' -";i):;nalxd-ouxters." for _ whom _ PMother" Drur; deserted her people *~~ --and on whom she spent her last cent, _~__ also attended the tuneral. . To all > . memlers of Chicago's "Hobohemia" --| Grand Opening || se~_* Punerac <HiS" Sistci w------ -- Chicago. _ _ r_._&w;lm diviston. A class of " Barted Pirmouth Rocks, Whist J ex . Mr.and Mres. H. P. | owry were Chi-- cago passengers on Tuesday. Mr JFowry reurned bome that evening, while Mre. | owry visited here brother nad sister for a fow days Richard Kennedy won first honor« as a grain jodee at the Northwestern Sectional Judging Contest hbeld at Bycamore, T. lait Saturday. In Judging a ctass. each of corn, wheat #oy beans and red clover he won 19 points out of a possible 2M. He led --Mr: and Mrs. L A. Van Deusen vis Hed ber mother, Mrs: Deot, at Gary Ind., two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Stearns were Chicago visitors last Monday Br. and Mrs. Arthur Boch were Chi-- cago visitors on Monda y _ his.nearest'obponent by 124 péinis.... by the serious illincss of her gran# The many friends of Mrs. Georke son, Dean Christoffnson,. and her Sweet are glad to see her OUt again, daughtrein--law, Mrs. Wm. Davis. after her recent iliness. Truman Ames, of Waukegan, visited Misses Bess Wagner and June Rein-- over the weekend at the home of Mrs. jger deligthfully entertmined the mem-- KHilen Aems. bers and friends of St. Andrew's Guild Mr. and Mrs. James Stearns were at; Miss Wagner's home Wednesday Chicago visitors last Monday afternoon. > Br. and Mrs. Arthur Boch were Chi-- ° Among the Chicago shopper@ Tues: essn visitors on Monda v day were Misses Mabel Murriec, Lois won 13m painta out af a posrtbte 156 and tted for first with a lad from Rye _' Miss Bess Wagner spent the week K# #_»®.--or v #._v o r & * "'.-m.l with friends in Chicago -- L «|" Mrs. J. Turner, who has Dbeen seri-- A N T 1 0 C K 'ously il1, is much improved. 4 & % #% % p # s ce % + | Mr. and Mrs. Pavolik and family have moved from the Strang flat to Mrs. Margaret Davis returned home Mrs. Pallesen's house north of.town. Sunday after spending several days _ M;. and Mrs. Bchlottman spent last in Kenosha, having been--called there Sanday &1 Crystal Lake. by the serious illincss of her gran® The many friends of Mrs. George C se e 0 en ce Snes ocms ts in poultry Fmil UA Kunyard stood rath« grain contest hat did *}fll_am Seweak won fou:th pla in poultry Emil Uallwas and Rots Kunyard stoodt rather high in t grain contést hat did not place. Whe livestoc kteam -- consisting Phillip Simpeon. Téwis" Barthel. A --*Rvery one, in times past, had dis-- i+e vAn nur! covered in "Mother'" Dtury a stanch '::'.'."'m bum;l and unquestioning friend. With her | va .k little flat black bonnet perched on Mr. and Mrs the back ol ther bead. and ber Hitte HAcook. and C tin pie--plate lying invitingly on the ond" May Sta; top of some handy garbage . box, !"8!0" Sunday flm'fi?" Trury kept her gtatton aB}+--Mr:--aad-- Mrs-- 'day long, in dusty shriveling Sum--a home comin? --~----"Meoib--s'_iicury, for years & _"@AMm! tiar--Agure in--Cthicago where--a&he cAa bored, to Bring celiet to the --"down and--outers," is déead. . Her feneral, which was held last week, was at tended 5y her brother, John Drury of Antioch, who had not seen her for thirty years it was attended also by another srother and a sicter, res, dents of Chicago, who had tried vain ly during her lifetime to establish connectione with her, and who learn ed-- of her death throuzh newspaper accounts. _ Rev. . lJ. Cerwardine, wae preaco ./ ed the sermon. + [ He spoke of the kind acts she per / formed that must pave a~way, for her * to--the hicgh places. and ber--"children xz Of the streeis"> nodded in childlike | agreement SEEKS SISTER 30 YEARS: THEN FINDS John Drury of Antioch Attends B --was fiitint cthep, that (bes sgcehaat on Friday evenning Of . {DIS their faces while the$ listened to the ', The sferetia givem at the Antioch services conturint _ anr bowin Cobhsand saturazy manty $E toreey Sichie: mas vere wor at-- kin stabliahm 94 ; And SA . was very Clark St. ns n?;,:";,f: [ ;len'"gnhj tended and was well rendered. women, who do not cry easily. 