200. T9 T.0 7 Dividends Unpaid (5) e resseresressuressre sn trree 4.00 8 Reserve Accounts (6) ..... . 22 w e sershore 7,000. 00 18 -- Otlhar LinbiIthem ALOY....:......}.....:s,. ... ccosssevigracrennnreasevreaarersresiverss 27.59 1, Pau! M. Diets, Cashier of the Deerfleld State Bank, do solemniy swea: thnthon.bonmumoutumotothobmd-yno'hdnndbd:: and that the items and amoynts shown above correspond with the iteme amounts shown in the reports made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to jaw. * .* PAUL M. DIETZ, STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE Subscribed and sworn to before mlith day (BEAL) °c 3 Another big deal in Shields town-- WHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY"" Loans on Real Estate (18) ... ... ... ... 22 es es .$ 48,225.00 Loans on Collateral Security (1b)....... ..............cc.cslclllllll0l........ _ 20,245.00 Other LO&ME (1¢) ... ...2..sl22 222 22220 eeee en e .. 118, 249 74 Other Bonds l!ld S(ock'n (4) 2s as on oo s rvnnvavevessersstsecsoeversssecce ARP1.0TI.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) ............................... 5006. 27 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)....... 60,524.01 LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS Phone Libertyville 67--R. ~ Libertyville and Highland Park RELIABLE LAUNDRY Total Resources goednse WHEN IT Is POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDGERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINGERS. on Rand Road will pojac F~--'nndnl "~Lie wWET WASH OFPFICIAL PUBLICATION ~ Report of the Condition of 20 POUNDS FOR RESOURCES LIABILITIE® 95¢ pRWECT ut S snb anicmnde Rymow I-l' shava tha Inam : a w is hadl 669 Lake avenue, both of Kenosha. ~" Three May Recover > Today Wojt, Kiekhoefer ad Soren-- sen are in a critical condition, the first two at Catherine's hospital, Kenosha,. and Sorensen, the cab driver, at the Kenosha hospital. way above the knee, and is badly cut about the face and neck. Kiek-- hoefer has both legs broken below the knees and may be suffering from a fractured thigh. He also has severe bruises on his chest. Sorensen spent A Globe taxicab driyep by Charies Sorensen, 760 Robert street, Keno sha, and jn which Paul Wojt, 1181 Salem avenue, and H. W. Kiekhoe fer, 667 Newell street, both Kenosha were passengers, collided with a Nash touring car driven by Sam Kerr 3016 Elim avepue, Zion. In the tour-- Ing <car riding with Kerr were Wil-- liam Guy, also of Zion, and the Misses Clara Schnelder, 353 North Pleasant --street,--and -- MargaretKrebs, Seven persons,--five men and two women -- miraculously esc@ped in stant death, while 3of the scene are .lying at hospitals hovering be tween life and death, as a resuit of a head--on collision between a taxicab and a Nash touring car which occur The other persons who figured in the accident escaped with only minor injuries. Miss Schaeider suffered se veral bruises on the head and was red on Kotth Sheridan road 2 miles north of the state line just <before midnight on Sunday. a chance to recover, physicians de clared -- today. _ I 1 NEAR DBEATH -- AS AUTOMOBILES CRASH NEAR ZION Auto Driven by Zion Man is Hit by Kenosha Taxicab: nit by Kenosha laxicabd; * sgeverafin Hospital. -- $369.012. 38 $25, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 4,687. 92 13 011 8 enosha, which buas had a notorious reputation. Both Wojt and his wife Anpa Wojt, have been arrested a number of times for unlawful pos-- session of moonshine. cut by flying glass, with several in-- juries under ber left arm. Guy an4 Kerr escaped with only slight scratch The accident was the third in the series over the week--end. Wojt was formerly known as Paul Wojtowicz. For some time he has run a saloon at 1181 Satem avenue, Immediately after the crash th Hansen ambulance was called to the scene of the accident and Sopensen was rushed to the Kenosha hospital and Wejt and Kiekhoo{fer were taken to St. Catherine's hospital. Both cars were complietely wrecked. taxicab coming toward him from the opposite direction. . Kerr -- declared that the cab, was zigzagging along the road and believing that there was danger in front*of him he swung to the extreme right hand sige of the rowft ~leaving the concréete, to give the cab plenty of room. They bad almost come to a standstill, ac-- cordlfi;mto 1?3?