1 Calvin Wod has been very sick . of _ O"I know not what you think. .,}d-vnuummua. and on Sunday of this I care not what you th.nk. but l be week. was remove] 40 a hospital in Meve ia a l'fe hereafter. and | think Evanst>n. that~somehow . or other 'Mother' | Word was received here Monday of Drury will wealk with God." siald the : the death of E A Chase in Chi-- Revy 0 i. Carwardine, whe preach cago. 'Mr. Case has been ill for some Eimer Barthe! tied for first honors ~THAT SHE IS DEAD Illini Rainbow Band AT GIBBONS~P A R K rs of_ Chrcago' at=--wamg asor S Momithn'k . on omgy . YhAie roowne s cofupen . The. frparai P k 4 2M y Cova minch . M ~echurch.: ,;,_ie, ;m:phz:-moflm Saturday, May 23 RAINBOW GARDENS 66 Tt UNDER NEW MANACEMENT l'") | Nine schools were represented in the contest, _ They were: Antioch, Gurnee, Harvard, Woodstock, Byca DEAD,more. DeKAlb, Sugar Grove, Yorkville ' and" Sandwich. * . - '~ Cpach C. L Kutil will make a few "tends changcs on the team this week, and = in +x ithe Sow toqmssge narticipate in the 5-"'"2:?8nm 'Contest --to~ bo Hreld a --t--trhas® the MUSIC BY ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patz apent Sun-- day and Monday with Chicago friends. M:;. and Mrs. L G. Smith and family of Chicago have moved to the Wrate 'house on Hawley streel. | Theo --Blech, of the Public Service t'Co. Waukegan. was hbere on busines® White, Mrs.: Pepper Crafi. Monday night. | Several members of the village coun-- cit drove to Indiana Tuesday, where they inspected a paving job Fred Kahn of Mitwaukee was bere on business Saturday Mt. and Mre Joe Davis enterthined about twern¥® relatives Sunitay in hon or of the 25th wedding anniversary of *W"' Mr. and Mrs. J W, msif. _A very énjoyable JUme Word was recetved here MONO®J "" the death of E A. Chase in Chi-- cago. * Mr. Case has been ill for some time. -- e wast had by all and Mr. and Mrs Sehlosser were the recipjents of man} beautiful gifts Mr. and Mrs. Jay i{a, cock, ~r¥Ili c Harycok, and the Visses Loitic Joues anmd Nay Staaléy, motcred w Burt ington Sunday 2 her son, Wm. Story and family. Last fall she went to Crystalb Falls, Mich., with. her son apd family, where she lived until her death, which occurred on May 8, 1925. Mrs. Story ts survived by her son, Wm. Story, one brother, two sisteps, besides a large number ot grandchildren. Mrs. Story was a member of, the Aniioch . Methodist Tha commencement exercises of the eighth grade pupils will be held in th« opera' house Fritay evening Gilbert Richards and son of Wauke wan were caller® hefe Runday aftrr Mrs. Lydia Story was born JARUATY--Wadsworth, --who--is serving--&--fOur 28, 1844, a half mile south of"HICKOTY ~year term -- in Tthe ~Btate~ reftormatory Corners. Her parents later moved t0 at Pontiac as a result of having a farm near Deer Lake, where sh* been convicted of making a. crimina} lived until she was married to Jerome attack on Gertrude Portegys, 15 year B. Story, on January 1, 186%2, and went old daughter of Mr. an? Mrs. P. to live on her fathers farm near Pike-- Portegys of Thomas Corners, near ville, where she lived until a few years Wilson. served formal notice Tuesday ago, when she moved to Antioch with that he will appear before the state her son, Wm. Story and family. Last board of pardons ard paroles at the fall she went to Crystal Falls, Mich., ,Junel mfléfi:lg and will applly tn';r 'l with. her son d family, where she: parole. ehlosser was convicte n lived until her":iblth. which occurred January, .1924. . The dlocal--= . cireuit on May 8, 1925. Mrs. Story Is survived 14086 'ID sentencing _ Schlosser an-- by her son, Wm. Story, one brother, nounced that 'at the end of a year $1 0CR COt + °"C C' he would recommend a parole. noon June 19 and 20 rain Rudoiph, Atuolid Shumneson, Jos. Bernoifo, Donald . Westerfield, and Joey Hucker, placed fourth in fat stock and fifth in the dairy division. ith burial it t:=e Hitcko'} were call« Mrs. Lydia Story. J. W. McGee g%imded; of the Epyorth -ai'u'ef Glen »--me _ The foHowinzg morning a search was inst!igated and Schiosser was located and--placed under arrest, but Schlosser, who was employed at the Johns--Manville plant in Wauke-- gan, drd®ve the Portegys girl home Trome--a dance and ~it was on the wary" "KEanik-- accarding~"to ~the* t6sti-- monyk brouUgift out C ®# (ne MA iuat he attacked ber. He kept ber a prisoner all night in bis car. -- _ SCHLOSSER WILL SEEK PAROLE AT _THE JUNE TERM is Serving Four Year Term on , +. _ Charne of Attacking 15 _ . Everett Schiosser, agea . 21, of BARGAINS If Taken This Month Deerfield Hlinois 1'/, miles east of Everett Station GUERNSEYS Office at New Castle Hotel > is 1e --_ NAPRAPATH 4 [x~3 % wishes to anounce the opening of his new office in Libertyville on May 28--25, gt which time he will be ready to render naprapathic service to those suffering from various chronic ailments. Dr. Kap ple needs no further introduction in this vicinity, other than hels the son of the late Sidney Kapple of Grayslake, and a succossful Chicago naprapath. His patients of this section that visit the Chicago office Monday, Wednesday and Friday will please call at this new office Tuesday, Thurs@ay and Saturday from 8:30 to 4:30. Those unacquainted with this science should arrange for-- a com-- plete charted diaghosis.. It will show.the cause of your trouble. 1J 7 VY ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUTLT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. IT'S A CERTAINTY THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE --OTHER THAN FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEEDS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. * -- Registered Bulls -- ELM FARMS Telephone 50--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL grade bred Heifers and Cows priced right. $ Pure Bred 4 to 12 Months [umber 'Incdependent. p ts 4¥ * oi k NE M * Rk: _ t db . Ab _A NC Eon en enc bet c Décoration Day wilt be obse/cl at Millburn cemetery May 30th. It is rumored that T. Garrett has sold his home to a Chicago party. -- Mrs. O. Anderson entertained com-- pany from Waukegan Sunday. > _ N. L Rice will be ordained a minis ister at the Milliburn Congregational thurch on June 5th. . _ wee * tha operetta given by the Antioch H: 8. Friday and Saturday, enptitled "The Belle of Barcelong." -- The Millburn school Closes Friday. of this week and a picnic and program will be given Saturday. * _ Miss Mary Dunbar, teacher--of Mill-- burn school, will return to her home in Fond du Lac, Wis. o only after a spirited battle had been waged. ~Mtiszs--tnercL. Clark of Fort Wayne, Ind., a schooel teacher in ake county, was the ome who re-- ceived credit for subduing Schios ser. She was the one who ran acrogs him first and hbeld him until the arrival of the authorities. ~ Miss Inez Polleck. of Chicago spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Wat-- son. * *4 & 4 4# b & + 4 t 4 & t % 4 4 4 4 *% MJl BV R N *# -- &~~--pal+isom this--xicinity. attended For Lake County .circulation,. ce your advertisement in The . THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1925 Telephone Hotel or 133--R ____ _ Dopee BrotherRs * . __ COMMERCIAL CAR~ schanck Hardware Co. The Aluminum Ware That Lasts Our Line of "Wear--Ever' Alumi-- num Ware Includes Every Item For the Housewife's Convenience THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR J A M ES MO R RO W & SO N 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Dodge Brothers Commercial Car advertises the business it serves. In fact, merchants value the ap-- > pearance of the car second only to the low--cost, dependable mileage _ it delivers. qulbet w m 2i uns conpeg iss «d #* BScreen LZommercial Car $910--1. o. b.-- . Deroit; 3960 dalivered~~~ Libertyvilte, Hitinots OC} yours TODAY whea Ne ut umc ng nc ut w ar 200 2 ns ~.4 u4 ----~--~ Ks RBOULAR PRICZ 504 ~A6H_.. rA4it, d e o ts " § E* * ty 3C . M MX 2 Ahis 'dv 48 */as