}. when the "lcab""tooi a sudden swing and crashed heag--on into thiwir car. From that time on, Kerr told the sheriff, all was blank. Sheriff Wilheim declared today that he is also tracing reports that moon shine hbad figured in the accident, but refused to make any definite charges until his investigation would prove or disprove these. es, -- Details Are Hazy . The details of the accidert are stili ; somewhat hazy, according to Sherill EFrank . Willems of J'cnuahfl. who 14 . # A * conducting an inves(fgation ipto the ' circumstances surrounding the crash.} P "B d According to the story told to the | ure te sheriff by Kerr, driver of the 'l.mul * a + e -car,"the' l"fi?l;.m_gr:'.xlg-fgl{th 'l\.l: . ~> es n P MAL'm PC s' A'!'- n m"'-.. L2 Poor hog rings come out; they cause nose sores, with loss of weight: they break; they make all kinds of trouble. of special wire, close properly and are easy on the hog, but he can't _ CGenuine Pratt Rings and Rin cost you no 'more. If the name ",un" is on the bor they.are genuine We think the Pertect Hog Ring (shown above) is the best ring made but make also HiWL Biatr, 'row-. Major, Wolverina Champson (double ring), and Needlepoint; also Ringers for all of these. Pratt's Pressed Steet Ringers for Hill Rings 3::0; break . 20 Dema rom dealer thacgenuine Pratt Rings. Ta'voa't cost you or him any more. . -- _ WM. E. PRATT MFC. CO. 15 West Lake St. Chic The Oak Terrace Laundry FOR SERVICE Call H. P. 87 Our fast growing business, which is due to the prompt, careful and efficient service we have rendered tq our patrons, enabled us to install larger boilers and new machirery, so that in the future we will be even better equipped! ~ 2 to continue our -- LAUNDRY, DRY CLEANING and DYEING which stands for the highest grade work, prompt calls and delivery, handling your clothes under the most sanitary conditions at a very reasonable charge. We wish to announce that during the winter months we enlarged our plant -- e and added some more of the j -- We Will Respond Promptly to a Telephone Call The Oak Terrace Laundry FOR SERVICE Call H, P. 87 LAUNDRY, DRY CLEANING and DYVEING We take this means of expressing our appreciation to our patrons for patronage. Most Modern and Sanitary Equipment -- ratt's--made known to the art and science of laundry and dry cleaning. Oak Terrace Service '!I)QI\AV , ADOH _ 16. 1035 is sotifimtnas C on HRRON. e dianet n idns A Wetiate t OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS | > ... x*s.camsy BARGAINS H If Taken This Month HICHWOOD, ILLINOIS HICHWOOD, ILLINOIS ELMWOOD FARM ELM--FARMS-- Reasonably Priced \~__-- _ Herd Accredited _ TWO SONS OF CHICAGO PIETJE CHAMPION. ONE FROM A 31--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD, THE OTHER FROM A 27--LB. FOUR YEAR OLD DAM. BOTH ARE SIRED BY OUR GOOD YEARLY RECORD HERD SIRE AT ELMWOOD FARM. ' Some grade bred Heifers and Cows priced right. FOR SALE DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 4 to 12 Months 1'/4 miles east of Everett Station *# ¥gt -- --NnUCIT= FOR SERVICE Call H: P. 87 FOR SERVICE Call H. P. 87 | Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ctech PRST NATIONAL BANK BLOQA LIBERTYVILLE LODGE N. 9560 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO Meoets 2na and 4th Tuesday of 'Ham --_ Month at Gridiey Mail _ _ Visiting Brother are Cordi="'yv invites Meets First and Third Monday Nights oft_ Each Month at Masonic HalL C Visiting® Companions Cordially Invitedg Office in First Natio@m! Bank Buildi® --~-- Hm:--lwl:um'lwl'l"_ <£ Residence on Broadway. opposits Pars , se LIBERTYVILLE, 111JNO18 WAUKEGAN, | Res. Phone 2588: Reverse Charges on FREFD GRABBE Attorney at Law --~ --~ > y* LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS i1A LUCE BUILMNG 3 Res. Phone 13%§ M Office Phome is s Q C. Grirneil, inspector in Charge Phone 329. Libertyvilig, tR Office With Farm Bursau, Going to Build?||-- Cattle Tested for Tubercmosm FREE OF CH ARGE AYTORNEY--AT--LAW _ Office at Home on Cook Avenue FARM AND STOCK SALES 547 NORTH COUNTY §T. wumuhfl* ~~e completa\ for a set figure #o you || --_ ..yht'hd'u"'-h * AUCTIONEERING |, INSURANCE Cemetery Work of Every... GBORGE C. SMALL Socretary Telephone 16¥J_ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS VETERINARY sURGEON f TELEPHONE 66 LIBERTYVILLE, ILJJNOIS MARBLE AND CRANITE : S . ©. Government ¥Yeter 116 South Genese St. . WAUKECAN, ILLINOH _ MANUFACTURER OF No. 272. R. A. M. DR. J. L. TAYLOR A. A. Grandy . MTW . LIBERTYVILLE ACME CAMP NO. 17¢ . . . W. *# A. N10 $